meeting the tokitos
Quick A/N: it's the tokitos, not kokishiibo. I'll be using the names Mrs tokito and Mr tokito because I'm not sure if they actually have names, if so. I pulled a mui and totally forgot.
Also it's a modern au
Mui pov
I was getting ready with genya for him to meet my family.
"Mui, uhhh.." "can I wear this..?" He was wearing a hoodie with our favourite band 'Mother Mother' on it. and some regular pants. "Yes gen" I kissed him on the cheek. "Stop worrying, you'll be fine!" I say tilting my head ever-so slightly. "I just don't want your parents to think I'm weird.." I stare at him in the eyes, he went a little red. "Genya, I love you.." He goes even more red. "And my parents know that. They won't judge you from looks, they'll judge from personality." I say, hugging him. He looks at me and smiles.
He picks me up to kiss me. He just holds me in his arms and then put me over his shoulder. "Hey!" I yell in a playful tone. "Put me down!" I say giggling. He starts joining in laughing and them puts me down on the floor and starts tickling me.
He's the only person who knows I'm ticklish, and he uses it as an advantage.
"GENYA STOP!!" I yell, laughing and giggling. "Alright.." He says in a childish tone. "We need to head off soon" I say, still trynna catch my breath.
Gengen was brushing his teeth and I was waiting outside the bathroom door sitting on the floor infront of the couch with my hairbrush. Gen brushes it for me everyday, I can brush my hair, but gen really likes to. And offers to.
And to be honest.. how could I turn down help brushing butt length hair?
I look at him, he smiles at me. He sits on the couch, I give him the brush and he starts brushing my hair.
Genya pov
I'm brushing muis hair, it's not too tangled but it probably would hurt. I held the top so it wouldn't hurt as much, but I could see him flinching slightly with every stroke.
I finnished brushing. "Hey mui?" I asked. "Yes gen?" "Can I play with your hair for a bit?" He nodded. 'Yes!' I whispered, I heard him giggle. This is one of the best things about having a boyfriend with long hair.
I played with his hair for a while. When I stopped. I noticed he had fallen asleep. I gently moved away so I wouldn't wake him and went to my room to grab my phone. When I came back, I saw mui looking at the braid. "Like it?" I say, smirking. "It looks really pretty, I'm keeping it in." He replies, still admiring it.
( QUICK A/N: the braids hard to describe, but it's like the rapunzel one, minus the flowers.)
Noone pov
Genya and mui were on their phones for a while and then they head off.
Muichiros parents house was a long way away, about an hour and a half bike ride, so by the time they got there it was quite late.
Muichiro knocked on the door, he heard his mum walk up to the door. "HELLO GENYA!" she screeched.
Mui pov
Mum opened the door, she hugged genya. Then me, she held the hug with me for about 5 seconds, it was very tight and she was rubbing my back. "I missed youuuu" she said in a muffled tone while rubbing her head shoulder and grabbing onto me. "I missed you too, mum". Dad and yui came down too. Dad hugged me and yui joined in. They all stopped and looked at genya, "Hello there, your genya.. right?" Dad looked at genya with a soft smile. "Yes." He slightly bowed down to dad. "There's no need to bow." Dad said. Genya got back up,
"So, your the one dating my brother, eh?"
Genya and I turned to yuichiro who was showing a mean stare towards genya. "Yes he is" I say, patting yuis shoulder.
We get inside. Genya and I were staying the night, so we popped our bags in my room and stayed in there for a while. Genya looked at me smiling, "no, no tickle fights" he immediately pouted after I said that. He started tickling my neck, "genya!" I said giggling trynna get his hand off me.
My brother, being the dirty minded person he is shouted "mum~dad~!" "Muichiro and genya are doing something in the bedroom.~!" Mum and dad rushed in there immediately. Genya was still tickling me. We were sitting next to eachother with one of his hands tickling my neck. "No they're not" dad replied. "What are you guys doing tho..?" Dad said quickly after. "Genyas trynna start a tickle fight." I say in a grumpy-playful tone. Mums face lit up. "AHWWWW" she screeched. Kinda like that 'kyahh' thing kanroji does.
They left us to be until dinner. They referring to my parents, not my brother.
He kept coming in every so often and smirking at us, at one point he walked in on us kissing..
"Boys, dinners ready!". We came out of our rooms, yuichiro was already there, he was playing on his phone at the table. Mum brought us our food, it looked delicious "thanks mum" yuichiro and I said. "Thank you Mrs Tokito" genya replied. "No problem"
We ate, mum asked genya about regular stuff. Family, nationality, that sorta stuff.
After dinner genya and I got into our pajamas. Genya asked if he could do my hair, he does it every night. So I said yes.
Mum walked in, "Hey boys we're just-" she looked at genya doing my hair. Her face lit up "mui can I please do you hair?! I haven't done it since you were young-" I looked at her, genya let go of my hair. "Go do yuichiros hair." I reply coldly.
I could see her face, she was annoyed, "but yui hates people doing his hair." She replied. I look at yui who heard his name and walked over to the room. "Huh..?" He said. "Can mum do your hair" he looks at me like I'm crazy. He slowly shakes his head. Genya whispers to me "I honestly don't mind if you want your mum to do your hair." "Fine.." I say, her face lit up again. Genya moved out of his place and let mum sit there. Genya sat infront of me,
She grabbed my hair and started playing with it. I could tell she was happy, I haven't seen her in AGES, and neither yuichiro or I let her play with our hair after we got older. "Woah mui, your hairs way longer than I remember-" "how do you maintaine it..?" I point at genya and she laughs. "Wow-"
Timeskip: Later on at night (sleeping time)
Genya and I put pillows on the floor as a mattress, we slept on that, he pulled me into him and we cuddled until we fell asleep.
genya pov
Mui and I woke up, his hair was in a braid from his mum, so I don't need to brush it. But I still played with it.
We walked to the kitchen to get breakfast. Mui went into the fridge to grab milk, yuichiro went behind mui and whispered something into his ear. Mui immediately went red. "You saw that?!" He replied. Yuichiro nodded while smirking and ran into their parents room. "I'm telling mum and dad~" yuichiro said. Muichiro looked really angry and shook his head, yuichiro sprinted to their parents room,
Muichiro tackled yuichiro onto the ground and covered his mouth. "YOU FUCKING BITCH"
Mr and Mrs tokito ran out. "Boys what are you doing?! Is everything okay?!" Yuichiro grabbed muis hands off his mouth. "MUI AND GENYA WERE CUDDLING!!" muichiro stopped and just layed there,
I however, was blushing and completely red. "Pardon?!" Mrs tokito said. Muichiro grabbed yuichiros hair and used it to pull yuichiro off him. Muichiro then ran into his room.
I sat there stunned. Mrs tokito went up to me. "I'm not upset, infact I'm actually quite impressed that my son will cuddle with you, he's not into physical touch." I went completely red. And hid my face.
Timeskip again
"Bye Mr and Mrs tokito!" I say. "Bye mum, bye dad." " Bye yui-" he hugged yui, trying to annoy him due to the fact he HATES hugs. We left, but I was so embarrassed.
1434 words!!
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