genyas yellow hair 💛✨
So uhh basicly idek what happened and why his hair is yellow, so I'm gonna say I dyed and here's mui dying genyas hair :)
Here's me typing a sentence demo so you can tell who's thoughts they are
muis thoughts: < the writer loves mui >
Genyas thoughts: |the writer loves mui |
Cool let's go
" genya, your hair dye faded-", genya turned his attention the the black and teal haired boy, playing with his hair. " yeah, I have to go get dye but I haven't had the time, I also probably need to bleach more of it since the ends are quite small now my hairs longer".
Muichiro was going to the shops with mitsuri and obanai later on today so he offered to get the dye, and since he's with the hair-expert mitsuri of course.
////Time skip////
< is genya home, I think he was gonna see tanjiro?, eh- it's fine I'll just head in >
" gen-gen I'm homee~"
"Hello mui, how was the shops", genya said hugging the smaller boy tightly. " good, and I got the dye-
the boy paused while searching through his bag
" oh, and the bleach, I thought I forgot it for a second..". They sat down and rested before getting the dye ready.
Btw muis doing the dying and bleaching
Later on genya started instructing muichiro on how to prepare the dye. " yup, and then.. hold on, grab this and pour it in" genya stated. " shit, I think I grabbed the wrong color, sorry gen" the small boy said in a monotone voice, " nope, yellow dye goes red. So your fine!".
Muichiro looked confused, for two reasons. One: red colored dye, and two: doesn't genya need something so he doesn't get his shirt colored? Muichiro sprinted to the bathroom to find something. " mui?! Did you get it in you eye or something? Come're-" muichiro came back in the room with a towel and one of his old shirts " put this around your neck so nothing gets on your shirt." The boy said sternly.
| nyhaww, mui is honestly the cutest thing!|
" no need, I'm already wearing an old, black shirt, so you don't need to worry."
" okay.-"mui said, genya quickly got up. " oh mui, I gotta get some stuff for you real quick!" Muichiro stood there as genya got something.
Muichiro felt his hair being grabbed as he looked behind him to see genya " genya what the fuck are you doing!?" " I'm tying your hair so you don't get bleach or dye in it." He replied.
Muichiro settled down quite quickly, but boy did he get a fright from that.
Then genya sat down and mui started doing his hair. Muichiro had never bleached, nor dyed hair and didn't really know how to do it, so he separated the hair and got genya to mark where he wants the bleach to fade. Once he'd done that he started. He gently separated parts of genyas hair to bleach. Genya knows mui had never done hair before, but yet, he trusted him and still let him do it.
After 7 minutes, mui had finnished " genya, I'm done, how long do we wait?" Genya looked at the box, " half an hour."
They decided to do some little drawings while they waited, then after 30 minutes genya went to the bathroom to wash the bleach out. Muichiro sat on the bathroom counter waiting for genya " you did a giid job!" Genya enthusiasticly said, looking in the mirror. "Do we dry it first?" The smaller boy said while tilting his head to the right.
"Ahh, just until it's a bit dryer, then yes" " oki" the smaller boy said while taking the ribbon out of his long hair.
//// Time skip ////
Genya sat down on the chair again, muichiro got the red-coloured substance and put it on the tips, muichiro was a little bit worried, that it was, infact not yellow. But genya who'd dyed it before was definitely yellow.
After a while mui had finnished, he was just about to tell genya when he realized genya, had fallen asleep. < how tf- did genya just- sleep?>
He tapped on his shoulder " gengen?" " huh?" The older boy said sleepily." You fell asleep." " OH, IM SORRY!" Mui chuckled. " it's fine, let's go wash it off" " but we didn't let it set-?" " you slept for like.. maybe 20 minutes." The small boy said slightly smiling. He dragged genya to the bathroom and sat in the sink again.
" what?! Are you okay mui?!" " I took my hair ribbon out and it's in my hair.." He replied sluggishly.
Mui immediately jumped off the counter and started running the tap water over his hair. Genya had finnished and went up to mui to try wash the dye off. It worked, eventually. But genya got super worried for a second.
Later on that night they were cuddling on the couch. " I didn't do too bad on your hair" the younger boy said while messing up the older boys hair. " you did very good, thank you mui :)" He replied, making the younger boys face light up slightly with red.
" you gave me a massive fright when you grabbed my hair earlier" muichiro said in an informative tone. " I'm sorry, I just really didn't want bleach in it, and then to cut it or whatever" " its fine, don't worry, night gen" the smaller boy warmly said. Genya then got up and carried his partner to their bedroom and cuddled him until he too fell asleep.
Words 957
Hope you enjoyed!
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