💙💖 - Kitties - 💖💙
I need to brace myself for upcoming Angst soo- I'm throwing short little Fluff stories (I lied it is not short what so ever-) at y'all for now. Also to mend my broken heart. . . Anywho,
Warning: Adorableness ; Obamitsu ; Shouldn't even have to warn about Genmui
Muichiro - 26
Genya - 29
Aya (One of My Obamitsu Ship Children) - 7
Moshi (One of My Obamitsu Ship Children) - 4
Mitsuri - 33
Obanai - 35
Rough Sketch: Can't draw hands for the life of me ;-; Also just imagine them as the age above because they both look like their 5 or 6 in the image. Sorta proud of it ngl
If you keep reading you'll see why this is important. Enjoy Darlings! 🤗
-- (Muichiro POV) --
Ughhh, I thought I was driving to Mitsuri's to pick up Aya and Moshi. Apparently she wanted to have a fancy date with Obanai tonight, and last time Aya and Moshi were brought there, Aya kept on interrupting it because 'they wouldn't kiss fast enough' or 'I want more siblings'.
I stopped at a red light and just waited for it to turn green. I eventually got to their house and they were all already waiting outside. Obanai and Mitsuri were dressed in fancy clothing. Obanai had Moshi in his arms. Mitsuri waved to me as I stepped out of my car.
"EEE HI MUICHIRO!" She said in her normal Mitsuri excitement voice. She walked over to her own car and got into the passenger seat and set down her purse.
"Thanks for watching them again Muichiro, if you need anything you have our numbers. If their bad enough well come pick them up. Do you need another booster seat?" He asked handing me Moshi.
"Uh. . . I think I might." I said glancing back in the backseats of my car. He nodded and went to his car getting another booster for Moshi. He helped me set it up in the back of my car. I buckled Moshi in and booped her nose. She giggled and waved goodbye to her father. Aya voluntarily got into her booster and even buckled herself in. Shutting her own car door, then waving good bye to her parents through the window as they started their car and drove away.
I went up to the drivers seat and buckled myself in, closing the door. I started up the car.
"Alright little ladies, before we head to my place for a awesome playdate, who wants to go to a Pet Store first?" I said turning around to look at them.
"Me! Me! I wanna I wanna. . . Please." Aya says waving her arms. Moshi follows her by flailing her arms and smiling at me. I chuckled and pulled forward. We drove for a little, instead of going straight home we took a different turn and arrived at the Pet Store. I parked the car and unbuckled. Then went around back to help Moshi. While i was picking Moshi out of the car,
"WAHH I CAN'T GET THE BUBKLE MUI HELP MEE!" Aya yelled flopping back. I chuckled,
"Moshi hold my hand alright?" I said setting her down, closing the car door with my other free hand. She smiled brightly and grabbed my hand with both of hers. I went around to the other side, Moshi still following me. With my one free hand I easily get the 'bubkle',
"Remeber Aya, Bu-ckle. B-U-C-K-L-E." I said laughing. She made a face, but started repeating how to correctly say it. I locked the car and held her hand with the hand that was free. We headed toward the store and headed in. Aya instantly let go of my hand and ran towards the fishes that were all in aquariums on the wall. She squished her face onto the glass and watched them intensely.
"AYA! Read the signs!!" I called after her. She looked at me then the glass that had a sign.
"Don't. . . Touch. . . The. . . Glass. . . You'll. . . Scare. . . Us. . . Love. . . The. . . Fishy. . ." She panicked and instantly backed away and ran to me almost in tears,
"I SCARED THEMMM" She said clinging onto my pants.
"Don't worry I bet they forgive you." I said patting her head. I heard one of the workers behind me laughing. I chuckled and grabbed a cart. Aya followed behind me quietly just observing the different things around her. Moshi looked bored, but she still contently held on to my hand. I led them into the Food Isle where I picked out a good brand of cat food into the basket I grabbed earlier.
"But Mui, you don't have a Kitty." Aya said poking the bag. I smiled at her and her eyes lit up.
"Now why don't you go both go pick up a cat toy alright?" I said pointing to the cat toy section behind me. Both of their eyes lit up and rushed behind me. They searched through toys and they both found one that they thought suited.
Aya found a cute little package of mouse toys that came in rainbow colors. Moshi found a fishing rod that came with a mouse and fish bait.
"Perfect!" I said patting their heads and leaned down so they could put it in the basket. Then Aya went over and picked a collar, she grabbed a lovely little green camo collar. Then Moshi frowned and followed grabbing a pink one with a bell on it. Then they both rushed over to put it in the basket. I chuckled.
