🖤💔 - Dying Breath - 💔🖤

      Writing this in the car on the way to dinner rn, I hate being in public.

    Also this is the battle between Kokoshibo and Gyomei, Sanemi, Genya, and of course Muichiro
    !!SPOILERS FOR MANGA (slightly I changed it up a bit for gay purposes)!!

--(Muichiro POV)--

   Crap! I can’t breathe! I was darting through crescent moons, trying to avoid being taken down. I already lost so much blood when he stuck me to the wall with my sword- just don’t black out now! I have to help Sanemi and Gyomei! Even if I’m going to die afterwards. . . .
    Dodging and unleashing mist attacks, I kept getting closer and closer. I had to ignore the sharp pains in my shoulder and hand. Blood already poured from my mouth, there was no way out of this for me now. I had to put everything I have into this fight!
    My vision blurred, I could barely make out the attacks. The uppermoon unleashed another attack, I dodged it, so did Sanemi and Gyomei. We all went around the demon surrounding him. I have to get in somewhere! Just try and get underneath an attack!
   Finally my chance! An attack came in my direction and I jumped past it. The uppermoon was too busy dealing with Gyomei to see me sneak up to it. It turned to face me but it was too late, my sword pierced through its lower abdomen. Yes!
   “SHOOT!” I yelled, turning to face one of the weird pillars behind me. 

-_-_- Flashback -_-_-

   “Whenever you get the chance, shoot. Don’t worry about me.” I said, Genya was wrapping my hand in bandages so I could grip my sword properly.
   “But- With that plan you’ll get shot too!” He complained, we were losing time, there was no time to bicker with him.
   “Shht. I won’t make it anyway, I've lost too much blood, if I can help kill him I would have done atleast something before I died.” I said, covering his mouth with my other hand. He had already regenerated some of his wounds with the hair he had consumed.
   “Fine. . . . but promise, after the fight is done, you won’t die immediately.” He said, he was hopeful I wouldn't die at all, but I knew it was coming. I looked at him for a minute,
   “I promise.” I said, and with that I rushed past him into the battlefield.

-_-_- End of Flashback -_-_-

   A gunshot echoed through the weird demon dojo. Genya emerged from behind it, looking demonic. He rushed into battle as well, shooting and dodging an attack that the upper moon sent out.
   I felt some of his bullets pierce my own body, it stung. Genya said something but I was too focused on the demon to even process what he was speaking. Wood emerged from where the bullets were, trapping the upper moon in place! We could behead him! I tried to help keep him from attacking, I was now stuck here. The wood wrapped around me as well, some of it even sprouted from my gunshot wounds.
   When we all got close enough, the demon let out a horrific screech. Then I felt a sharp pain blast through my whole lower abdomen. Moons emerged from him, cutting everything around the demon. I saw my own lower body go flying away with the wood chunks, crap!
   I could feel the blood draining from me, but I kept a strong grip on my sword, the bandages helping me. The demon swung its arm at me, instantly chopping my lower arms off. I would scream if I wasn’t already blacking out, the pain was unbearable. I felt my body be pushed back and I landed on the floor with a sickening thud. It was so hard to breathe.
    My lungs were failing, I could barely breathe in, I couldn't focus on my breathing techniques. I coughed up blood, at this point it was freely spilling from my mouth. It also gushed out of my chopped up body. I was surprised I was even still conscious. I thought I would be dead by now. . . .
    I felt something touch the top of my head, it lifted me up onto a higher area. It was Genya, from what I could see he had been cut in half completely, I’m surprised he could prop himself up, and hold me in his lap.
   “Gen-” I coughed a little bit, my whole body went into intense pain.
    “Shht. Sto-p Don’t ta-lk any. . . more. . . .” He held a hand over my face, it was warm. . . and comforting. . . . He kept his hand there.
    “You- Kept your prom-ise. . . .” He said, I couldn't even nod or respond.
   “I wanted to- tell- you some-thing but I ne-ver got the cha-nce. . . .” He said, slid his hand off of my face and stroked some of my hair.
   “Mui-chiro. . . .” He whispered, I could tell he was now on the brink of losing consciousness. I needed to know what he wanted to tell me- I myself couldn't even feel my wounds anymore they just didn’t exist anymore. A part of me screamed out, to close my eyes and just fall asleep already, but I wanted- no I needed to know what he wanted to say. I couldn't do anything but lay dormant, it was hard enough to keep my eyes open. I opened my mouth to try and talk but nothing came out, only blood flowed out.
   “Don’t try to ta-lk. . . It’s o-k.” He put his hand back on my face, and he shut my eyes.
   “Promi-se me. . . . Tha-t in our ne-xt li-fe. We mee-t again?” He asked, his voice growing quieter. I wanted to respond, I wanted to be with him, I want to be with him in our next life! I want to be there and support him. . . love him. . . . I managed to open my mouth, bringing together all the strength I had,
   “I pro-mise. . . . Gen-ya- I love. . . yo-u. . . .” I said, I couldn't breathe anymore, I didn’t have the strength to.
   “I lov-e you too. . . .” He said, his hand went limp.

With that we both let death come over us, it wasn’t scary. In fact, it was peaceful. . . .

   I have two other stories I will try and publish today, so bare with me lol

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