Chapter 1: Vacation Went Wrong

[Moment before the Battle of Ginza]
[3rd P.O.V.]

[Start Transmission. . .]

(As the sun was shining Japan, people were enjoying their days by doing their own businesses...

Families spending their time walking down at the park, workers doing their jobs on the streets, couples going on their date, teenagers hanging out with each other and so on...

All above those moments, there was one certain ex-special operator who was on his vacation for almost a year...

And that person was none other than Y/N L/N, a Filipino-Italian special operator that is currently living in Japan...

He was seen waiting on the line for an anime convention where cosplayers, sellers and even some of his favorite game characters were there as well...

Little thing they know, he was carrying a bag with his customized AR-15 and his wristwatch where he can call any kind of air supports.)

Y/N: 'Oh man, i can't wait to see one of the cosplayers being the mage from the game that was released last month! That was a HUGE impact for the company!' as he thought...

Person: "Can you believe this is gonna be our first time being in an actual convention?!"

Friend: "Dude! The three of us are gonna see our favorite cosplayers!"

Y/N: "We've been busting our asses on our jobs, now it's our time to relax!"

Guys: "Hell yeah!"

(As if God wanted to change the day a little bit different, everyone suddenly felt an earthquake going on, making some people stumble as the others falls on the ground.)

Person: "What the hell was that?"

Y/N: 💢 "That's why i don't trust the news!"

Friend: *scared* "G-Guys...L-Look over there..."

(They turn their heads and they notice some people wearing royal armor with shields, spears and swords...

What scares the most of them, some of them were thief looking like as they were what they call themselves as "demi-humans".)

Person: *sees them killing people* "D-Did they--"


(All chaos was spread all Japan, people begin to run to safety, avoiding to get killed by the empire...

Police were on the route to save as many people as they can, most of them failed as they get caught by the royal soldiers...

Y/N, on the other hand, drops his bag and quickly pulls out his AR-15, making his friends shocked.)

Friend: "D-Did you actually bring a rifle?!"

Y/N: "Lads. Get to safety, i'll hold them off."

Person: *scared* "Y-You'll die if you s-stay!"

Y/N: *smirks* "Like hell mamamatay ako, pare."

(He then pulls out his wristwatch, puts it on his left forearm and presses a button to call air support.)

[Friendly Apache in the air, E.T.A.: 3 Minutes.]

Y/N: *looks at his friends* "Go! Now!"

(The two of them hesitatingly nods their head and begins to run where they get protected by the police and the military, JSDF...

Y/N quickly runs down the stairs to get on the roads, he then draws his AR and drops any royal soldiers, thieves or demi-humans killers he sees on sight...

A little girl was seen crawling away from a wolf demi-human, who was licking his lips out of ecstasy to kill an innocent life.)

Wolf: "I can't wait to kill you and have my way with your mommy!~"

Girl: *crying* "HELP MEEEEE!!!"

*bang* *bang* *bang*

(After three shots, the humanoid wolf falls on the ground, dropping his knife while bleeding from two holes on the back and one through his head...

The little girl looks up and immediately covers her ears when she sees Y/N using his AR on full-auto as he drops a whole team of royal soldiers, killing them in the progress...

Before the cavalry arrives, his wristwatch was loud enough to let people around Y/N saying.)

[Friendly Apache inbound.]

(Y/N pulls out a purple flare, pops it open and throws it towards the cavalry as it lands on one of their horse's back...

That one royal soldier picks the flare up out of curiosity, he then hears something coming down from the sky, alongside with his comrades, they look over and they were scared to see a "metal flying pegasus"...)

Pilot: *radio* "Striker 0-1, this is Crossbow 2-4. Ready to engage."

Y/N: "Drop those medieval fuckers down!!!"

Pilot: "Roger that, Striker 0-1. Guns, Guns, Guns."

(The barrel mounted on the chopper begins to spin before raining bullets towards the cavalry, killing them with no remorse, also without damaging the buildings besides them...

Y/N uses this opportunity to make his run towards the little girl, jumping towards and takes her away from the chopper run...

One of the cops calls him out as the military was readying their guns if any hostiles shows up, Y/N rushes through them with the girl on his arms before return her to her mother.)

Mother: *tearing up* "Sweetie!!!"

Girl: *crying* "Mama!!!"

(The two of them run towards and hugs each other as they cry out of happiness for their reunion...

Y/N begins to reload his AR-15 before holstering over his back, he then uses his wristwatch to call another air support.)

[UAV: Online.]

Y/N: *notices multiple dots on the screen* "Cazzo...There's too many of them..."

Soldier: "Excuse me, sir. Who are you?"

