The Death of a Loved One Lead to New People
Ezra didn't even know what happened, the person she had called sister was dead. Ezra didn't know what an Innkeeper did to deserve this. What could an Innkeeper do to anger an occult? Ezra shook her head and made her way to Amelia's grave to leave flowers, it was the least she could do at the moment.
"I wish it didn't have to be this way Amelia, I really don't. I'll miss you and protect you next cycle, I promise.¨ Ezra looked around the graveyard before continuing,¨ I should probably get going Amelias, you never know who will try to take you off the street...I'll is back tomorrow, okay? I'll try to be safe." Ezra left the graveyard to head home, seeing a raven flying above her with a bundle of wildflowers. She didn't notice the figure that watched them all before he walked away to wander the town.
After Ezra relaxed in her house for part of the day, she decided to leave her house and walk around the town. She stopped to say hello to a few people before noticing a figure. The figure was a guy with shaggy russet hair and pale green eyes. He looked pale and appeared to be just a bit taller than average. It seemed his clothes were worn out and dirty. The only thing that appeared to be clean about this man were papers he held. After studying the man for a bit, another woman pops up out of nowhere and introduces herself.
"Hey! My name is Katherine, some people call me Katie or Kat though," The woman had long wavy umber hair with amber eyes and tanned skin. She seemed to be Native American and had a bow and deer skull mask. The woman had feather earrings and her clothing was made of animal hide.
"Hello Katherine," Ezra held out her hand, "I'm Ezra, nice to meet you," (She said)
"Nice to meet you too! I would shake your hand but...I don't think ya want dirt and crap on you," (She replied)
"I don't mind, work around here can be pretty, ya know," (Ezra smiled)
"Well then, okay," (Shakes Ezra's hand), "It was nice to meet you, but I need to go check on my dogs,"
"Have fun, Katherine, see you around," That's all Ezra said before watching Katherine shift into a bird and fly towards the woods. After Katherine left, Ezra started heading towards the river before remembering she had to do something in town and heading back. As she got to town, she saw the man from earlier wandering around.
"Hello? Is there something you need?" She called out to the man. It didn't seem that he heard her so she walked up to him, able to hear him mumbling under his breath before tapping his shoulder.
"Sir? Can I help you with something?" His arms flailed as he jumped into the air, trying not to drop the papers he held.
"Oh! Who? I-Me?" He questioned
"Oh! Um, yes...are you okay?" She asked
"I'm fine, I just-I-Who are you?" He swallowed. The guy seemed nervous.
"My name is Ezra, I guess I'm kinda new around here. Do you need some help? Like getting around the town or something?" Ezra started to hold out her hand to the guy for a handshake, but she didn't want to spook him again so she put it back down before noticing the papers in his hands. The man glanced skittishly at her hand and shifted his papers to hold them against his chest with one hand while he held out the other. Ezra put her hand back out and shook his.
"Elber, I'm not sure how much someone who's new could help me get anywhere but I appreciate the kind offer," He said before making an awkward attempt at a smile.
"Trust me, you get used to the layout of things quickly," Ezra frowned and looked away for a few seconds before looking back and smiling, "Anyways, whatcha doing?¨
"Oh, I'm mapping out the area. I plan eventually going around and finding the exact limits of where we can and can't go. It should also help me discover whether these boundaries change at all or if they stay consistent," The man replied after a moment. He made small twitchy motions as he rambled, his free hand flexing and clenching repeatedly, "But for now, I'm mapping the town itself, circling out from the Inn..." His voice trailed off and his posture closed off ever so slightly.
"Is something wrong Elber? Ezra asked and tilted her head to the side
"That depends on your definition of 'wrong'..."
"I don't know, it just seems like something is bothering you" He shrugged before answering her.
"I'm still not used to this much vegetation, people, or water. It's nothing like where I came from..." He paused before continuing, "And I'm not sure how to feel about Amelia's that the normal status quo for death around here?" Elber asked. Ezra looked away from the guy before she answered
"Seems like you know what's going on around here...I suppose you could call it that," Ezra looked back at Elber, frowning and tears starting to form in her eyes before wiping them away, "Amelia was my sister...I miss her." Elber nodded at her answer.
"I've been here for a couple of days, she was the first one who reached out to me. Amelia let me stay in the Inn...Will the Inn stay open with her death?"
"It might be, I can ask a few of my friends, if not I'll let you have a room at my place until they build you one," She gave a genuine smile, "I live on my own, I believe Amelia had her own place at the Inn."
"Okay," Elber made another awkward attempt at a smile, this one a tad more successful than the first, "If it's alright I think I might prefer to stay in the Inn if that's not too much to ask.
"You're fine! I get it, you meet a new person, they offer you a room, it doesn't feel safe. I hope you stay safe Elber, seriously, you seem like a nice guy!"
"You too," Elber replied, he stood there with the same awkward smile on his face. Ezra laughed a bit at his awkwardness before replying.
"Thanks, Elber! See you around!" She sees him a nod before she turns around to wander around town, ending up in the marketplace. She got there not seeing anyone open to talking to so she decided to sit on one of the benches near the fountain, the middle piece of the market. After a minute or two, Ezra sees another woman arrive at the edge of the marketplace, so she waved her over. The new woman saw Ezra and chose to walk towards the fountain with strong, decisive steps. The way the woman walked seemed like she had spent more time walking on a deck than on land. Just before The woman got to Ezra she introduced herself.
"Hello! I'm Ezra, nice to meet you!" The other woman stopped precisely in front of her and bowed.
"Merilokki, captain of the Royal Guard. At your service," Her face indicated that she was in her thirties and had a serious look on her face.
Nice to meet an important person, we don't usually get those around here," Ezra smiled up at the captain and held out her hand.
"If the captain of a shipwreck is considered an important person," The captain shook Ezra's hand, but there was an underlying pain in her voice.
"I apologize, I'm sorry for your loss captain," Ezra frowned and put her hand down before the captain nodded.
"May I sit here?" the captain asked.
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