Explosive Battle



One moment, Rex was in the secret laboratory; the next, a large explosion sent him flying out of the lab and into the open world again; more specifically, he landed on a private island where the lab was located.

"U-Ugh, d-did that girl just explode?"

Though as Rex was trying to recover from being in the explosion, while also trying to sit back after landing hard on the ground, he noticed a certain someone walking out of the fire, a certain someone that looked like some kind of Bomb Hybrid, a transformation of an atomic bomb, mostly reminiscent of The Fat Man atomic bomb which exploded over Nagasaki in the last moments of the Second World War. Consistent with other hybrid transformations, her teeth are always visible and are notably sharp and angular. Bomb fuses cover her arms like sleeves while also making up a portion of her apron along with sticks of dynamite. It was very obvious in what she likes to do.

"Huh... I can't tell if that's cool or just plain scary?..."

Although Rex was trying to comprehend what he was seeing, the Bomb Devil Hybrid lifted up her hand and flicked a spark out of her finger, sending it flying and landing in front of him, which he looked at it with confusion


But a moment later, the Bomb Devil made the spark suddenly turn into a big explosion that sent the young teen flying into the air again, which made him scream in shock and fear.


Again, as Rex was trying to regain his focus after being exploded again, he heard another loud boom sound, which made him look down and see Boom Girl using her explosives to send herself flying towards him. The young teen, deciding that he'd had enough with her, used a certain something to get some payback.


Rex lifted up his arm and suddenly changed it into a pair of gigantic robotic fists, known as "Smack Hands", which he used that chance to deliver a mean hard punch, with enough force to send her crashing down to the ground like a meteorite, even making a crater in the process. The impact definitely broke some bones and even made her cough up some blood. However, she was still alive and was able to use her explosions to move herself away before she could be crushed by some huge machines called "Punk Busters".

"Come on you living Explosion, I can handle you!~"

Rex wore an arrogant smirk, as he held up both of his Smack Hands and was ready to throw down with the Nuke Woman, who had just eaten a random rat that ran past her; this disgusted the Robo Boy, she then snapped her spines into place and raised a fist in defiance, which made Rex laugh in response

"Mine is bigger~"

Rex then runs up to the Boom Girl, raising up and bringing down his large robotic fist onto her, but instead of letting herself be crushed, she swings her own fist at mechanical one, but said fist she launch had suddenly turned into a mini missile and exploded one of the EVO Human Smack Hands, which surprised him, and resulted in him clumsily swinging his other giant metal fist, making her do the same thing again, turning one of her limbs into a missle and then using it to both block and destroy the other Smack Hand, once he was no longer, "Armed", she took the chance to perform a roundhouse kick to his chest, luckily not turning her feet into a missle, but still let out a explosion that sent him flying into small forest that was on the island


The Bomb Devil, while walking towards where the Nanite Hybrid landed at, pulled out a handful of dynamite from her apron, all now lit up, and were about to be used them all on the person she was fighting, but before she could, she was suddenly hit by a speeding orange floating motorcycle, known as a "Rex Ride", making her drop her dynamite and explode prematurely

"Hah! Speed Bump!~"

Rex mocks his enemy, before making a quick U-turn, as he then starts to drive towards the forest, hitting and knocking down every tree that was in front of him. Using the Explosive Lady, who was still hanging onto the front of his motorcycle, as a ram.

"Don't you love the feel of nature?~"

As Rex continues to drive into every tree he sees, the Nuke Woman decides that she has had enough, slamming her fist into his ride and then attaching a C-4 to it, with a 5-second countdown

"Uh oh."

When the C-4 hit zero, the floating motorcycle exploded, sending both Rex and the Boom Girl flying and crashing into a nearby tree.

"O-Ow, definitely gonna feel that in the morning..."

Rex groans in pain from landing on his back, though as he tries to stand back up and pop his back into place, he sees that the Explosive Lady has already recovered and is flying towards him with a missle fist ready to hit him. Before it can, he has already turned his hand into a large orange blade, known as a "BFS", and swings at her, cutting off the missle arm before it can hit.

"Hah! Never Bring Bombs To A Sword Fight!... Was that how the saying goes?"

As Rex was up and ready with his new weapon to use, the Nuke Woman looked at her missing arm, which was slowly growing back, and let's out a small thoughtful hum, before trying deliver another roundhouse kick, though her leg was cut off in response, but that didn't stop her from spinning and throw another punch, which was sliced off before it could hit, which then made her use her other fist, again, cut off, and she then finally tried to do a jump kick with her last remaining leg, it was also cut off, once she was both armless and legless, the Robo Boy decided to finish his many slices by ending it with a hard kick with his Punk Busters, sending flying and crashing into a nearby tree, which broke upon impact

"Really? Can't you do anything else except using your fists or kicks?"

Rex mocked as he aimed his BFS blade at the now limbless Boom Girl, who simply looked back at him with her own smirk


Once those simple words left the Bomb Devil's lips, the sound of a bunch of lit fuses could be heard by the EVO Human, who looked around himself and noticed that all the limbs he had cut started to light up like a bunch of fireworks

"Oh come on-"

Rex was then caught in another explosion, which was big enough to destroy a large portion of the forest, leaving nothing but a fiery mess

"T-To be honest, I'm surprised my clothes didn't burn off after the first explosion..."

