Alright let make this all VERY clear here. Few days ago, I've gotten hate just making this story and its timeline. If you wanna know the ones responsible, its these three right here.




Also, I should probably mention these two as I want them to read this message.



Anyway, they kept complaining and hating me for making this story, demanding I remake it in order to make Britain and Japan independent. We'll let me explain why I made the timeline the way it is (along with some help). I wanted the timeline to be made as 'realistic' as possible while at the same time, making sure to change certain events in human history. I was mainly inspired by Kaiserreich and Transformers: Shattered Glass. One where the good guys are the bad guys, and the bad guys are the good guys. I was also annoyed and angry when you kept on berating me for how the timeline was made. With the way you spoke to me, you're basically saying I should get kicked out and banned from Wattpad (AGAIN!) just for the way I do my stories. Let me tell you something, I'm the kind of writer who is more into the gritty and violent details of war. Who often looks at the dark side of human history. Not because I enjoy it, but because it happened in real life. I take inspiration from it and after watching Alternate History Scenarios on YouTube, including those with dark endings, it gave me ideas for this story, but the reasons aren't what you think. But for the love of GOD, its FICTION! FUCKING FICTION! This has NOTHING to do with our real-life world! I mean, come on! THIS IS JUST A GOD DAMN STORY! This is Wattpad! A place where you can make stories and express your ideas to your heats content! If you don't like what you're reading, then just leave and don't come back. I understand your anger, but you have no right to take it personally against me! People make stories like this all the time. If you don't like my stories, then just leave and never follow me again!

Let me tell you that the main point of this book I made is an Anti-War story. This story isn't mainly about conquest, or action, or fantasy, or exploring a whole new world, but rather this is a story about facing the Consequences, Acceptance, Forgiveness, Understanding, Redemption, Cooperation, and an overall desire to make things right. To understand why it's important to give people a 2nd chance. In other words, story is mean to send a clear message about the importance of PEACE and the severe consequences of WAR! This is a message I've been trying to make ever since I started making this story on my first account and now my second!

Every story I make is meant to show a message. GATE Canada is meant to show what happens when we embrace the worst human aspects of ourselves before realizing when they're wrong and working hard to make the world a better place, along with showing what happens when humans learn to let go of old rivalries, old resentments, and old bitter squabbles. That if we just learn to reach out through cooperation and understanding, then the human spirit can be unleashed. This story is meant to show what happens when humanity is at its best after confessing, admitting, and apologizing for their sins: A race of honor and a force for good.

That's why I decided I'm planning on keeping the timeline the way it is. I mean surely, you're heard the old saying 'Actions have Consequences' right? I mean, after making the timeline and seeing just how bad this alternate humanity had it for themselves, what did you THINK was gonna happen? Of course, you're gonna see war crimes and genocide! The WW2 era and the wars that came before show just how bad humans can be when they're at their worst. WW2 especially was a perfect example of what happens when humans embrace the worst aspects of themselves and just murder whoever they want. I mean, the alternate Axis Powers (which involve Alternate Japan and Alternate Britain) killed MILLIONS and left only THOUSANDS alive. That is a VERY big deal and something that cannot be overlooked. And with the lack of communism being prominent in this alternate history, YES the former Axis Nations are gonna get an extremely severe punishment as there is no common enemy to unite them! I'm telling you all right now this is meant to be a very bloody history!

After all, if there's one thing we can unanimously agree on, it's the fact that human history has always been written in blood.

HOWEVER, I also wish to show a path of redemption and how people are willing to not only forgive but also to give people a 2nd chance. How it's important why me should admit what we've done rather than denying any wrong doings. As I've stated before, this story is mean to show the importance of PEACE yet at the same time makes us realize just how fragile it can be. The message I'm trying to convey in this story is that whatever crimes or wrong doings we did in the past, it shouldn't define who we are in present day, especially for the sake of our children and our grandchildren. As Kratos (GoW) once said to Thor (GoW) 'We must be better. For the sake of our children.' I mean, here's the clip.

