3&4. Decisions and Farewells

A couch potato.

That's what I felt like for the past couple days, sitting and lounging on the cushions, with my leg rested at a perfectly comfortable angle, my arms draped at my sides, and food brought to me when I please.

But the thing is, I hated it.

Sitting here with absolutely nothing to do made my mind spiral, and almost go crazy. Thoughts that I should be doing something, and that I'm weak for making other people do my responsibilities. In the morning, I was supposed to help cut firewood with my father, gather breakfast with mom, and set up the stands in town to sell wheat with Seulgi.

Now, I've earned myself a holiday due to my own stupidity.

I groaned, covering my face with my hands. I craved to do anything productive, of help, or something adventurous to replace this empty feeling blanketing my brain.

I sighed, allowing my head to collapse against the wall, and my hands to fall back to my sides. My eyes flickered to the door when I heard footsteps, gradually getting louder as someone approached our hut. I almost jumped with excitement seeing Seulgi come in, holding a silver box.

I was feeling so bored, this was exactly what I needed.

"You didn't show up to the stand for the past couple days, so I assumed you'd be here." She said with a slight smirk on her face, both of us knowing the reason for her arrival.

I smiled back at her with clear irritation. "My mom wants me to stay until my leg heals."

Seulgi was clearly suppressing her laughter, yet her attempt was rather pointless, as the corners of her mouth turned upward. "I see. I guess that's what happens when you do something stupid without thinking," she mocked playfully.

"Shut up," I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

One of the most irritating things to me was knowing internally I was wrong, and or did something stupid, but being lectured about it nevertheless. It ignited a feeling of embarrassment within me, and I hated it.

It's why embarrassing events were never talked about.

"Now, I dealt with some dudes for—might I say—a fair trade for some sea-food," she explained.

My mouth watered slightly at the thought, the smell of seafood wafting into my nostrils.

"I know you're a sucker for it, so I brought some," she smiled pulling out the box from under her arm, displaying freshly cooked fish.

My eyes widened, as if I was seeing a pot of gold. "But bro, that must've been so expensive, I hate that you had to spend that much for me," I watched the fish with temptation.

Seulgi waved her hand in dismissal, striding toward the cushions. "Nonsense," she plopped down beside me, handing me a piece of cooked fish. "Besides, today is special and I almost forgot about it. I felt guilty."

My mind blanked, and my eyebrows furrowed.


Upon seeing my expression, Seulgi chuckled nervously. "It's your birthday you dimwit, you're eighteen now."

I could feel my eyebrows jump, and the realization hit. "Damn, I forgot too."

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Dumbass as usual," she mocked, as I dropped the fish in my mouth.

I couldn't help but smile, the taste making my tongue tingle with its rich flavour. "Thanks," I muttered, and Seulgi smiled with satisfaction.

Our attention immediately drew to the door once hearing a hesitant, yet strange knock.

Seulgi and I glanced at each other for a moment, our eyes laced with fear and determination. She held a finger to her lips for me to remain quiet, and I nodded, staying put. My eyes glued to the door, watching and waiting as my jaw set. I could feel my body tense, fingers gripping the cushions tightly as the knuckles on my hands turned white.

Whoever it was, would face the wrath that was Seulgi and I. No one ever knocked on anyone's door around here, since it was a symbol of richness and power that was among the Gems.

It sparked instant hatred.

Seulgi slowly opened the door, revealing a black suited man with bright green hair on the other side. His eyes glanced back and forth between us his chest heaving, as if he was waiting for something to happen. "I'm looking for a Juliana Park. Does she live within this cubicle?" He asked, tone proper and sophisticated.

Seulgi and I frowned---confused, before I answered. "I am,"

"Ah," he nodded, coming further into the hut, walking over to me. The suited man then abruptly stopped in his advance at a fair distance away. "You have been promoted to work under the Obsidian Order's next-in-line, Kim Taehyung, under the Garnet Sect."

I raised an eyebrow, "why?" I asked rudely.

"Not my orders human, it is Sir. Kim's." He said, eyes scanning my figure with disgust and pity.

My eye twitched as I glared at him with the same intensity. Suddenly, my mother entered the room, eyes widening upon seeing the male Gem.

"Who are you?" She asked with fear, stepping in front of me, almost like a shield.

I could sense the tension in the room increasing, almost making me nauseous. Everyone seemed so on edge, like they were waiting for one side to attack, or make a mistake to tip over the other.

"I work for the Obsidian Order, who has requested to give your daughter a job at the headquarters," he explained. "It is a very well payed job, and might help with—" he hesitated, eyes roaming the hut. My mind filled in the blanks, making me roll my eyes. "Your situation," he finished, hands clasping each other tightly.

"I will not have my daughter work in some political bullshit in Onavale!" My mother exclaimed. "I refuse!"

The man's eyes widened with anger at my mother's tone, mine widened with amusement.

My mother never usually spoke like this, but when she did, the person needed to tread lightly.

Of course, this guy had no idea.

"You dare speak to me and the Order that way. Remember your place." He pointed.

"You're in our territory now, make sure you know yours." My mom spat back, eyes narrowed.

