Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

Ezra did what she told herself the previous day. She locked herself in her house, refusing to leave for any reason. She didn't want to cause harm to any of her friends. Ezra was able to cast a spell where she could watch the town, when she spotted Katie in her wolf form walking towards Elber before shifting human.

"Hi, I'm Kate, you know where Ezra's house is?" Elber got spooked at the sudden appearance of Katie shifting.

"Agk! Oh! I'm-Hi, I'm Elber, no I don't think I know where Ezra's house is, why?"

"I figured I would go over and tell her about the deaths. I haven't seen her all day. So I'ma guess she's at her house."

"Oh...," Elber looked down at his feet for a moment, "Well, I could probably figure it out. She did offer to house me yesterday."

"Oh," Katie puts a hand oh her chin,"She went towards the river yesterday, let's look around there first?" Ezra stopped watching the two people, figuring they would be there soon. She continued to sit in the corner of her house, all the lights off except the candle on the table. Half an hour later, she could hear people outside, assuming it was Katie and Elber. She heard one of them walking up to the door and them knocking before Katie's voice rang out

"You coming Elber?"

"Ah, I probably should." Ezra heard the knock, but she didn't get up from the corner. Instead, she muttered a spell under her breath to unlock the door. She heard Katie open the door and call out to her.

"Ezra? You here?" Ezra wanted to respond to Katie and just talk to her, but she didn't want her to get hurt. She figured if Katie really wanted to talk, she would be found. The footsteps of Elber and Katie were getting closer to where Ezra was.

"Ezra, you okay in here?"

"M-maybe?" Ezra finally replied, her voice a whisper,"Why are you here?" Katie lit up the tips of her fingers with a spell and made her way over to Ezra.

"Hey, I haven't seen you all day, I thought you might want to know who died today."

"Well, we both came to check up on you and tell you about...yeah, that" Ezra looked up at the other two.

"Someone died?"

"Two someone's actually" Elber held up two fingers

"Yeah, sorry, I have no tact when it comes to emotions, lived in a forest most of my life, and three actually"

"Make up your minds, please'

"...Who was the third" Elber was obviously confused, but Katie leaned over to Elber to whisper. Ezra's face was emotionless, but there was definitely worry surrounding her. After Elber and Katie finished their conversation, Katie turned towards Ezra.

"Okay, first, Yammy, they were voted out. They were feral and jumped off a cliff."

"Interesting." Ezra slowly got up from the corner, placing her arms on the walls behind her to support her body. She was a bit shaky as she stood up, still using the walls for support.

"Second, Kirsten was killed by the dark cutting curse, she was part of the occult."

"Dark cutting of a serial killer I assume?"

"That's the most likely scenario." Ezra looked at the ground as Katie said this.

"And might want to sit down"

"So that's who I missed!" Elber muttered and snapped his fingers.

"It's who you guys were whispering about, correct?" Ezra started making her way towards the kitchen, still leaning against the wall slightly. She turned on the lights quickly so the other two could see. Katie took a seat at the table while Elber stood by the entrance of the kitchen and Ezra stood by the counter.


"We might as well all sit then, it doesn't seem like good news in the slightest." Ezras starts to grab something on the counter before Elber says something aloud that shocked Ezra.

"Which means the person who was sacrificed would be Weast, right?" He looked at KAte, eyes asking for confirmation.

"......and they say I have no tact"

"Weast? Mom? What do you mean sacrificed?!" at Elber's words, Ezra quickly turned towards them before leaning back against the counter, gripping the edge.

"I-,"Elber started before looking between the two women,"Was I not supposed to say that?"

"Shit, okay, the occult used the mind wipe curse, and sacrificed Weast to the god of death." Ezra stopped moving completely for a moment, processing the information about her 'mother's'death. She slowly started to slide down onto the floor.

"I-I'm so sorry Ezra."

"I-I......this is all my fault isn't it? What the hell did you do?! What did you make me do?!?!" Her eyes were staring at a wall and she didn't seem to be talking to anyone in the room. At least, nobody Elber and Katie could see. Ezra's words shocked Katie.

"Ezra? Ezra what happened? What are you talking about?"

"Earlier, earlier right? No, yesterday, yes, yes it was yesterday. You remember the memory thing Katie?" As Ezra was talking, she looked up at Katie with a worried expression.

"Ezra, let me stop you there, you had nothing to do with this, I've been flying around town all day and never saw you, but yes, I remember."

"No, no you don't understand Kate." Ezra shook her head multiple times.

"I remember you talking to yourself and walking away while I was bandaging Joey, you seemed...disturbed."

"It has to be here, that's why all this is happening. If I had checked for a bite, this might have been different, nobody would have died, my group would have been safe. Or maybe it was the store with the alarm. Maybe that's what triggered It, that has to be where I got this thing." Ezra doesn't realize she's sharing her thoughts of her past from before the cycles, something she would want to forget.

