Chapter 2: "Fall of New York"
After a few minutes of flying, they finally make it to New York and are shocked at all the chaos happening. Explosions could be seen erupting in the city and sky. Interceptors where seen fighting against the Union drones in the air.
The drop ships and Razors began to descend towards the city as enemy artillery started shooting at them. Some of the air ships got hit and plummeted down to the ocean below. Luckily the drop ship that Jack's squad was on, was able to manoeuver pass the artillery shots.
Inside the drop ship a high ranking officer, was seen holding onto the side of the wall, to keep himself balanced.
Officer: "Alright, will be shortly landing soon! Our mission is hold back the Union for as long as possible so, that the civilians have time to evacuate! Each of your squads will have a sector to hold and will be assigned a droid!"
The drop ship begins to shake as it lands in the middle of a street. The cargo hold door lowers as soldiers, unbuckle themselves from their seats.
Officer: "Your squad captains will be sent the location of the sectors you'll cover! Good luck out their soldiers and remember to give them HELL!"
The droids in the middle turn on as the hooks holding them up, drop them. They're blue lights flash green as a set of orders are uploaded to them and each of the droid make their way to each squad. One of the droids walk over to Jack's squad as it pulls out a mini gun from it's back.
All of them started to spill out of the drop ship and make they're way down the street. Each of the squads began to split off, heading to their assigned sector. Jack, Ashley, Leo and the droid follow Andy down the street as they passed by abandoned cars on the street and empty buildings on the sides.
Ashley: "Where are we supposed to be, sir?"
Andy: "Will be covering the north side of the evacuation zone. Make sure all you guys are prepared and Jack..."
Jack: "Yeah?"
Andy: "Make sure your safety is off this time."
Jack: "That was one time!"
After jogging down the streets for a couple minutes, they finally make it to an intersection. Andy holds his hand up, motioning the four to stop.
Andy: "Alright, where here."
Andy points down a road, that heads south.
Andy: "Just down that road are the innocent civilians we've sworn to protect. We hold this line at all cost, understood!"
They all nod.
Andy: "Alright Jack-"
All of a sudden explosion could be heard north. Ashley uses her visor to zoom down the road, only to see Union soldiers heading there way.
Ashley: "We've got company coming from the north!"
Andy: "Jack, Leo! Move those cars, were gonna need some cover!"
They both nod as they head to one of the abandon cars, Jack gets behind the car and pushes, while Leo opens the drivers door and grabs the steering wheel, pushing and steering it sideways on the road.
Andy orders the droid to push another car, it gets behind it and pushes it the same way as Jack and Leo, forming a barricade on the road. They all take cover behind the cars, aiming their rifles down the road with the droid standing in the middle, aiming it's mini gun between the two cars.
Jack: "Let's show these guys, why they shouldn't mess with us!"
Ashley: "Yeah!"
The Union Soldiers got closer and closer, as the four of them watch trying to steel their nerves.
Andy: "....FIRE!"
And in an instant all hell broke loose, the four of them started firing at them. Jack and Andy we're able to kill a few of them, as Leo and Ashley bullets injured some of them. The soldiers began shooting back at them, forcing them to take cover.
The droid steps forward and starts to spray bullets at the enemy killing a bunch in the front lines. As it kept them busy, they reloaded their guns, before returning fire with the droid.
As it began to look like they're winning, it's immediately crushed when they see a Union spider tank come walking down the road, behind the Union soldiers.
Ashley: "Ah, crap they've got a spider tank!"
Andy crouches down behind the cars and holds a finger against the side of his visor.
Andy: "This squad 6, requesting air strike! Repeat, requesting an air strike at our location!"
As he says this, he hears Ashley yell in pain as she's shot in the shoulder.
Leo: "Ashley!"
Leo stops shooting and helps her lean down against the car, as she clutches her bullet wound as blood is seen leaking out between her fingers. Andy grits his teeth.
Andy: "We need that air strike, now dammit!"
Jack looks at Ashley worriedly, before looking at Andy.
Jack: "Sir, we've got to fall back!"
Andy nods and leans down to Ashley, helping lift her up. He points towards a furniture store on the corner of the street, right behind them.
Andy: "Will hold up in that place. Jack, Leo give us some covering fire!"
