💔🖤- Haircut -🖤💔
I was waiting to write this one lol (Sorry if the fight looks a bit weird, working out how to incorporate the breathing style - Have no idea how to make them accurate)
Suggested by: NovieLuvsMui
Ok but fr Short Hair Mui is just so cuutee-
Warning: Emotional Moments ; RIP Muichiro's hair (NoT hIs HaIr WaHhHh)
Enjoy Darlings! 🤗
--(Muichiro POV)--
"COME BACK!" I yelled, this damn demon. Running away from me before I even drew my sword. I must admit it is quite quick, not as fast as I am though. I jumped through the trees catching up to the demon that was currently, quite literally, running for it's life.
It wasn't long before I caught up to the demon,
"Mist Breathing. . . . First form, Low Clouds, Distant Haze!" I whispered as I swung my sword, mist escaping my blade and very efficiently cutting the demon's neck. The demon's body fell to the ground with a sickening thud. It opened it's mouth to protest but disintegrated before it even had the chance to speak.
I sighed. Two more missions before I could head home and see Genya. I liked Genya. Genya was cute and actually treated me like a human- I continued walking through the dense forest. I think Ginko said it was this way?
"LORD TOKITO!!" Speak of the Crow, Ginko flew up and landed on my shoulder, panting a little bit. Could crows pant? Whatever she was just out of breath. She opened her wing and pointed north-east, I'm assuming it was my next mission.
I put my sword back in it's case and continued forward. It was a lengthy trip, considering I forgot where I was going. It was an old village, it looked more like a mine though. There seemed to be a tunnel that lead to what I assumed was a mine shaft.
I kept walking forward, following directions that Ginko spat at me. We got to the specific spot where we were supposed to be, but nothing was there. I heard a low swoosh. . . SLICE! I ducked, pulling Ginko off my shoulder and closer to my chest. I rolled, tumbling into a nearby tree.
"Brother, Brother! I missed, I missed." A dark slithery voice called. I looked up and in front of me to see a demon, no two demons? It was one body- but two heads. One head slouched and was complaining to the other head.
"Shut up and catch the brat! If we kill this kid than we will get blood! Blood brother! Blood from him. . . ." His voice trailed off as if imagining Muzan's blood already being his. Though, they left me just enough time,
"Mist Breathing. . . Second form, Eight Layered Mist!" I bolted forward, spinning behind them and slicing both of their heads off in an instant. Their body fell, disintegrating as their heads rolled away, crumbling in front of each other. I made sure to stay until it all fully disintegrated before heading to my next mission. For some reason I felt a little light headed. Whatever.
"Ginko?" I called out looking for the crow. I heard her call my name father away, she seemed to be scared though. I jumped up and glided through the trees before emerging into the clearing she was at. She didn't look at me and just looked forward. There were kids, two of them.
One was a little girl, she had copper hair and yellow eyes. A little boy, I'm assuming to be her brother, had brown-blonde hair and hazel eyes. The girl looked at me aggressively before throwing a rock at me. I caught it in my hand as if it was mere insect.
They looked scared but realized I had no intention to hurt them, they both sat down comforting each other. For some reason. . . I felt like I remembered this from somewhere I wondered where. . .
"LORD TOKITO!!" Ginko shrieked. I turned around and drew my sword looking at her. She looks at me and looks like she has seen the demon king.
"What." I asked a little pissed that their wasn't a demon or something and she just shrieked for no reason. She pointed at me with her wing, what did I cut my face when fighting? Wait. . . I reached my hand up and felt the top of my head, fine. I ran my fingers through my hair but was left with the nothingness texture of air. I gasped, that demon cut my hair! No! I felt it again, it was choppy- one side was right below my ears and the other side was shoulder blade length. The ends of it cut unevenly.
I could feel something slipping, something deep in my memory. Flashbacks happen just like that no warning- A women she was taller and had a side swept ponytail over her shoulder. There was another me. . . no wait that is me. She ran her finger through my long hair and and opened her mouth as if she complemented it, there was no sound though. Another boy came in and opened his mouth as if he was talking, if he was talking it was inaudible. The three of us sat there and laughed. . . But who were they? Wait-
The flashback ended and I was met with the cold reality of some Kakushi in my face.
"He's awake!" They called and one picked me up, I honestly didn't care where they were bringing me, I just wanted to see that again. It's one of my only memories that's so clear. . .
I just wanted to see it again. Who was the other boy? He looked identical to me. . . Did I have a twin? I hated how it only gave me image, their were no sounds. Was it my mother? I thought I just didn't have a family.
"Tokito?" A voice said, I was snapped back to reality to see Shinobu she was snapping her fingers in my face. She had a concerned aura but she kept her calm smile. I looked around and noticed that it was just her in this room. I blinked a couple of times, my brain just needed to process.
I couldn't focus on her, my eyes keep drifting around. I wanted to see it again. She grew a little irritated and left the room. Genya sneakily walked in and I didn't even notice, I was to lost in trying to process what had happened in the memory.
"Mui?" Genya said, and I snapped back to look at him. He smiled at me and offered his hand. I took it, he took me up and out of the Butterfly Mansion I still don't know if Shinobu told him to come get me, or if he was sneaking me out.
We had walked back to my Mansion, we didn't speak once on the trip and I couldn't feel as though he was mad at me. He sat me down on a chair in the kitchen. He stroked hat was left of my hair,
"What happened?" He asked, there was no hint of anger or violence in his voice. He continued to try and stoke my hair.
"Demon got it. . . I had to duck, if I didn't grab Ginko she may have gotten sliced instead." For some reason my voice came out colder and shakier. I didn't know how to feel, I couldn't remember how to feel. It's just all so confusing. I tuned around on the chair and hugged Genya. I could feel tears start to build up. It's been ages since Ive cried.
Surprisingly he hugged back and sat down with me on his lap. stroking my back,
"It's ok to cry. . . ." He said comforting me. I sobbed, I'll admit. He's one of the only people I would ever let myself even think of crying in front of. He offered to trim up my hair and make it look acceptable. I hesitated. . . I trusted him of course, I just didn't like the idea.
A week had passes since my hair was cut, luckily Genya trimmed it for me. It was even shorter than the tall blind stone man. Mitsuri kept on squealing saying I looked cute. Some made comments on it, I would have preferred them to say nothing but I stayed quite.
I snuggled into Genya we were in my living room on the couch, he was making origami. I'm glad to have someone who wouldn't judge me. Once all my hair grows back, I'll have him style it.
Yeah. . . I slowly drifted to sleep thinking of the possible future outcome.
This one is a bit more of a random story plot- sorry if it's confusing lol Thanks again to NovieLuvsMui for suggesting. Jeeezzz I have like four other one shots that I'm working on- hopefully I get them out soon.
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