
Author's Note: Hey guys, this is the official chapter and I will make sure that I don't to make another re-write because if I do, I will drop this fanfic.

And I'm sorry for being inactive for awhile, been too busy.

Either way, I hope you enjoy this chapter and leave some comments.


Meanwhile in the capital of Russia...

"How the hell did this happen?" You asked yourself as you finished reloading your rifle. You aimed down and fired a burst at an enemy hostile.

"I thought fighting in a huge ass war that'll probably end the world is the strangest experience but-" You got cut off as you fired another burst at another hostile. "This is way more weird..." You finally said as you looked at the corpse of your enemy which fits the definition of 'strange'.

The enemy is wearing a very obsolete combat gear, and is equipped with a very obsolete weapon. No, they are not some GLA combatants armed with old rifles with second hand boots. The enemy you're currently fighting is equipped with very obsolete equipment.

To be very specific, they are equipped with medieval age armor with roman origin. The weapons they are carrying are also found in the old ages, like swords, battle axe, spears, shield, bow and arrow, and etc.

And to specify the situation, there's an entire army of these medieval era soldiers along with-


You look up in the sky and saw a creature that can only be seen in fantasy stories.

A wyvern.

The flying lizard flapped its wings as it flies through the sky with a man riding on its back, probably the one who's controling the wyvern itself. The wyvern and the rider looked down, looking for a target to kill.

Unfortunately for you, the wyvern and rider puts their eyes on you. A moment later, and they dived on your location with killing intent.

Not wanting to die, your combat instincts told you to quickly point your rifle at the wyvern and shoot it down. The result was the wyvern being ridden with bullets and smacking to the ground. Despite hitting the ground hard, the rider survived the fall, probably because his wyvern softening the impact.

The rider stood up and looked at you with anger and killing intent. He grabbed his short sword and ran to you. On instinct, you pointed your rifle and fired, not bothering to aim as the rounds will most likely to hit anyway.

But to your surprise, your rifle didn't fire a shot. A quick realization that you emptied your entire mag on the wyvern moments ago.

Reloading wasn't an option as the sword wielding hostile is a few running steps away, so you quickly dropped your rifle and let your CQC skills kick in. Your enemy made a swinging motion with his short sword but you quickly deflected it and made an attempt to punch his face but was quickly blocked by his own hand.

You had to admit that you're not really the best in CQC as the fight quickly became a struggle on who can take the advantage. Thankfully, the enemy himself wasn't good either, he had slow reflexes and seemed a bit untrained for these type of combat. His training probably went mostly to flying a wyvern or taming one.

Despite being pretty equally unskilled in CQC yourself, you had one advantage. You never fight fair...

You spat in his face, luckily hitting the eyes which caused him to try and wipe it off. It gave you the opening to grab his dagger and took the oppurtunity to stab him in the neck, effectively ending his life.

"This is pretty messy." You remarked at the bloody dagger as you pulled it out from the deceased hostile. "And I won't be forgeting this moment any soon." Dropping the dagger, you stood up and try not to distract yourself from your first knife kill. It felt a bit too personal when killing someone very directly. You almost felt bad for killing him though.


Picking up your AK-74M rifle and reloading it with a fresh magazine, you looked around for any hostile for few moments before running away when there was no hostiles in the area.

"So much for a vacation..." You remarked annoyingly as you remembered when a huge numbers of medieval era soldiers running around in one of the streets and killing anyone in sight. You ran and hide to avoid getting any unwanted attention. You then created an objective to find a safe protected place, along with secondary objectives of finding a weapon and helping out some civilians(if possible) Fortunately, you found an Assualt Rifle and ammo from a dead policeman and used it to fight off any hostile encounters.

As you ran, you saw an abandoned car with its door open and engine turned on. Seeing that its a fast and exceptionally protected way to travel around the streets, you decided to use it. The car was mostly okay, it just had a lot of scratches and a lot of dents. You guessed that the driver was probably trying to run away and accidentally encountered something dangerous that forced the driver to abandon the car.

A moment later as you drived the car, enemies on horseback saw you and tried attacking you with arrows, an attack proved futile as the arrows only stuck themselves at the steel exterior of the vehicle. They even tried tp chase you but you simply shift the gear and step on the gas, effectively running away from them.

Driving around the now messy streets full of abandoned vehicles, and corpses of civilians, while keeping an eye out for any threats, you stumbled upon civilians waving you to help them. "Get in! Hurry!" You shouted as you stopped the car near them.

It didn't take long when you heard the back doors clicking open as they stepped inside before slammimg the door shut, signaling you to immediately drive. You glanced at the people you picked up and saw three of them. A man, woman, and a young girl.

It was a small family.

"Are you all okay?" You asked in concern especially when you saw the man with a bleeding arm.

"Da. Don't worry, its just a light cut." The father said, trying to hold down the pain on his bleeding arm.

You were about to stop the car to do first aid but you put the thought aside as the mother grabbed a small clean towel and wrapped around his arm, stopping more blood from bleeding out. She probably have good knowledge about first aid or maybe she's a doctor.

The young girl was quiet the whole time, probably shocked from the terrifying events. It was highly understandable because when you got shocked from all the terrifying sights and experiences in combat, you were shocked quiet along with other soldiers.

"What the hell is happening today?" The father asked after his wife finished wrapping his bleeding arm.

"I don't even know myself." You honestly answered. "I was just buying some food and those sword wielding bastards came in and ran around and started killing everyone in sight."

"Heh. I guess our days got ruined." He gave out a small dry chuckle, trying to light up the mood even by a bit. "Well thank you for saving us." He said tiredly and gave you thankful smile along with his wife.

"Just doing my duty as a soldier." You said proudly, while still keeping your guard up for any hostiles.

You suddenly turned the steering wheel to avoid multiple enemies on horseback. You almost hit one the horses but managed to avoid them by an inch. It caused one of the horses to jump in shock, dropping its rider. And as much as you want to ram your enemies with the car, it would slow you down and the car you're using isn't made to take heavy damage. The last thing you want would be a malfunctioning vehicle and slowing yourself down along with family you rescued in hostile enviroment.

A few more moments of silence as you drive, you can hear gunshots and explosions in the distance. You looked up the sky and saw a wyvern flying in what is best described as 'running away from a predator'.

And it has a very good reason to be running away...


The wyvern exploded to little bits of flesh and blood as a missile struck to its body. A second later, and several fighter jets came in and started attacking any air targets with its missiles and guns with no mercy. Sounds of air being chopped is heard in the distance few moments later, which can be easily guessed as helicopters coming in to help repel the strange invaders.

"The invaders of Russia is now being repelled."


Proper introduction about the settings and other things will be on later chapters.

What do you think of this new re-write?

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