(Y/N pulls out his Spec Op insignia out of his pocket and shows it at him.)

Y/N: "Staff Lieutenant Y/N 'Striker' L/N, Armistice, Was on vacation until those bastards ruined it."

Soldier: *surprised* "S-Sorry for not recognizing you, sir!"

Y/N: "Don't be...Who's leading this troop?"

General: "Behind you, Lieutenant."

(He turns around and sees an old man wearing his military uniform with tons of medals on his left chest...

What impresses Y/N the most, it was the general was looking not even old, he was 60's and yet his face looks younger than he thought.)

Y/N: *salutes* "Sir."

General: "At ease, soldier. We need all the help we can get, and you just helped us by calling air support."

Y/N: "Any ideas where those enemies are from?"

General: "From our resources, they came from that greek temple." *points at the gate behind him* "All we know is that is where those empire soldiers are from."

Y/N: *shocked* "Putangina..."

General: "We need your assistance. Will you help us?"

Y/N: "Already done." *looks down at his wristwatch* "Crossbow 2-4, this is Striker 0-1. New objective, save as many civilians as you can, JSDF are our allies, anything else are considered hostile!"

Pilot: "Solid Copy, 0-1. We're on the air whenever you need, over."

Y/N: *shows the map to the general* "Our job is pushing them back where they came from. So, what we do is to make this path that leads to the Gate, can you do that?"

General: *nods* "I sure can. My men will be with you if you need them."

Y/N: "Will do." *looks at the soldier* "Gather a squad! We'll push those cunts back to their place!"

Soldier: *salutes* "Yessir!"

(With that said, the soldier begins to run toward his team to gather around for Y/N's orders...

Meanwhile, Y/N drops his bag and begins to switch his top clothes with his military gear, he's now wearing full black tactical military gear...

He has smoke grenades on his strap over his shoulder, flash bangs on his right hip with frag grenade on his right hip...

Y/N checks his rifle before cocking it so he could go on his way to save other civilians...

Before he walks, he hears someone calling him out.)

General: "Lieutenant, take this!"

(He turns around and holds his hand up as he catches a katana, the moment he looks at it, Y/N was surprised how light and nice it looks.)

Y/N: "What's this?"

General: "Even if you're not one of us, your services will be remembered for us all."

Y/N: "..." *smirks* "Vari estremi, estremi rimedi..."

(He then holsters his katana on his back, he also does a pray sign to let God knows his actions will be excused to save thousands of lives...

After a few seconds, he begins to gather with his temporary squad as their tank was also waiting for his order.)

Soldier: *salutes at Y/N* "Sir! We're ready to move whenever you are."

Y/N: *nods* "Our main objective is to push them back to the Gate. If you see any civilians, you have the green light to safe them by any means necessary."

JSDF: "Yessir!"

Gunner: "Lieutenant! We spotted a troop going on West side of that block!"

Y/N: "Take the main road to cut their path!" *looks at the soldiers* "Alright lads! You all are with me! CHARGE!!!"

(His units let out their battle cry as they all begin to run down on the road, saving civilians and killing empire soldiers as many as they can...

When the old motto says: "In the shiniest day, the darkest moment will happen", it happens that some mottos seem to be true...

One moment ago, there was happiness and joy in the air, then a moment later, chaos and despair was already spread all around Japan...

Right now, The Battle of Ginza has begun.)

Pilot: "Striker 0-1, this is Crossbow 2-4. We've detected multiple activities all around Ginza. What's the call?"

Y/N: *reloading his AR-15* "Saving civilians and killing as many hostiles as possible. JSDF is on our side, our call-sign; Alpha 6."

Pilot: "2-4 copies all. Standby for any runs, over."

Y/N: *looks at the soldier* "Report base to make a path for those sons of bitches!"

Soldier: "Yessir!" *radio on* "Base, this is Alpha 6! Lieutenant Striker requested to make the path to push the enemies back to their place!"

General: "Roger that. We'll proceed to make the path, over and out."

Y/N: "Get back." *throws a purple flare* "Flare out!"

(He throws the flare on one of the empire troop, luckily for Y/N's unit, the team was behind the troop...

Once the flare lands on one of the street, the AH-64 Apache LongBow spots the troop and readies up his run.)

[Target confirmed. Guns out.]

[Target eliminated. Good Call.]

Y/N: "Squad 1, RV with the tank! Squad 3 and 4, support the police to protect the civilians!"

Squads: "Yessir!"

Y/N: "Squad 2! Give us sniper support!" *looks at his unit* "On me."

(They nod their heads and covers his back while they all shoot the survived troop from the gun run...

