💖💔- One Sided Love -💔💖


Requested by: blow1dry3r

Ships: Genmui, Mentions of SenjYui
Warnings: Heartbreak ; 12,368 Words

Sorry if the ending is a bit off, I just needed to end it ;-;

Please go get a snack and read this, don't read all of this in one sitting, it's so much words. . . .

-- (Muichiro POV) --

New school. New me. Those four words circled in my head the whole morning. This is the third school we've switched to in the past two years and I feel Yuichiro is getting tired of dealing with it. It's the beginning of the year, ugh that makes it worse.

Smile more, don't be quiet and shy! Talk, people love talking. I fidgeted with my hands on the bus, it was a bus taking me to school, or well close enough to finish walking to school. Mother is a surgeon, she was way too busy to drive us this morning. Dad's a therapist, he said he was dealing with clients today. . . . Their great parents! They are! . . . sometimes I do wish they would spend more time with me, us. Yuichiro and I, but. . . I mean they get the main money income and shelter us. . . so I can't really be complaining.

I switched from fidgeting with my fingers to fidgeting with my hair. Yuichiro sat impatiently next to me, scrolling through his phone.

"Where you. . . able to keep your old friends' numbers?" I asked hesitantly. He glared at me,

"Of course I was, they aren't old friends. They're still my friends, just. . . online friends now." He said, he sounded sad towards the end. I patted his back and he looked at me. I couldn't read the expression on his face so I slowly withdrew my hand.

"It's not that I blame you or anything- I'm glad you're going to be hopefully safe now, I'm just. . . tired. Everytime I think it's alright, you come bursting into my room crying." Yuichiro says, turning off his phone and putting it in his hoodie pocket. I frowned, I didn't mean to make him feel like that. I just. . . remembering what some of the kids did made me feel sick. The constant teasing, harassment, and absolute no help from adults.

"Sorry, I'm going to talk a lot! Try and be more likable, then we won't have to keep moving!" I said, trying to cheer him up. He looked at me with concern all over his face.

"Nononono- Don't change yourself so that you fit in! You're you, you should be proud of you. . . ." He said, the bus paused. It was our stop. We grabbed our bags and got off the bus. We walked past a house and our school came into view. Other students we're piling in, it was loud. I kept one of my hands in my hoodie pocket, clutching my phone and turning it over in my pocket.

We approached the school and I instantly didn't like it. There were loud kids everywhere and it was crowded. Yuichiro had hurried ahead and I had to sprint to catch up to him. He had just asked a random girl where the office was, and we were walking again. When I followed him the girl shot me a weird look. Don't tell me on my first day there were already going to be issues. I frowned.

We reached the office and sat in the office. The principal was in a meeting so we had to wait a minute. We sat patiently, I sat up straight with my hands on my knees and Yuichiro was slouched back in his chair.

"Ah, I am so sorry, I was in a meeting. You two are the new twins, correct?" A man said, he entered the office and sat in front of us. His voice was so calming. . . . Was he blind or sick? I couldn't tell.

"Yes, we are." Yuichiro said, sitting up.

"Alright, here are your schedules, if you have any questions I'm sure the teachers and students will help you out. My name is Kagaya Ubuyashiki, I'm the head principal of Kimetsu Academy." He calmly smiled. We exited the office and we hovered right outside of it looking at each other's schedule. I frowned, we only had one class together.

"You gonna be alright? We only have gym together. . . ." Yuichiro said, pointing at our papers. I nodded a yes to him. No, I wasn't going to be ok. Whenever he's in the class I feel safer, no one dared do anything to me when he was there. He was always scary and really overprotective, if someone even just looked at me funny he would snap at them. Gym was always bad. . . . Luckily he's with me there.

I gulped and we both heard the first bell ring.

"First class. . . ." Yuichiro mumbled, he pointed to my schedule, 'History - Mr. Rengoku'.

"Head there alright? I have Literature with. . . . Mrs. Kanroji, I think they're in the same area." He said, I stayed silent. I already began to feel sick, I didn't like it. We walked up the set of stairs, reaching our floor and entering the group of classes. It was weird, there was a locker bay with rows of lockers and behind it there was like an area in the middle with chairs and beanbags, then classrooms to the side.

Students grabbed their supplies from their lockers and went into different classes. I panicked, which one was history? I froze and just stood there, Yuichiro took a step forward and looked back at me. He looked around and sighed, grabbing my wrist.

There was a teacher, she was standing outside her door talking with a student. She had pink and green braids and she was wearing a pretty green striped dress.

"Excuse me Miss?" Yuichiro said, walking up to her and the student. The student walked away into the class.

"Yes?" She said turning around to face us. She had really pretty green eyes.

"We're new here and I was wondering if you could point us in the direction of our classes-" Yuichiro started talking.

"KYA! You guys must be the new twins! We've never had twins, other than the principal's children but they don't go here yet- Uh but yeah, sorry! Here, show me your schedules." She said, she was very loud. Yuichiro looked a little taken back by the sudden burst of energy, but he showed her our papers.

"Literature and History. . . . Oh! Yuichiro, you're here with me! If you wait here I'll show you your seat in a minute, and Muichiro. . . you're over there with Mr. Rengoku, he's the orange haired man." She said, handing back out schedules. Yuichiro nodded and entered the classroom waiting by the door.

I gulped, and just looked toward the history Classroom, the door was closed. Mrs. Kanroji was going to enter her classroom but froze for a moment looking at me,

"If you want I can take you over, I understand that it can be scary. . . ." She whispered in my ear. What? I looked at her for a moment before nodding slightly. Oh wow. . . the teachers here are nothing like the ones at my old school. Maybe this school won't be too bad. . . . She turned around and stood in her classroom's doorway, pointing at a seat for Yuichiro. He went and sat down, and his desk mate instantly started a conversation with him. Yuichiro actually smiled at him, wait what? The kid he was talking to had very fiery red and orange hair.

She then came out and started walking towards the classroom, I followed her. She reached the door and knocked, who I'm assuming was Mr. Rengoku came over and opened the door. He looked a lot like Yuichiro's desk mate. I wonder if they were siblings or are perhaps related?
"Ah! Mrs. Kanroji! Can I help you? I'm about to start class!" He said, he was also very loud.

"Nope! I don't need anything myself, but I brought you the new student!" She said, greeting him and waving. Then she moved to the side and I made eye contact with him.

"Ah, thank you! I was starting to think you got lost!" He chuckled loudly and beckoned me into the room. Mrs. Kanroji waved goodbye to me and walked away and into her own class. I could hear her loudly apologizing to them and then starting class. Mr. Rengoku and I stood at the front of the class.

"Alright everyone! We have a new student! Please treat him with respect! Can you introduce yourself?" Mr. Rengoku said, with a very big smile. I froze again and just blankly stared forward. . . uh my name and maybe say that you have a twin brother? Yeah that will work-

"Uh. . . my name is Muichiro- and I have a twin brother." I said quietly. Mr. Rengoku nodded but there was a pretty girl in the back of the class who raised her hand.

"Are you a girl or a boy?" She snickered. Oh no, this is how it all started last year. . . .

"Now, now Ume. What have I said about picking on people hmm?" He said, looking at her with a hand on his hip. She frowned and just looked at a girl next to her, still giggling slightly.

