It's the Twins' birthday! :D

August Eighth! 8/8/2023

Yayyy! <3

Here's Some extra art of the two!:



Yay! happy birthday!

(Yes they have short hair- Aren't they just adorable??<3)

In Addition! Enjoy this Birthday Special!

(After Swordsmith Village Arc, Rengoku is not a donut, he survived and retired, and Tengen is still retired.)


Mitsuri & Obanai, Kaburamaru

- - (Mitsuri's POV) -

"KYAAAA! OBANAI! DID YOU HEAR?" I shouted, waving my arms high in the air. Running over to stand next to him.

"What?" He asked, turning to face me. His face softened as he saw me. Kaburamaru flicked his tongue at me as a greeting. I waved to the little snake.


His face went beat red, but I brushed it off. He must be overheating- Kaburamaru slithered away from his neck, and wrapped around my shoulder and neck. I smiled at the snake. Then I looked back at Obanai who was still beat red.

"Kya! Sorry Obanai!" I whisper-shouted, pulling away from the hug and backing up.

"It's- it's fine-" He whispered, regaining his composure. I nodded, then booped Kaburamaru's nose.

"We should get Muichiro something!" I smiled, clapping my hands together. Obanai nodded.

"Hmmm.... The question is what though?" I whispered, holding my head and sighing.

"Why don't we go shopping? Try and find something. I'll pay." Obanai said, holding his arm out close to me so Kaburamaru could go back to his neck. I nodded, then shook my head.

"Wahh? No I'll pay for my things! Don't worry!" I shouted, Obanai's so sweet! Offering to pay! It makes my heart flutter!

"I insist." He said again.

"But wouldn't it not count as a gift from me?" I pouted.

"You'll still pick it out and give it to him. Now come on, we don't want to be shopping all day, now do we?" He said, moving to the side and letting me take the lead.

"Yes! Ok! We'll find the best gifts for Muichiro!" I smiled, grabbing his wrist and leading him away, his face turned beat red again.

We're going to find the best birthday gifts!


Tengen & His Wives (Hinatsuru, Suma, Makio)

- - (Hinatsuru's POV) -

Lord Tengen's crow flew into the room, dropping a little note on his lap. He picked it up and unfolded it curiously.

"Oh! What does it say Tengen?" Suma chirped, chewing on some sushi.

"Chew with your mouth closed Suma! And don't speak while eating!" Makio shouted, poking Suma's forehead with her own chopsticks.

"OW!" Suma whined, dropping her chopsticks and holding her forehead.

I chuckled, and looked back over at Tengen. He began to laugh loudly, Makio and Suma stopped fighting and looked at him. We all tilted are heads.

"It's the kids birthday! Tokito's!" He laughed, setting the note down.

"I love birthdays!" Suma squealed, putting her hands in the air. Makio smacked her.

"It's not your birthday!" Makio scolded, Suma began crying. I sighed, and Tengen began laughing again.

"Shouldn't we get him gifts?" I asked, picking up a sushi with my chopsticks.

"Yeah! The most flamboyant gifts!" He laughed, putting his hands on his hips. Suma ran off crying while Makio chased her. Tengen sighed, then looked at me.

"More food for us!" He laughed. I smiled.

I'm sure we'll find something nice for the child.



- - (Sanemi's POV) -

"Huh. So it's the brats birthday." I mumbled. My crow flew off after delivering the message.

As much as the kid was a brat, and a pain in the ass. I'm happy he gets to see another birthday.

Ew, does that mean I have to get him something? Ugh what a pain in the ass.

I'll get him some paper or whatever, or maybe pay for one of his meals. Eh whatever.

I'll be sure to give him an ok birthday present.



- - (Giyu's POV) -

"I see." I whispered, watching as the old crow flew away, almost flying right into a tree.

It was Muichiro's birthday. I should get him something.... Food maybe.

I looked down at my haori. I wonder what you two would get him.... He definitely deserves a good birthday, it may be his last.

I'll be sure to find something he deserves, I hope he likes it.

Maybe he'll consider being my friend.


Kyojuro & Senjuro

- - (Senjuro's POV) -

My brother and I were sitting on the engawa, watching the sky and talking. His recovery has been good so far, I'm glad.

Suddenly he began laughing loudly, keeping his same fiery smile.

"What is it brother?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Its Muichiro's birthday! He was one of my Fellow hashira!" He shouted, smiling at me. I nodded.