Watching this scene impacted me greatly, giving me inspiration and ideas when making this story. In many ways, Thor represents all of humankind's past, all our mistakes, all our crimes, our self-hatred, our guilt, our inability to forgive ourselves, thinking we don't DESERVE to change, to be happy, to be better. "Don't you know what I've done?!" Encapsulates that perfectly. Pair that with his alcoholism and the picture is complete. But Kratos, Kratos is our potential. Who we CAN be, who we can become. Kratos has never forgotten his past, and in many ways never forgave himself, but he recognized that HE had to be better. He had to change. And the only way to do that was to let go of all of the things, to make a choice every single moment of his life to be better. To be who he can truly be. Who we all can truly be. "What will you do now?" Is perhaps the most poignant question we can ask ourselves. We can continue to hate ourselves, to live in our guilt, to never move past our mistakes. Or we can change. We can choose to be better. We can become who we were all truly meant to be. That's the message of Kratos' and Thor's story in my opinion. And that's what made me make this story. The timeline is fucked up sure, but you've read about how about enemies and friends learned to forgive each other and make amends. To make things RIGHT. Which is why I'm not gonna change the timeline because the moral of the story I'm trying to make is that when you screw up or do bad things to other people, and people try to get back at you or vice versa, the timeline is meant to show acceptance and to move on, to CHANGE for the BETTER. In the timeline, when Shinzo Abe became President to make the lives better for the Japanese, I was thinking of him acting like Kratos where he understood and accepts the mistakes and crimes Japan has done, along with the consequences that came after the nation's defeat. There's no changing the past, but like Kratos, this version of Shinzo Abe is trying to show us that we CAN BE better than who we were before, even at our worst. The same thing goes for Britain when I depicted it being Balkanized. England recognizes the mistakes it has done, and I made sure to depict the English people working had to redeem themselves.

If human history has taught me anything, it's the fact we are ALL monsters, but that doesn't mean we should make our children or grandchildren monsters too. This story is meant to point out about how we must learn to forgive each other and ourselves for our past sins, especially the worst ones. A famous quote I once thought of in my head is this:

'Parents are the ones who declare war, but it is their children they send to die'.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much sense this makes when it factors into real life. I mean, just look at Africa and the Middle, and perhaps even in some parts in Asia. There are literally child soldiers fighting in wars rather than going to school and having a good life. Then there are the governments like Putin's Russia where he's forcefully drafts young Russians, even teenagers, to a war HE started after invading Ukraine. And I can go on about the many horrible things all nations across the world have done. From American Racism towards blacks and out non-white ethnic minorities, to European Colonization, to African Warlords, to Middle East Extremism, to Japanese War Crimes and their denial, to Soviet Tyranny, to Nazi Genocide, and so much more. ALL of our nations and our people are guilty of something. Like I said, we are ALL monsters but what I'm trying to prove in this story is if both sides admit what they did was wrong and learn to forgive each other, then just MAYBE the world would be a whole lot better than how it is today! This story isn't about politics, or ideology, or finding out who's right and who's wrong. This is about sending a message that our actions have consequences and accepting our wrong doings so we can move on and hopefully make sure the generations that come after will be BETTER than us. And also, it's to show what happens when humanity is at its best when we as a SPECIES learn to throw aside old rivalries and old bitter resentments and come together as one united people for the sake of the greater good. This is what I'm trying to make when I made this story!

For you JWhiternite, after learning about what happened in your family, as an adult I DO understand why you would hate this, BUT I'm not gonna be changing or remaking this story. I know this'll no doubt piss you off, but the reason I'm make the timeline the way it is, is because I took inspiration from anime or video games like Code Geass, along with other Wattpad Authors who screwed Japan over. This story ISN'T about making Japan a SLAVE nation. This is about Japan facing the consequences of their actions and paying for it dearly. I mean, come on! What about games or anime shows like Wolfenstein or Code Geass?! In both those series, Japan was colonized and annexed by Britannia or turned into a puppet government by Nazi Germany! Heck, there are a couple of Wattpad stories I know that show Japan being annexed. What about that huh?! Why are you complaining about me for make my story the way it is when that trope of Japan getting screwed over has already happened?! I just took inspiration from that, and I can say the same for other authors in this website too! I mean, just look at snitchpogi12 / AdikpogideMesa own story GATE: The Alliance liberates the World of Avatar. In his story, he literally points out to war crimes and atrocities Japan has done, along with other nations who committed war crimes! Sure, America isn't innocent on what they did to the Japanese people, but neither is Japan towards the Americans. Another example is Ronanbelleza123 story Gate Thus UAE fought there (AU USA). In that story, the guy literally writes about how the alternate USA dropped 10 atomic bombs on Japan, effectively making that country nearly turning that country into an irradiated wasteland. Hell, even in chapter 2, it depicts Japan in a bad light. Finally, there's Hirohito. Yeah, he was killed, and Japan fell into annexation after WW2. But I see this as a realistic scenario due to the lack of communism in my story. Watch this video to see why.