Rex, who was now completely naked after such a big boom, slowly got back up to his hands and knees, groaning in pain as his body was covered in burn marks and blood, he coughed from the smoke that filled the air, no doubt making it difficult to breathe, though as he was trying to recover from this, the Explosive Lady, who now had all her limbs back, walked up to the Nanite Hybrid from behind and aimed her hand at him, turning it into another missile and was about to fire it, most likely killing him with it, but just as the fuse was lit, her arm was suddenly cut off again, but not by the big fat blade this time.


Rex then turned around and aimed a very large orange cannon at the Nuke Woman, which was known as a "Slam Cannon", as it then used the arm that he stole and shot it right back at her, making her both explode with her own weapon and send her flying high into the air, this definitely left her extremely dazed, which left her open to be rammed into again by the Robo Boy, this time using a jetpack, specifically called a "Boogie Pack", this kept them both in the air, though this ramming was enough to make the Boom Girl snap out of her dazed feelings, shaking her bomb head and glared at the one keeping her in the air, lifting both arms, sparks flying out her palms, and was about to use them against the EVO Human, but before she could use them to explode his head or something, both of her arms were shot off by red energy bullets before they could make contact with the target

"Hey! Hairless Monkey!"

Both the Nanite Hybrid and Explosive Lady looked down at the ground and at the person responsible for those shots, and who they saw was none other than the EVO Ape himself, Bobo Haha

"Why Not Take Her Somewhere She Can't Explode At!"

And Bobo seemed to be trying to be helpful and give an idea on how to defeat the Nuke Woman, which confused the Robo Boy for a moment, before looking around and noticing the ocean nearby the edge of the island

"Great Thinking Bobo!"

With a plan in mind, Rex wasted no time flying towards the ocean, no doubt planning to dump the Boom Girl into it, though she didn't seem to be taking this idea lying down, using her newly reformed arm to both hit and explode one of metal wings of the Boogie Pack, destroying it completely and throwing off the flyer off balance


As Rex tried to regain his lost balance after losing one of his wings, he saw that the Explosive Lady was combining her two hands together and seemed to be making a big bomb, no doubt attempting to finish him off once and for all.

"I Hope You Can Swim!"

Rex decided to let go of the Nuke Woman before he got killed by her, though when she was dropped, she tried to fly back by exploding her feet to get closer to him, but luckily for him, he still had his one remaining wing that was left undamaged, which he used to not fly away, but instead launched his one turbine at his enemy like a bola and sent her crashing into ocean water. Once finally free from her explosion, he took the chance to actually save himself. He disassembled his jetpack and summoned his Punk Busters again, using them to land onto the ground without splatting like a pop berry.


Though after that, Rex immediately lost his machine and fell into the sandy beach. All the pain came back to his senses once he was no longer running on adrenaline. He groaned in agony and exhaustion, barely having enough strength to use his communication device in his ear.

"Doctor Holiday, I could use some medical assistant... And a blanket..."

After being able to call for assistance and help, Rex just dropped his hand back onto the sand and allowed himself to slowly fall into a deep unconsciousness

'I really need a break after this...'

But before Rex could finally close his eyes, he noticed a certain black-haired woman, also naked, washing back up onto shore and laying just a few feet away from him. Unfortunately, he had no energy to say or do anything about it. Before shutting his eyes completely and letting darkness take him away to dreamland.

"... Hm..."
I decided to make this a Mix Verse, so now both Chainsaw Man and Generator Rex exist in the same world, though I will be focusing on the Gen Rex story mainly, but I will be adding a lot of CSM stuff, I'm open to suggestions on how things should be done~

(Strength and Weapons go to Rex, while Reze has Firepower and Speed, but both are equal either way)

/Reze Abilities\

Military Training: She knows how to fight and can use almost any weapons she gets her hands on.

(Though she's not that strong in human form)

Knife And Pistol: Small weapons she uses for emergency if she can't use her Devil form for whatever reasons, or try to be more sneaky and such.

(Might not use it as much)

Blood Regeneration: By consuming blood that is not her own, she can heal very quickly, though it depends how much blood that determines the speed and how much she gets healed from it.

Explosive Weapons: She can create many explosive devices to use against her enemies, like dynamite, grenades, missiles and more.

(Depending what she creates might take energy and time to make, like a nuke)

Explosive Transformation: She can turn her limbs and different parts of her body into explosive Weapons, like turning a fist into a torpedo.

(Depending what she makes might backfire and explode herself in the process, usually she tanks it, but if it's something bigger might do more damage)

Explosive Touch: For quick explosion attacks, she can simply touch someone and let out a spark before exploding the person she touches

(It has enough power to kill ordinary people, but not anything more than that unless she puts more power into herself)

Explosive Travel: She can use the explosion to make her move around very quickly, she can also control the explosion to decide how fast and far she goes.

(Can cause a lot of damage to the surrounding area and people)

Self Destruction: If she is surrounded or needs to use the fullest power of her explosive powers, she can simply blow herself up.

(If she uses too much power, she can accidentally destroy herself into ashes, though she tries to throw her head away if she can before doing so)


Water: It needs to be raining hard, or snowing harshly, or trapped in a large body of water like a pool or ocean, she needs to let out sparks to activate her explosive powers, without it, she can't use her bombs.

(Though all she needs is a moment of dryness or a small space with no water to make it work)

Over BOOM: If she keeps making explosions non-stop, especially very big ones, it could either tire her out back to human form, or at worse, kill herself.

(Usually blood fixes that problem)

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