The sound of air being rapidly cut was getting closer and closer as you drive through the messy streets of Moscow. You thanked any higher beings out there for the somewhat quick response of the Russian forces as you saw several attack helicopters flew overhead, firing their weapons at the unfortunate enemy.
The attack made by these strange enemies started almost an hour ago, and the fact that most military units have been sent to fight in the war against 'European Continental Alliance' or also known as 'ECA' means almost every units are on the frontlines, far-away from home even most of the reserve units have been sent to fight. You really are thankful that the military has plenty of units nearby to react to any hostile forces that manage to penetrate the capital.
It worried you for a bit that the military units that is meant to defend the capital is small and those units are meant to hold down the enemy until a sizable amount of units has been diverted away from the frontlines and turn back to defend. One thing for sure is that no one expected a sizable amount of hostiles to enter the city with no warning because they had to go through Russia's vast defensive lines. And since these hostiles didn't look like they penetrated the defensive lines judging from their equipments and high numbers, they must've entered in a different and mysterious way.
As you drive, you can start hearing the gunshots getting louder and louder. It didn't take long to find the source, which was a police station barricaded by abandoned vehicles along with heavily armed men from police officers to military personnel, both armed with assault rifles and light machine guns. The barricades were surrounded by dead bodies of the hostiles you've fought a while ago, and all were riddled with bullet holes.
Before you try to ask for help, a second wave of hostiles came in on horseback armed with swords and spears and wearing very obsolete armor. The man leading the wave was wearing a very noticeable armor due to its shiny and expensive looks making him stick out like a sore thumb. He shouted something to his own men and pointing his sword at the barricades before leading the charge.
Let's just say that it ended in a bloody mess, not for the armed men in the barricades but for the poorly equipped men. The leader wearing the shiny armor was the first one to fall as he got riddled with rifle fire before a good portion of his men was shredded by machine gun fire. The rest of the hostiles died in a painful way as an Attack helicopter flew in and fired thermobaric rockets at them.
The sight of people dying caused the family you rescued to look away in disgust. Even you gave out some disgusted looks. Sure you fought in a huge war, but seeing many men getting killed in few seconds is a somewhat rare sight. Since in modern warfare, huge number of soldiers will always have some spacing from each other to avoid getting blown up in one shot or getting easily shredded by machine gun fire and not to mention that they always avoid such things and quickly find cover making them harder to kill. Clearly, that such tactic is not well known to these hostiles, they might find such tactics to be cowardly.
After driving through the bloody streets, you finally reached the barricade and they let you in pretty quickly. As you drive through, you found that the station was full of civilians who manage to take shelter and avoided the attacks, but even avoiding the attacks, many of them showed fear and sadness, which was understandable since many of them is shaken from terror and some of them might've gotten injured or lost someone important.
"This is just depressing." You said as you've finally parked the car stepping out along with the family you rescued.
"I know, I guess this is how it looks like getting directly affected by bloodshed, more different than what you see in TV." The father remarked before looking back to his daughter, who is currently being given a comforting hug from her mother.
You looked around and saw a convoy of armored personnel carriers passing through near the barricades, probably on its way to fight off and repel the enemy. And as a soldier yourself, you decided to quickly grab your rifle and join them. But before you can walk off, someone grabbed your arm stopping you. You looked back and saw that it was the mother who stopped you.
"Are you leaving already?"
"Da. I have a duty to accomplish." You neutrally said.
"Can you tell us your name first?" Her husband asked from behind her. "We would want to remember the hero who saved us."
"(Y/N) Petrov, a soldier of the Russian Army." You proudly said having a small dream of being seen as a hero was achieved.
"Then we wish you good luck (Y/N) Petrov." The mother said with a grateful smile along with her husband making a small salute to you and their daughter giving you a nod.
After that, you ran off with a proud smile on your face.
In one of the many streets of Moscow, a soldier of the empire is running away from a bloody street few blocks away. Despite his best efforts to run as quickly as possible, he was still slow because of his injured leg.