Before they approach to the legless commander of the empire cavalry, a black geared tactical man with night vision jumps out of nowhere as he beats the commander out cold...

Behind the said soldier, a bulldozer with a skull paint on the faceplate was mowing another group of troops down with his M243, hip firing it like there's no tomorrow.)

Soldier: "Are they with you, sir?"

Y/N: "We take all the chances we can get." *radio on* "2-4, this is 0-1. Covering fire to those two men!"

Pilot: "Solid copy, 0-1. Making the run."

(Y/N looks down at his wristwatch and presses another button to summon one more air support.)

[AC-130 Inbound.]

Commander: "Striker 0-1, this is Eagle Actual. We've reached your call for air support, over."

Y/N: *shooting empire troops down* "Ginza is under attack by these empire troops! Our objective is push them back to the Gate where they came from! Green light for the kill!"

Commander: "Roger that, 0-1. We'll be on the air for fire support."

Y/N: "0-1 copies all, Actual." *switches channel* "2-4, support the secure unit! Any troops on sight, mown them down!"

Pilot: "Roger that. Repositioning."

Bulldozer: "You are SO fucked!"

Cloaker: "This is Difficulty Tweak!"

(Y/N's unit look over at the duo who were making a massacre on the empire troops...

The remaining survivors ran out of fear, letting JSDF to make way for the empire so they would fall back through the Gate...

Y/N's AH-64 Apache LongBow was following the cavalry, making sure they would run for their lives.)

Soldier: "Sir! They're falling back!"

Y/N: "Chase them! Anyone who fights back, kill them without remorse!" *looks at the duo* "With me, let's push them!"

Bulldozer: "You got it!"

Cloaker: *draws his Beretta* "Copy!"


(The whole platoon let out their battle cry as they begin to chase the empire troops while killing those who stay back and "try" to kill the soldiers...

They fail miserably as their commander was watching and running in fear when he sees his men dying instantly...

Above the sky, an AC-130 was seen shooting its 150mm Minigun Viper on the roads, making the empire troops follow the path made by the JSDF...

During the chase, the commander and his troops managed to go through the Gate while the majority of his men geta caught in the crossfire between the AC-130 150mm and the LongBow Apache 30mm...

After a long silence that lasted the whole minute, the black smoke gets cleared as they see no activity on the road.)

Commander: "All stations, this is Eagle Actual. All targets have been eliminated."

Pilot: "Report confirmed. All threats have been neutralized."

Y/N: "Actual, Crossbow. Mike One, Bingo."

(With that single word, the whole military let our their victory roar as they successfully save and protect their people and Ginza...

Y/N sighs in relief as his help was worth his while, he then holsters his AR over his shoulder and calls his air supports.)

Y/N: "Crossbow 2-4 to Striker 0-1, thanks for your assist on protecting Ginza."

Pilot: "Always a pleasure, 0-1. Don't be a stranger when you call us."

Y/N: "Never by a choice. 0-1 out." *switches channel* "Actual, this is 0-1."

Commander: "Go for it, 0-1."

Y/N: "What the fuck was that invasion?! Does Overlord know about this?!"

Commander: "Negative, 0-1. This event happened because the Gate has awaken from its sleep."

Y/N: "What's that supposed to mean..."

Commander: "Before Armistice was formed, multiple special forces were reporting this specific event. After loads of casualties, we all decided to unite our force and fight with everything we have to push those empire troops back."

Y/N: "They fucking SLAUGHTERED hundreds of civilians, commander!!!"

Commander: "And yet, you've managed to save thousands of them. Look, lieutenant. You don't have to understand the whole concept. What i want you to do, it's to make your call to represent the Armistice to cooperate with JSDF, or you can leave Japan and come back to Italy until further instructions."

Y/N: "..."


[4 Weeks after the Battle]
[3rd P.O.V.]


(Weeks have passed by after the invasion...

Many people were still mourning and praying for those who didn't make it out of the Battle of Ginza...

The Japan Government allowed Y/N's commander to send his one-man army, Y/N, to join with JSDF for the fight as he represent three nations; Philippines, Italy and Japan...

Y/N was honored to be part of JSDF for the fight against the empire, he also swore to make them pay for taking tons of innocence lives in less than a day...

The General of JSDF gave Y/N his own unit after managing to expand through the Gate and make a fort for JSDF...

Before the mission is a go, he was seen in the middle of the platoon alongside with the cloaker and bulldozer from weeks ago.)

General: "Gentlemen. This is where we show the other side of this Gate what we are made of. For the last 4 weeks, we have lost many innocence lives, friends, relatives, beloved ones... As for today, we, the JSDF, will fight back and show those empire troops what will happen if they face against us!"