The man's mouth twitched with irritation, and tilted his chin up, eventually looking over to me again. "I need to know if you accept our offer."

My mother shook her head instantly.

I sat still for a moment, biting my lip nervously. I quickly grasped my mother's arm tightly, tugging her to face me. I looked into her fiery black eyes, and nodded. "I have to mom. It could save us, pull us out of this, I wouldn't have to steal or deal with people anymore." I whispered.

My mom knelt down beside me, hands cupping my face. "You don't know what it's like up there, Juliana, what they do, how they treat humans. I don't want you to get hurt." Her eyes teared up, as they flickered from my one eye to the other. "You might not be able to return, Juliana."

I placed my hand on top of hers, mind set and determined. "I know. But I need to do this. We could be normal." I replied firmly. My mother's eyes glimmered with tears, begging me to reconsider but I already made up my mind.

I wanted to help my family my whole life, and pull us out of our awful situation of pain and suffering. Now, I finally have the chance to fix it and I would take opportunity no matter what.

"I accept the offer," I replied.

The man nodded with approval. "There will be a set of rules for you to follow, when you enter the building tomorrow,"

"Tomorrow?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course, Mr. Kim needs a slave immediately." He responded patiently. "Now, they will be explained tomorrow morning, so make sure to obey each one. We don't want any misunderstandings." The green haired man explained like a teacher.

"I shall be going, I expect to see you in the morning when I come to collect you," he said, before making his way quickly toward the exit, while Seulgi's eyes followed his form impatiently, waiting for him to leave. He finally stepped out the door and closed it behind him leaving the three of us in a confused and awkward silence.


After my father returned home, exhausted and dreary from a long day working, and providing for us, we told him the news. He couldn't believe it, his mouth ajar and eyes wide. Yet, he didn't tell me what to do, nor tell me it was stupid decision like I was expecting. I thought that he would lecture me for being so dumb, which was the usual when I made any choice—but this time, he didn't.

I was confused and surprised all at once.

Instead, he faced me and asked if it was what I truly wanted and it would make me happy. I replied with a nod and he left it at that.

I was somewhat able to walk now, with the help of Seulgi and my mother, who helped me to waddle toward the fire to keep warm. It was a relief to be back on my own two feet—partly because I otherwise wouldn't be able to go to Onavale tomorrow.

I grimaced a bit at the thought, knowing I would have to come face-to-face with humans' ultimate enemies, and even work for the Order, or, more specifically, the one of the Order's kids. I could only imagine what Kim Taehyung was like; perhaps a spoiled teenager with no sense of consideration for others.

I pursed my lips and nodded at the accuracy.

I slowly stood up from the cushions and limped to my bed, comprised of a carpet and thin blanket. My journey stopped once I heard my mother call from behind me.

"Annie?" She whispered.

I frowned at her saying that name, which her and my father never regarded me as. In fact, it was a thing between Seulgi and I when we were little kids, when she called me Annie because of her inability to pronounce Juliana.

Ever since, she never let go of it.

I turned to face my mother, as she walked over to me in the dim lighting of the house. As the sun began to set behind the hills of our small town, it casted a warm orange light to the side of her face, providing an extra ounce of warmth to her aura.

"I can't believe you're leaving," she muttered, shaking her head.

"I will come back when I can mom, I promise," I said, trying to keep myself together, yet my tears filled my eyes anyway.

My mother nodded, smiling warmly despite her sadness. "I know you will. I just hope you can."

I looked down, hearing my mother sniffle, and speak again.

"I wanted to say happy birthday," she smiled, "you're all grown up now." She whispered warmly bring her thumb to carress my cheek. "Goodnight Annie, I'll see you in the morning."

I nodded, "goodnight."


Waking up that morning felt like trying to force awake your stubborn sibling.

You shake them violently, scream in their face, even slap them if you're bold. But they purposely ignore you to keep that extra time asleep, which royally pisses you off and they are well aware that it does.

That's exactly what this reminded me of. I rolled around and groaned, irritated with myself that my brain was wide awake---screaming at me, but my legs and body were refusing to remove itself from the bed. I dug my hands through my hair, now tangled and messy from all the frustration raging through me.

My eyelids hung heavy, as I gazed around the room, my vision blurry and obscured from the black creeping into my sight, pulling me back into slumber.

Then, a form approached, fuming.

My body didn't move, and I felt no need to react as it came closer—it felt as if I was dreaming. That was until I felt a stinging swat on my head, making my body jump, along with destroying my brain's temporary daze.

"Get up!" They exclaimed, standing over me.

I looked up, meeting my mom's face, her mouth and eyes thin like slits. "I don't want you to go, but you agreed to this so you must get your ass up!" She clapped, making me slowly sit up.

Now I was somewhat regretting my decision to accept that man's offer.

Sleep felt more important.

But internally, I knew that I needed to do it. This was and might be the only chance I have to help my family out of this terrible situation we were in. Anyone in this town would've accepted the offer without a second thought, so I couldn't pass the opportunity.

I rubbed my eyes and stood to my feet, limping toward the kitchen. "I'm so tired," I whispered, my voice groggy and slurred.