"I'm a boy." I said, it was a bit harsher than I meant and I began to panic mentally. Even though I kept the same unfazed emotionless face expression.

"Don't worry Muichiro, Ume just likes picking on everyone, we could all tell you were a boy. Why don't you sit in the back next to that young man named Genya." He smiled, I took a step forward and froze, I just sorta stared at the back row, a guy with a mohawk raised his hand and patted the seat next to him.

I walked back, but I had to pass Ume's seat. She stuck out her foot, as if she wanted to trip me. I stopped and just looked at her, she rolled her eyes and put her foot back. I walked past another row and sat next to the man with the mohawk. He smiled at me slightly before turning his head to look at the board.

Class officially started and Mr. Rengoku started to talk about the French and Indian War. I guess we're diving straight into schoolwork on the first day, yay. Genya I think was his name, took out a piece of paper and started to take notes. The whole class did. Uh oh. . . . Me and Yuichiro don't have any supplies yet- We're getting them tomorrow. . . what do I do? Do I even have a pencil? I stared at the board trying to re-read everything and pay really close attention. All I did was end up stressing myself out more-

I felt something bump my hand, I looked over and saw Genya offering me a piece of paper and a pencil. I looked at him for a moment, and then slowly took the paper and pencil.

"Since you don't have supplies, you can use these." He whispered, slightly awkwardly smiling at me. I nodded, and mumbled a quiet thank you. He nodded and then tapped his pencil on my paper and looked up at the board. I quickly wrote down my name, and then started to make up the notes.

The bell rang,

"Alright class! Before we go, can someone tell me why they started fighting?" Mr. Rengoku asked, putting the marker down. A burgundy haired boy raised his hand. Mr. Rengoku looked at him and nodded.

"Because they wanted to expand their territory! Since there was only so much land they had to fight to see who got it!" He said, standing up with his things in his arms.

"That's correct! Though, remember that they fought for resources on the land and not just for fun! War is very expensive! Have a nice day class!" He said, dismissing us. Everyone else stood up and began to leave the classroom. I stood up as well, picking up the paper of scribbled notes. I looked at Genya and offered his pencil back, but he shook his head.

"No need, I have plenty." He told me, he collected the rest of his stuff and made his way toward the door. He glanced at his own schedule for a second and then put it away. How does he know where he's going!? Oh wait, he has probably been in the school the year before.

I panicked, Yuichiro wasn't in literature anymore, and I didn't know where to go. I looked at my schedule paper, 'Math - Mr. Shizugawa'. I put the pencil in my pocket and held my note sheet and schedule paper. I stood there frozen just looking around. Genya surprisingly stayed next to me and waited for a minute.

The red-head came over and gave him a piece of paper,

"I checked over it, there's no errors, I wish you luck!" The red-head said and ran off. What was his name? Ugh I'm so stressed I'm forgetting things. I froze, just ask Genya where math is. It can't be that hard. . . .

"Hey. . . . Uh-" I started off tapping his shoulder. He looked at me and I tensed up. I couldn't even speak, it was like I lost my voice. I looked at him then my schedule, panicked. I sorta just held my schedule in front of my face and used my finger to point at the math class.

"Do you need me to tell you where it is. . . ?" He asked confusedly, I nodded and held my breath.

"Alright! You could have just said so but whatever, I have that class too. This way." He said happily. . . but I couldn't say so. . . I could barely even say anything. We entered the class and there was this short guy writing on the board, or Genya was just really tall. . . . Yeah Genya's just tall, even though I'm shorter than both of them. We were really early apparently, do they give you a lot of time in between classes? No, more students came in behind us. Genya and I found a desk in the front.

Mr. Shinazugawa, the smaller than Genya man, was already writing formulas on the board.
"Alright class listen up, you have all class to complete these five questions, if you can't complete them whatever. I just want to see what you all can do. I don't care if you talk, just be quiet." Mr. Shinazugawa said, he turned around and saw Genya and just glared at him and walked back to his desk.

Other students looked at the board but just began to silently mumble to each other.

"Do you know how to do this?" Genya whispered to me, I looked at the board. I knew how to do two of them. . . but it's all very vague. I nodded slowly and took out my pencil from earlier and flipped over the history notes paper so I could write on the back.

I copied over the formula and started to solve the equation. Well let's see. . . we cross off this 'x' and we cancel out these 'y's'. Leaving us with just doing. . . this times this. . . and then divide? Yeah that's right-

Genya was watching intently,

"How did you do that? With the Y's?" He asked, pointing with the tip of his eraser. I looked at him for a second thinking about how I would want to explain it.

"Uh. . . . If we looked at the problem and they're both the same like they are here. . . . Then we can just cross them out because they would cancel each other out. . . ." I explained to him, pointing at where they canceled out.

"Wow, alright. You're really good at math, not even I could do that and I'd say I'm pretty smart when it comes to math." He chuckled, then he went to start the next equation. I laughed a little, me good at math? Pfft no- but I'm happy that he's not teasing me right now. . . .

We talked back and forth, he explained what I didn't understand and I explained what he didn't understand. We finished the five problems pretty easily. I ran out of paper though, so he gave me two more pieces for the day. We got to talk a bit about ourselves. He had a lot of siblings, besides his older brother. Apparently his brother's name was Sanemi, but of course Mr. Shinazugawa when they were in school.

I got to talk, I told him a bit about me. It was the first time ever I was actually talking to someone, someone like a friend! A true friend! Well- Don't get your hopes up yet- he's only helping you because you're new. . . yeah. . . .

"Hey, can I have your number? You're pretty nice to talk to, wanna be friends?" He said, tidying up his binder. I froze, friends? Number? Phone number? Talk? Wait friend? My brain short circuited itself and I was left staring at him.

"Uh, are you alright. . . ? You went pale- It's alright if no-" He started.

"Wha? No uh- Yeah you can have it. . . ." I stuttered out, I didn't want to lose a chance at making a friend.

"Sorry- it's just, no one has really asked to be my friend, or even for my number. Kids weren't the nicest at our old school. . . ." I explained to him, he looked at me concerned. I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"But why- you're really fun to talk to." He told me, he patted my back in a reassuring way. I've never been comforted by anyone but my brother. He gave me back my phone and opened was a contact labeled: 'Genya ;)' He sent a 'hello' to make sure it worked. I said 'hi' back, and the bell rang.

I pulled out my schedule, 'Art - Mr. Uzui'. I like art, art is nice. I looked next to me and Genya was gone. I actually panicked a little bit, it was the first time I panicked over someone. . . . What was this feeling of dread?

I looked around me, oh. He was just talking to his brother. Genya gave Mr. Shinazugawa a paper and he just glared at him. He read it then dismissed him. Genya walked back over to me frowning.

"Sorry I had to give him that. What do you have next? If we have it together. . . . I wouldn't mind walking with you." He told me, awkwardly smiling again. I smiled, a true friend. I never had anyone to walk with to and from classes.

"I have art, what about you?" I asked excitedly. He smiled and looked at me.

"Same, I have art too! You know, whenever you're excited and talkative, you're really cute." He told me, he patted my head with his free arm and started to walk away.

