Chapter 2: A Whole New World
[Scanning. . .]
[Operator: LT. "Striker"]
[Location: JSDF Military Base, Tokyo.]
[After the Battle of Alnus Hills.]
[Start Transmission. . .]
(After sending the airstrike, JSDF and Y/N have successfully defeated the Saderans Empire troops on Alnus Hill, temporarily making the whole ground as their outpost/base big enough for possible civilians...
The Lieutenant of Armistice was called back in Japan to be given his new role, squad and rank for their main objective...
Y/N was officially honored as the representative of JSDF and Armistice, from Lieutenant to Captain and finally leader of his own squad, callsign: Alpha 6...
As the scene shows the present day, Y/N was seen wearing his Armistice military clothes, blue navy tactical jacket and pants with black boots and gloves, his sleeves were rolled up to expose his forearms...
Soon after, the screen shows a man sitting on his desk with some papers on his hands, letting Y/N know those papers are about their objective.)
Y/N: "Sir."
Corporal: "L/N. Thank you for coming."
Commander: "As you can see, kid. After calling you to come here back at Japan, we've talked about your new position."
General: "And since you helped us recovering from hundreds of losses back at Ginza, we prioritize on making a possible expanding outside Alnus Hill."
Y/N: *raises his eyebrow* "The reason you three called me, it's for?"
Commander: "It's to show people from the other side of the Gate what JSDF and Armistice can do, if they dare to declare war on us."
Y/N: "When are we not in War, Actual?"
Corporal: "L/N, do understand the situation right now. We've already lost many innocent lives, then we killed almost thousands of Saderans. If we keep this up, we will lose more than you think..."
General: "And since you got promoted, you get all the calls you can make, with or without our authorisation."
Y/N: *crosses his arms* "Basically, you want me on the frontline with my own squad to prove we mean peace..."
Commander: "Exactly. With you on JSDF's side, no other nations will dare to fight Japan for the Gate, you also get a chance to either retire or stay in the military after the mission succeeds."
Y/N: "..."
[Changing Location. . .]
[Marked Location: JSDF temporary Base, Alnus.]
[4 Years after the Meeting.]
(4 years have passed since the meetinf with his superiors...
After going back through the Gate, Y/N was now exercising with one of his friends when they protected Ginza, a former police soldier codenamed: Cloaker...
Alongside with them, a Juggernaut with a skull paint on his faceplate was timing them, his codename is: "Skull"dozer or Bulldozer, he doesn't mind which one he gets called...
The two running soldiers were about to finish their last 10th lap at the same time, only to make the juggernaut confused who won the race.)
Y/N/Cloaker: *stares at Skulldozer* "Who won?!"
Bulldozer: "Uhhh...It's a tie. 10 mins and 15 sec."
Y/N/Cloaker: *angry* "THE FUCK?!"
Bulldozer: *shrugs* "You two were too fast! The fuck did you expect?!"
Cloaker: 💢 "I want a rematch!"
Y/N: *sighs* "Can't do it now. Gotta save energy for my new team."
Bulldozer: "I'm sure it'll takes some time, how about eating something at the cafeteria? You two must be hungry after all those laps."
Y/N: "...Meh, why not. My commander will inform me when they will arrive."
Cloaker: "They better have that energy bar, that shit is good!"
Y/N: *chuckles* "Let's go, you ninja wannabe."
(The trio begin to head towards the cafeteria while saluting some of their superiors passing by...
Once they walk in, Cloaker immediately grabs two energy bars and an energy drink as Y/N just went to grab his favorite drink...
For the Bulldozer, he grabbed a MRE from a table as for his meal.)
Cloaker: "Fuck yeah! I got two of these babies!"
Y/N: "Guess the government did allow our superiors to buy some stuffs."
Bulldozer: *takes his headgear off* "You two should try to eat MREs whenever you have a chance."
Y/N: "That will happen if i somehow manage to adopt a random girl from this world."
Cloaker: "Aaand you just raised a flag on your own prediction..."