If you're finished, then you'll see what America decided to rebuild Japan because they wanted them as an ally against communism. Yeah, sure the US and Japan didn't like each other for obvious reasons, but they still worked together due to communist threats. If you've read my timeline, then you'll see the lack of communism. In my timeline, the Russian Revolution failed which ended with a White Army victory, and the Chinese Civil War ended with the Nationalists winning. So, without communism to be a threat, Japan was essentially free game. I mean come on, what do you THINK would happen to Japan without communism? Do you honestly think the allies, much less America, would help rebuild Japan and left its people, including the Royal Emperor, to walk away scott free! I understand you anger at Japan's annexation and while yes America is guilty of many war crimes done to the Japanese people, but the Japanese themselves aren't so innocent. So, in truth, while America and Japan may be seen as the best of friends, in the past, the truth is that Japan was simply just a means to an end in order to act as a bulwark against communism. Without communism, Japan was free game. Pretty much everyone in the world, especially Japan's allies like Korea, USA, Europe, etc. can all agree that Japan is guilty of war crimes the same way they are. As for the Operation: DOWNFALL part, was because I watched AlternateHistoryHub, particularly this video if Downfall happened.

The way this video explained what would happen if Operation: DOWNFALL in our world really filled me with ideas of adding this to my ALTERNATE HISTORY timeline because as I've said, I wanted to explore the idea of what happens when humanity gives into the worst aspects of itself. A timeline where humanity fights with such ruthlessness and savagery that eventually as the generations pass, more effort will be made to make peace and stop wars more effectively compared to our timeline as let's be honest, in present day, humanity is once again gearing towards another World War. With the invasion of Ukraine, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, tensions between North and South Korea, and many more conflicts and problems arising, this story shows an alternate tale when people really try to work hard to give peace a legitimate chance. I'm sorry but in my story, Japan will STAY annexed. Not because I hate your nation or something like that, nor do I support the crimes the Americans committed against the Japanese people, but because I want to convey a message that actions have CONSEQUENCES when we give into the worst aspects of ourselves. If you don't like this story, then fine. Leave. But you have no right to demand I tear everything down just for your own satisfaction. You may hate this story sure. But I can tell you right now there are MANY readers who actually enjoy reading this story and will be angry at you if force me to take this down. Like I said, this story is about consequences, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, and giving people 2nd chances. When I made this story, I wanted to portray the importance of PEACE and how getting REVENGE or starting a WAR is NEVER the answer for ANYTHING. All that does is just bring bitterness and resentment which continues the cycle of violence even more. So PLEASE, just let me do the story the way I want and leave me alone. If you or your son doesn't like it fine. Just stop reading and go for another story.

In fact, during the story and chapters, if you've read the military arsenal which is a separate book, you read about an alternate version of Naruhito and he's a Canadian General. During the diet meeting, he says something which'll lead to the profound impact on the Parallel Japanese people which is this:

Alt. Naruhito: "We're better than this. We have to be for the sake of our children, and our grandchildren, and for the generations that come after."

Thanks to some friends, I wrote Alt. Naruhito to deliver a message that revenge, and war won't change what happened to Japan's annexation. This message is a means to show that war is NEVER the answer. That unleashing violence and hatred and then passing that down to our children and grandchildren will only end in disaster. It'll just continue the circle of hatred and violence. What I'm trying to say is that the past is the past. What happened has happened and you can't change it no matter how much you want to. What matters is what you do in present and try to be BETTER that the ones who came before you. Like I said about a quote I made for myself: 'Parents are the ones who declare war, but it is their children they send to die'. The message I'm trying to point out is that you can hate and hold a grudge against the person you despise, but you don't have the right to pass that grudge and hatred down to your own family. That is the message I'm trying to send here when I made this story and that's why I had Japan annexed as a consequence for their actions during WW2, but in the aftermath, I wanted to have them go through a form of redemption, along with all the nations who have committed war crimes, including my version of Canada. Only by learning to admit our mistakes and wrong doings and sincerely apologizing for it can we finally learn to move on and maybe even find true peace for EVERYONE on this planet.

As for you Ano8ez, why I did what I did to Britain was because I based it on Code Geass and Kaiserreich! This story is meant to 'somewhat' show what if the roles of human history were REVERSED! As I said previously, it's based-on Transformers: Shattered Glass! So, in other words, during WW2, Britain was literally Nazi Germany in this reversed alternate timeline I made! I mean, there's literally a British Fascist named Oswald Mosley who is a real-life character and was pretty much sympathetic to fascism! Granted, Italian fascism but fascism nonetheless! Don't believe me, here's a video!