"What are those things?!" He asked himself in terrified manner as he continued limping away but could no longer move as the pain in his leg finally put him to a stop.
He remembered what happened in the past hour when he, along with the Imperial army marched to this strange yet wonderful land with little resistance. Amazing or any words similar cannot describe this beautiful city as he saw many great buildings reaching high in the sky, the streets being so smooth and well-made, and strange contraptions like horseless carriages moving around.
"The people of this land must be talented with magic and holds great skills of making such wonderful structures..." He remarked, and sensed the soldiers around him agreed.
"If such people can make these wonderful structures then they will be a fine addition to the empire!" A fellow soldier besides him said.
The Imperial Army waited for their superior general to send a message to the savages of this land before giving the order to attack. The people of these are so pathetic, they can't even defend themselves. After the attack, they were ordered to advance deeper in the city to loot and fight off any resistance. Of course, the savages of these lands were very dishonorable when it comes to fighting as they used their magic to attack them from afar.
They marched deeper in the city finding strange valuable items like a magic mirror that shows different images, to a box that can play strange music. They were even ordered to capture some women of this land as they had some strange exotic beauty in them that they cannot resist touching before being taken back to the Gate to be sold as slaves.
They walked deeper to the city and the longer they walk, the more resistance they encountered like savages carrying strange staffs that gave out strange sparks and loud noises, which can pierce their well made armor and heavily injuring or instantly killing many of their men. Though these savages were seemingly outnumbered as they only came in few and was simply overwhelmed.
But things changed when they went to another street, when they encountered a strange iron beast. It had a strange head with a long solid snout, it moved with on two strange metal belts, and it made strange rumbling noises as it moved. When the iron beast pointed at them a huge flash along with a thunderous roar came from its snout and killing a huge number of their men in one huge explosion.
Many of the men were frozen in fear, but the brave ones charged in to attack, but it proved futile as the beast was literally made of thick iron and no blades had the hope of hurting it. The men who got close to the beast was simply killed effortlessly by the iron staff on top of its head, and the few who attempted to run was met with the same fate, some faced a more cruel, painful fate as they got crushed by the beast's iron chains.
The Imperial soldier was now lying in the street from his injuries and now reduced to tears at remembering the horrible memory, he wants to go home and get back to his family, see his loving mother and his supportive father, and spend some time with his siblings. He even remembered his promise to teach his little brother on how to use a sword.
His desire to go home quickly became impossible as he heard the same rumbling sound of the iron beast, but this time it's followed by men armed with the strange magic staff. He wanted to run, but the injury he'd taken to his leg was severe that he can no longer run. He started panicking when the iron beast pointed its snout at him, moving with the blood of his comrades on its iron belts.
He closed his eyes in fear and waited for his end, every moment, he heard the beast rumbling getting closer. 'Is the beast going to crush under its iron belts?' He asked himself before opening his eyes and seeing the iron beast standing beside him. 'Why hasn't the beast killed me yet?' He asked himself before glancing at a different direction and seeing one of the savages approaching him.
The last thing he felt was a stinging pain on his face before getting knocked out.
The crew of the T-80 Kodiak tank stands by as they watched their fellow infantry dragged a hostile inside an armored transport after one of them knocked him out with the butt of a rifle. The tank commander looked at view ports and looked behind his tank, noticing the other armored vehicles and infantry following in.
"So, how long until we reach the source of these bastards?" The driver asked with an impatient expression. His arms and legs were also tingling in impatience, ready to touch the necessary controls if given to order to move the tank.
"That's the third time you ask. Why so impatient? And bloodthirsty..." The gunner answered while also noticing the growing impatience of the driver that he couldn't help but ask.
"Look, me and my son went out outside to spend some time together, but those strange people came in running around with their blades killing civilians indiscriminately. Me and my son escaped harmlessly but he was traumatized from what he saw. Now I want those bastards to pay!" He's little anger caused him to tap the gas pedal causing the tank to move forward a bit, scaring the infantry in front of the tank.