Y/N: *shrugs* "I like jinxing myself, it gives me some opportunities to experience."
Bulldozer: *eating his MRE* "Really? Do you always gamble yourself like that?"
Y/N: "All the goddamn time!"
Cloaker: "Hell yeah, brother!"
Bulldozer: *sighs* "You two..."
(Y/N went back drinking his favorite drink while Cloaker begins to eat one of his energy bar as their big guy friend was about to finish his MRE...
After a while, two superiors show up in the cafeteria, making everyone except Y/N salute at them.)
Soldiers: "Sirs!"
Corporal: "At ease, everyone. We're here to summon Captain L/N."
Y/N: *looks over* "Striker 0-1. Reporting for duty."
Captain: "RV outside in 5, near one of your humvees."
Y/N: "Roger."
(The duo then leaves the cafeteria as the rest went back to their own businesses...
Y/N, on the other hand, finishes his drink and tosses the cup into a nearby trashcan.)
Cloaker: "Imagine having a new mission right now."
Bulldozer: *looks at Y/N* "Will you be alright?"
Y/N: "Relax, pare. I'll be fine. See you two around."
(Both soldiers nod their heads before they see him walking out of the cafeteria...
Before he heads out of the building, he crosses path with one of his superiors involved with debriefing and reporting.)
???: "Good afternoon, L/N-san."
Y/N: *glares at Yanagida* "Akira..."
Yanagida: *chuckles* "Easy there, Captain. I mean no harm, swear."
Y/N: *growls* "The fuck you want..."
Yanagida: "Oh nothing. I just happened to hear from some rookies about you having your own team."
Y/N: "...What about it?"
Yanagida: *smiles smugly* "I wonder how they react when they know about you and the Armistice."
Y/N: 💢 'This motherfucker...' "...Can you go straight to the point?"
Yanagida: *smirks* "...It's time for us to push them back, like how you did back at Alnus Hill."
Y/N: *crosses his arms* "Akira. They almost wrecked down Ginza, you know that."
Yanagida: "True." *pokes at Y/N's chest* "But you showed those troops how dangerous you are."
Y/N: *narrows his eyebrows* "Listen here, gago. You dare to try manipulate me, and i will dig a grave for your body."
Yanagida: *smirking* "I'll be looking forward to it, Captain."
(The two of them have a short face-off before Y/N lightly pushes him away to head out of the building...
The screen shows Yanagida fixing his glasses as he was still smirking, liking the fact he knows how to push some right buttons at his frenemy.)
[Change of View. . .]
[Perspective: Y/N's P.O.V.]
[Transmitting. . .]
(Fucking Akira! Always being so annoying before i get to meetup with the others!
What's his deal anyway?! Getting in the JSDF so he can boss me around! I'M THE FUCKING CAPTAIN HERE!
Ugh...forget it. It's been years since we both got here and etc., shouldn't even been that surprised...
Anyway, i was walking down the path until i met up with the corporal and captain.
They seem to notice me approaching as i spot a group of soldiers stacking up.)
(Let's old man, two big guys, couple average guys and two girls...
Solid unit, i dare say.
What interested the most, it's the shorty brown haired girl.
Those eyes of determination...heh...
Sounds similar to a certain scottish mohawk soldier.)
"Corporal. Captain."
Corporal: "L/N. You're right on time."
Captain: *motions the group* "These soldiers are yours. You, alongside with them, are the Third Recon Unit."
"Too long. Alpha-6 is the call-sign of ours."
Corporal: *nods* "Understood. How would you like us to call you on the radio?"
(Armistice style, fuckheads.) "Call-sign; Echo-1."
Captain: *smirks* "...Approved."
Corporal: "Alright, Echo-1. The team is yours, good luck."
(I salute at them as they salute back before walking away from me and my new team.
I turn my head towards Alpha-6 and i notice their nervous expressions.)
"Ease up, you all. Just because i'm a foreigner, that doesn't mean i'm the bad guy here."