So, after watching the video, let me make one thing absolutely clear, Britain was NOT ANNEXED, it was BALKANIZED. Scottland and Ireland broke away and are independent nations, leaving only England (plus Wales) as an independent nation! Like I said, Britain wasn't ANNEXED, it was BALKANIZED! And with London as England's Capital, your British legacy still stands while being led by President Diana Spencer. YES, Diana Spencer is alive and she's President! I'll explain more why I get on with the actual chapters! As for why I essentially tore Britian apart, I got an already existing idea based on the series Code Geass and the game Kaiserreich. In Code Geass, Britain was literally defeated and annexed by the French no less, Britian's long-time and hated adversaries, eventually leading to the formation of the United Republic of Europia or Europia United (EU). As for Kaiserreich, the British Empire literally collapses to the ground, overthrown by revolutionaries! Despite keeping the name, Britain is pretty much destroyed, and the surviving loyalists are forced to flee to Canada. All I did was take inspiration from these ideas and implemented them into my story! Nothing more! So, for me, you're being a hypocrite given the fact that idea of Britain either being annexed, collapsing, or just being balkanized is already an idea on mainstream media! As for Britain being fascist and becoming equivalent to Nazi Germany, I literally got the idea from Harry Turtledove's Southern Victory! If you read the books or look on the wiki, Oswald Mosley and Winston Churchill literally take power and turn Britain fascist! As for France, the same thing under the Action Francaise political party where France goes fascist! It's literally a story idea that already happened! All I did was just take inspiration and incorporate it into my book! As for the Irish Holocaust, same thing I got the idea from the Southern Victory story series where Britain invaded Ireland and put its people under a harsh occupation before being liberated. 

I mean, let's be real here. Historically speaking, Ireland and Britain never exactly had the 'best' relationships. Sure, maybe things are better now in present day, but if you've read your history right, then you should know that relations between the British and the Irish were VERY different and perhaps even WORSE during the 20th century. I mean, there was the Easter Uprising which was a perfect example of British and Irish hostiles. If you look on the wiki, Harry Turtledove's Southern Victory shows Britain put Ireland under a harsh occupation. So, whether you like it or not, the story idea in this 'somewhat reversed' timeline is that Fascist Britain treated the Irish the same way Nazi Germany treated the Jews! I'm not trying to make things political or historical! It's just a story! At the very least, you still have an Independent England (plus Wales). It's FICTION! It's just a story based on ideas that already exist! So, I implore you right now that if you don't like how this story was written, then just leave. Don't demand anything and try to force me to remake this. If you really don't like how this story is being portray, then just stop reading and never come back! Leave me alone and let me do my stories the way I want! I mean, if you ever decide to make stories of your own, I'm not gonna call you out and tell you to do something! If you wanna do stories, then be my guest! I won't ruin things for you, and you don't ruin things for me! This story I'm making it meant to show the consequences of WAR and REVENGE while at the same time showing the importance of PEACE! 

As for the relationship between Alternate Canada and Alternate Britain, in my story, these two nations have going to war 5 times! That's a lot! They fought against each other during the 1700s Canadian Revolution, War of 1812, Canadian Civil War, World War 1, and finally World War 2! The first two are understandable and historically accurate, but the Civil War part is due to the event known as the Trent Affair, where the Union seized Confederate diplomats heading to Britain. Unlike in our timeline, in this alternate timeline, Britain responded harshly and invaded the Union while at the same time aiding the Confederacy. Needless to say, you should see it being understandable that Britain siding with the Confederacy and invading the Union would make relations MUCH worse between the two countries for the decades to come., especially during WW1 and WW2. In other words, unlike the relationship America and Canada have with Britain which is like a father-son bonding time, in this ALTERNATE HISTORY timeline, the relationship between Alt. Canada and Alt. Britain is like an abused child running away from an abusive father! Time and again this Alt. Britain tries to conquer Alt. Canada and have the territory back! And things finally escalated during the event I put in my timeline which is the '2nd Quebec Massacre'. Suffice to say, similar in Southern Victory, both Alt. Canada and Alt. Britain are more than ready to destroy each other once and for all. Both sides were determined to wipe each other out no matter the cost or the consequences. Now I know what you're probably thinking 'Why couldn't Canada just rebuild Britain the same way they did with Germany in our own timeline after WW2?'. Well, the reason why is because like I said with Joewhitea, communism had essentially failed in both Russia and China during the 20th century, leading other future communist uprisings or rebellions to fail as well. Germany had only been rebuilt and re-armed due to the threat of communism from the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, mainly in an effort to prevent the spread of communism. Because communism failed or at the very least never became so prominent like in our timeline, it literally left Britain to be free game for the alternate allied forces. Without communism, Alt. Canada and the Alt. allies had very understandable reasons to make sure Britain never becomes a threat ever again, the same way they did with Germany in our real-world version of WW2. So whether you like to read it or not, in my timeline, Canada and Britain have ALWAYS been at each other's throats. As for the war crimes Canada is portrayed doing, well just watch this real historical fact video.

