V22 - Chapter 265 Epilogue pt 4
--- Sadera, Royal Palace ---
Date: December 25th, 2028
Seeing the glow coming from the city blocks, the electric lights were glowing green and red besides the standard white. Rows of shimmering lights and decorations could be seen all down the main roads. Snow blanketing the city gave a picturesque sight of a magical wonderland. The center of the city had a brightly lit, massive tree with a star, enchanted with light magic that outshine anything else. Crowds at the marketplace sang songs. Some important government buildings that have electricity were laced with lights with the same two colors with a jolly, overweight-looking individual standing on top, holding a large red sack waved down below.
Pina Co Lada looked out from her balcony, taking a deep breath of joy as she looked out at her beautiful city. Two years from the battle when her army and allies took the city from her out of control brother, Zorzal. The price of his desire to remain on the throne could still be seen everywhere. Reading upon the aftermath of World War Two she learned that thirty-years later many cities still had scars from that war, and she saw a similar time length.
Hearing noises from below, Pina looked down and saw a group of nekos playing with some of the decorations. Two guards appeared and had them knock it off before they ruined the setting. She couldn't help but chuckle from the site.
"I see your happy that the event worked out."
Hearing her husband's voice, she turned and saw O'iloiat. "Yes, I am."
He walked over and leaned on the railing. "I am surprised people accepted the holiday so well."
"Not everyone," Pina replied, and she looked out. "There are still people who think it's a cultural invasion."
"Who cares."
"True. Personally, I just think people are ready for something positive. The war ended but reconstruction and modernization has not been easy."
"It too shall pass," O'iloiat said as he wrapped his arm around his wife. "We are alive. The Oprichnina and the Haryo Tribe are gone. The people's lives are getting better, and we are at peace. What more can we ask for?"
While Pina agreed with everything her Emperor said, there was one thing he missed. She glanced over and said, "I do not know. Maybe some ice cream?"
She watched as O'iloiat looked over with a baffled look and then smiled. "Sure thing. The sooner you make it back the sooner we can have some."
Rolling her eyes, she lightly slapped him on the arm before rubbing her head onto his shoulder.
Looking back into the city, seeing the glowing red and green lights. While only a few places had electricity, she can see the future coming. Hopefully one day, every home will have such power and prosperity.
Since taking control of the city, Pina knew she needed to bring back morale throughout the city. After a trip to Philadelphia in June and seeing Christmas decorations already set up at the stores, she got the idea to bring the holiday to the Republic. A holiday about family, spirituality, gift giving, and more importantly, coming together. She saw it as the perfect opportunity to help shed off the dead weight from the war.
This being the first year of implementing the holiday in Sadera, she hoped it would help turn the page from the past and bring the future to the people. That better days are ahead.
Hearing a loud thump and then her eldest brother making a commotion, Pina took a deep breath and said, "I guess it is time to go back in."
She felt a kiss on her forehead and the two headed inside.
The large room was lit up by multiple lamps. The fireplace was alive, heating up the large room with ease. Just like throughout the city, the room had been decorated with the theme of Christmas. A local tree that was cut down from outside the city and is now standing in the middle of the room, covered with ornaments that the kids put on the other day.
Around the room, Pina saw her friends Bozes and Hamilton with their husbands and kids. Both of her brothers and their respected families. The children from all the families ran around with excitement, playing tag and hiding. A game that she couldn't understand.
Bozes, Panache, Beefeater, and Hamilton all sat on the couch, gossiping about their daily lives while some of their men were in the back drinking beers. Andrew was still helping with security matters, assisting Sharpe while Johnson had become a key manager who was working with establishing security training with the Law Enforcement Guild.
Diabo on the other hand was standing by the fire, confused by what was going on while Krysist stood between the kids as he attempted to maintain discipline. An objective that the General was losing.
Hearing his eldest brother's wife taunting the General, Pina approached Malena. "How is the war?"
"Going great," Malena said, laughing.
Looking back to the game, she saw two little bunnies jump on Krysist's back while her child grabbed his leg, causing Krysist to fall forward. They wore cute little Christmas themed outfits. Vibrant red dresses, with black belts, and white puffy fluffs at the ends. Black little shoes with black socks that had matching white fluffs at the end, and classic Christmas hats completed their looks.