Andy taps the droid on the back, signalling it to cover them. As they all start making their way over to the store as Andy helps Ashley walk with the droid being a bullet proof shield for them. Jack and Leo are walking backwards with them, while shooting at the Union soldiers.
They make it to the store with Andy kicking the door open and they all file into the places, taking cover just below the windows. Andy goes over to the other side of the store and helps Ashley sit down against the wall.
Jack: "When's that air strike getting here!?"
Andy: "Any second, now!"
Leo looks over at Ashley and Andy.
Leo: "How are you holding up?"
Ashley: "*In pain* I-I'm Fine, just worry about those little shits shooting at us!"
As Jack smashes a window above him and goes to return fire at the enemy, his face goes pale. He see's the spider tanks cannon charging up and aiming at the store they're in, but more specifically right where Andy and Ashley are sitting.
Jack: "SHIT!!"
Jack pushes pass his brother and the droid as they continue to shoot out the windows, Jack runs towards Ashley and Andy.
Andy looks at Jack with confusion, until his eyes widen in realisation. Before he could do anything the side of the store blows up, sending Jack flying back and hitting the ground.
Dust and smoke fill the air, making Jack start coughing rapidly and leans up to see through the smoke, seeing the side of the store in debris and... Andy and Ashley's body's covered in rubble and not moving. Jack just sits there shocked... his whole body feeling cold, looking at the sight.
Jack: "Nooo."
Leo falls to his knees at the sight.
Leo: "O-Oh god..."
He holds his stomach as he throws up onto the ground, not being able to handle the sight of their dead friends. Jack couldn't believe it, he wasn't able to do anything, he just watched them... die. He shakily gets back up to his feet and peers outside to see the spider tank charging up again.
Jack: "Leo, we've got to move!"
Leo: "B-But what about A-Andy and Ashley!?"
Jack: "There d-dead, Leo. There's nothing we can do for them, but we need to move, NOW!"
As the spider tank is about the fire at them, an jet could be heard in the sky. Hearing this Jack, quickly tackles Leo to the ground with the droid crouching down near them. Suddenly, a horde of missiles came down onto the street, obliterating the Union soldiers and destroying the spider tank.
The only thing they could see on the destroyed street, where burning wreckage and smoke covering the area. As Jack heard the air strike finish, he stands up from his brother, helping him up as well.
Leo: "I-Is it over?"
Jack: "Yeah... I think so."
Tears begin drooling down Leo's face.
Leo: "A-Ashley... Andy."
Jack holds him tight, rubbing his brothers back softly.
Jack: "I know, I know... but what's important is that we don't let them die in vain, alright?"
Leo limply nods.
Jack: "Ok, let's get out of here."
As they make their way through the destroyed store, Jack looks down at the rubble covering their comrades. His eyes are on the brink of tears as he tightly holds his gun, before heading out.
As Jack and Leo with the droid following, behind them. They look around the destroyed area, devastated by the air strike. Jack catches one of the Union soldiers slowly crawling away. In anger, he marches towards the soldier, grabbing his side and flipping him over, aiming his gun at his head.
Jack: "You made a big fucking mistake."
The soldier grabs a device from his hip and weakly points it behind Jack. He just stares at the soldier in confusion, before putting a bullet in his head, killing the soldier. He picks up the device the soldier had and see's on the screen the words "Override" on it.
Jack: "Wha-"
Suddenly, he feels something tightly grab his shoulder. Jack looks behind and see's their droid staring at him with red glowing eyes. Before, he could react the droid throws him away as he slams against a car, falling to the ground in pain.
Leo: "Jack!"
The droid walks over to Jack as he weakly tries to stand up. He see's the droid getting closer and closer to him, he pulls out his side arm and starts shooting at it. But it simply takes each shot and grabs his pistol, tossing it away and throws a vicious punch at his chest, hearing a crack.
Jack gasp in pain and falls to the ground, while clutching his chest as Leo watches in horror. Leo starts opening fire at the droid as it turns it's attention to him and starts making it's way towards him. He walks backwards, while shooting at the droid, making sure to keep his distance, until suddenly he runs out of ammo.
Leo: "Oh shit, not now! Not now!"
Before he could grab a clip, the droid snatches the gun off him and breaks it in half. It throws the broken gun away, before grabbing Leo by the collar and throwing him onto his back on the ground. Leo throws a punch at the droid, but it easily catches his fist and slowly begins to squeeze with audible cracks being heard.