I stood there stunned for a moment, he didn't hit me? Why did I like him patting my head so much- Why do my cheeks feel so hot- I paused and hid my face in my sleeve. After another minute I started to walk forward, Genya disappeared though so now I have to find him.

I felt a lot calmer suddenly. I wasn't as anxious, did Genya make me feel like this? That's strange. . . I only met him today. . . . Is this what love is? Do I love Genya? I feel all happy around him, my cheeks heat up as well. When he patted my head. . . I loved it. Oh no, it's only the first day- I'm already in love. That's not good at all-

I went out the doors of the main classes area and I saw him down the hall, he had paused and was looking in my direction. I quickly walked to catch up with him,

"There ya are, I thought I lost you in the crowd shorty." He said laughing a bit. Shorty?! Who is he calling short?!

"Yeah yeah whatever giraffe, where's art?" I said, shifting my papers and just staring down the hall. He laughed again and we began to walk forward. We went down to the floor and entered a shared room. It was two times the size of a normal classroom and there were two rooms connected by a small halfway filled with art supplies.

"Oh my hello everyone!" A soft voice called out. There was a small woman with purple hair, she had a butterfly hair clip and she was wearing a small black dress with a butterfly patterned jacket.

"Welcome to art, before we start I would just like to mention that I'm only substituting for today, your art teacher couldn't make it today for personal reasons." She said,

"I'm Ms. Kocho, I'm originally one of your school nurses but I'll be here today. Today we are going to simply paint a painting about your emotions. Let your heart out onto the canvas! You can even paint a simple color, though I encourage you to make a design. It won't be graded or anything." She said, she had walked behind a desk and was reading a paper, which I was assuming was left by the original art teacher. What was his name? Mr. Uzui?

Genya and I sat at a table by a big glass wall, it overlooked a small little garden and then the highway. Another kid came over, he was slightly crying, his hair was an awful yellow color. It hurt my eyes.

"Oh hey Zenitsu." Genya said, waving to him.

"Help me Genya." Zenitsu said, sitting down across from us and slamming his head on the table. Genya sighed,

"Is he alright. . . ?" I asked. Zenitsu looked at me and all of a sudden, and went simp mode,

"OH MY GOSH A CUTE GIRL IS WONDERING IF I'M ALRIGHT?!?" He squealed, I froze. Is he stupid? I'm not a girl-

"I'm not a girl." I snapped at him. Oops, I didn't mean to snap.

"He's not a girl." Genya also said. Zenitsu froze and looked at me, then he held an expression of hatred.

"Oh. So you're a guy." He said in the most monotone voice ever, he had slouched back in his chair and just stared at me. He looked dead inside, as if his whole life had been a lie. . . .
It was silent the whole period. We were all just painting, Zenitsu's was a pink and red board that was swirled. Genya had a yellow, red and green board in zigzags, all the boards were just random. I made mine a light teal with dark green flecks all over it. Once we were all done painting we set are boards up along the wall to let them dry.

We sat there in silence, both Zenitsu and Genya on their phones.

"Hey I should invite Muichiro to our group chat, I think you guys will like him. He's very nice." Genya said, looking up at Zenitsu and me. I looked at Zenitsu and he shrugged.

"Sure. I wouldn't mind, besides Tanjiro does like making a lot of new friends." He said. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out.

'The Best Friend Group ever!':

TallScaryMan: Hey! So I invited the new student because they were fun to talk to. I think we'd be great friends.

TallScaryMan = Genya (Me) (Online
HardForehead = Tanjiro (Online
Boar = Inosuke (Online

PinkButterfly1 = Kanao (Offline
BlueButterfly2 = Aoi (Offline

DoritosCrybaby = Zenistu (Online

QuietMistMan = Muichiro (Online
SilentForgotten = Murata (Offline

OwlOnFireTheSecond = Senjuro (Offline

HardForehead: Oh really? One of the twins from earlier? I think I saw your brother earlier as well, but hi Muichiro! Inosuke got his phone taken away btw, oh and Aoi and Kanao are in History so they can't have their phones out


TallScaryMan: . . . .

Boar: Oink. That was me, minion whatever. *Is using Auto Correct*

HardForehead: Oh Inosuke! How did you get your phone back?

Oink: They kicked me out. I'm in a weird room.

DoritosCrybaby: Idiot got himself into detention on the first day



HardForehead: Inosuke please don't pick on Zenitsu, Muichiro I'm very sorry-

QuietMistMan: Uh. . . it's fine

HardForehead: Bells about to ring, but I hope we can be friends!

QuietMistMan: I wouldn't mind being friends-

TallScaryMan: See, friend material :D

The bell rang and I put my phone away in my pocket.

"What class do you have next, Muichiro?" Genya asked, Zentisu stared in disbelief.

"WAAAH? WHAT ABOUT ME?? It's only been a day and you're treating this new guy better than you've ever treated meeee-" Zenitsu whined. Genya just looked at him. Zentisu ended up running away in tears. I would be concerned, but I think crying is just this kid's whole personality.

I looked at my schedule, 'English - Ms. Kocho' Wasn't Ms. Kocho the school nurse? I looked up and the Nurse Ms. Kocho was still standing there hanging up art projects.

"Uh. . . I have english, with Ms. Kocho. . . ?" I said, looking away from Ms. Kocho then looked at Genya.

"Oh, shame I have Mrs. Kanroji in literature. Oh and there's two Ms. Kocho's, Shinobu and Kanae, their sisters. Shinobu is shorter with purple hair, and Kanae is taller with just darker hair. You have to call them both Ms. Kocho, but they're both really polite if you mess up every once in a while." He explained it to me.

"Oh I see." I nodded.

We decided to walk together until we had to split up. We made it halfway through the hallways when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and genya stopped as well to turn around. Yuichiro!

"Hi! Do you need something brother?" I asked him, smiling. Genya looked confused for a minute.
"Woah, who are you and what did you do to my shy, nervous brother?" Yuichiro asked, laughing a little bit. I frowned,

"Yeah yeah." I mouthed back, it was all in good humor. He looked a little shocked but happy, but then his eyes drifted over to Genya. I also looked at Genya. Genya looked at us both and his eyes went back and forth.

"Uh. . . . Don't be mad or anything, but I totally can't tell who is who-" He chuckled nervously. I smiled and Yuichiro chuckled.

The bell rang,

"Uh oh we're going to be late cmon!" Genya said, starting to pace forward. I nodded and followed him, Yuichiro went the other way and waved goodbye, I waved back. Genya and I walked into the classroom area and he went to Mrs. Kanroji's class and knocked on the closed door. She opened the door and stuck her head out,

"Reason for being late?" She asked, smiling with a cheeky expression.

"Uh. . . ." Genya paused,

"I got lost, he brought me back here." I said quickly filling in for him. She nodded and let him inside, she stayed outside with me though.

"What do you have next? Do you need my assistance?" She whispered that last part quietly, I am happy she's so willing to help.

"Uh. . . I have the. . . taller Ms. Kocho. . . ." I said, staring at my schedule, she laughed.

"That's funny! I'll have to tell her that, don't worry I know who you mean. She's right next door, her door is closed. . . do you need me to come with you?" She said, she was really caring for some reason.