So yeah, I'm just simply portraying what already happened in human history but in reverse! This is just ALTERNATE HISTORY. It's fiction and it's not REAL! So, if you really don't like this story or how I've written it, then just stop reading and leave! I worked too hard just to make this story work, only to just give it all up because SOME people don't like how a story is made! This is Wattpad! A website where you can do whatever you want! Sure, there are rules, but it is a place where people can express their ideas and make stories they wish to make in their own image! So, like I said, I'm not gonna change Britain's status of being a balkanized state. Scotland and Ireland are independent nations while England (plus Wales) are now all that's left of the British legacy. You don't like? Then stop reading and just read something else. If you continue to harass me, then I'll just simply block you. So, I'm telling you right now Ano8ez, either take the story for what it is or just leave peacefully. Just PLEASE, let me make the stories I WISH to make for my own by my OWN way. Not the ways other's demand me to because like I said so many times in this message, this story is meant to be about Anti-War and the importance of PEACE! That's all! It's not about politics, or ideology, or cultures, but the consequences that'll happen if we become the worst versions of ourselves!

The point I'm trying to make here is that by the end of its all, NO one is innocent. No one is the victim! We are ALL monsters! Every country on this planet, even those that are supposedly the 'good guys' like the West have their own dark history they try to forget or bury into the ground. It cannot be denied anymore what we, as the human race, have committed a LOT of war crimes and atrocities. And it's still happening to this day! We got the American racism towards blacks and other ethnic or religious minorities, to religious extremism in the Middle East, to Soviet Tyranny, to Nazi Genocide, to European colonization, and so many other things nations have done that would make them some of the worst monsters in human history! Whether you like to believe it or not, the 1900s was a time where humanity was at its WORST! We were RACIST! We were VIOLENT! We were WARLIKE! We committed GENOCIDE on a scale unimaginable! And we committed a LOT of other things in the past that many today would find it appalling, disgusting and just outright evil to its core! Everyone is a victim of war yet at the same time, we have ALL committed war crimes in the past! No on it innocent nor are they a victim! Despite how the timeline I made was portrayed, it's not meant to send a message of hate, prejudice, or discrimination! It's meant to show how actions have consequences and the retaliation we suffer from by those who after suffered by our actions while at the same time proving a point that there are MANY times we've proven we're no better or different compared to even our worst enemies.

'You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain'. 

That phrase holds a deep meaning and I'm trying to express that saying in my story! But like I said before, if you don't like the stories I make, then stop trying to harass me and leave me alone! What I do with my stories is MY choice! This is MY account. These are MY ideas. So, I do whatever I want with them because these are ideas that make sense to me. So, if I ever make a scenario where Japan, Britain, or any other country like America, Canada, Russia, or any other gets get screwed over (either by annexation or total annihilation), then just LEAVE IT!  If you don't like it, then just stop reading and leave! If you don't I'll just block you all so I don't ever have you hearing your nagging! It's FICTION! It's not REAL! They're just stories people make for entertainment! I mean, I've read stories that poke fun of or screw over me original home country the Philippines and you don't see me complaining about it. It's just a story! That's all it is! You don't need to take things personally! So, either you take this story for what it is or just leave and never read this story ever again! Just leave me alone and let the people who actually ENJOY this story read this in peace! So, either you all take this story for what it is, or you can just leave and stop reading this all together! You're not my bosses. You don't have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do. This is MY story and my way of doing things! Like I said for the FINAL time, this story isn't about politics, or ideology, or who's right and who's wrong. This story is about sending a message about the consequences of WAR and the importance of PEACE. Everything I just said and told you in this message is why I'm keeping the timeline the way it is!



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