chapter 78

Yui pov

I dropped my bag down onto the bed, and came in,

“How was school…?” “Genya had a go at me again”

He paused and looked at me, “Oh.. What happened..?” “Not much, yanked my ponytail and made jokes about my braces and hair, not much, don't worry”

Mui pov (I accidentally wrote the test of the chap in muid pov like a dumbass)

Why is he behaving like this to Yui?

“Ah.. Are you sure you're okay with it?” I asked.. “Mhm, he's so annoying though, my god”

He rolled kid eyes and say on his bed, taking out his phone and checking through notifications..

“Ah.. You want a cookie..?” I asked, he looked at me, “sure, if that's okay?”

I nodded, and got out a cookie, giving it to him

He quickly took a bite.. “Goddamn these are good..” He said, I nodded, “akaza bought them to make me feel better..” I told him, he nodded, “Akazas nice, really nice” I told him, “He is.. I hope he doesn't leave.. Even if the upper moons are shitty, I hope he doesn't leave use behind if he ever takes off” he told me

I never thought about that.. I never thought that maybe he'd leave.. He's right.. I hope he doesn't… that's be horrible for both me and Yui… very horrible..

“Have you ever met kokus brother?” He asked me, I shook my head, “neither, he seems nice, I overheard gyokko and gyuutaro talking about him.. Apparently he's like koku, but longer hair, less intimidating, and super kind”

I looked st him, “really? He seems cool.. Would we ever be able to meet him do you think?” I ask, he shrugs, “I mean, maybe.. I can ask akaza if he's met him, if not, probably no”

“And I'm not asking koku, he's got s problem with the both of us st the moment, yours with.. Genya.. And mine with- me arguing and being rude, and senjiro”

He knows about senjiro-?

“Why doesn't he like senjiro?” I asked.. Confused..

“He thinks I'm gay, and dating senjiro”

I paused completely..

“Are you..?” “What-?! No, I'm not gay mui, Jesus..”

He seems to always get weirded out my being asked if he's gay, I tell him it's not bad, but he acts like it's s curse or something-

He's not homophobic.. I know that for sure

“why do you act so defensive about it..?” I asked him, furrowing my brows, “just.. I'm not” “are you in denial?” I asked he shook his head, “just quit it, okay?” “I'm not gay” he added

I shrugged, “Youre very fruity around senjiro” “HUH”

He looked st me, shocked, “I am not fruity..” “You are, you really are”

He did not take the word fruity, or gay very well..

“I am not, tell me one time I was fruit-” “drawing senjiro in your sketchbook while zoned out”

“-I.. How did you know that?” “tanjiro told me he thinks you're gay too” “WHAT- How many people are in on that goddamn theory?!” “It's not s theory, it's the truth”

“I'm not fruity!” “You're fruitier than the popular kids lungs after vaping”

He paused, “I-” he said, before sitting there, “.. That was a good one..”

“So you admit it?!” “No, I'm not gay, or fruity, but it was a good joke” “it's not a joke”

I kept giggling, it was funny to me..

“Keep going, it's making you happy for once in the past few days, these all I care about”

It was-

I didn't even notice but it did make me happy, just by- being playful and joking around with Yui..

“Oh- I- ah” I said, kinds off taken..

It felt weird once he told me to do it.. It was funnier when he'd fight back about it..

“Your so fruity even the 99% pure fruit juice juices are jealous of you” I said with s giggle

“Ouch” he said, chuckling, “you're so gay your the reason it changed meanings”

It went on for a while, of giggling, teasing… calling Yui gay-

It was actually fun..

. . . . … . . . . . . … . . . . . … . … . … . . . …

“We need to make dinner” Yui told me, I looked st him, “Hmm.. I don't want tooo” I groaned, “Dont really have s choice, come on” he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me around

We went down stairs, and Yui decided to just make mashed potatoes and some other vegetables.. With the quote “Koku needs vegetables”

We started making them.. I washed and peeled the potatoes and other vegetables, and Yui cooked and cut them, that's how we always did it, it was easier to have an order that we do it in. Plus, I'm scared of hot oil splashing me, so it's best he does it so I don't look like a mental hospital patient whenever I get oil on me

We went through all the cooking.. I ate a few carrot slices while Yui wasn't watching, I hope he didn't notice..