"Uh. . . no- I would like to try on my own. . . ." I mumbled, looking at the door. She nodded,

"Don't worry, she's really understanding. I have to get to my class now, goodluck!" She said, heading into her own room and letting the door close slowly. I gulped, I slowly started to walk to her door. I stood in front of it, and panicked. I sighed, I lifted up my hand and made a fist, knocking.

The door opened and a tall lady peered down at me. She had gentle lilac eyes, and a calm smile.

"Ah, you must be. . . Muichiro, right? I had your brother last period. Come in, we haven't started yet." She said, and let me inside. She told me to sit in the middle next to. . . Ume. . . .

Sadly, I did. I sat next to her and set down my papers. A couple minutes had passed, Ms. Tall Kocho was just explaining basic writing formatting.

"Imagine being so poor you can't afford a simple binder. . . ." Someone whispered into my ear, Ume! I looked over at her. Nonononono, this is how it all started. Ignore her, ignore it! I looked back at my papers. I felt sick, I was so nervous I started to get nauseous. My eyes were already watering after just one comment. . . .

"Aw, is the baby crying? You have such pretty long hair for a boy. . . maybe you're just a girl in disguise? Aw, Muichira Tokito?" She kept mocking me, teasing me silently. It didn't help that the other people in our group were also girls, and on her side.

I managed to hold back the tears, why was I such a crybaby? The bell rang, class went by way too quickly.

"See ya around Muichira!" She mocked me as she left, some of her 'besties' waved and one even stuck out their tongue. Why. . . ? I thought I finally escaped it. I wiped my eyes with my hoodie sleeve, luckily I didn't start balling. It was just one tear. . . .

What's next? Maybe if I distract myself. . . . 'Mr. Tomioka - Gym' my expression dropped, I grew pale. I stared at it for a moment, I was still firmly planted in my seat.

"Do you not know where to go? I can understand that you're scared. . . ." Ms. Tall Kocho came next to me suddenly, her long hair touched my desk as she kneeled next to me to see my schedule.

"Gym. . . . It's right below the art room, it's hard to miss." She chuckled lightly. I didn't want to go- Gym was the worst, always the worst, Yuichiro is there too- but that won't help. . . .
I was still pale and just staring at it. She seemed to get the hint that something was bothering me,

"Here, I'll write you a pass, to go down to my sister. She's right by the cafeteria with a big butterfly next to her door, she shouldn't be covering art right now. She'll let you stay there, it's quiet." She whispered in my ear, then stood up and walked to her desk. I took a breath, I didn't realize I was holding it. Don't tell me my eyes are watering again. . . . I started to cry again.
I felt her pat my back,

"Here, I don't have a class right now, I'll walk you down." She smiled, why are they so understanding? No one would help me last year- not the students- not the teachers- barely my own parents, but I guess I never told them. . . .

She led me quietly out of her class and down the hall. Whenever I looked up at her, she just smiled kindly at me. We reached the nurses office quickly, she knocked.

"Oh? What are you doing here sister?" Shinobu asked, I think it was Kanae and Shinobu? I'm going to refer to them by their first names so it's not just 'Ms. Kocho, Ms. Kocho'. . . . My head hurts- I thought it was going to be better this year, why did just a few simple sentences hurt so much-

"One of the new students seems distressed, can he chill out here? I was going to give Mr. Tomioka a pass to explain Muichiro's absence." Kanae said.

"Oh absolutely!" Shinobu said, she let Kanae leave, saying her goodbyes. Then beckoned me inside and had me sit on a nurses office bed. She gave me a small plastic cup of water, telling me I could just rest here. Go on my phone even if it helps me calm down. I still felt nauseous from earlier. . . the stress was eating me alive.

I leaned against the wall, I had my feet over the side of the bed. It was so quiet. . . and it smelled quite nice actually. Like rain. . . .

Silence was all that there was. Sometimes the faint rustling of Shinobu at her desk area. Or the tapping of her high heels as she walked from the counter back to her desk.
The door slammed open, I winced at the sudden sound of it. . . so loud. Shinobu looked up from her desk in alarm,

"Hey is everything alright-" She started to say but was cut off.

"WHERE'S MUICHIRO?!" I recognized that voice, Yuichiro- He almost shrieked at her.

"Yuichiro- How did you know he was here, calm down please." Shinobu said standing up and walking over to the door. There was a wall blocking my view of the door, so I couldn't see them yet, and they couldn't see me.

"I overheard your sister give the pass to the gym teacher, something like 'Muichiro's in the nurse, he doesn't feel well.' Now, where. is. he." Yuichiro spat again, he pushed past her and instantly saw me. He walked over to me and sat in front of me on the bed. He put his hand to my forehead and then just looked at me. Shinobu looked a little annoyed, but her expression softened.

"I'll let you two catch up and talk, but please do keep your voices down." She said, and she sat back down at her desk. She watched us silently, making sure everything was alright.

"What happened, are you alright? Do we need to. . . ." He started, I knew what he was going to say.

"NO! We're not moving again! It was just a dumb girl saying dumb things! That was it!" I snapped at him, smacking his hand away from me. He looked at me in shock and backed away a little bit. I gasped, no- I didn't mean to snap at him- Please Yuichiro forgive me- I began to tear up and I turned my head to look at the wall, I couldn't make eye contact. I heard shuffling and I turned back around to look at him, but he left. He slammed the door behind him too-

"Yui-" I cried out, just sobbing as I brought my knees to my chest. I forgot Shinobu was even here- She darted over and quickly hugged me. She shushed me and reassuringly patted my back. I leaned into her hug and just continued to sob, he hates me now. . . .

"Shhh, don't worry, he probably just knew you needed space. How about I call you parents? Give you the first day off? I'll let the rest of your teachers know." She said, her voice was calming and supportive. She stood up and patted my head and she walked towards her desk. I weakly nodded, I could only look towards the door where Yuichiro stormed out. Wait- Parents?!

"You can't call them- their extremely busy and- and-" I stuttered out, she was already on the phone though. She looked at me and hesitated then hung up the phone.

"Which parent would be less busy dear?" She asked after a second.

"Uh. . . . My dad? I don't know. . . ." I mumbled, my eyes hurt. I finally stopped crying though. She picked up the phone again, after a minute of silence and ringing.

"Ah Hello? Mr. Tokito sir?" She said, the audio on the other side of the phone I couldn't hear.

". . . ." - Phone

"Yes don't worry they didn't do anything, I'm calling to talk to you about one of your sons, Muichiro." She said again, she began to fiddle with the phone cord a bit.

". . . ." - Phone

"Oh no please, he's not dead-" She said quickly, the phone static cut her off.

". . . ." - Phone

She looked at me for a second and took the phone into the hallway to finish the call. I gulped, I looked at my knees and they were soaked in tears. I let out a shaky breath, I promised him it would be better this year. . . . Yet- Yet it all comes crashing down on the first day! I yelled at him, I yelled at my own brother!

I let out a shaky sigh, I need to calm down- I just had a full mental breakdown over something so dumb. . . but it's not dumb- I sighed again, just deep breaths, clear your mind.
Shinobu came in again, she sat next to me on the bed.

