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⊱ ────── {.β‹… β™« β‹….} ───── ⊰
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⊱ ────── {.β‹… β™« β‹….} ───── ⊰

He had awoken three hours later and this was the first time I've heard him cry. I rushed to where the boy was screaming his head off. As soon as I turned in the light everything went silent slowly. He stopped his tears and looked at me. I coo'd and picked him up.

I check his dipper. When it's all clear I bring him out to the strangely deserted living room. A strangling Sana and Mina were sitting watching an American progress. The words all jumped together and I couldn't understand a word.

Sana gleams at me and YooBin. "Wanna help me?"

"Oh yes please!" She grinned and extended her arms. I placed the three year old onto her lap and rummaged through one of the two bags. I pulled out a bottle and gripped the baby formula. Sana bounced YooBin on her lap and made funny faces at him. Mina looked over and started to coo at the baby too. I took this chance to rushed to our white kitchen.

"Make sure not to bounce him too much!" I warned.

"Wh-" Before the poor girl got to question my warning, YooBin threw up onto his and her shirt. She softly yelled and I rushed in. "It's hot! Why is it hot?!"

We exchanged. I handed her a towel and she handed me the now messy YooBin. Mina who managed to miss the splash zone, was laughing her head off. An annoyed Sana threw the towel at her.

"Ack!" She yelled and threw it back. Sana went to change into a new attire. I grinned at YooBin and changed him into some cute overalls.

"Their we go, is that all better?" I grinned and he smiled at me. The bottle was ready and I handed it to him. I set him down on the couch and he entertained himself.

"Isn't he too old for milk?" Mina questions.

"Technically, yes. But it kinda helps him fall asleep. And right now I need him to be knocked out in a bit" I leaned back and shook my head at the American show. Giving up on the foreign language, I turned to Mina again. "Wheres everyone else?"

She slowly turned to me after a while. "Out"

"Out." I frowned. Today was our free day and were a bunch of unsocial children.

"They went to hang out at the park, there probably out eating." I nodded my head but bit my lip. Money wasn't an issue but we were tight on it. We weren't allowed much and were living off a two room apartment. The kitchen and living room combined and we all shared a room. I'm assuming that they all have used their own money.

"I see"

"Don't worry, unnie! I'm sure their safe!" She shot my finger guns as sana walked back into the living room in her pj's.

"Pj's? At seven pm?" I poked fun at the younger.

She looked down and shrugged before leaping down onto the couch. "Why not?"

"THE BABY!" I screeched. I thought she would've landed on the toddler. What was I going to do when I gave my brother back his squashed son.

'Whoops. My band mate sat on him. He'll be fine.'

She chuckled before snuggling up onto my lap and started to scroll through Instagram. YooBin stood up and pushed Sana'a head out of my lap and laid his own their.

I screamed laughing and clapped my hands. Sana pointed at him. "Hey! That's my unnie!"

"Mine!" He pouted before giving me a big smile.

"Now you definitely remind me of my brother." I pinched his chubby cheeks. He grinned at the attention.

"He's a cheeky kid." Mina patted his head. "I like him."

"Hey! What about me?" Sana wined.

"Y'all hear sum?" I joked.

"Unnnieeeee!" Sana wined. Mina pushes me lightly, mimicking Sana'a wines.

"Noona." his soft voice echoed and poked me. I coo'ed and hugged him.

"Oh come one! Do I have to call you Noona?" Sana pouted. I flicked her forehead and stood up.

"I though I was assigned to take care of only YooBin." I sassed.

"Well, welcome to Twice." Sana grumbled and rubbed her forehead. "You signed up to take care of nine crackheads children."

Mina yelled. "Language!"

"Facts tho"

⊱ ────── {.β‹… β™« β‹….} ───── ⊰

"Do I have to give him back?" I pouted and held YooBin close to me. My brother and his wife laughed. "Oppa! Take me seriously!"

Two days passed by so fast. The girls, including me, had developed baby fever and automatically treated him as their own.

"Aish, it's like we're taking care of her as well." Seulgi ruffles my hair and took YooBin out of my grasp.

YooBin looked at me and waved. "Bye Noona."

"Bye cutie." I grinned. I turned to my brother. "You'll let me see him right?"

He picked up both bags with ease and grinned at me. "You'll never see him again." He jokes. I frown and he tells me he'll let me see him again.

"That's more like it." I sadly smile. He softly drops the bags and extends his arms. "I'm not running into you're arms like a little girl"

"Fine, you asked for it." He rushed at me and jumped into my arms. I laugh and all my band mates watch my strength kick in.

"Omg, don't break my sister-in-law!" Sulgi yells. I put him down as he scoops me over his shoulders like we used to do as children. He sprits around the room with me on his back. I felt like a plastic bag.

"Don't drop me! Don't drop me! Don't drop me!" I screeched as we made it back to the doorframe. He puts me down and engulfed me into a hug. He pushes my head, picks up the bags and runs. I threw my shoe at him.

'Sometimes, I'm glad things don't change.'

⊱ ────── {.β‹… β™« β‹….} ───── ⊰

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