"Yes, but I didn't know when that man was coming, so we needed to be prepared. Your father said he'll walk you to the gate." My mom explained, as a light blue hue from outside shone through the window onto her clothes.

I turned to face her, "Really? Doesn't he have work?"

She nodded, her eyes gazing into mine somberly, "he made some arrangements, he'll show up soon along with Seulgi."

My lips pursed and sighed, the words 'leaving' sounding unreal. I've been here my whole life, with the expectation I would die here as well, nothing but a poor human.

My eyes remained half opened, until I noticed some fruits on our small table. My eyes widened with excitement as I quickly knelt down in front of it, picking up a grapefruit and ripping off the skin.

I've never peeled a fruit so fast in my life.

The excitement and anticipation took over my tiredness, and I was enthralled, making me nearly forget my mom was standing there behind me. I took a piece and shoved it into my mouth, smiling in satisfaction at the burst of the familiar taste I loved so much.

"Wharrdugeytdese?!" I asked, my voice muffled, and my mouth full of food.

Suddenly, another swat came to the back of my head, making me almost spit up the food onto the table.

"Hey!" I whined, rubbing the back of my head.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, you are still in my house," she scolded.

I swallowed my food and asked her again, observing as she moved to sit on the other side of the small table. Directly behind her was our heated stone for the stove, and to the left was the cushions, where I sat yesterday.

The memory of me accepting the man's offer immediately played through my head, and I sank in my seat.

"The market on the street, I thought it would be nice as a gift before you—" she bit her lip, as her eyebrows drew together, "before you go."

Suddenly, both of us leapt from our knelt positions upon seeing Seulgi burst through the door into our hut. Her black, narrow eyes were even more intense, searching the room with an inner determination laced within them.

Once they landed on me she sprinted over, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"Imma miss you, you little weirdo!" She squealed. I could tell she was crying from the wet feeling lingering on my cheek where her face was, and I frowned. "You crying Seulgi?" I teased.

"I'm not!" She exclaimed, stepping away from me and wiping her face with the back of her hand. Yet it was obvious from seeing her bloodshot eyes that she was.

"Imma miss you too," I replied almost nearing tears, but smiling through it.

Eventually everyone—including my father—was in the kitchen crying their eyes out and hugging me repeatedly. I teared up, and cried along with them, internally knowing that I might not see them again for a long time.


Hearing my dad's broken and emotional voice call my name was a stab to my heart, a sound I hated hearing.

It was like a small death, the loving feeling that was so familiar just brutally murdered. I was going to miss him, and his strict, yet soft demeanour. What I would miss most of all would be cutting firewood along-side him early in the mornings. The talks we would have, theories and stories we would create---I would miss it all.

I moved toward the door where he was standing waiting for me.

"Come on." He said gently, gesturing with his head to follow him.

I turned around one last time, my gaze roaming the room I grew up in. I treasured it from so many happy memories being attached to it, but I hated it all at the same time, with the pain and suffering. My eyes then lingered on Seulgi and my mom, and I smiled. They did too, so widely their glittering eyes looked like small slits.

Then, I stepped out the door, before my father closed it behind us.

My eyes quickly glanced at the city floating above us, knowing I would be in one of those buildings working. It was a bit exciting, as it would be one of the only times I would see the city in its entirety. The glittering riches, clothes, cars and inventions of the Gems. However fear enveloped my whole being, afraid for the discrimination and judgement.

"Ready?" My father asked, and I replied with a decisive nod as we walked down the street.

Memories flowed in as we made our way down the mud road, the brown substance squishing under my feet. I recalled the times I stole food, laughing with Seulgi afterwards, along with the fights.

I couldn't help but let a smile graze my face at me winning most of them.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo," my father said, turning right to the gate, which we called the Gua. It was the entrance between Onavale and our town, and no one went there.

I recalled the legends associated with it; the humams that lurked in our town thousands of years ago, monstrous and evil, hence the Gems created it.

It was as a source of protection.

As we approached it, I gazed at the wide open space, displaying the bottom part of Onavale; made of metal and stray wires. I could feel the mud on ground slowly become firmer as we neared green grass that lied on the other side of the gate.

There, I noticed a man, the same man from yesterday, waiting. I raised an eyebrow of how he knew that we would be here at this exact time, until my father abruptly stopped in his tracks.

He turned to face me, as he placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing my eyes to meet his own. "Listen to me, don't let them bring you down. The Gems will try and make you feel worthless. Don't let that get to you." My dad said, lips trembling. "Stay strong for me, okay?"

I reached over and hugged him. "I will."

My father wiped his eyes, and sniffled. "You should get going now sweetie. The man's waiting for you." He pointed.

The stab in my heart from earlier only dug further as I nodded, and headed toward the gate. The man realized my presence, turning to open it and let me through.

I exhaled deeply, aware that I was officially in Onavale territory, and I had no idea what to expect.


I edited this for like two seconds.

Sorry for the really long chapter. I wrote the two separately, but they were just too short and it was awkward. So I combined them! Meaning, you got a double update😉

On another note, thank you so much for 100 reads everybody 😭 it means so much to me! Thank you for enjoying Garnet, and please fill that star🌟

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