General: "Lieutenant L/N Striker Y/N, you are assigned to be our cooperator and representative of Armistice. Do make us proud and give them hell!"

Y/N: "Sir, Yessir!"

General: *smiles* "JSDF! Armistice! OPERATION: GATE, IS A GO!!!"

Y/N: *yells* "ALRIGHT LADS! GO GO GO!!!"

(The whole JSDF let out their battle cry as they all begin to go through the Gate while their friends, relatives and lovers give their goodbyes to the soldiers...

Before Y/N could join, he heard his friends calling him, making the special operator stop.)

Person: "Y/N! FIGHT FOR US!!!"


(He looks over and his eyes went wide open behind his goggles when he notices the little girl with her mother from weeks ago...

He then walks over and talks to them for a moment before joining with the JSDF.)

Y/N: "Giving your regards to me?"

Person: "Bro, we're your friends! Of course we would say bye before you leave!"

Friend: "You were on the news! How could we just leave you after saving us?!"

Mother: *smiles sadly* "I also wanted to say thank you for saving my daughter...My husband would've been grateful too..."

Girl: *smiles* "Thank you, Onii-san!"

(He then chuckles and gently pats the girl's head, making her giggle happily as her mother was smiling at her daughter...

Out of his corner, he notices a boy staring at him both out of fear and excitement...

Y/N walks over to the boy and pulls out his Armistice Insignia from his pocket and then he hands it over to the boy...

The said boy looks up at his dad, who nods at his son to take it, he then takes it and sees Y/N making a beard sign on his chin.)

Y/N: "See you when you get older."

(He then walks away and begins to join with the JSDF as he goes through the Gate as the boy was in shocked when he told him to be in Armistice when he gets older...

His friends were also surprised to see that side of their friend, the mother and daughter duo were hugging each other as they silently pray for Y/N's safety.)


[Alnuss Hill]
[Night Time]
[3rd P.O.V.]


(After going through the Gate, the scene shows the commander of his empire troops waiting for JSDF to get pushed back through the Gate...

Little thing they know, the JSDF was already making his way to the battlefield...)

Empire Commander: "They will pay for killing our men..."

Second in Command: "Do you think this sort of barricade will hold them back?"

Empire Commander: *smirks proudly* "Of course. Once they get stuck, we will kill them as vengeance for our men's death!"

Empire Troops: "YEAH!!!"

(Once the scene changes perspective, a JSDF soldier was seen watching the empire through his binoculars...

He then hops down off the tank and rushes towards the higher ranks to make report.)

Soldier: "Sir. We got positive position of the empire."

Sergeant: "Got it." *looks at Y/N* "Should we engage and gun them down?"

Y/N: "Negative. We've been sent here for a purpose, so we'll give them our purpose of our appearance."

Soldier: *confused* "And what would that be, sir?"

Y/N: *smirks* "No one fucks with the Armistice."

(He pulls out a tactical green laser out of his hip-pouch and points it at the empire's outpost...

Shortly after, the whole platoon heard their radio going off as if the target was confirmed...

Back at the campground, the whole empire troops notice a green line coming down the hills.)

Empire Commander: "What is this magic?"

Second in Command: "I don't know..."

Empire Troop: *puts his hand on it* "It doesn't seem to be sort of a beam--"

(All of the sudden, they heard something coming from the sky in such speed...

They look up as they thought a dragon was flying by...

But so much out of their fear, they notice an A-10 Warthog flying by for the run.)

[Airstrike Incoming.]

[Kill Confirmed.]

Sergeant: *shocked* "Holy shit..."

Y/N: "That should give us a good sleep for tomorrow."

(The scene shows the supposed-to-be battlefield becoming nothing but full of holes, corpses and fire all over where the empire troops used to be...

Alongside the scene, one of their flags falls down on the ground as it begins to get burned by some fire nearby it, making the scenario gradually change into the perspective of a pair of binoculars...

Back at the JSDF side, the whole platoon where shocked to witness Y/N's ability to call air support even to another world.)

Y/N: *radio* "Actual, This is 0-1. We've reached out of the Gate. What's the next move?"

Commander: "You will be sent back to Japan for further instructions. The JSDF will make a outpost base on a land where it's big enough for possible civilians."

Y/N: "Any spoilers of that instructions?"

Commander: "Lieutenant Striker. You will officially be the leader, representative and commander of your own small squad."


[Battle of Ginza: Success.]

[Casualties: 214 civilians, including officers, soldiers.]

[Kill: 500+ hostiles neutralized.]

[End of Transmission...]

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