The Ship has Set Sail
Ezra left the door wide open, not noticing Katie flying into the house through the window. She started to talk to herself, going through her thoughts aloud.
"When we first met, she had to leave and head home, a cave right? So I'm looking for a cave. There should be one somewhere in the forest if I'm not mistaken." Ezra rushed towards the edge of the forest, looking for any sign of a path or travel route and followed it. Ezra was able to find the cave eventually, the entrance being covered by some branches and leaves, although not entirely. Ezra made her way into the cave and walked around, looking for Katie.
"Katie? Are you here? I wanted to make sure you were okay, you just ran off all the sudden" Ezra didn't see Katie arrive, spooking her when Katie spoke.
"Wha-?" After the small spook, Ezra smiled and rushed over to the other woman.
"Wooaaahhhh, calm yourself, what are you doing here?" Katie muttered something, Ezra barely being able to hear it.
"I was looking for you, when we first meet, you mentioned something about a cave near the town" Katie's face shifted from confusion to shock.
"You shouldn't have been able to fins it, the entrance is covered by branches and leaves" Somebody dropped a piece of paper, alerting Katie of another presence as she jumped.
"THE FUCK?!" The yelling from Katie made Ezra flinch slightly.
"U-um, Katie? Are you alright?" Katie picked up a page that seems to have been dropped on the floor and showed it to Ezra. It was a sketch of a small ship that said 'ship it'.
"Pineapple bastard"
"It's Joey, I call him that cause he constantly smells like pineapples"
"At least I don't smell like a walking roast buffet"
"And herbs, don't forget that...and no more jerky for you" Ezra took a small step back away from the two, not wanting to be in the middle of a fight with these two.
"Ezra, honey, you're fine. Joey, leave," It takes Katie a moment to realize what she said, only whispering "Oops." Joey slowly walked out with a shit eating grin.
"She's in lesbians with you," He whispered. Katie snapped her fingers and pointed at Joey.
"Lady...Dinner," Joey ran from the dog and started screaming.
"Fuck you pineapple bastard"
"You need to calm down Katie, that was a bit much to tell Lady to eat him" Ezra stepped towards Katie again.
"He'll be fine, she'll follow him home and sleep with Blu tonight"
"So she's not gonna kill him?"
", why are you here? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but......"
"No, I get it......You ran off suddenly and I wanted to make sure you were okay," Right after Ezra said this, Joey came running back into the cave with Lady hot on his heels.
"BECAUSE SHE'S CRUSHING ON YOU AND DOESN'T KNOW IT YET," Joey continued to run a few laps around the cave before running back out the entrance, meanwhile Katie decided to ignore him.
"Oh...yeah...I'm fine"
"Are you sure? You just ran out and forgot the...THE TEA!" Ezra looked slightly worried, thinking the tea was still on the stove at home.
"Ahhhhh...I went back to put the tea in a pitcher and you were gone......and yeah...I just realized what I had said and got embarrassed"
"Why'd ya get embarrassed? Calling someone else cute should be nothing to worry or get embarrassed about," Katie took off the deer skull she always wore, Ezra now being able to see more than just below her nose. As it turned out, Katie was blushing.
"I'm just used to runnin' from my emotions, I guess living in a forest most of your life does that to ya," in the background, you can faintly hear Joey screaming.
"I guess it can be, sooooo," Ezra placed one of her hands up on the side of her neck. Katie ignores Joey's screaming and decides, fuck it, and leans in for a kiss thinking 'please don't hate me, please don't let this fuck up our friendship'. The hand on Ezra's neck dropped down to her side. A second later, a faint 'Ca-chick' can be heard. Ezra stands in the same spot in shock of what just happened, blushing like crazy, while Katie turns to Joey with a murderous look on her face before she shifts into a wolf.
"Abawha-?" Katie's eyes glowed red and Ezra faintly heard Joey calling out to her before he realized she wouldn't be any help.
"Hey Ez? Can dogs climb trees?............Ahhhhh shit," Ezra stood there dazed, not realizing what was going on.
"Run bitch," Joey threw a knife at Katie, just barely knocking her with the blade to trigger feral frenzy and sprinted out with all his enhanced speed. KAtie sprinted after Joey as a 4 ft tall on all 4 legs, basically dire wolf. Ezra snapped out of her daze to see what was happening before sprinting after the two.