"We did it!" One of the bunny girls yelled.
"Hey, hey," Malena said. "No presents if your father is killed."
"Hey!" Krysist responded as he held his only hand up. "Do not teach them to be soft and leave a job half finished."
"I see why my people do not have males," Malena jokingly said.
"You can say that," Pina said. "But you do not get silly moments like this."
"That is true," she said with a giggle.
"How are the two?" Pina asked.
"Jarllie is doing great," Malena replied. "She takes after her father. Kalvie is the softer one but high in spirit."
Looking over to waging war, Pina saw Jarllie who was on top of her father's head, boasting of her victory. Kalvie was standing there tugging at her sister and telling her to get off their dad.
To Pina's joy, her daughter, Livia, was among the two bunnies, standing on top of his back. That was until her husband approached, telling them to back off as they prepared presents.
As O'iloiat took control, Pina walked over to her brother, Diabo. "Thank you for coming. I know these types of events are not your thing."
"It is fine," Diabo said. "As we are family, it is important for us to stick together and maintain an appearance of unity among the people and Senate."
"If that is how you want to see it, that is fine," Pina said. "I am just happy we are together."
"And that is why they call it a holiday?" Diabo asked. "I do not understand the logic of this, Christmas. How does a fat man fly with animals to millions of homes in one night and to multiple worlds? How does he make all these gifts for them? And how does he know when someone is good or bad?"
As Pina heard her brother ramble, she placed her hand on his shoulder. He had always been the logical one within the family. Placing his time into studying over anything else. While his intelligence was unquestionable it clearly had a negative effect on his social life.
"Diabo. Shut up and enjoy the moment," Pina said. "The point is we are together, and you should spend time with your engagement."
"That is what she said," Diabo replied before looking toward Panache.
"I also want to say, I am proud of you Diabo. I know you do not get a lot of credit, but you have done a great job in helping the transition from the Imperial Empire to a more Republic one."
"That is fine by me," Diabo said. "I prefer not being in the spotlight. I enjoy the daily meetings and debate."
"I am sure you do," Pina said. "Now excuse me, I'm going to help my daughter open her gift."
As the formal Rose Knights, Royalty, and loved ones gather around the tree, they each remember what got them there and the bond of their forever friendship.
"To the next generation," Pina toasts. "Now, let us begin."
--- Alnus Liberty Tavern ---
Date: June 14th, 2030
The day of days had finally come for the Sharpe family. After years of war, battles, kidnappings, and stress, they must watch as one of their own starts to move on with their life.
On the stage, Lelei stood while wearing a white dress with a small crown on her head. A bouquet of flowers, native to Falmart in her hands. There is a small bulge in the dress, showing that she was six months pregnant. By her side was Jaleoa who dressed in the Rondal style of robing. Soredin stood between them and granted them husband and wife.
The two kissed in front of the large crowd of friends and comrades - all celebrating their newfound union. While the intention was for a small wedding, it became clear to everyone that they had met so many people since the Gate opened that it would be impossible. Almost everyone had arrived for the setting, to witness the celebrations.
Sarah took Sharpe's hand as she teared up, watching the two officially getting married. He understood why. While they only knew Lelei for a few years, she became family. Started off as an extreme introvert and slowly broke from that shell and became the bridge of two worlds - one science while the other magical.
The two newlyweds started walking through the crowds, thanking everyone for coming. While many were in the crowd, many started moving into groups. Some went to the food table, others formed groups to catch up and others started playing games.
Over in one corner, there was Pina and her husband O'iloiat were talking with the Bunny Queen Tyuule, Hodor of the Koan Woodline State, and Mimoza from Rondel. Most likely talking about the current state of their nations and the continent as a whole. There had been plans to expand the highway system NATO built during the war through the Dumas Mountains. The goal would be to allow better travel. While once enemies at one point, the three want to expand their relations and be close allies.
Among some of the military folk, there was Krysist and his wife, Malena. For Krysist, he had spent less time on the front and learning to enjoy life rather than living in a state of survival - helping the next generation of soldiers to take the lead. While still the General of the Army, his wife correctly pointed out that he had done his duty and should enjoy what he had captured. His freedom from his past.
