20. Sailing Ships

Taehyung and I proceeded on our journey back home, the sun started to rise behind our backs, the morning air growing warmer. It no longer felt as foggy as this morning, but rather a warm spring day — the birds coming alive, and the sky growing more bright. 

We stepped through the grass, crossing the large rock wall that separated animals from humans. Humans built it a long time ago, to keep out the animals from getting to their food and into their homes. I smiled a little at one spot on the wall, where thick leaves hovered over it like a canopy. This was the prime meet-up spot for Seulgi and I as young kids. Where we'd talk about how the world fucked us up, or where we would observe the fog slowly disintegrate from the hills. 

"Hey," I whispered, an idea popping into my head rather suddenly, my gaze glancing over at Taehyung who's eyes widened curiously.

"I swear to fucking God, if you are doing anything else slightly dangerous, I'm going to murder you," he said, one eye twitching.

"If you murder me, I can't save you." I raised an eyebrow. 

Taehyung sighed in irritation. "Whatever. What do you want?"

I chuckled, "I have a fun idea. It's not exactly safe but..."

Taehyung rolled his eyes again, "what is it?"

I instantly started running across the field, while Taehyung continued walking behind me.

"Why are you running?!" He exclaimed. 

"Stop being such a vibe killer, and have some fun!" I said, skipping through the field and running faster towards our destination. I glanced over to see Taehyung still walking with a raised eyebrow, questioning my impulsive behaviour.

"Are you going to be a dumb lump, or must I haul your ass here?" I called to him, stopping momentarily to fold my arms.

That's when I saw him start running to catch up to me, and I waited for him to catch up.

"You good?" I asked with a small chuckle watching him breath heavily.

"Fuck you," he replied chest rising and falling from all the running. "You think I can't have fun?" He said.

"You seem rather incapable." I chuckled smugly. 

"Psyche!" Taehyung shouted, as he sprinted ahead of me. 

My jaw dropped, "you dare challenge me!" I replied playfully, laughing at both of our childish behaviour.

I looked up, seeing the large smile on Taehyung's face; the boxy smile I hadn't seen before, the one that made my heart flutter with happiness — a rare sight I'd never thought I would've witnessed.

The pain and restriction put on him from his family must've been a painful life to live, where you must hold back who you are to please others and define perfection. His emotions and freedom to be himself were always put second... hidden from the world.

I can't even imagine what that was like — living a life of no freedom like this.

My eyes softened a little, seeing the carefree look in his eyes — perfectly styled hair blowing in the wind, and becoming curly and fluffy, emotions expressed freely. It seemed so heartwarming to see him like this.

Once we reached our destination, we were met with the large tree and a wall of stone, to which Taehyung let out a loud whine of protest.

"This is so dangerous, we're going to break our necks and die!"

I shrugged my eyes meeting his, offering a challenge to him. "At least we die doing something cool, rather than laying in our beds doing nothing."

He grumbled, watching me climb up the tree in slight concern and irritation. 

"Are you coming?" I said, as I gripped the branch of the tree and pulled myself up.

"Must I?"

"If you want to see a cool view, then I would say you must," I replied, letting out a grunt as I clutched another branch to haul myself higher. "You'll be missing out, trust me."

"Oh, I've got a very nice view from here," he chuckled lowly, eyeing a place I wanted to slap his head for looking at. "Your struggle is entertaining,"

I halted all movement, turning my head to face his smug expression. "Instead of being a perv, go rub your face in the grass," I watched as his smirk slowly disappeared. "It'll cleanse your horny mind." I finished, proceeding my climb up the tree.

That's when I glanced down again, noticing Taehyung disappear from the ground. I chuckled, my eyes averting to the bottom of the tree, where he was climbing, though slowly.

"If you say anything, I swear-"

"I won't, I'll just observe contently," I replied with a small wink, and I could practically hear Taehyung's eye roll. 

As we both kept climbing silently, I checked occasionally on Taehyung to ensure he didn't actually break his neck. Surprisingly, he didn't, and eventually got used to it, for his climbing got a bit faster.

That's when I heard a small snap, and my head jerked downward, where I saw Taehyung's eyes were wide open — as if he saw a ghost.

"What was that?" I exclaimed, a bit worried.

"Grabbed the wrong branch," he replied chuckling nervously.

I rolled my eyes, and made my way up. Once I reached the top, the wind blew in my face, as I clutched the stone in front of me, and my hand slipped slightly, making me gasp in fear.

"Juliana?" Taehyung called to me a tint of concern in his voice. "You good?"

My gaze averted to the ground, and I gulped at how far it was down. Had my slip been more severe, I would've died at the fall. I shook my head, and snapped out of my daze, before looking back up to the rock, "Yep, all good." I responded.