"Your father will come pick you up in twenty, alright? You can stay here if you wish, if you're feeling better you can try to go back to class, but I really wouldn't recommend it." She said, patting my back. I nodded, she got up and left, sitting back down at her desk and carefully watching me sometimes.

I leaned back against the wall and just stared forwards, my mind was kinda blank now. She did say I was allowed on my phone. . . .

I picked up my phone and I was hit by a mountain of notifications-

'The Best Friend Group ever!':

--- 5 minutes ago

TallScaryMan: Muichiro are you alright-

HardForehead: Yeah, your brother caused a really big scene- He kicked Mr. Tomioka right in stomach

TallScaryMan: We heard you're in the nurse's office. What happened?

--- Just Now

TallScaryMan: Muichiro?

QuietMistMan: Oh- Sorry, yeah I'm in the nurse's office, what did Yuichiro do??

TallScaryMan: Uh well, he was standing close to Mr. Tomioka getting a drink when Ms Kocho gave him a slip of paper and he like freaked out, he demanded to see you and started to run away, when Mr. Tomioka tried to stop him he kicked him right in the stomach and kept running, he still hasn't come back

QuietMistMan: He did. . . ?


BlueButterfly2: INOSUKE NO-

TallScaryMan: Are you ok Muichiro?

QuietMistMan: Yeah I'm fine now- I just got a little upset and they offered to keep me here. . . .

Genya asked if I was ok. . . . I smiled at that, he cares about me. . . . The door opened, a man with a low spiky ponytail came in and sighed.

"Ugh." He simply said.

"Wow, what happened this time Tomioka?" Shinobu asked him, pestering him. He pointed at me for a second,

"That one's brother is truly something else-" He said before clutching his stomach. Ms. Shinobu chuckled,

"Muichiro, I think it's safe to go to the office, I'm sorry that all this has happened." She said, I nodded and stood up, I stumbled a bit but I got up eventually. I wonder if Yuichiro is coming home as well. . . . I thanked her on my way out. I could hear her teasing Mr. Tomioka as soon as I left the room.

I walked down the hallway and made a turn to head for the office, the bell rang overhead. Kids started flowing out of classes and it was loud. I continued to the office hoping to not get caught up in the crowd. Ah, the office! I'm sorta happy I'm going home. . . so I can sleep. I liked this school. . . sorta- It was nice, the building was new and the teachers are amazing! I'd be really sad if we had to move. . . .

I was right outside the office now, about to open the door.

"Muichiro!" Someone said, I turned around. Genya!

"Genya?" I asked him, he was holding his binder and just looking at me. He set down his binder on a nearby table and came back to me. He hugged me, he hugged me?! My cheeks heated up and I hugged him back. We stayed in a hug for a minute, he released me and patted my head.

"Are you going to leave? Like move somewhere else. . . ?" He asked, I shook my head,

"Hopefully not. . . . It wasn't serious so, probably not. . . ." I mumbled.

"See ya tomorrow?" He asked, hopefully. I nodded, he picked up his binder and started to walk back up the stairs, looking at me as he walked away. A true friend. . . friend. . . .

I went into the office, father was already there. So was Yuichiro. . . . We left the building and everything was silent. He didn't say anything, not a single word. The whole car ride, just judging silence. Not even Yuichiro wanted to say anything, he stayed up front in the passenger seat, was this my fault. . . ? I didn't mean to yell at him, and father. . . why is he so cold. . . ?

We got home quicker than I wanted too, maybe I could just hide in my room. . . .

"Muichiro, Yuichiro, I wish to talk to you both. Please come sit." Father said, oh no. Yuichiro and I sat on the couch, at least an arm's length away.

"Boys. . . . Is everything alright?" He asked us both, wait what? He never cared, he was too busy with clients.

"You're not gonna yell at us?" Yuichiro raised an eyebrow, he kept his arms crossed.

"No! No, You're my children, my baby boys- I couldn't. I know me and your mother have been distant since summer and school has started back up. I want you to know we're both here for you, and you're allowed to talk to us about school." He looked at me when school was mentioned. Yuichiro just sighed but I smiled, we'll get to hang out like a family again!

"Yeah yeah, whatever old man." Yuichiro scoffed and stormed off to our room before father could even speak. Father sighed, only looking sadly at the stairs Yuichiro just stomped up.

"I'm sorry dad. . . . He's just in a bad mood." I said, I began to fiddle with my fingers.

"That's alright, I'll check up on him once I'm done talking with you." He said looking back at me. I gulped, dread filled my chest.

"I'm not in trouble. . . am I. . . ?" I asked him.

"Why would you be? Now tell me MuiMui," He said, pinching my cheeks carefully, I giggled. It's been a long while since he called me that nickname.

"How was well, your half day of school. . . ? Is everything alright?" He asked, he seemed to care a lot.

"Ah ye-" I paused, do I tell him about Ume? Is it really necessarily bullying? It was just a couple foul sentences- Maybe stop it before it turns into bullying. . . . I don't know. . . .
He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"There was a girl teasing me. . . it all went to my head and I guess you could say I panicked and had a breakdown. . . ." I told him, and he hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Name? I can speak to the office and you won't have to deal with her at all." He told me,

"Ume. . . I don't know her last name- but she's real pretty and has white hair and lime tips. You can ask Mr. Rengoku for details, or ask the office too. Perhaps Ms. Kocho, the uh taller one." I said, he nodded.

"Muichiro, do you mind talking to your brother, I have a feeling he'd listen to you." Father said standing up, he smiled at me then went into the kitchen to make some snacks. I sighed, I wonder if Yuichiro is still mad at me.

I knocked on our bedroom door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"It's me brother, can I come in?" I asked. Silence. The door unlocked, I opened it and I was face to face with Yui. He looked at me and just moved to the side and plopped on his bed.

"If father wants me I'm not going." He said blandly. I frowned,

"No, no. I wanted to talk to you. . . ." I said, sitting down on his bed next to him. He sighed again, sitting up to look at me.

"Hey. . . I'm sorry for earlier, I didn't mean to leave like that. . . ." He said, rubbing the back of his head. I looked at him, we stared at each other for a moment and he looked away after a minute.

"I was going to apologize for snapping at you, and slapping your hand. . . ." I chuckled, he patted my back. He held out a pinkie,

"What's in the past, stays in the past?" He asked me, I smiled and nodded my head.

"Oh and you should talk to father-" I said, looking out of one of our windows.

"UGHHH FINNEE." He scowled.


Before I even knew it, the week was over. All that drama on the first day just for the week to fly bye.

Monday was insane, I had a whole mental breakdown- Me and Yui made up, and father took us out to get ice cream and bond with us more. I think Yuichiro is warming up to him- Mother had to be flown out to do an emergency surgery across the state because she was the only skilled surgeon available. She texted us a lot though, sending us lots of love.

Tuesday! I went back to school- Ume and her 'girlfriends' tried to 'talk' to me about why they were called to the office about bullying. Genya and Tanjiro actually stood up for me and we left. There was not a lot of homework, I got to meet the rest of my teachers. Mr. Uzui was there today, he was loud.