"Tanjiro told me a few stories about him, he seems like a good person." I whispered, looking down at my lap. Kyojuro nodded,

"He is! And we should get him gifts! And throw a party! And sing happy birthday!" He shouted again, crossing his arms and staring forward.

"Ah- we should." I whispered, trying to follow his gaze, but he was just staring forward.

"We should go shopping! Or make him something! Food! Umai!" He shouted, carefully standing up, offering a hand to me. I smiled and took it, he helped me stand up.

"I'll help you cook something, maybe we should throw a surprise party?" I suggested, he nodded.

"Yes! All the food will be Umai!" He said, hurrying to the kitchen. I chuckled, then went to find a paper and pen, try to schedule a surprise party today.

I hope he has a happy birthday.


Gyomei & Genya

- - (Gyomei's POV) -

"A surprise birthday party for young Tokito you say?" I smiled, my crow repeating the message to me.

"How wonderful. I'll be sure to bring a gift, I'll be there." I said, bringing my hands together. I could hear my crow fly away.

"We're going right?" Genya asked, setting down a log be was carrying. I nodded.

"Your friends with him, right?" I asked.

"Yes, were close friends. I want to get him a good gift." Genya smiled.

"Of course." I nodded. Genya took the log back in his arms and walked away.

A birthday party for our youngest Hashira, how sweet. We'll be sure to make it his best one yet, he deserves it after regaining his memories and defeating that uppermoon.

I'll bring him a present, perhaps new art supplies, or a book. He likes clouds and rocks. I hope he has a good birthday, and a pleasant experience at the party. I can't wait.

"Namu Amida Butsu."


Shinobu & The Butterfly Girls (Kanao, Aoi, Kiyo, Naho, Sumi)

- - (Aoi's POV) -

"Tokito's birthday you say?" I said, folding some bedsheets.

"Mhm! We should do something, shouldn't we? I also heard they were hosting a surprise party at the Master's mansion! Were all invited!" Naho and Kiyo said at the same time. Sumi nodded, confirming it was true.

"I suppose we should. Have you spoken to Lady Kocho about this?" I asked, carrying the empty basket and leaving the room. The three girls following behind me.

"Yes! She and Lady Kanao have gone down into the market for some birthday presents! From all of us!" Sumi chirped, the three following me out back.

"That's good. Now, help me do this laundry, the faster we finish, the faster we can bake some goodies and head over, alright?" I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"Yes Aoi!" The three of them sung in unison, instantly taking down some sheets.

A birthday party for Tokito you say, huh, happy birthday I guess.


Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, Zenitsu

- - (Tanjiro's POV) -

"Oh a birthday party!" I smiled, patting my crows head.

"WHATS THAT?" Inosuke shouted.

"Celebrating the day you were born, idiot!" Zenitsu scoffed, too busy watching Nezuko play with her pigtails.

"Ha- happy- birth- birthday!" Nezuko sung, holding her pigtails.

"FOOD?" Inosuke yelled again.

"Yes there will be food! We all need to find a gift for him too." I smiled, pulling Nezuko into my lap and tickling her. She giggled and rolled around.

Happy birthday to Muichiro! I can't wait, it's going to be so much fun! He'll enjoy it too! I hope- he deserves it.

Happy birthday Muichiro!


Haganezuka, Kanamori, Kotestsu

- - (Kotestsu's POV) -

"Hurry up you slow old men! We gotta get there before the party happens!" I yelled, hurrying the two older swordsmiths towards the edge of the village. They were outrageously slow.

"Shut up brat." Haganezuka scowled. Kanamori patted his back.

It was Muichiro's birthday! My best friend! Older brother even! I just had to make it in time to surprise him!

I skipped ahead down the road, Ginko came and told me herself what today was. And I'm excited! I already have a gift for him! I know he'll like it.

It's his birthday! Wow! It's my first ever surprise birthday party- and it's Muichiro's!

I'm so excited and happy- and.... Angry!

"Slowpokes!" I shouted out to the old men behind me. I began to run forward. No way was I going to let these old people get in my way! If I run fast enough, I'll get there early!

To celebrate Muichiro's birthday!


The Master & Amane

- - (Amane's POV) -

"I'm so happy for my children. Muichiro's birthday is certainly excited." The Master whispered, sitting on the engawa. Some crows flew above us.

"I'm happy too, I remember when I first started visiting the twins. I'm sure both Muichiro and Yuichiro will be happy about their birthday." I lightly smiled. My husband nodded.

"I'm happy to host the surprise party, I hope Muichiro enjoys it." He said, taking a deep breath.

