💖 - Night Time Cuddles - 💖

Warning: Cuteness ; Genmui ; A little bit of Genya feeling upset

Enjoy Darlings 🤗

--( Genya POV )--

Ugh this mission hurts my head, what a headache. I killed a demon for a mission and it was relatively easy. The damn thing was faster than I would have liked it to be. My legs hurt, it was really late. My brother's estate is so far though, who's estate is that in the distance though?
Muichiro's! My head felt light and butterflies swarmed in my stomach. I smiled, and started my way in that direction. We only started dating two days ago. I loved everything about him, apparently he loved me too. At first I didn't like loving him, it was almost impossible to tell if he liked me back, but he did. Now he's mine, and I'll forever cherish him.
Even though we only started officially dating two days ago, we hung out enough beforehand to really get to know each other. He smiles when I'm around, I actually use that a lot to make other people jealous that I can get him to smile.
I sighed, hopefully he won't mind a visitor for the night. I arrived in front of his estate and opened the door. I was familiar with his estate, we often hung in and around it since my brother hated visitors. I worked my way through the entry and living room, making my way towards his bedroom. I hope he's asleep, I know he has a hard time sleeping sometimes.
While walking through his estate, I was keeping an eye out for him. Hopefully he's not mad at me for entering without permission this late. . . . He never seemed to mind when I showed up to hang out though, but then again he was awake to greet me.
I peeked into his bedroom, there he was. He was sleeping peacefully curled up under three blankets. He seemed cold, poor thing. I walked over to his bed and squatted next to it.
"Mui. . . ." I mumbled, putting my hand on his head. He felt a little warm, he may just be overheating under the blankets. His eyes fluttered open and he tiredly looked at me. It took him a minute to recognize me before he sat up.
"Gen. . . ?" He covered his mouth and yawned. Then looked at me curiously.
"Hi." I said, patting his head again. He just hummed in response,
"Do you need clothing. . . ? Or-" He yawned again and started to un-bury his legs from beneath the covers. It was normal for slayers to seek refuge in others estates or townspeople's houses. He was already in a sleeping yukata. I stopped him and gently pushed him down, tucking the covers back over him. He looked confused but didn't mind.
"Am I allowed to borrow some bigger clothes?" I asked him quietly. He nodded and turned on his side and closed his eyes, trying to fall back asleep. I went over to his closet and looked through some spare clothing, I found a baggy yukata and decided that would do. I looked at his uniform that neatly hung up, I'll remember that encase he forgets later.
I quickly changed, slipping off my uniform and piling it neatly on the ground. I put on the yukata and turned back to face Mui, who was still facing the other way trying to fall asleep. I went to the door of his bedroom, I was going to go to his guest bedroom.
"Gen. . . ?" He called out, his voice was tired and quiet. I turned back to look at him, he had turned his head to look at me.
"Do you need something?" I asked him, pausing in the doorway.
"Where are you going. . . ?" He asked again.
"To the spare bedroom-" I started but he cut me off.
"You can just sleep in my bed with me. . . . We are dating after all." He said, I blushed. Sleeping with him, in the same bed? I froze, processing what he said. He extended one of his arms and beckoned me over. I sighed in defeat, and walked over to him.
He moved over to give me some room and I tucked myself into the covers. We laid facing each other now and he just smiled. He raised one of his hands and pointed at me for a second, but then began to trace the big scar on my face. I smiled back at him.
"You're really pretty. . . ." He mumbled, continuing to trace my scar. I chuckled, I grabbed his hand with mine and kissed it gently.
"Not as pretty as you love." I told him, he blushed and tried to hide his flustered face. I laughed this time, I extended one of my arms over him and held him close to my chest. I wrapped my other arm around him like a hug, and snuggled him. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and just took deep breaths.
I could hear his fast heartbeat, it calmed down after a minute. Almost as if he was processing what to do, he snuggled back, hugging me as well. His breathing calmed down and I could hear his soft little snores. I chuckled mentally and shifted a little bit. He lazily woke up and tried to shift to get away from me. Then paused and yawned and snuggled back into me. I laughed slightly, and in response he used one of his hands to wack me in the head.
"Hey-" I whispered at him, even though it didn't hurt at all though.
"Mm, go to back sleep right now, you're comfy. . . ." He said, his hand fell limp again as he snuggled into me again. I chuckled,
"Yes sir." I said, snuggling into him as well. I kept my head in the crook of his neck and just slowly started to fall deep into thought. Such a wonderful person Muichiro was, strong as well. I'm surprised he could ever love someone like me, he's a Hashira. A Hashira! I'm just a low rank who can't even use breathing techniques. I don't deserve someone like him, he should have someone better. What if I don't treat him right? What if I'm like my father- I let out a shaky breath and my grip tightened a bit, I didn't even realize until I felt something on my back.
"Shhh." He said, he used one of his hands to rub my back. Rubbing comforting circles, he rested his other hand on my head.
"Now, now, don't get all upset. I love you, alright? I would die if anything ever happened to you. . . . Now let's rest and enjoy this quiet moment together." He said, continuing to comfort me. I sighed and smiled,
"Yeah. . . ." I mumbled, letting my body fall sorta limp.

Let's just enjoy this happy moment. . . .

Hi! uh- I'm currently drowning in school so things may be a little slow. . . . I'm not leaving or anything, it may just be slow, I am working on requests though so. Ive had like- no inspiration, or when I do get inspiration I just don't feel like writing. Yeah that's it- bye!

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