Wednesday, school again. It rained so much we went home early. It's almost like the world doesn't want me going to school- I had math homework, Genya, Inosuke, Tanjiro and I called and worked together on it. I got to hangout with Genya's friends more! They were nice. I met Kanao and Aoi over the phone that day. We don't have any classes together.

Thursday, Yuichiro had his friend over. His name was Senjuro, and I was right! Senjuro is Mr. Rengoku's little brother. I left them alone and stayed in my section of the room, calling Genya. Senjuro was nice, I got to talk to him during dinner. There were some writing assignments but I got those done in school. Nezuko asked us all if we wanted to have a big sleepover at her house during the weekend. She invited all of us, Genya, Zenitsu, Aoi, Kanao, Inosuke, Murata, and Senjuro. Of course her and Tanjiro were going to be there anyway- She asked me if I wanted to come, and told me to ask Yuichiro as well.

Friday, school was fun. Mrs. Kanroji made a scavenger hunt for us, and there was barely any homework. I forget what happened after Mrs. Kanorji's class, I hope there wasn't any homework. Father took us to a mini golf place after school, I failed miserably. Yuichiro had fun though, laughing at me- Father just had fun watching the both of us, or well, laughing at Yuichiro who was laughing at me. The sleepover is tomorrow. I was excited about that, everyone seems to be able to make it. I asked Yuichiro about it, and he turned it down. I tried to get him to come but nothing seemed to be working, until I mentioned who was coming and he instantly changed his mind.

"Oh- I thought you were going to say no again." I said, I stopped poking his arm.

"Well I mean, you keep pestering me, and if Sen- I mean a lot of people are going to be there I guess I should come." He said, he stopped mid sentence and a little bit of dusty pink formed on his face. No way, my brother in love? Who was he saying- Senjuro?

"No, my brother in love?" I said subconsciously.

"Wha- Nuh uh- It was just- Uh, I'm sick-" He panicked and took a step away from me, trying to hide his tomato face.

"Oh my gosh- You're in love with Senjuro!" I said the following after him.

"Am not- Besides you're in love with Genya!" He said looking at me and pointing, his face only had a little blush now. It was my turn to be flustered,

"Uhh." I said freezing.

"I knew it- In fact almost everyone knows, it's so obvious-" He said putting his hands on his hips. I blushed-

"What- I'm that obvious? It was just a little thing- I mean- Well, I mean have you seen him? He's hot-" I said, well I mean if Yuichiro knows now there's no point in hiding it.

"You have a weird taste in men." He said blandly. My jaw dropped,

"I do not- Besides I don't know what you see Senjuro anyway-" I started but was cut off.

"HEY! You leave perfect little Senjuro out of this!" He said, pointing at me with his finger and scowling.

"So you do love 'perfect little Senjuro'." I said. He froze and his finger dropped.

"Uh-" He said, then turned around and sprinted out of our room.

"HEY WAIT WHAT-" I said, sprinting out of bed and nearly tripping on a book on the ground. I chased after him, we chased each other through the whole house. Father had to stop us chasing each other, he grabbed us by our clothing and made us apologize. Then he sent us to bed, he was so scary-

Saturday, we would go to the sleepover after lunch. I was so excited! Yuichiro was all 'meh' and grumpy though. We cleaned the house and watched some Tv. I was really just trying to pass time. Father came back from work and talked to us for a bit before going right back to work.
Mother was on an airplane coming back home! It'd still be a day before she got home though. . . . Sadly Senjuro and Murata had to cancel, Senjuro had a sudden family problem and Murata was grounded. It was way too hard trying to convince Yuichiro to still come. Eventually he said he would come because he needs to see what Genya's like, because he's only seen him in the gym and the halls. That's not scary at all-

"Hey, I made some Vanilla Mochi." Yuichiro said, peeking his head into our room.

"Dessert for lunch?" I asked, he shrugged. Then turned around and left, wait I don't want him eating all of it! I sprung up after him and we both got to the kitchen and ate the mochi together.

"Cookies and Cream is better." I said frowning after I finished one.

"Uh huh, says the one who pours the milk before his cereal." Yuichiro said, looking up at me and grabbing another mochi.

"I- Once. It was once." I said looking down in defeat. Once when I was sick and tired, I mixed them up and ended up pouring the milk first. I didn't care just as long as I got my cereal. I ate the last one and Yuichiro went to go pack some things. I already had my stuff packed this morning because I was just too excited.

"What do you think we're gonna do?" I asked as he came out of our room. He shrugged and put his bag on his back. I grabbed my bag and did the same thing.

"Do you have their address?" Yuichiro asked as we stepped outside. I nodded and took out my phone pulling up Nezuko's contact number which had the address.

"Oh hey look, they're actually close by, just down the block.' He said, peering over to look at my phone. I nodded again. We started to walk down the street, since it was so close we didn't need father to drive us, or take our bikes. It was a calm walk, we listened to the birds, and I think Yuichiro had songs on his phone. Their house was pretty big, they said it was because of all of their siblings. I went first since Yuichiro was too shy to knock on the door.

"Hello? Ah Muichiro! Oh, and Yuichiro! Hi!" Nezuko said as she opened the front door. She gave a big happy smile and let us in. We were camping out in their basement, it wasn't a creepy basement- In fact Nezuko and Tanjiro's room were down here. There was like, a family room section right at the bottom of the stairs right in-between their rooms. It had a tv, some gaming consoles, and a whole ton of beanbags.

Yuichiro and I sat our bags down near the stairs, next to Kanao's and Aoi's bags. Apparently Inosuke didn't bring anything- Turns out we were pretty early. It was only me, Yuichiro, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Aoi, Kanao and Inosuke. We were waiting for Genya and Zenitsu since Senjuro and Murata couldn't make it.

"Ok, so here's the plan! We're gonna pull an all nighter duh- First, once everyone gets here, we're gonna pick a movie to pass time. Then we're going to play games like truth or dare, and maybe even hide and seek. We can play video games and just hang out! Then we can make a pillow fort! Then I figured we'd probably pass out sometime after we made the pillow fort." Nezuko explained, smiling and clapping her hands. Kanao smiled back at her and Aoi tried not to giggle at Nezuko's excitement.

Tanjiro was in the background trying to stop Inosuke from eating something. While waiting for our other friends, Nezuko, Kanao, Aoi and I decided to play some Uno. So far Nezuko's the only one who has won. Yuichiro laid on one bean bag, playing on his phone.
We heard noise upstairs and a minute later Genya came down with Zenitsu behind him,
"Sorry guys, this idiot got lost like two blocks down and I had to go find him." Genya huffed and shot Zenitsu a glare. Zenitsu almost started balling.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Nezuko said, smiling. Zenitsu hid behind her. Genya settled down next to me on a bean bag slightly next to me.

"Alrighty! Movie, movie! We can watch --- or maybe ---?" She asked and we all either nodded or shook our heads. She nodded and put on said movie. It was boring, but everyone else thought it was pretty nice I guess. Or, Inosuke was eating all of the popcorn. Zenitsu was happy to be next to Nezuko, Aoi, and Kanao even though Aoi and Kanao paid no attention to him. Yuichiro was still sulking in a corner on his phone. Tanjiro and Nezuko were happily watching the movie. Genya seemed bored and just sorta was staring into space.