Old man: "Sorry about that, sir. It's our first time teaming up someone who saved Ginza with his air supports."
"Really? Am i that famous?"
Raven haired girl: "Yes, sir. You're quite famous back in Japan."
(Huh...never knew that part, oh well.)
"No formalities on me, call me Y/N or L/N for locals. Radio call-sign is Echo-1 or Striker 0-1."
Alpha-6: "Yessir!"
"But first, introduce yourselves. Sergeants First Class, come up now!"
Big guy: "Sergeant First Class, Tomita! Sir!"
Raven haired girl: "Sergeant First Class, Kurokawa! Sir!"
"Two of you, huh. Good." *looks at the rest* "Sergeant Major!"
Old man: "Sergeant Major, Kuwabara! Sir!"
"Welcome aboard, old man."
Kuwabara: *chuckles* "None of us are old enough, sir."
(Say that to the Koreans, fucking hell...they look too young that FBI misjudge them as lolis or shotas.)
"Up next. Master Sergeant!"
Guy: "Master Sergeant, Nishina! Sir!"
"You'll be under Sergeant Major's calls, understood?"
Nishina: "Yessir!"
"Good. Now, Sergeants!"
Guy 2: "Sergeant Kurata! Sir!"
Shorty: "Sergeant Kuribayashi! Sir!"
"Fuck me, too long. Call-sign; Alpha 3-6 for you."
Kuribayashi: "Y-Yessir!"
Guy 3: "Sergeant Katsumoto! Sir!"
"Only for locals. Alpha 2-6 is your call-sign."
Katsumoto: "Yessir!"
"Alright. I presume the rest are Leading Privates, right?"
Guys: "Yessir."
"Noted. Names."
Glasses: "Leading Private, Tozu! Sir!"
Guy 4: "Leading Private, Higashi! Sir!"
Guy 5: "Leading Private, Sasagawa! Sir!"
Guy 6: "Leading Private, Furuta! Sir!"
"That wrap things up. Now for the roles." *looks at Tomita* "Second in command. You make calls if i'm absent or gone."
Tomita: "Understood, sir."
*looks at Kurokawa* "What's your skills?"
Kurokawa: "I've studied military medical training, sir."
"That makes you the medic of our team. We'll be under your care."
Kurokawa: *smiles* "Leave that to me, sir."
(Oh boy...Japanese girls sure are beautiful...
...i wonder if my ex is still alright, even if I haven't called anyone for 4 years.)
"Got it. As for drivers-" *looks at the privates* "We have 3 LAV humvees, one of you will be our backup."
Furuta: *raises his hand* "I'll watch your backs."
"Thanks, Private." *looks at Kuribayashi* "You'll be on the ground team with me, Furuta, Tomita and Kurokawa."
Kuribayashi: "Got it, sir!"
"The rest of the roles is up to you all. Talk and decide who's taking which roles, understood?"
Alpha-6: "Sir, yessir!"
Commander: "Striker 0-1, this is Eagle Actual. How copy, over."
(Does he have a timer to call me right after i'm done with some stuffs?)
*turns radio on* "Actual. This is 0-1, send traffic."
Commander: "As you may realized from your team's former name, you are assigned to explore outside JSDF/Armistice Base. Your mission is to reconnaissance any civilians from any villages, showing them we mean peace and protection."
"So that's the blank spot of my paperwork..."
(So we'll be either moving back and forth or camp outside with my team...
We could do the first one, but i have air supports to drop some boxes for us.
"Any permissions to call any air support while we're outside the base?"
Commander: "Overlord will be your personal caller for air supports. After my final request, the Armistice in Japan will be yours. Are you ready, L/N?"
(So it is happening...
The commander is leaving me his own army to guide on my own...
Fuck me...)
"...Copy. Ready to deploy."
Commander: "Your mission is a go. You have the green lights to make any kind of calls outside the main objective. Good luck, kid. This is Eagle Actual, signing off."