"Yes... I wish Yuichiro were here to celebrate with us." I said, looking up at the sky.

"I'm sure he's happy celebrating up there." He said, I nodded.

"Now let's start getting ready." He said, and I stood up. Helping him stand.

"We're going to make sure Muichiro has a good birthday."


Mama & Dad Tokito, Yuichiro

- - (Yuichiro's POV) -

"My baby! It's your birthday!" Mama said, hugging me tightly against her.

"Yeah Mama." I said, lightly hugging her back. I wasn't one for physical touch.

"My baby boy! I'm so happy for you!" Dad smiled, ruffling my hair. I nodded then looked down.

Both Mama and Dad looked at each other.

"Happy birthday Yui, and happy birthday to Mui too." Mama whispered, wiping a tear from her eye. Dad hugged her. Then opened his arms for me to come closer too. I hugged them both very tightly.

"Why...? It's just like the other birthdays we weren't with him- why is it so sad this time!" I cried. Mama pat my head.

"Because he remembers dear. He remembers us, you, his birthday. We should be happy." Mama said, wiping away my tears that just wouldn't stop. Dad hugged me. I hated crying.

"Besides, he's going to get a really big surprise party, his first surprise party. Exciting right?" Dad said, trying to change the subject. I nodded, pulling away from all the hugging.

"Mhm. And Yui, we'll be with you all day, we can do whatever you want. It's your birthday too, don't forget that." Mama smiled at me. I weakly smiled back.

"Yeah.... Thank you Mama, dad. Happy birthday Muichiro...." I whispered, looking down at my feet.

"Happy birthday Yuichiro."



- - (Muichiro's POV) -

"CAWWWW! CAW! CAW! MUICHIRO MUICHIRO MUICHIRO! MUI! MUI! MUI!" I could only hear that for the past twenty mintes-

"Ginko.... Leave alone... Tired...." I mumbled, slowly opening my eyes and looking at the bird perched on my chest.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUICHIRO!" She shreiked, puffing out her chest and huffing.

I froze and sat up. My birthday- it's today. It's really today.

"How- how did you know that?" I whispered.

"Oh I heard you and Tanjiro talking about birthdays one day, I remembered yours was today." She said proudly, flapping her wings.

I sighed, I'm ignoring the fact she was probably stalking me. I stood up and got out of bed, Ginko proudly perched on top of my head.

I took her off my head, then went into the bathroom to change. I came back out in my uniform, and sat on my bed.

Ginko flew over to my lap, nuzzling into my stomach.

"What's wrong? It's your birthday! Be happy." She commanded, I chuckled.

"I am- I am...." I chuckled, smiling. I'm not happy- it's not just my birthday. It's Yuichiro's too- and it's the first birthday we've been separated. Not counting the years before because I practically forgot he existed.

She nodded.

"Good, oh! Can we go for a walk! Please, I heard the clouds around the Masters mansion are really pretty right now!" She said, grabbing my hair in her beak and leading me out the door.

"Ok- just let go of my hair, ow!" I whispered, shooing her away. We walked in happy silence, she had nested on top of my head. Happily relaxed like a queen on her throne.

I sighed. Happy Birthday to me....


- - (No one's POV) -

"Is he here?" A soft, cute feminine voice could be heard. Mitsuri.

"No, and shush!" A louder flamboyant voice could be heard. Tengen.

"When will be get here?" A impatient little boy's voice could be heard. Kotestsu.

"We all need to be quiet!" A loud, fiery voice could be heard. He practically shouted. Rengoku.

"Shhhh!" Almost everyone shushed him.

"He's outside! Ginko will bring him here!" Naho, Sumi and Kiyo announced. Entering the room, they were sent out to spy and see when he arrived.

"Very good girls, now come over here and hide." A soft, gentle voice could be heard. Shinobu. The girls quickly went to her voice and hid in the darkness with her.

The room was practically dark, the only light visible was when someone opened the shoji.

"CAW! COME ON! I WANNA WALK THIS WAY!" A loud, bossy feminine voice could be heard. Ginko, obviously.

"You're a strange crow." A calm, bland voice could be heard. Muichiro. Muichiro the birthday boy.

Ginko gasped, and a quiet 'Ow!' could be heard. She must have smacked Muichiro with her wing.

"Take a shortcut through this room!" Ginko instructed. Muichiro huffed.

A second later the shoji opened, and they all saw Muichiro. Ginko perched on top of his head, her wings practically covering the sides of his head.