"Oh shit, this is my fault"

"A bite?" Ezra was able to look away from the wall for a second to glance at Elber, seeing a sharp light in his eyes, this wasn't like Elber. Ezra didn't respond, going back to the events in her head, barely listening to Katie and Elber.

"Her past. When I got to you to remember the part of yesterday, you remembered more than just yesterday, didn't you?"

"I gathered," Elber seemed to quickly dismiss Katie, walking over to Ezra,"What do you mean a bite!?" Elber's voice was hard. All the traces of stuttering and nervousness from earlier were now gone. Ezra looked up at Elber, her eyes showing fear but not entirely because of him.

"The bite?"

"What...bite?" Ezra looked back down to try to remember the bite he could be talking about.

"Bite, the bite...that, possibly?"

"Is it 'human'?" During the interrogation of Ezra, Katie shifted into her wolf form, stepping over to Ezra and laying down next to her, most likely in an attempt to comfort Ezra.

"...that d-depends on your definition of h-human. Shells of themselves, maybe. There was almost a second, but It did something." Katie appeared to notice the light spell from earlier became lights in her eyes as she didn't dispel it. While moments ago, Elber would have been fascinated by Katie, his attention was on Ezra.

"Did it actually bite you?"

"No, no it didn't bite me as far as I know, but that was the second one, all I remember is blinking then being in the forest surrounding the town. It's...similar to the situation with the theory I shared."

"Second one?" Elber was ignoring everything else besides Ezra. With Katie laying down next to Ezra, she seemed to have calmed down a bit, finally being able to not stutter.

"Yes, sorry, almost second one"

"Were. You. At. Any. Point. Bitten?"

" old group member was. We didn't check for bites, it was a dumb decision on our part." Elber seemed to relax at her statement, the hard light in his eyes faded, before realising how close he had gotten to Ezra in his interrogation and immediately fumbling back a few steps with a squawk.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean-! I was just-!" Ezra put one of her hands up to stop Elber's rambling.

"No! No, you're fine. It seems we're...pretty similar, especially with what you seem to know. Bites can be dangerous." Katie shifted back and looked at Ezra, slightly worried.

"You better now?" Ezra nodded slightly before answering.

"For now, I'll be, you guys can stay here and we can talk a bit more, I don't mind."

"Okay," Katie looked into her pack and pulled out some jerky,"Anyone want some jerky?"Ezra seemed surprised and excited. She perked up and seemed like a little kid,"Jerky?" Elber flopped on the floor, tucking his legs up him.

"You have jerky?" He seemed amazed at the fact she had it.

"Yup, doesn't take as long because of magic, specifically a summon charm on the water in the meat after it's salted." Katie handed Ezra and Elber each a piece of jerky.

"You know how to make jerky?!" Elber's eyes are wide,"You're sharing jerky?!?!"

"Thank you Katie! I don't know how long it's been since I've had some!" Katie laughed at their comments.

"Like I said earlier, I lived in the forests of Kentucky for most of my life, yes I can make jerky."

"But you're sharing it!"

"I am of the Osage tribe" Ezra attempted to elbow El in the side, but wasn't close enough to actually do so.

"El, don't complain, if we're good she'll give us more" Ezra was genuinely happy, she was able to have one of the things back from when she was younger, or at least something similar. Elber still seemed flabbergasted at the idea of sharing jerky while Ezra started to nibble on the piece she was given.

"And...yea? I have a whole deers worth of jerky. This pack has expansion charms." Ezra wasn't focused on anything but the jerky she was eating. "Not like it's beef jerky. That I can't get."

"I-I..." Ezra looked up at Elber to see him look at the piece of jerky he was given, lick his lips, then taking a small nibble,"Mmmmmmmmmm~!" Elber's whole posture changed and he started to munch on the rest as well.

"Here," Katie transfigured a rock into a plate and piled the jerky onto it,"There, have at it!" A spark of happiness appeared in Ezra's eyes.


"Oh my good god that's cute," Katie blushed a bit at Ezra's reaction,"Yeah, have at it." Elber's eyes went wide as he frantically looked between the women and the jerky, his eyes shining with hope. Katie saw what Elber did and started speaking to him.

"Go ahead, or do you want your own plate?"

"But what about-" Elber briefly choked before remembering to swallow,"but what about the others? Is it alright not to share this with everyone?" Elber's eyes betrayed his wants and he couldn't seem to look away from the plate. Katie found this amusing and giggled at his actions.

"I can make more, I can become a wolf and I have 2 massive pitbulls. Eat." Katie showed them a picture of Lady and Blu, her pitbulls. Elber didn't take any more prompting and quickly grabbed exactly ⅓ of the pile of jerky while Ezra paused after watching the other two.

"I hope I'm not interrupting the moment, but I would like to talk about my past before I possibly forget it again. I can talk to you about what happened while you eat or when you're done, your choice."

"I say go ahead and eat while you're talking, but that means you eat too." Elber nodded in agreement, his mouth still full of Jerky. Ezra nodded in understanding and grabbed a piece of jerky.

"Let's start with what I told you guys already."

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