"Okay, calm down comrade, we'll get there soon. We're just waiting for someone, or something." The commander calmly said to the driver.
"And who or what are we waiting for?" The driver asked, expecting a good answer.
Before the commander can give an answer, the entire crew felt the ground shaking. They looked outside and found the source. The commander and gunner gave out a chuckle at what they saw, the infantry outside gave out a cheer, and the expectation of the tank driver was satisfied.
The ground rumbled as four sets of tracks moved the heavy armor it's supporting, the turret moving left and right inspecting its surroundings and its weapons promised great destruction to any foes that tries to challenge it.
The pride of the motherland, the king of tanks, the infamous Sentinel tank has arrived.
"The big bear of Russia has arrived to lead the charge. Any of you ready to deal with the threat?" The commander of the Sentinel tank said and asked through the radio and he got a heavy cheering from the people who heard him as a reply.
"Then let's not hang around and move forward for battle!" The commander loudly said through the radio and received a cheer from the units around his tank.
The Sentinel tank lurched forward as the tracks and engine struggled to get the super-heavy tank to full speed as it slowly yet surely drives to the source of the chaos.
"Ura!" The soldiers around you let out a war cry as they fired their AK's at a group of Imperials who stupidly charged at them with swords and spears. One hostile managed to get really close but he was simply hit with the butt of your rifle to head, causing him to back off in pain before getting finished off with a shot in the head, causing blood to splatter on your combat vest over your civilian clothes.
It has been thirty minutes since you joined this unit to fight-off the hostiles off the capital, and you and the comrades with you are far from tired despite the constant encounter with the enemy. You can easily say that their anger kept them really motivated to fighting off the hostiles especially when they saw what they did to the civilians.
When your unit started the operation, they spotted many horrible things like a huge pile of dead civilian bodies piled up with a flag impaling them, spears standing high with both adults and children stabbed on it, random innocent people hanged on street lights, dead naked women littered around the streets who were obviously defiled before getting killed, and many more inhumane things. Some even took it very personally when they saw a friend or family among the corpses, killed in a very brutal way.
Ten minutes ago, when your unit was ordered to secure a hospital, all of you were very angered and disgusted when you saw the Imperials torturing many of the people, and many of them were sexually assaulting the women. Their commander was even 'touching' a young girl...
The Imperials were quickly taken care of and the one who survived and surrender were quickly given a fate worse than death, especially the commander where he was beaten to a pulp, but when someone tried to end his pathetic life, you stopped him and reasoned with him.
Reasoned with him that enemy commander should be slowly crushed under the tracks of an armored vehicle...
Most of them agreed and hurriedly dragged the enemy commander in front of the APC that was supporting your unit and gave the order to run over him, slowly...
The remaining Imperial soldiers were forced to watch their commander getting slowly crushed under the APC. The commander screamed in great pain as the tracks slowly crushed his legs, and after an entire minute, Imperial commander was nothing more than a bloody, crushed, meaty smudge on the street. The remaining Imperial soldiers suffered different yet equally painful death. Only few were spared for interrogation.
Back in the situation, the APC supporting your unit drives forward to get a better position to fire its 30mm auto-cannon before crushing any hostiles that got too close with its already bloody tracks. You and the other soldiers moved alongside the APC to have heavy fire support while moving through the streets. The infantry watched the corners of the street and the APC shoots the enemy in the open.
Though, with the current weapons of the hostiles, you highly doubted it can hurt the APC if they can manage to get close. Plus, the APC that is following your unit is the Grizzly. It's basically a T-55 tank modified to become an APC, so even some modern weapons struggle to hurt the thing.
After a while of clearing buildings and occasionally rescuing civilians, your unit was given the order to rendezvous with the main forces in a highway to take care of the hostiles in the surrounding area of a portal nicknamed 'Gate' which was located near a highway. Though, your unit is going to take a while to join the main force due to the distance and the fact that there might be civilians needed to be saved.