Someone tapped my shoulder, Genya did. He looked at me and signaled to upstairs. I got the hint and nodded.

"Yo, I'm gonna go get more snacks." Genya said standing up.

"I'll go with you, for extra hands to carry and things. . . ." I mumbled standing up after him. Both Nezuko and Zenitsu shot me a look and smirked. Genya turned around to head back upstairs, and I shot daggers at the pair and they stopped. I followed him to the stairs and we both headed upstairs, even Yuichiro was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Alrighty, let's raid this fridge pal'." He said in the worst western accent ever. I chuckled, and he laughed as well. We stormed through the kitchen, grabbing chips and pretzels. I got out plastic bowels so we didn't make a mess, because I hate having crumbs in my bed.

We went back down to the other and handed out snacks. I sat back down where I was before and Genya sat next to me again. This time, which surprised me, Yuichiro came and sat on the other side of me. Just happily smiling at me. . . too happily I didn't like it.

The movie ended quickly and we soon got into a circle in the middle of a laid out blanket. It was Me, Yuichiro on one side, then Kanao, Aoi, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Nezuko Inosuke, Genya, and then back to me. So I had both Yui and Genya sitting next to me.

"OKOK! Rules for our Truth or Dare!" Nezuko yells out clapping. Tanjiro smiled, while Inosuke was distracted by the chips.

"Pay Attention, so the rules are we can't do something that can actually harm us. So like, no crazy dares or questions we know would actually hurt someone's feelings. We can ask for passes, but you can only pass once! We can ask to do things like, you do my homework, we can ask about crushes, ect." She finished and everyone was looking at each other.

"Inosuke you first!" She said,

"Huh? What do I do?" He said, picking his nose.

"You ask someone a question or tell someone to do something." Aoi said, clearly annoyed.

"OH HAHAHAHAHA OK. HMMM, Muchahairororo go get me more food you minion." He said pointing at me, I sighed. Zenistu laughed a bit, but Yuichiro shot daggers at him and he went pale.

I grabbed his bowel and stepped over some blankets and went back upstairs. You know. . . he never said what food, nor did he say how much. I laughed, and went over to the fridge. I pulled out a bag of pre-made salad. I pulled out a single piece of lettuce and put it in his bowel. Nah I'll be nice. . . I pulled out a single tomato as well. I chuckled some more to myself before putting the bag away.

I closed the door and grabbed the bowl. I started to walk back down the stairs. The group all looked at me as I got closer and put the bowl on Inosuke's head. He hurriedly took the bowl and looked at it.

"What is this?" He asked, snorting a bit.

"It's called salad." I responded sitting back down.

"Why is it barely anything?" He asked again.

"You asked for food, not a feast." I responded. Yuichiro chuckled and Zenitsu burst out laughing. Even the girls were chuckling slightly. Inosuke didn't seem to care so he picked up the singular piece of lettuce and put it in his mouth. He ate it, no problem. He could learn to chew with his mouth closed but that's ok for now. He then picked up the tomato and did the same, but he regretted it. He spit it out back into the bowl and looked at it questionable.

"You don't like tomatoes?" Aoi asked, and we all laughed a bit at his reaction.

"Alright your turn Muichiro!" Nezuko said, trying to steer us back into the game. I paused. What should I say?

"Zenitsu. . . ." I said, he looked scared.

"WHAT? WHY ME? WHAT DID I DO TO YOU! PASS PASS!" He screamed out, balling. I froze, and everyone just looked concerned, then laughed.

"I didn't even get to say it-" I laughed

"PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASS!!" He screamed again, falling backwards and rolling around on the ground. We all burst out laughing again.

"Alright! We get it, your turn Zenitsu, and you can't pass again now!" Nezuko said, bonking him on the head. He sat up, his eyes still watery.

"Hmph, fine. . . . Genya- *Sniff Sniff* You must, uh. . . eat Inosuke's chewed up tomato." Zentisu said, smiling evilly, even though it just made him look goofy. Genya looked appalled. Everyone turned to look at Genya as he slowly looked at the bowl in Inosuke's lap. Inosuke was picking his nose again.

"Pass. . . ." He said, nearly gagging. Some of us snickered and Aoi took his bowl and gently tossed it away.

"Uh. . . . Yuichiro, Truth or Dare?" He asked.

"Wait you're asking, I thought we were just demanding-" He said, looking up from his phone. Genya shrugged.

"Truth." He said looking back down at his phone.

"Ok, hmm. What's your favorite snack?" Genya asked.

"Mochi, Vanilla Mochi." He said, not even looking up from his phone. Everyone went silent and he looked up again,

"Kanao truth or dare? You've been awfully quiet." He asked. Kanao blinked and then looked down as if thinking. She looked at Tanjiro and Tanjiro shook his head as if telling her it's her choice.

"I'll do dare." She said, putting her hands neatly in her lap. He got up and went close to her, whispering in her ear. She looked a little surprised.

"But that's mean!" She said quietly shouting.

"I know." He chuckled and sat back down next to me. She paused for a moment.

"Insouke look! A flying hamburger!" She shouted slightly, and pointed to behind him. He whipped around excitedly standing up. She leaned over and snatched his phone from next to him. Then handed it to Yuichiro who put it in his pocket.

"There's nothing there! You dare lie to the king of the mountains!" He said huffing. She shrugged and apologized. We all just looked back and forth from the three, Inosuke, Kanao, and Yuichiro. Nezuko and Zenitsu chuckled a bit. Tanjiro had a disappointed look on his face.

"Hm. . . . Can we repeat people who have already gone?" Kanao asked. Nezuko nodded, and then smirked at me and whispered something to her. Oh no. . . what did that mean? Kanao looked at Nezuko and smiled. Then looked at me, and looked at Genya. Wait a second I know that look-

"Genya, truth or dare." Kanao asked. Genya shrugged,

"Truth I guess." He said.

"No, I dare you to. . . ." She paused, looking forward at him. He sighed and rested his head on his hand. She looked at Nezuko again, and Nezuko kept shaking her head yes.

"Kiss Muichiro on the lips." Kanao finished, Nezuko squealed. Both of our eyes widened and I turned into a tomato. Genya stuttered out gibberish and he looked embarrassed. . . but also really weirded out.

Yuichiro shot up alarmed. He looked at me panicked, he knew I loved Genya, they all knew I loved Genya. They're doing this on purpose- this is not how I wanted him to find out. I looked next to me, up at Genya. He was looking at me weirdly, then he sighed.

"Welp can't pass it- Can he pass it?" He asked hopefully. My heart sank, he didn't want to kiss me, he was trying to avoid it. Does this mean. . . he doesn't love me. . . back. . . ?

"Nope! Now Kiss!" Nezuko squealed. Kanao noticed my disappointed look, and Genya's actions. She frowned and turned to try and face Nezuko, but Nezuko didn't read the room, she still wanted us to complete the dare. Even Tanjiro was giving us an uneasy look, Zenitsu was just smirking.

Genya sighed and he crept closer to me, I turned to face him and was met with him giving me a small peck on the lips. It was for a second, but it felt like days, weeks, years. It was so quick I wish she honestly dared us to kiss for a minute. I wanted to feel his lips on mine again. . . they were so sweet and gentle.

