Elevate The Scale Of Good Deeds #2
11. Jannah Guaranteed
Abd-Allaah ibn 'Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) who said, "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,
'There are two qualities, no Muslim man acquires them but he will enter Paradise, and they are simple and easy.
He should glorify Allah (say Subhaan Allah) ten times immediately after each prayer, and praise Him (say Al-hamdu Lillaah) ten times and magnify Him (say Allaahu Akbar) ten times.'
I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) counting this on his fingers. He said:
'That makes one hundred and fifty on the tongue and one thousand five hundred (hasanaat) in the scales.
Recorded by Abu Dawud, at Tirmithi and others. Verified to be authentic by al-Albani (Sahih ut Targhib wat-Tarhib)
12. Earning a 1000 good deeds and wiping away a 1000 bad deeds in Minutes
If a person says, "Subhanallah" (glory be to Allah) 100 times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him and a thousand bad deeds are wiped away. (Muslim)
13. Jannat becomes obligatory for the one who Recites the following
It was narrated from Abu Salam, the servant of the Prophet (saas), that the Prophet (saas) said, "There is no Muslim - or no person, or slave (of Allah) - who says, in the morning and evening:
Radiytu billahi Rabban wa bil-Islami dinan wa bi Muhammadin (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) nabiyyan (I am content with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad as my Prophet),'
but he will have a promise from Allah to make him pleased on the Day of Resurrection."
- Best said in Morning and Evening with"Nabiyan wa rasoolan."
14. The Virtues of Reciting the First Kalimah
The declaration of belief in the oneness of Allah or kalimah tayyibah
Laa ilaaha ill-Allah
(There is no worthy of worship except Allah)
Hadrat Zaid bin 'Arqam (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever says Laa ilaaha illal-laah...sincerely will enter the Paradise."
It was said: And what is the [sign of] sincerity? He said: "That this kalimah stops him from those things which Allah has forbidden."(Tabaraani in Awsat-ul-Kabeer)
"Do you not see how Allah puts forth the likeness of a good word (kalimah tayyibah)?
It is like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and whose branches reach to the sky.
It brings forth its fruit in all seasons by the command of its Lord. And Allah sets forth parables for men, so that they may take heed.
And the likeness of an evil word (kalimah khabeetha- a word of shirk) is like an evil tree, which is uprooted from the face of the earth, and has no stability." (Qur'an: 24-26)
15. Virtues of Reciting the Third Kalimah:
The word of glorification or the Kalima-e-Tamjeed
Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, Wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla Wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-'aliyyi-l-'azīm
(Glory be to Allah. And praise be to Allah. And there is no god except Allah. And Allah is the Greatest. And there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, And Most Great)
Ibn Mas'ood (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
"When I met Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in the night of Mi'raaj (Night of ascension) he asked me to convey his Salaam to my Ummah and to tell them that the Paradise has a fertile soil and sweet water, and is like a vast field. And its plants are [the words above]."
Another version says: "Whoever recites the words above, a tree in Paradise is planted for him for each word he says." (Virtues of Dhikr; Tirmidhi)
16. Virtues of reading the Fourth Kalimah:
The word of Oneness of Allah or the Kalima-e-Tawhid:
Lā ilāha illā-llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu lahu-l-mulku Wa lahu-l-hamdu yuḥyi Wa yumītu Wa huwa ḥayyu-llā yamūtu abadan abada, ḏū-l-jalāli wa-l-ikrām, biyadihi-l-khayr, wa huwa 'alā kulli Shay'in qadīr.
(There is no god except Allah, Who is Alone and has no partners. For Him is the Dominion and for Him is all praise. He gives life and causes death. And He is living and will never ever die. Owner of Majesty and Honour: In His Hands is all goodness. And He has power over all things)
Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
"A person who recites: Laa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa 'alaa kulli shay-in qadeer, a hundred times daily will have reward equal to that of freeing ten slaves and one hundred good deeds will be written for him, and one hundred of his sins will be lifted from him, and for the whole day, he will remain immune from the Shaytaan until the evening, and on the Day of Judgment, no one will exceed him in merit except one who has done [these phrases] more." (Agreed Upon)
17. Virtues of Reciting AYAT UL KURSI after Salaat:
Rasulallah (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever recites Aayatul Kursi after every Fard (Fard Salat).
Only death is keeping him/her from entering Jannah. (As soon as he/she dies, will enter Jannah) (Nisa'i, Ibne Habban, Ibnelsani A'n Abi Amatah Albahili Radiallah Anhu)
Another Hadith states that Reciting Ayatul Kursi after one Fard (Fard Salat) will cause a person to stay in Allah's protection until the next Salat. (Tibrani Fil Kabeer)
18a.Recite Ayatul Kursi for protection
Imam Bihaqi (Ra) States: The one who recites Ayatul Kursi before falling asleep, Allah gives protection to his/her home and his/her Family. (Marqat Sharah Mishkaat, Mulla Ali Qaderi, vol. 2 pp. 583)
In another Hadith the Jinn and Shaithaan do not come close to the house in which Ayatul Kursi is recited. (Tirmizi Altargheeb Wal Tarheeb Lilmanzari vol.2 pp.631)
18b. Recite Ayatul Kursi for blessing in ones food
Hadrat A'isha Radiallah Anha states that a person arrived in the court of Rasulallah (peace be upon him) and complained that there is no Barakat (Blessings) in anything in his home.
Rasulallah (peace be upon him)said,
"You do not recite Ayatul Kursi, whichever Food and Curry you will recite Ayatul Kursi on, Allah will give Blessings on that Food and Curry. (Tafseer Dar Manshoor vol. 1 pp. 323)
19. Visiting a sick Muslim:
"There is no Muslim who visits another sick Muslim early in the morning but 70 thousand angels send blessings upon him until evening comes, and if he visits him in the evening, 70 thousand angels send blessings upon him until morning comes, and he will have a garden in paradise." [Tirmidhi]
20. Going to the Masjid in order to learn or teach:
Attending lectures in the Masjid. "Whoever goes to the Masjid not desiring anything except to learn or teach what is good has the reward of a pilgrim who completed his Hajj"(Tabarrani)
Bonus. Glorifying Allah 100 times when one goes to bed
Abdullah ibn 'Amr (Radhi Allaahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:
"There are two characteristics that whenever the Muslim maintains them will enter Jannah. These two traits are easy to possess. However, only a few people acquire them.
Say "Subhaan Allaah" ten times, "Alhamdulillaah" ten times and "Allaahu Akbar" ten times at the end of each Salah. By practicing this deed you earn one hundred and fifty rewards for your tongue and one thousand five hundred for the scale (of good deeds).
And before you go to sleep say "Subhaan Allaah" thirty three times, "Alhamdulillaah" thirty three times and "Allaahu Akbar" thirty four times. By saying these words before you sleep you gain one hundred good deeds for your tongue and one thousand deeds for the scale.
So who among you would commit two thousand five hundred sins in one day (to counter that)?
They said: 'How could we not count (our sins)?'
He (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said," Right after a person finishes praying, Shaytaan comes to him and reminds him of this or that (something that he has to do). Therefore this person gets up and leaves without saying these words. Additionally, when he lies in his bed Shaytaan comes to him and causes him to fall asleep before he can mention these words."
'Abdullah ibn 'Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) said, " I saw the messenger of Allaah (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) say these words using his hand to count them."
Recorded by Abu Dawud, at Tirmithi and others. Verified to be authentic by al-Albani (Sahih ut Targhib wat-Tarhib).
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