Leo screams in pain as the droid lets go off his hand, allowing him to pull it back. He starts trying to kick the droid off him in a desperate attempt, but it grabs his leg and slams it's fist hard on his knee, breaking his leg with a loud crack.
As Leo screams in agony, his brother hears all this on the ground as he desperately tries to breath in air. Jack's never felt so, pathetic in his life... lying here in pain, while listening to his brother scream in agony, being able to do... nothing. Even after, he promised to keep him safe.
Remembering this his eyes widen with determination as he pushes himself off the ground, gritting his teeth in pain and not caring about how he feels anymore. He stands up, while clutching his chest and limps his way over to the droid as he hears it breaking his brothers other leg. He does his best to hurry up and with some effort, finally reaches the blasted droid.
He grabs a hold the panel on its back opening it up and pulling out a one of the CPU's, shutting the droid down. It stays standing like a statue, letting Jack move around it and getting a clear view of Leo. What he saw... made him want to crawl into a hole and die.
His brothers legs were bent in a way they weren't supposed to be. His arms we're twisted at odd angles and his right hand was all mangled. And his face... he could see the tears leaking from his eyes as he whimpers. He could see blood slowly leaking out of his mouth as he struggled to breath.
Jack: "O-Oh god, Leo... I-I'm so, sorry."
Jack falls to his knees, while clutching Leo's left hand.
Leo: "I-I I'm... going... to be... f-fine right?"
He stares up at Jack with a pleading look in his brown eyes filled with tears.
Jack: "...Y-Yeah, your just going to be fine. *Crying* Your just going to be fine."
Jack squeezes his eyes shut as tears leak out.
Jack: "Your... just going to be fine."
When he opens them, he stares in horror as he sees the nano-tech gas spreading across the street towards him and Leo. Standing up with a grunt, he grabs his brothers shoulders and starts to drag him across the ground towards the evacuation area.
Jack: "*Grunts* I-I'm going to get you out of here. I promise, you'll be fine."
He keeps dragging him, unaware that his brother... is already gone. As he drags him down the road, Jack see's a friendly drop ship in the distance with soldiers loading onto it.
Jack: "Come on, come on! We're almost there!"
But just as he says this, he suddenly feels a burning pain in his left thigh. Making him fall onto the ground and accidentally dropping his brother.
Jack: "GAAAH!"
He looks down at where the burning pain is erupting and sees blood seeping out of a bullet wound. He looks up and see's a couple Union soldiers a couple feet away, aiming their guns at him. He quickly grabs his brother's side arm and starts shooting at them.
He's able to put down two of them, before they started returning fire. As Jack begins to think that this might be the end for him, suddenly bullets soar over him and straight at the Union soldiers. He looks behind and sees friendly Polity soldiers rushing over to assist him.
The Union soldiers start to fall back as some of them drop to the ground dead, Jack feels two soldiers grab him by the shoulders and start dragging him back towards the drop ship... without his brother.
Jack: "What're you doing!? Save my brother, save him!"
Soldier: "I'm sorry, but he's already gone!"
Jack shakes his head in denial and struggles against the soldiers.
Jack: "No, he's not! He's right there! Get off, me!"
He reaches his arm out towards his brother in the distance as he slowly gets covered by the nano-tech gas. Jack cries out for his brother as his vision begins to get blurry and his hearing starts to falter.
Soldier: "Shit-... losing- ... blood!"
He's able to see himself get dragged onto the drop ship as the cargo doors close. The last thing he's able to hear is the sound of the drop ship taken off, with the ground shaking below him, until finally... he falls unconscious.
To Be Continued...
Author: Wow... this is first time I've wrote a brutal scene and I can't help, but think I overdid it.
Literally when I first saw this episode and saw the scene where the droid gets hacked and attacks the soldiers. I thought to myself, how much more you could do with this and that's exactly what I did!
Anyway, I'm going to hold off writing this now. Because chapter 1 and 2 are kind of like the introduction chapters for this book. But, for the rest of the chapters I'm going to wait for the season to finish, before writing them.
But, I hope you guys are enjoying how this is turning out so, far and can't wait for you guys to read the rest of it... after the season is done of course.
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