"Cmon Girls." I said starting to walk away. They both followed me excited to pick out a kitty. I walked back up to the front where they kept cat's and small dog's.
"Hi! I wan wondering if you had any cat's still available?" I said to the worker that was shift there.
"Ah yes we do!" Claire said, I read her name tag. She led me and the girls back to some kennels.
"We have Rocco, Johnny, Melisa and Coconut. Though Johnny and Melisa are on hold for people already so. . . Rocco and Coconut." She said. Rocco was a beautiful little black tabby kitten short hair, who had yellow eyes. Coconut was a bigger long gray Persian who also had stunning yellow eyes. Rocco was a young, young tom, and Coconut was an older she-cat.
"Could I adopt both of them if possible?" I asked, looking at Claire.
"YES! Please do, I was about to adopt Coconut myself if no one adopted her today. No one wants her because she's so old and since she's a Persian she has a lot of care needed. We would of have to. . ." She looked at Moshi and Aya who where petting Rocco through the kennel bars. She gave me a look and I instantly understood they would have had to put her down.
"Yes I'll take both of them." I said looking back at Coconut who was asleep in the corner. She had me fill out papers and gave me a few more treats for coconut that she insisted that it was free and she'd pay.
"Any knew name ideas?" Claire said looking at me. I looked at the two young girls behind me and they instantly understood the assignment.
"Jamie. . ." Moshi said pointing at Rocco.
"We should name her Queen!" She said looking at Coconut. I looked at Claire and nodded. She wrote the names down on a paper and put the two cats into little safe crates so I could take them home.
"Thanks!" I said to Claire as I took the cat crates, Aya held the cat food bag and Moshi had the bags full of toys and treats.
"Thank you! Come back anytime!" Claire said waving. We walked out of the Pet Store and hurried over to the car. I opened the passenger car door and set the cat crates safely on the seat and buckled them in. I could hear Jamie meowing from in his crate. I helped Moshi get settled in her seat and Aya had already gotten her self situated. With the cat food bag and treats in between her and Moshi.
We drove home and the sky had started to turn into a darker blue, ah jeez it was already around 8:00 p.m. I got the girls out of the car and they ran to the front door and knocked, where Genya opened and answered with,
"Well isn't it my favorite Kid Crew!" He said giving them both a bear hug. They both ran inside, probably to watch the big TV. Genya came out and helped me take stuff out of the car. He peaked into the treat and toy bag and instantly got confused, then looked at the cat food and the crates I was not holding.
"Oh you did not. . ." He said looking at me with awe. I laughed as we both headed inside. I set the crates in the living room and called the girls over. I was correct, Aya figured out how to turn on some kid cartoon for her and Moshi.
"And who are these" Genya says looking over at the crates as he got the toys out of the packages.
"QUEEN AND JAMIE!" Aya loudly tells him. I open Jamie's crate who instantly darts out and crawls onto the girls and they start playing with him again.
"That's Jamie, this is Queen." I said opening Queen crate. She steps out and instantly walks away and upstairs. Probably just exploring the house. Genya took Jamie's collar out of the package, the camo one, and clipped it onto him.
He tossed and turned trying to see what was on his neck but then gave up and started playing with Moshi who had the fishing rod. Genya took Queens collar and went upstairs, I assume to find and put it on her. He then comes down and gives me a little kiss on the forehead. How sweet,
"When are you guys having kids?" Aya said looking at us, she set down the treat bag she was struggling to open. Genya turned into a blushing mess and froze. I chuckled.
"Soon, don't worry Aya." I said kissing Genya on the cheek, which snapped him out of his trance. Then we heard the front door open.
"Helloo?" Mitsuri said, with Obanai following her in. She looked at us and squealed then hugged her girls and started to join them with playing with the kitten. Obanai chuckled and sat down next to us. We chatted for the next 15 minutes, then Moshi started to fall asleep so that said that they'd better head out. They thanked us for watching them, and then collected the feisty Aya who did not want to leave the kitten. After they stole the booster back, we waved goodbye to them as they drove off. We got the house ready for bed, since we were going to bed ourselves. Genya had already brushed his teeth and changed, now laying in bed. I finished brushing my teeth and got in bed with him, then Queen came out and got onto the bed with us. She snuggled perfectly in between us and then Jamie chirped and snuggled next to Queen who I think tolerated him. Genya reached over and held my hand. I chuckled,
"Jealous?" I asked.
"Maybe. . ." He huffed. We both went silent, the only thing we could hear were Jamie's snores and Queen's purrs. Then Genya's snores but I still loved him.
I chuckled to myself then closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.
So cute! I love cat's so much, I just decided to write something cute before starting back on the angst chapters, sigh. . . what is up with y'all loving seeing people suffer??
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