Overlord: "Striker 0-1, This is Overlord. Ready to start the mission?"
(Shock and Awe...)
"Affirmative. Standby for my calls."
Overlord: "Roger that, 0-1."
*looks at my team* "Alpha 6! We're on route! Up on those humvees, now!"
(And with that, we all jump into the humvees and begin to drive off the base as our recon mission is now started...
Alright, Other World...
Time to roll the dice if you take a hit or a miss from me~)
[Change of View. . .]
[Perspective: 3rd P.O.V.]
[Third Recon Unit: Online.]
[Transmitting. . .]
(As the screen changes location, 3 humvees are seen driving through the path for a nearby village...
Y/N was on the first Humvee while the other 2 humvees were following the main one.)
Y/N: "Radio check."
Tozu: "Check!"
Higashi: "Check!"
Kuribayashi: "What's our mission, L/N?"
Y/N: "Reconnaissance and Protection. As recon unit, we're assigned to show peace at any civilians from any villages."
Kurata: "That means we're not allowed to engage?"
Y/N: "Wrong. Any suspicious activities are considered hostiles, count your shots when you know they are real threats."
Kurata: "Got it, sir!"
Tomita: "Anything else we should know about the mission?"
Y/N: "We have the green light to save any injured civvies. No question asked, understood?"
Alpha-6: "Yessir!"
Kurokawa: "Uhm, sir? We're getting close to the village. However..."
Tomita: *notices it* "...The whole place is wasted..."
(Y/N looks over and sees the place was nothing but a waste burned town, making the unit concerned about any casualties...
Knowing he has to make all kind of reports, he switches channel on his radio before making the call.)
Y/N: "Overlord, this is Echo-1. The village turns out to be a complete wasteland. The whole place is nothing but filled with burned woods, dusts and ashes from any kinds, over."
Overlord: "Roger, Echo-1. You and your unit are allowed to inspect the perimeter for any casualties. Proceed with caution, over."
Y/N: "Echo-1 copies all. Out." *looks at Tomita* "Park sideways. We'll search around before we move to the next one."
Tomita: "Copy that, sir."
Y/N: *switches channel* "Nishina. Kurokawa. Kuwabara. You three are guarding the Humvees."
Nishi/Kuro/Kuwa: "Copy, sir."
Y/N: *looks at his team* "You all are with me."
Tomita: "Got it."
Kuribayashi: "Roger that!"
Furuta: "Affirmative!"
(After making the formation, they park the humvees sideways to make easy movement to drive off...
Soon after, Y/N was the first one to hop off the vehicle with his AR-15 on his hands while his team are following by with their own weapons.)
Furuta: "Holy crap, sir. How come you have different weapon than ours?"
Y/N: "Armistice. I'll get the permission for you all to have your own guns after this." *switches channel* "Overlord to Echo-1. We're approached to the destination. Looking for any survivors, over."
Overlord: "Solid copy, Echo-1. UAVs are online if you wish to call them, over."
Y/N: "Don't worry, we'll make this quick. Out." *turns his radio off* "With me."
(He lifts his rifle up and walks towards the wasteland as his team is following behind him...
The rest of the unit were left to protect the humvees in case something might happen to them...
Back with the team, Sasagawa, Furuta, Kuribayashi, Tomita and Y/N were seen apart but close enough to each other as they all were looking through scraps, ashes and burned woods.)
Sasagawa: "Clear on my way..."
Tomita: "Clear on me too..."
Kuribayashi: "I'm empty-handed here as well, no signs of survivors."
Furuta: "Fuck me...we're getting nowhere at this rate."
Y/N: "Better than staying in those cars for more than 4 hours...bloody hell..."
Furuta: *looks around* "I wonder what happened here." *looks back at Y/N* "Did you call an airstrike on this village?"
Y/N: "Negative. It wasn't my call on this..." *kneels down and picks up a broken bow* "...Guess they were protecting this village."
Furuta: "Were they raided by bandits?"
