Unhappy Memories
Katherine shifted into a deer, looking at something near Amelia's grave. Jay nodded before speaking.
"I'll take you. I can't guarantee you'll find what you're looking for though. It's...random... like that." As Jay, Joey, and Kathrine started to walk towards the shop Jay spoke of, Ezra stood by Amelia's grave for a moment.
"I only have to find one Jay." Kathrine knelt down so Joey could get on and turned her head towards him. Ezra turned towards the marketplace before remembering what Jay had said earlier and chasing after the group. Ezra caught up to the group, seeing Joey on Kathrine's back. Kathrine looked in Ezra's direction and tilted her head.
"Hello again! I'm sorry I forgot to ask, are you the one that Jay calls Kate?" Katie nodded her head, most likely nodding to say it's a possibility.
"Okay, can we speak once you guys are done with your search? Jay and I were talking and something concerning happened to me from her perspective." Katie nodded again.
"Thank you, until then, I'll join you guys." Jay led the group to her store. She was quiet, but there was a determined aura around her. Once they arrived, Katie knelt down to let Joey off and shifted back.
"Thanks Katie"
"No problem." After a moment, Ezra started talking to Jay.
"Jay, I'm gonna take your suggestion from earlier."
"What?" Ezra looks towards Katie
"The thing I asked you about earlier Katie."
"Oh." As this conversation was going on, Joey looked through a window of the shop. As Jay entered the store, she started talking to Joey.
"So, what are we looking for?"
"A Reminder" Katie followed the two into the store while Ezra stayed outside.
"Yea...Jay, do you call me Kate? Or did you mean someone else?.....I'm also looking for an old wolf pelt. Ezra said you told her to see Kate, did you mean me?" Ezra watched everyone from outside, seeing Katie slowly looking around and Joey over by a jar of pins and badges. Ezra looked around the outside of the store making sure everything was okay outside before looking back inside. Katie was watching Joey as he started to shiver. He stared at the jar a bit longer before picking it, a hunting knife, and a leather jacket up. Ezra watched this happen a bit longer before stepping into the store to quietly watch and step in if the situation required it.
"I didn't find what I was looking for, but these will do. Amelia? This is for you"
"Joey, what are you planning?" At Joey's statement, Ezra made sure she was able to reach the baseball bat on her.
"Anyways, Jay, do you have an old marble looking wolf pelt?" Katie asked. Ezra continued to watch Joey before he walked out of the store, not even asking if there was some kind of payment required.
"JOEY!" Ezra yelled, quickly turning and chasing him out of the store. Ezra could barely hear Katie and Jay behind her as she followed Joey. Katie barked to try to get his attention, now in a wolf form.
"You don't know where it's going."
"I may not know, but I don't like how you grabbed that thing then walked out."
"Either way, I don't care. I'm in, whatever this is. The mafia is going down." Katie seemed to see something following the group as Ezra noticed that it started to get colder.
"No one hurts or threatens the ones I care about and gets away with it." Jay looked at Joey when she said this. Then Ezra grabbed Joey's wrist.
"What are you doing?" Joey pinned one of the pins to his shirt, under the jacket, with his free hand, then handed one to Jay.
"It's time the legion made a return to the land of the living." Katie shifted from her wolf form back into her human form.
"Joey what are those?" Joey's words seemed to confuse Ezra, while his actions confused Katie.
"Legion? What are you talking about?" Ezra finally let go of Joey's wrist.
"Fuck Frank and everything he stands for. These pins are a good reminder of what we did, what I'm gonna do." Ezra looked between the three other people.
"Joey?" Jay paused before taking the pin and pinning it to her shirt.
"I don't know who that is, but I'm so in."
"These pins, we made them out of those smiley faces that were such a big deal in the 90's. It was our gang's symbol." The gang part seemed to confuse Jay a bit.
"Whatever happens, I'm her for you, and if you need, I am your bird's eye view, or me and my dogs can be your pack of hellhounds. Whatever you need."
"Anything you can find in my store is at your disposal." Both Jay and Katie seemed set on the idea of helping Joey, but Ezra didn't seem sure as Joey continued to talk.
"Frank always said if someone saw his smiles, they were getting stabbed. These pins are close enough."
"Hey Jay, your store is on the north side of town, right?"
"We were just there"
"I know" Katie shifted into her wolf form and howled loudly before shifting back,"Like I said, me and my dogs can be your hellhounds if you need Joey." Ezra clears her throat to get the group's attention then stops.
"Excuse my language, but what the hell is happening right now? I have now idea what's going on and I can't do anything without knowing what I'm walking into"
"We're taking down the mafia Ezra"
"The people who killed Amelia are going to die" As this conversation went on, two dogs ran up to Katie.
"Do you think it's gonna be that easy?! With all the new people joining the cycles, you don't know how many there are. You don't know how these cycles operate, you don't know how these people operate, how can you do any of this without a plan?!" Ezra started practically yelling towards the group. She didn't want them to get hurt like her other groups, she couldn't go through that again.
"How's this for a plan?" Joey started to walk threateningly towards Ezra and she quickly took a few small steps back,"I'm going to find the fucks who stabbed my friend and I'm going to nail one of these pins to their door, then I'm going to stab them, again and again, until their throats are so sore from begging for mercy they can't physically open their mouths. Then, I'm going to slit their throat and gut them like animals and feel them to Kate's hellhounds. Speaking of which, have a pin Kate." Joey proceeded to throw the pin to Katie, her catching it and pinning it to her wolf pelt. This situation was starting to remind Ezra about the fate of her second group in the apocalypse. She shook her head to get those few moments out of her head. She didn't have time for that right now, she had to make sure her friends stayed safe. Jay muttered something under her breath as Ezra looked towards the ground, trying to think of a way so her friends wouldn't get themselves hurt. Meanwhile, Joey kept going with his speech.