He pulled away looking a little weirded out, giving Nezuko a glare. I continued just staring at him, blushing, I was so flustered. Nezuko was just squealing, Zenitsu was laughing and Inosuke was just confused. Though I saw Kanao and Tanjiro looking at me, they knew I liked Genya and they saw how Genya reacted. . . . Hopefully we can just continue the game- and pretend- this uh did- didn't happen. It was taking everything I had to not cry, why would I cry my crush just kissed me. Yet. . . it wasn't the kiss I wanted, it was a fake kiss and he didn't even like it.

I looked to the side, looking down at the floor, I couldn't help but frown. I looked up and met Yuichiro's eyes. He seemed worried for me, he kept on looking at the stairs. I didn't want to leave just yet. . . but I feel awful. It was like heartbreak was eating me from the inside.

"Hey maybe we should do something else- watch another movie. . . ?" Tanjiro suggested trying to get us to move on. We were all just sitting there in the circle, Nezuko still squealing.

"No! No, oh c'mon, Muichiro loves Genya~ I saw the way he blushed when Genya kissed him!" Zenitsu said, smirking, pointing at me and Genya. Genya looked at me alarmed and we stared at each other. My face fell when I looked at him, he looked really shocked and hurt.

"Why would you say that!" Yuichiro yelled out, sitting up properly. Zensitu just looked scared and Nezuko began to realize the situation. I knew he didn't like me- This was him- he didn't love me- why would he? I'm not nothing special- Why would they say that. . . ? I want to go home- I can't- I began to tear up, Tanjiro quickly bolted up trying to approach me. Kanao shot Zenitsu a glare. Aoi was too busy trying to keep Inosuke still but even now she was looking more shocked than we were.

Genya and I kept eye contact. He was too shocked to speak, I couldn't speak. He looked hurt, I now know he's only ever seen me as a friend. It hurts- I stood up and quickly darted to the stairs, I didn't even bother to grab my stuff. I heard Yuichiro call after me, Tanjiro did too. I didn't hold back the tears. I turned the corner and stopped in the living room. I sat on the floor against the wall, my knees to my chest.

I just cried. I didn't expect it to hurt so much. . . I really thought he would like me too-

"Muichiro-" Yuichiro said, he entered the living room and saw me. He rushed to my side and pulled me into a hug. He just patted my back while I cried into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I would have, should have stopped them, I didn't know he would continue-" Yucihiro said, trying to reassure me. I shook my head,

"You di- didn't know, It's not your faul- fault." I said, I continued to cry.

"Let's go home alright? We can- I'll make mochi for you! Cookies and cream, I'll get you cereal, milk first." He said, sounding serious, but I know he was joking about the cereal. I chuckled slightly, and he patted my head.

"See. . . ? There's the brother I know. I'll grab your stuff, wait outside for me." He said, slowly standing up. He grabbed my hand and helped me up, guiding me in the direction of the door. He turned around and went back towards the basement, I could still hear the groups distant arguing.

I opened the door, and I was met with a sunny fresh breeze. It was so calm out here. . . . Just calm down- Don't think about him- I took another breath of air. I looked up to see some birds. Yep, focus on them.

Yuichiro came out of the house, with my bag on his back and his own in his arms. I offered to hold mine but he refused and kept hurrying me away. It was a five minute walk back. Our house was empty when we got back. Father must be out. I sighed and shuddered. Yuichiro pulled me into another hug.

"Hey, go sit on the couch, pick out a movie ok? I'll start on the mochi, and get you some water." He said, hurrying me over to the couch and making me sit down. I didn't feel like watching anything, I still felt terrible. I probably ruined our friendship. . . .

Everything collapsed then, why. . . ? I just cried, and curled up on the couch. I pulled as many blankets over me as I could. I just kept crying, I ruined everything. . . . Genya will never see me as a friend- or anything more, ever again! Why did they have to do that? I know Nezuko and Kanao had good intentions but. . . just why- Zenitsu. . . . Why. . . ? I tucked my head into the side of the couch and hugged my knees, staying curled up like a ball underneath the blankets.

I felt a hand touch my back, it started rubbing my back in a comforting way. I took the blanket off my head and looked behind me-ish. Yuichico, he had he Tv remote in his hand, and he was rubbing my back with his other hand. I shuddered and turned back to face the back of the couch. Wedging my face back into cushions, he continued to rub my back.

I eventually stopped crying, my eyes hurt. Yuichiro got up and went back into the kitchen. He came back with a bowl of mochi. He forcefully made me sit up and took away my blankets. Then put the bowl on my lap, and wrapped a fluffy blanket around my shoulders.

"Do you want me to stay or. . . ?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder. I panicked,

"Yes, please yes. I'd think I'd go insane if I was left in my thoughts, anything to distract me. . . ." I mumbled looking back down at the mochi. Cookies and cream, my favorite. . . . I wonder if Genya's had mochi, I'm sure he has. I wonder what his favorite kind is. . . . I didn't even notice the tears slide down my cheek until Yuichiro leaned over and wiped them with his hand.

I picked up a mochi and took a bite. It was good, really good. Cold, but good. It's supposed to be cold. Who am I kidding. . . ?

"Is it really that bad. . . ? I expected you to be sad. . . but rejecting your favorite dessert?" Yuichiro asked, continuing to rub my shoulder. I just sighed. I took another bite of mochi and looked up at the ceiling.

"We're going to have to schedule an appointment with dad at this rate. . . ." Yuichiro mumbled. I finished my mochi and then chuckled.

"No. . . . I'm feeling better now." I said leaning back and pulling the blanket over my head, I could still see Yui though. He smiled at me and nodded. He took the bowl of mochi from my lap and put it on the side table.

He then got closer and rested his hand on my stomach, what was he doing?

"Never leave your belly exposed. . . ." He whispered, oh no- He's gonna tickle me- I tried to move out of the way but it was too late. He began to tickle me, tickling my belly and ribs. I burst out laughing and we both fought on the couch for a minute. Tickling each other until we both fell off of the couch just laughing. We were both wheezing, both tangled in the blankets.

"I didn't- think you were, so ticklish- on your neck brother. . . ." I said out of breath. He wheezed and just laughed again,

"You're just as ticklish as ever- You've always been ticklish on your belly and ribs-" He said laughing still. I let out a sigh and looked at the ceiling again. Yuichiro turned so he was on his back,

"Feeling better?" He asked, I nodded. Maybe I could talk to Genya. Sort this out, he was too good of a friend to lose. That's for later though, right now I'm just happy to be feeling better. I heard Yuichiro try to stand up, but he was stuck in the blankets.

"Oh brother~ You're gonna regret tickling me." I said with an evil grin. He looked at me and tried to get the blankets off of him. I was quicker and hovered over him, tickling him again. He laughed and squirmed around trying to avoid the tickles.

"Stop- Ple-heas!" He said, wheezing. I paused for a minute,

"NEVER!” I said, continuing to tickle him. He always knows how to cheer me up. . . .

I suppose I’ll worry about Genya later. . . .


ITS LIKE 12,368 WORDS! New Record-
Yeah sorry, wanted to get this published but I have my concert tonight and I'm so stressed so your probably gonna get a lot of chapters because I write when I'm stressed-

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