After few more minutes of street sweeping, and clearing out the nearby structures, your unit merged with the other infantry and APC/IFV's and formed a convoy to join the main force and minutes later, your unit finally reached the highway and saw the main force slowly lurching forward as the pathetic Imperial Army tried to stop the long line of Russian military power.
The Imperial forces were in disarray trying to stop the Sentinel tanks leading the main force. They tried to charge at huge tank but failed when the tank fired its huge cannon, leaving a huge salsa of blood and blown up body parts in the highway. Some tried to attack from above with wyverns but was quickly shot down by the Anti-Air vehicles behind the leading tanks.
Many can agree that it was not a battle...
After getting inside one of the 'Mauler' APC's, and linking up with the main force, you decided to take a short break and prepare for the upcoming bloodbath near the 'Gate'. You looked at the other soldiers around you and saw that they're also preparing for a bloody battle. Sure, they were nervous but they also showed the eagerness to fight off the invaders of their homeland.
As minutes goes by, the muffled sounds of heavy weapons outside fired more often, and the sounds of explosion getting more and more louder signifying the enemies are getting close. After minutes, the radio finally turned up.
"All infantry dismount and support the vehicles. Let's push these bastards out of our homeland." The commander from the radio ordered out.
"Let's do this comrades!" The soldier besides you said.
The door of the APC opened and all soldiers ran out and went to a protected position.
Things were not looking up for the general of the Imperial Army as he heard the thunderous noises from the savages' magic coming in even more closer. He looked at his men and saw the unease and fear they showed in their expression. He can't blame them as he experienced firsthand the terrible magic their foe's showed when a flying sword killed a group of powerful mages with its fire magic.
"How could have this happened? The Empire just wants to civilize these savages and invite them to become part of our glorious empire. But I see that they really are savages." The general murmured to himself as he looked at the great structures and the well made streets that he wished that the Empire could take and win.
He can always retreat with his army, but he let his trusted second in command to retreat himself with his own army and promised that he and his army will stop the savages from entering the Gate. It was an unwanted choice for him, but he will not allow those savages to enter the Gate and into their land where they can spread their destruction.
He heard an explosion coming from the street and saw a huge iron beast, lurching forward with its snout smoking from its magic. He then saw the savages dropping off from one of the smaller iron beasts, running off with their dishonorable magic staff's in hand. He then faced his army with a brave face.
"Loyal warriors of the empire! We came here to civilize these land but those men, those dishonorable savages' dares to stop us! We might not come home and see our families, but we will stop them from threatening our great empire with their cowardly magic! We will sto-"
The encouraging words of the Imperial general were cut off as he was blown up by one of the Iron beast's magic. The soldiers nearby also suffered the same fate as they were also reduced to chunks of flesh and blood.
The sight of their general getting blown up caused the rest of the men to cower in fear trying to figure what to do if either they try to attack or try to run, but either both choices was no longer an option as their fate were sealed.
Many will agree that this was no battle but a very bloody massacre...
After checking the buildings for any hostiles or any civilians that can be rescued, you finally walked out of the building and looked around the aftermath of the 'battle'. Many soldiers were busy doing their duties from cleaning up the place, to detaining prisoners. The tanks on the other hand were pointed at the entrance portal dubbed as 'Gate' for any hostiles that dares to come out.
The skies were still littered with aircraft looking for any run away hostiles and transport helicopters going in and out to pick up or drop off soldiers in important areas. Scientists also came in with some random strange equipment and looked at the Gate with great curiosity and interest, with eagerness to learn what the Gate really is, and how it works.
It was a very strange day in your opinion and everyone can agree.
As you were about to walk off, you noticed a small flag pole taken down nearby a damaged car. The pole had the Russian flag on it and it was fairly clean despite the massacre earlier. You decided to pick it up and placed it in a nearby flag post.
"The motherland remains standing."
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