“Hey, hurry it up!” We heard koku say, “Wait!” Yui replied, rolling his eyes.. He hates koku, always has

“Annoying ass bitch’

I was suprised he just said that out loud with upper moons near us.. He's on the edge of living at that point.. Asking for a death wish

He went and gave the upper moons dinner, before we did the dishes, cleaned up, and went back upstairs.. I went for s nap, while he listened to music and did an art assignment

Yui pov

“I hate genya, fucking hell, asshole” I told mui, he nodded, “he thinks the same about you I think” “Oh I know he does, it's good, I'm happy. It's better than him liking me, that would be..” I said, and fake gagged

Mui smiled, and looked down, “what's wrong?”

“I still miss him.. I do.. But I'm mad he broke up with me.. Over a misunderstanding that he wouldn't even listen to me about.. I just.. Ah”

I sighed, “Yeah, mixed feelings must be hard.. I feel like both you and genya are struggling, in fact, you both are, I can tell”

He tilted his head, “huh?”

“Genyas obviously angry because of what happened, hes angry and upset like you are, that's why he keeps behaving like this and having goes st me, he's trying to either feel more powerful or get his anger that he's feeling out”

“In your case, you're grieving through sadness, you miss him, you want him back, you're upset, you try cuddle his jerseys because they remind you of him”

He sat there, looking away, he seemed slightly embarrassed by me mentioning the hoodies

“It's fine, it's normal, don't worry- you'll feel better, it'll get better” I told him. He nodded, “I feel.. Sick..” He told me, “Hm? What kind of sickness?” “vomity.. I think. It's the cookies and chips..” He told me, I nodded, “let's go to the bathroom then, incase you do” I told him and helped him to the bathroom.. He was very shaky.. Worryingly shaky actually..

“Okay wow you're shaky, yeah come on, sit down.. Uh.. Vomit into the toilet? Is that okay?”

He shrugged, “I don't know if I will.. I'll just.. Sit here.. For now.. Until I stop, you can go if you'd like..” “No, unless you want me to leave, I'm staying, I'm worried about you, okay?”

I went and sat down next to him, patting his back

… . . . . . … . . … .. … .. . … . … . … . …

It took a while but he ended up vomiting, not much, he closely barely ate due to how tittle of an amount of vomit there was…

I have no clue why he suddenly felt like vomiting..


“Mui?” “Huh..” “You know those pills gyokko gave you that one time…?” “I didn't have any, no, I thought it was that but I didn't have any..” he told me..

“Did any upper moons make you any food? Drink?” “No.. I haven't eaten.. Other than some chips.. So I don't know why I feel like this..” He said

I furrowed my brows.. Weird..

“So only chips? You aren't hiding anything? You didn't have anything else? Have you been on your phone a lot?” “No? Just felt really sick.. I don't know why" "weird.. Really weird..”

He shrugged, “I'll be fine.. Don't worry.. Okay?” He said, I nodded “I do get worried about you though, so don't get mad at me for being worried, it's not my fault” “I know, I know”

“Just.. I'm fine, okay? Don't stress yourself over it, I'll be okay”

I nodded

I always worry about mui. Even as a kid I got stressed when he was sick, or hurt, I guess it just passed on even now, I think I've been a lot more worried recently since he's so fragile.. He's been through some shit, he's grown up.. A lot, he's not the tiny silly mui I grew up with, he's older, I don't have to baby him, yet I still do, by accident.

When he's upset it stresses me out, I feel like a bad brother for making him, or letting him be upset, it's just.. Gets slot for me sometimes..

And I'm prepared to beat genyas ass.. He broke mui down, so badly, made his heart shatter to pieces, all because he chose simply to just..

Not believe him

And I hate it, I can't believe they stayed together for that long and just.. Failed, and it's genyas fault.

I never liked him, never trusted him, I knew he was going to do it one day, I knew he'd snap

And he did, very badly. And it outcame horribly for mui. I don't give a shit about genya, or what's going on for him, but the fact he did that to mui is horrible to me.

I won't forgive him, even if he makes it right, the mindset he put mui in for s while, and probably even longer is horrible, and I never want to see him like this again, it hurts me as a brother, as muis brother.

I'm sure sanemi feels the same way with what genyas told him about mui, so maybe I should give him a chance, but no, I won't, I don't feel like it, not at all

After a while I found mui fast asleep again.. He must be exhausted.. Poor mui

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