"YOU BETTER DESTROY THAT PICTURE PINEAPPLE BITCH," Katie yelled after Joey, using extra energy to yell while sprinting anyways. Ezra sprinted faster, trying to catch up with Katie.
"KATIE STOP!" Katie heard Ezra yelling her name and stopped. She turned around and ran back to Ezra before shifting human again.
"Next time I see him, he is dead meat," Ezra hugged Katie in an attempt to calm her down.
"I'm fine," Then Katie muttered,"but Joey won't be after I'm done with him," Ezra shook her head and smiled.
"Just calm down...Do you wanna head back and get some tea?"
"Yeah, I could use it right now...I need to grab something first," Katie walked back in the direction of the cave while Ezra stayed put, leaning against a nearby tree. When Katie came back, she was already shifted as a deer.
"Should I...get on?"
"Don't think I've given you a ride yet, so yeah, hop on," Katie knelt down onto the ground so it was easier for Ezra to get on.
"Giving her a ride already, huh?" Ezra got on Katie's back, attempting to ignore Joey's comments.
"Stop straining yourself by talking"
"And you're her first?" Joey wigged his eyebrows while Katie glared at the so-called 'pineapple bastard' with her eyes glowing red.
"Katie, ignore him, please?"
"My antlers are sharpened, leave," Katie started walking towards Ezra's house while Joey followed them, a walking a bit behind them.
"C'monnnnnnnnnnnn. Surreal isn't here and I feel like a third wheel. Man, 3rd wheeling it in another group already, first Frank and Julie, now this," Katie turned and lowered her head, ready to charge.
"Katie, no, he's not worth it"
"Fuck off, while I'm in a good mood"
"At least this Kate won't break my arm......maybe I'm speaking too soon for that one"
"Joey, please don't make Katie kill you," Ezra didn't really want Joey to get hurt, even though he was...acting up. Katie apparently had a plan and whispered to Ezra.
"Hang on tight"
"Okay?" Ezra started to get worried, but she trusted Katie. Katie then sprint jumped away from Joey, something only a deer could do in a forest. Three minutes later, they arrived at Ezra's house and Katie kneeled so Ezra could get off. Ezra hopped off of Katie's back and waited for her to shift back.
"Sooooooooo, do you wanna come in or do you need to head home after all of that?"
"Well, that was exhausting, but yeah, I'll come in. Tea sounds nice, even if it's cold now," Ezra walked up to the front of her house, holding the door open for Katie.
"You can sleep at my place again if you're exhausted," Katie groaned as she took off her mask, setting it down on the table.
"Sounds good," Ezra laughed at Katie's groan and shut the door.
"You know where my room is, if you wanna leave the tea here I can get it together," Katie sets her pouch on the table as well.
"Thanks Ezra," Ezra smiled.
"No problem! Now go relax," at that, Katie got up into the rafters in her regular form and laid in one of the beams. Ezra watched as she did this before calling up to her.
"You don't have to sleep up there you know, I have a bed you can sleep in," Katie blinked.
"I've never slept in a bed before..."
"You haven't?"
"I'm Native American from the 1920's, I lived in a forest all my life. The closes I've had is a hammock"
'Oh, yeah, that makes sense..well, you can sleep in my bed. It's not the best, but it works"
"Better than the ground, or a tree, or the beams," Katie hopped down from the beam and Ezra walked her back to a small bedroom. Once they arrived, Katie crawled into the covers of the bed and groaned in bliss.
"I need one," Ezra chuckled.
"You could always just sleep here ya know, I don't mind." Katie looked startled.
"Wat?!" Katie blushed, realizing she sounded like a duck. Ezra on the other hand started to get flustered and rushed her words, stuttering a bit.
"I-I mean, I-it's just nan option, you d-don't have to, I just thought it would be a good idea, ya know?" Katie smiled softly.
"Thank you," That was the last thing Katie said before she promptly passed out in the very comfy bed. Ezra smiled before forgetting about the tea and sleeping on the floor near the bed so she didn't disturb Katie. A while after Ezra fell asleep, Katie woke up, seeing Ezra sleeping on the floor, and picked Ezra up and placed her in the bed before crawling back into the bed next to her. Katie passed back out, now sleeping next to Ezra in the same bed. Katie didn't notice Joey, who had recently appeared, looking in through the window.
"Sleeping together two move fast"
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