He sighed and took a step forward only to be met with a:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUICHIRO!" Everyone shouted, stepping out of the shadows.

Uzui threw confetti everywhere.

Muichiro was stunned, surprised by the sudden jump scare. People swarmed him and everyone began singing happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday dear Muichiro!

Happy birthday to you!" Everyone chanted.

Some sang in high voices, others simply just whispered it. The most noticeable voices were Kyojuro and Tengen. They all went silent, awaiting the boys reaction. They definitely were not expecting him to start crying.

Muichiro suddenly began to cry, hiding his face in his sleeve. Even Ginko looked alarmed

"You all did this...? For me- thank you!" He sobbed, hiding his face in his sleeves and hands.

Kotestsu was the first to rush over and hug him. Then the Hashira, then the Kamaboko Squad. Muichiro ended up hugging everyone, Hinatsuru offered him some tissues to wipe his tears.

They all feasted on the very large dinner they had all prepared. The appetizers were made by the Master's family, the main dishes by Tengen and his wives plus the Rengoku brothers. Dessert was made by the butterfly girls.

They all ate, laughing and talking. It was a happy moment for all of the people attending the surprise party.

Then came the gifts, everyone had a gift for Muichiro, even his crow.

It went something like this:

Mitsuri - A Cloud Hairclip

Obanai - Cloud Themed Socks

Kaburamaru - A Mouse he Regurgitated

Tengen - A Flamboyant Headband

Hinatsuru - Blue Flowers

Suma - Shiny Pebbles

Makio - Painted Pebbles

Sanemi - A Pat on the Back and a Free Meal on him

Giyu - Simmered Radish Dressed with Sweet Miso

Kyojuro - A Big Hug and a Fire Bracelet

Senjuro - New Paper for Origami in warm colors

Gyomei - A Cat Toy, so he could play with the stray cats around Gyomei's estate

Genya - A very Realistic Origami Gun, with Origami bullets

Shinobu - A New Tea Flavor

Kanao - A Coin and a Pebble

Aoi - Nicely folded Origami Planes

Kiyo - Pink flowers

Naho - Pebbles

Sumi - Pink flowers and Pebbles

Tanjiro - A Haori with a similar pattern to his old childhood outfit

Nezuko - A very big hug

Zenitsu - A yellow bracelet

Inosuke - Nothing. What did you expect?

Hagenezuka - A good luck charm

Kanamori - A good luck charm

Kotestsu - A drawing of him and Muichiro holding hands that was labeled, younger brother, older brother

Master - Two days off of slaying demons

Amane - a big hug and a simple: 'I'm proud of you'

Ginko - a bag of roasted sunflower seeds

"Thank you- you all didn't need to do this-" Muichiro stuttered, looking at all the gifts in front of him.


"Nono were happy too!"

"It's your birthday!"

"Happy birthday!"

"Thank you all...." He whispered.


Everyone cleared out eventually, some stayed behind to help clean the Master's estate.

Muichiro took Kotestu home, so the two could have a proper play date.

They played tag until they reached the Mist estate. They then relaxed in the engawa. Stomachs full and minds happy.

"Best party ever! Happy birthday!" Kotestsu giggled sitting up.

"Yeah.... Thank you." Muichiro sighed, sitting up too. Muichiro gazed up at the stars and clouds, the sun setting and the blue sky turning dark.

A minute later, light snoring could be heard. Kotestu had leaned on Muichiro's shoulder, his mask not covering his mouth as he drooled.

Muichiro took the boy inside, setting up an extra futon for him. It had been a long day, and Muichiro was tired. But there was something he needed to do.

He walked back out into the engawa. Gazing up at the stars.

"Happy birthday to you....

Happy birthday to you....

Happy birthday dear Yuichiro....

Happy birthday to you." Muichiro whispered, not trying to stop the tears from falling.

He went inside, then came back out with a piece of paper.

He wrote:

'Happy birthday Yuichiro. I remember you and Mama, dad too. I'm sorry your not here with my to celebrate, but I'm only thinking of you. - Mui'

He then flung the paper airplane with all his might, watching it disappear up and away into the night sky.

He sighed, the turned around and entered his estate, tucking himself into a futon next to the snoring Kotestsu.

He smiled softly, before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep....


"Happy birthday Muichiro...."

"I'm proud of you son."

"My baby's all grown up."



Words: 3167

Happy birthday twins!


It's also my birthday- :D uh yeah-
Thank you to those who have said happy birthday to me, it's really made my day, your all so wonderful and kind 😭🥰 - Nora

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