Y/N: "Doubtful. No bandits or terrorists can turn a whole city into ashes like this one."
Tomita: "Maybe something big passed by and the village happens to get caught by it."
Kuribayashi: "A wildfire could be a good guess. Right, sir?"
Y/N: "This world is completely different than ours. We're literally walking on another world where we're living in the past. No wildfire can happen here."
Sasagawa: "Like a fantasy world?"
Y/N: *stands up, tosses the bow away* "That's the one. Keep in mind that there are some people looking like animals, they are "Demi-humans". Don't forget about them."
Tomita: "If what you're saying is true, then what could've happened here?"
Y/N: *looks up in the sky* "...A dragon must've wasted this whole village..."
(His statement makes his team shocked by the revelation of the village's destruction...
Back at the Humvees, the rest of the unit were also shocked as they were slowly driving to keep up with them since Y/N changed the tactics.)
Kurokawa: "A-A dragon? L-Like a real one?"
Y/N: "Call me crazy, but it's the only result we get from this world."
Furuta: "I mean...that's true, but still..."
Tomita: "Permission to engage this dragon if it ever shows up?"
Y/N: "Denied. We're lack of heavy rounds. All we got is just RPGs, mounted turrets and our pathetic guns..."
Kuribayashi: "W-What's your call, sir?"
Y/N: "..." *switches his AR with his Glock-17* "...Let's keep searching. Squad 2, stay close with us."
Alpha-6: "Copy, sir."
(The whole unit went back to their searching after theorizing what could've had happened to the village...
Y/N, on the other hand, may be one of the youngest and deadliest soldier from Armistice, but he does have a soft side for those who didn't deserve to leave this world by dying tragically...
Kurokawa notices his body posture as if she could easily read his body language, she then took a mental note to check-up on him after the mission...
Back with the search squad, Y/N and Furuta part ways with the group as they notice a well in the middle of nowhere.)
Furuta: "A well? What's that doing here?"
Y/N: "This path used to be a crosswalk..." *looks at Furuta* "Check it. I watch your back."
Furuta: "Roger. On it, sir."
(He then jogs over to the well while Y/N turns around as he walks backwards with his Glock-17 on his hands...
Once the leading private arrived at the well, he looks down at it and notices the well was too dark for him.)
Furuta: "Sir. I need a flashlight, do you have one?"
Y/N: "On my AR. Go ahead."
(Furuta nods his head and walks back to his squad leader so he could get the flashlight from Y/N's AR...
He then went back to the well and turns the light on to lighten up inside the well...
His eyes widen up when he notices an unconscious blonde elf girl floating on the water.)
Furuta: "S-S-Sir! I-I found one!"
Y/N: "Step aside! Cover me!"
(He quickly switches position with Y/N as the latter checks the well with his flashlight...
Behind his goggles, his eyes were wide open out of shock to see the girl having long ears, immediately guessing she was an elf.)
Y/N: *radio* "Overlord! This is Echo-1! We found a civilian! Girl, blonde, unconscious inside the well, proceeding to take her back to the base for medical support, over!"
Overlord: "Roger that, Echo-1. Be advised. Once you bring the girl to the base, you will have full custody to that girl, over."
Y/N: "Solid Copy, Out!" *switches channel* "All unit! Gather to the well! We found one!"
Alpha-6: "Yessir!"
Furuta: *looks at Y/N* "Do you think she'll make it?!"
Y/N: "She has to! I'm not letting her die out of nowhere like this!"
(As the duo were waiting for their team to regroup with them, somewhere far away from their location, a shadow figure was seen infront of the sun...
Once the screen zooms in to the figure, a pair of golden eyes were seen opening as a loud roar was heard, immediately making the screen turn black from the roar.)
[Lost Connection. . .]
[Status: Active.]
[Side Objective: Completed.]
[Main Objective: Ongoing.]
[End of Transmission. . .]
A/N: I may fucked up the timeline, i don't know...
I haven't watched Gate in a long time, so forgive me if i messed it up.
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