Most people had gotten married and settled down somewhere in the State of Alcatris. Scott married Persia and lived in Italica, working in logistics. Alicia got involved with the Rose Knight Jalin, both working in the small but growing automotive and other machinery industries in Sadera. Jerry married an adventurer named Lillie and started a clinic in Alnus.
Frost did marry the batgirl, Mentiv, and moved to Valtris and worked at the market. Sofia, one of the most troubled soldiers on the team, finally moved on from her past and is engaged to the head of the Rondel Knights, Reldom.
For Randy, after the war he retired and spent the rest of his life with his wife and kids, deciding that two wars were enough for one man's life. They did move to Alnus and established their life there. He opened up an academy to help pass his knowledge down to the next generation and help build the bridge between both worlds.
For Andrew and Hamilton, they had two kids and lived between Alnus and Sadera, depending on his deployment and current assignment. Andrew decided to join the Army Officer School and became an officer. With the future coming with the upcoming Bridge network, which allowed a nation to create their own temporary Gates to new worlds, a new age of exploration has begun, and he wanted to spearhead that adventure.
Noticing Rory talking to Marly, Frayen, Taylin, Karlin, Mabel, and Giselle, her dream of a united Apostle Council was successful. The age of being disunited and working for their one self-interested goal had to come to an end for this new era to work. It took time however, the brainwashed Apostles finally agreed and worked together rather then against it. It also helped that the Archangel Michael uplifted Rory and set her on the path to becoming an angel. That moment helped convinced everyone that they needed to change.
Once the ceremony ended, Lelei went to talk to her sisters, Rory, Tuka, Selina, and Yao. Tuka stayed with her people and helped them rebuild their civilization, marrying Cato servant from Rondel, Welua. After a decade of being chased around Falmart and forced to fight multiple wars, they finally could live in peace. Yao ventures between her tribe and Alnus, as she helped with childcare for many of the military families and schools. Selina had gained approval to go to West Point, wanting to start a military career and follow in her father's footsteps. Feeling the fire to stop the ones who would do harm to others - which comes from her time as a slave and evil men that tried to kill her.
For Rory, she had decided her time in following and protecting the Sharpe family. With this new era of exploration, she will follow them through the artificial Gate and see these new worlds, spreading the lessons she had learned from the Imperial and Demon War and most importantly, protecting the one she loves as they go on new crazy adventurers.
Sharpe placed his arm around his beautiful wife and held her close.
"I am so proud of everyone," Sarah said.
"I know," Sharpe said. "Soon enough you will be a grandmother...."
"Don't start."
"Alright, dear."
Finally, the bride walked over. Her puffy white dress could almost blind any man's eyes.
"I think it is a custom for you to dance with me?" Lelei said.
Sharpe gently took her hand and said, "It would be an honor."
Escorting her to the dance floor, the two started dancing among the other couples.
"I want you to know that I am very proud of you," Sharpe said. "Cato would also would be very proud."
"Thank you," Lelei said. "I love you very much and thank you for everything. I wish Cato was here, but I am glad I am not alone."
"You never will be," Sharpe replied.
As the two slowly danced, Lelei had a big future planned. She helped start a new magical school at Alnus with the goal of bridge the two worlds. Gaining a Harvard PHD degree in the new Thermoudgy field, she will be taking the knowledge she has learned from Soredin and applying it to Uros magic. Her future, safely at the school and helping unlock a brighter future.
With all those achievements behind her, if anyone asked what she was excited - she would respond with becoming a mother. Settling down with her husband and teaching their child the arts of magic.
"Alright everyone," Sarah said. "Time to gather for a photo."
People gathered around a large wall. Painted with flowers and a raising sun. It proved to be complicated with the sheer size of the number of people, however, it worked out.
Sharpe and the Girls took the center with the married couple up front. Everyone else staggered out as they faced the camera.
A flash as the camera crew captured the moment, a large picture of everyone, together.
--- Fort Minick ---
Date: June 22nd, 2032
With a bright sunny day gazing over the base, everyone gathered to the northeast side. There a new facility was built for one special purpose.
To open an artificial Gate.
Newly promoted Colonel Jackson Sharpe stood by a group of young men and women, all loading up six vehicles. Everyone was eager to go on their first mission to another world.