"And then, I'm going to come back to Jay's store until I find my friend's mixtapes." Ezra was quiet for a few seconds before replying quietly, her voice almost a whisper.
'Would Amelia want this?" As Ezra said this, she slowly looked up at the group, clearly seeing the anger and shock in Katie and Joey's faces.
"The fuck did you say?"
"You'll notice Amelia doesn't even want a fucking glass of water because she's dead!"
"That's not something you say Ezra, you shouldn't try to guilt trip people with a dead friend." That was all it took for Ezra to blow up, her fear for her friends dying turned into anger and frustration. She couldn't understand why they couldn't just sit down and talk about the situation before making any harsh decisions.
"I don't know if you remember the rules of this fucking game, but we have to kill half this town anyways. Or do you want them to win?" Then Joey exploded at Ezra.
"YOU'RE BEING AWFULLY FORGIVING FOR SOMEONE WHO'S SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT THIS SHITHOLE ANYWAYS!" Ezra didn't yell when she responded this time, but she was shaking and definitely worried about what was going to happen next.
"Why does it matter if they win? We'll just keep coming back again and again. How does this stop the cycle? It doesn't"
"So you're saying we shouldn't go after the mafia?"
"If the cycle never ends, then trying to stop it is pointless." Ezra's words apparently seemed to anger Joey. So much so, that he launched forward with a pin and stabbed Ezra in the arm with it. Katie looked alarmed, but Ezra stood there, shaking even more than before, but just, standing there.
"Here's a fucking cycle for you. Trust me, I will not be killing innocents. I've done enough of that already, but the mafia better watch their fucking backs"
"Look, tensions are high, but let us do this. I'm...I'm fucking working on breaking the cycle. You wanted to know what my research was on? It's that" Ezra seems to have snapped out of the short daze she was in while Katie quickly grabbed some antibiotic cream and bandages for Ezra's arm.
"Shit! Oh well"
"Kate, don't waste your supplies on me" Joey realises what he did before running off.
"Too late, don't want it to get infected, don't know where these pins have been"
"It won't matter anyways" Jay watches Joey go, but looks at Katie offended due to the comment.
"Are you calling my store unsanitary?" Katie sent one of her dogs off in the same direction as Joey before answering.
"No" Then Ezra started breaking down, going into her panic mode.
"We're just gonna be playing this sick person's game over and over and over again. It'll never emf. We'll be stuck here forever-" Ezra is interrupted by Jay before she puts a hand in her hair, trying to calm herself, but it doesn't work.
"Ezra, you remember when I mentioned my research?"
"Your research won't do anything, that person is watching our every move. They'll never let us out. They're watching us, torturing us every time, don't you see that?"
"At least it's something. At least it's a start."
"A start on a false hope, that you hope will go somewhere but it'll just lead to a dead end"
"We'll figure out what we can do and we go from there"
"...I need to go, I'm sorry" Ezra starts to walk away from the two. She knew in any other kind of situation, she would fully believe what Jay was saying, or at least consider it, but right now she was in her panic mode. She was like this when her family was murdered, one floor apparently made a difference in that case. She was in her panic when her first group found her. Sam was there and was able to calm her down, but Sam was gone now, just another one of those creatures. Ezra could hear someone coming up behind her before turning slightly and stopping for Katie.
"Ezra, what did you want to talk about?"
"It happened before you arrived. WE were talking about the bridge and stuff when I guess I blacked out for a second?"
"Anyways, Jay asked about a theory or something, but I didn't know what she was talking about. You'll have to ask Jay for any other details."
"Well...come here"
"I...can't come with you right now" Katie was looking inside her pack for something, but Ezra didn't notice.
"With what just happened, I'm still...I don't know. I don't wanna get scared even more. It doesn't feel right, I shouldn't get like that" Katie lights the sage she grabbed from her bag.
"Let the smell carry you back to that moment."
"Huh?"Ezra looked at Katie in confusion, but did as she was told, closing her eyes as well. She's able to see and hear the conversation with Jay, still not seeing the part where she had apparently mentioned a theory. As Ezra was experiencing this, Katie lit some lavender and oleander,
"Let the herbs reveal what was lost" Ezra's breathing finally goes back to normal as she's looking a the moment when all of the sudden, the conversation jumps to the theory. She can hear her voice clearly and sees herself talking while this is going on. Alongside the memories of the conversation, she was also able to remember more of her past.
"What do you hear?"
"I-I hear my voice"
"What are you saying?"
"It's....a theory about this place"
"Good, keep it clear in your mind.
"When I snuff the herbs, the memory will stay, clear and concise in your mind" Katie snuffs the remaining herbs and Ezra opens her eyes before looking at the other two a little bit away.
"Something is wrong, go check on them" Ezra watched Katie walk over to the other two before quietly stepping away and making her way towards the river, talking to herself. As she arrives at the river she shakes her head, staring at the crystal water.
"This is crazy, how did this thing or whatever it is join me? Is that what you would call it?" Ezra pauses before continuing talking to herself,"What if this thing infects the others?! What if, oh gods, what if it doesn't leave each cycle. No, Exra, get ahold of yourself. Nothing bad is going to happen, everything will be fine. Joey, Jay, Kate, and everyone else is going to be fine. You just need to...stay away from them! Just....stay away from your friends, that'll keep them safe?"Ezra looks around before making the final decision to lock herself in her house,"Okay, it's not too far away. Once I get there, I can just lock myself inside and not go out...yes, that'll work."Ezra heads towards her home, her goal being to keep everyone safe from whatever entity may be affecting her.
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