muis hair ( school?)

I might make two of these since I have two ideas for this, so sorry abt that.

Btw this is an AU, where kokishiibo looks after the tokito Brothers, and him and the uppermoons are there. And Michael Jackson.


Genya pov

Im at school, We're about to do sports. When I met up with mui, he also had PE.

We went into the changing rooms, mui really doesn't like changing infront of others, no matter what gender so he went into the toilet to change.

(QUICK A/N!! mui isn't Trans, I'm not transphobic, my besties Trans. I just thought I'd say because he didn't wanna get dressed in front of guys.)

He came back in his uniform, his socks were knee height on one side and ankle length on the other. We have the same uniform, sport material. Non sleeved sports shirts with shorts.
(Like the image below but imagine it as whatever you want the school colors to be.)

Once we were ready we went out. Sprints were first and mui was up, he ran SO fast, for how short he is. This boy could run fast, Noone could catch up to him during practice. He ran his 2 laps and came back.

"Woah!" I say with my face lit up. "That was amazing mui!!" He looks up at me with a smile, wiping the hair that was sticking to his wet face off. "Thanks gen," he started to drink his water. His face was bright red, I assume from running because he probably wouldn't blush that hard from me saying something I say everytime we run. " Genya. Get over here!" Mr tomioka yelled at me, I ran towards the starting line, I was racing up against tanjiro. He was in the lead but I caught up, "go gengen!" I hear muichiro in the distance. I waved at him, still trying to keep my eyes on tanjiro and where I'm going. Tanjiro and I only did one lap, mui did two since he's so fast and fit. "Muichiro and genya sitting in a tree! K I S S I-"

nezuko was cut off by muichiro slapping her in the back of the head.

I finniahed, tanjiro won, but I still got a congratulations from mui. We hugged, he gave me a little kiss on my cheek. Making me redder than I already was. " muichiro!" Mr tomioka shouted. "What?!" He replied "wanna do more laps, I'll race you?" Tomioka shouted, "bet!" Mui said in a playfull tone while standing up and walking down "how many laps?" "Five."

I was in shock, how the actual fuck could anyone run five laps?! Mui came back and grabbed a hairtie. He tied his hair up viciously while walking down the many steps to our teacher. " I thought you didn't like your hair up" "yeah well, five laps plus my length hair, ain't gonna end well." Tanjiro got the whistle. "3, 2, 1 " *whistle blow*

mui shot Forward, tomioka San following behind. " jeez mui, you got good." He said. "Certainly did." He replied in a playfull tone. Everyone In the class watched, due to it being lunchtime when they started the race. The school started coming in all you could hear was "GO TOMIOKA SENSEI!" and "GO MUIII". Everyone was clapping and yelling, eventually muichiro won, and ran upto the stairs, Huffing and puffing.

everyone congratulated him, mui and tomioka said good game and then shinobu came to bully him about losing to a student.

Everyone left except for mui and I. He took his hair out. "Jeez mui, your fast! How the hell did you keep going that fast for that long?!" He looked at me. "Practice?" I stared him right into his eyes with that face that tanjiro can do. I was gonna pull a zenitsu and start screaming, but decided not to.

He grabbed his hairbrush and started brushing his hair. It seemed quite tangled, he passed me the brush and turned away from me, I started brushing it. "Mui, I know you love your hair. And I do too, but you should probably cut it. Just a bit shorter bc of the ends but you seem to be burning after PE or going outside in summer and spring."  "I can't." He replied shortly after,

"apparently mother loved playing with it before we got put into kokishiibos hands."

I felt bad for asking, I put his brush down and hugged him from the behind. I knew he was gonna cry, he hates the topic of his home and what happened.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up mui," I say as I rest my head in the crook of his neck. "Its okay.." He says wiping a small tear off his face. I kiss his cheek, I packed a rabbit themed bento with me to school, so I let him have some.

I like bringing childish bentos to school. They taste better and Mui always finds it so funny, and he did.

He let out a small laugh along with a smile and stole a dumpling in the shape of a rabbit, "Hey! Give it back!" I say in a childish and playfull tone. He starts giggling, he looks like a child and it's so adorable. "Nyom" he says as he sticks the dumpling I his mouth and starts eating it with a smile.

Time skip bc I'm lazy and otherwise it's not gonna get to the main point of the story.

It was night, mui texted me to look outside my window, he was in the tree that we put all our stuff in that lead to my window. I opened it, "mui?!" "Wtf are you doing?!" " I wanna take you somewhere." I climbed out the window and down the tree,

We walk for a solid, mmm maybe 10 minutes until mui had stopped. "Mui..?" He rushed up the hill with his hand behind his back, symboling for me to come. I walked up. We sat laying against a tree, I was having my back to the tree while mui had his head on my lap.

Here's a shitty drawing to explain, genyas other hand is by muis hair btw.

I looked down at him, so peaceful. We made eye contact and he pulled a sudden smile. I looked away, flustered. Then I realized..

"Is your uncle gonna be fine with you out?!" Mui paused. I could tell he was worried, he quickly sat up and went on his phone.

Mui pov

I started texting yui.

                    Hey, is everything okay at home?

Big Brother yui 😀
Yeah, where tf are you?!
                                            I'm at the hill I go to.
Big Brother yui 😀
Be back soon,
If koku notices ur gone you'll be punnished real bad.

"He doesn't know I'm not at home, and yuis safe." I say in a relieved tone. "We should get you home soon, just incase" Gen said. "OH, QUICK" I shout.

I start rolling down the hill, gen follows me down, we crash into eachother and I kiss him.

"Okay, I'll head off now" I say. Genya stops me, and starts playing with my hair.

"There's grass in your hair." He gets it out and grabs my waist, pulling me into a hug. He kisses my head. "Alright, let's go"

We walk to my house. He let's go of my hand. "Love you!"

I walk into the house and close the door. Kokushibou and gyokko are right there, they knew I was out.

"How's genya?" Kokushibou asked. I stood in shock, shitshitshitshitSHIT. what's going to happen?! Oh shit. Oh fuck- they left. I saw yuichiro near the staircase to our room, signaling to come over. I ran, he hugged me tight.

"You fucking dumbass!" He slapped my wrist.

I gave him a crazy look. "He's gonna hurt you so bad.." He hugged me even tighter. I was about to text genya to see if I could come over. But gyokko stole my phone,

"Let's read out these messages shall we?~" He said in an unstable voice.

Yuichiro and I looked at eachother. Both showing an expression of horror and worry.

"Ahww what a cute nickname..~"
"Gen-gen with hearts next to it~"

Kokishiibo heard the discussion and walked over.

"Night my love, love you mui.~"
Kokishiibo eyes turned straight at me, as gyokko continued, "oh, and what were you about to send him-"

I couldn't move, I full-on blacked out. I could barely hear it other than yui screaming "MUI, MUI LOOK AT ME, MUI!" but he read out really loud..

"Can I stay over at yours? Koku knows I snuck out.~"

I woke up sitting in a chair, my head felt weird, and not because I blacked out. I felt the back of my head. My face turned cold, I looked on the ground to see my hair, skattered.

Kokushibou had cut it-

1514 words!
New record!!

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