Another world, letting the thought linger a bit.
"I cannot believe this day has finally come," Rory said with much excitement.
"Yeah," Sharpe said. "It took a while, but it is finally here."
"Hold on."
Hearing a female voice, Sharpe turned and saw his daughter, Selina approach. She was in her military uniform, bag in hand.
She recently graduated from West Point and went the better part of a year doing everything she could to get into the Vanguard-Program. The drive, wanting to be on the first mission to the new world with her father. Never wanting to be left behind while others fought again.
What Sharpe was most proud of was the gold Second Lieutenant bars on her shoulders. Now, she is commanding her own Vanguard team, Vanguard-4.
"You finally made it?" Rory jokingly asked.
"I would not miss this for the world," Selina said. "I have been dreaming of this day for eight years." She stopped, dropped her bag, and saluted her father.
Looking down, Sharpe couldn't be more proud of her. He returned the salute and the two relaxed. "Are you ready to make history?"
"I am, sir," Selina said. "But... I will admit, I am nervous. Were you this nervous when you first went through the Gate?"
Placing his hand on his daughter's shoulder, he said, "You will do fine. Remember everything you have been through. As long as you believe in yourself, you will be able to overcome anything. Just remember that you are the leader of your team, and you must look after them. Remember that and your principles, whatever we face, we will overcome them together."
"Thank you," Selina said. "I needed to hear that."
"You two are so cute," Rory said.
"Alright, we are almost ready to depart," Sharpe said. "Go get your team ready."
Selina nodded and walked off, heading to her team.
The two walked over to the command center where many personnel were typing on computers, making final adjustments.
"Colonel," Yang said.
"Brigadier General," Sharpe responded.
"Is your team ready?"
"I think we are ready for the misses' short temper here to start another war."
Rory quickly punched him in the arm and then crossed her arms. "Hey! That is not funny."
"I would say that was a joke but with you two, I am not sure," Yang commented.
"We are ready, sir," Sharpe said.
"Good," Yang said. "Make humanity proud."
The two head back to the convoy. Captain Andrew Steele approached and saluted. "Everyone is good to go sir."
"Thank you, First Lieutenant," Sharpe said. "When the Gate opens, we head right in. Stay close."
As Andrew left, Sharpe got a text message from his wife. "I will be right back, Rory."
Sharpe quickly headed outside the facility and saw Sarah standing there. Without hesitation, he approached and gave her a hug.
"A hug I see?" Sarah said as she returned the hug.
"That and, I wanted to let you know I wanted steak for dinner," Sharpe said.
She lightly pushed him away. "Really? Well, if you come back sure. However, if you don't come back then I will start making you eat veggie burgers every night."
"That is evil," Sharpe said with a chuckle. "I guess that's good enough motivation to come back alive. I need to go."
He gave her a kiss and walked away. Before opening the door, he heard his wife speak.
"Jackson, I love you."
Sharpe turned and replied, "I know." He then winked and headed inside.
"Did you tell her that you loved her?" Rory asked.
"I will when I get back," Sharpe said. "Now, let's get this party started."
The two walked to the lead vehicle and waited for the Gate to appear.
The countdown hit zero as a mist slowly emerged. Small bolts of lightning shot out in all directions, hitting pre-established lightning nods.
"Look!" Rory said as she pointed.
Slowly, a Gate phased inside the facility. Moment by moment the structure formed until it was completely there.
Unlike the Alnus Gate which had a Classical-era theme design and the Darlko Gates which was more organic and blistered, this one looked silver. The stone was replaced with metal lights that blinked all around it.
"It is different," Andrew said.
"That answers that there," Rory said.
Lelei theorized that the Gate form matched the dominant civilization of that world, which in this case the Terrans.
The doors opened and darkness filled the interior, just like the first time the Alnus Gate opened. The darkness leading into the unknown.
However, past that darkness will be another world. An alien world that was ready to be explored. To make first contact. To see what wonders that world has. What makes this world unique among the God of creations?
"Colonel," Yang said. "We have a stable connection. Your team has a go."
Hearing the engines of their vehicles come to life, Sharpe looked toward his team. He placed his helmet on and said, "Vanguard. Roll out."
The End
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