My gaze fixed on the stone, breathing heavy as I grabbed it again, and hauled my body to the top, until I was on my back.

I groaned slightly in pain, my chest heaving with heavy breaths. My gaze glued to the blue sky as I tried catching my breath.

"Holy shit, I haven't done that in years," I mumbled to myself, my breathing still heavy.

I glanced over to see Taehyung who made it to the top as well, instead, breathing so heavily as if he ran a mile. "Never..." he said, trying to catch his breath. "Ask me...to do that...again,"

I turned my head to look over at him, "you're welcome,"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, his gaze meeting whatever was in front of him, making his eyes widen in shock. "Oh my god-"

I sat up, looking at the view as well.

The wall was so high, we could see some more of Onavale which floated ahead of us, the clouds hovering around buildings like a large hug. Dim lights started to illuminate underneath the floating city, casting a small glow under Onavale. Freshly green trees slowly blurred into the large hills that surrounded it all like a stadium, while the ocean expanded further out, meeting the sun.

"Wow," Taehyung breathed. "This is beautiful."

I smiled, taking in the warm sun. "I know right?"

"Why did you show me this?" Taehyung turned to ask, wind blowing his black locks across his face.

"It's something you haven't seen before, and...it's cool,"

Taehyung slowly turned to face it again, closing his eyes for a second to take it all in. "I've been so pent up with jobs and the Order...I never actually got to see all this beauty."

"It must be hard...being part of the Order." I replied softly. "I can't imagine."

Taehyung nodded, "yeah, especially when your father is one of the seven. He's... controlling, and emotionless."

I nodded. "Sounds awful."

"You can say that..." Taehyung chuckled at my blunt honesty. "Even though I'd like to think he loves me, he hurts me in a lot of ways."

I frowned turning to look at him, "how does your father hurt you? He's your dad," I said, admiring Taehyung's beautiful face scoff under the beautiful sky.

"I don't really see him as a father, never really have." He muttered, looking down. "He wants control, because he's afraid for me and of the public. Instead he'd taken control over my life," Taehyung fiddled with his fingers that sat in his lap.

"He taught me to be emotionless, and cold. Told me what I would grow up to be, who I'd marry. I never wanted it, but that's how it needed to be, in order to maintain what the Order had created — and to prevent humiliation."

I bit my lip, appreciating the freedom I had as a child — to be who I am without judgement. I never realized the drawbacks to being rich and famous, for I always subjected it to mockery: pathetic beings who are overly dependent, spoiled and helpless.

I now realized it wasn't something to mock.

Taehyung sighed. "All I want is freedom from it all. I want honesty, not artificial kindness from my title. I want to be an embarrassing 20 year old kid... and not receive judgement for it."

I smiled in comfort toward Taehyung, watching his form cave slightly with insecurity. "He's not here right now, so there's nothing to worry about."

"But if he finds out...I can't imagine what he will do. He'll think I betrayed the Order." Taehyung responded with worried eyes. "To be honest, he's more worried about me betraying the Order than him,"

"You should talk to him whenever you return. You can't just be a doormat let him walk all over you."

Taehyung sighed, head tilting up to look at the clouds blowing over us. "He'll think I'm weak,"

I frowned, "you're an adult, he can't control you anymore. You must stand up for yourself." I said firmly but remaining friendly.

Taehyung's eyes flickered over to me and smiled. "Thanks. You may still be irritating, but your advice is appreciated. I don't think I've ever told anyone this before."

I snorted with laughter, "yeah whatever pretty boy."

"Pretty boy? You think I'm pretty?"

"Shut up."


When Taehyung and I returned to the house, he crashed on the couch face first.

"Potato," I chuckled. 

"Board," Taehyung responded, voice muffled in the green pillows. "Actually, I think a board has more curves than you." He chuckled, and I restrained myself from swatting him.

"Very funny Tae," I replied with an eye roll. "Very funny."

"Tae, I like that. It's..." he smirked, turning on his back so that he was facing me. "Sexy."

"You're so horny," I replied, placing my hands on my hips. "Get help."

"You're the one who called me pretty," Taehyung's smirk grew wider, eyes alight with mischief.

"I'm going to make breakfast, make sure you don't spoil your appetite with your own thoughts."

Taehyung chuckled lowly, while I began making our breakfast. With the help of Lisa and Ryujin, who offered plating and cooking, along with preparing some leftovers from last night.

Other than that, it was a fairly quiet day, the seven boys helped clean some things which was surprising considering where they came from. Though they remained civil, the fear still lived in their eyes. In some cases, they stepped away when I got too close, as if I was disease.

They avoided me more by staying in their rooms, or barely looking at me. Little did I notice my expression change to a more somber one, for Ryujin clearly noticed, as she tapped on my shoulder. "Hey, you okay?"

I turned to her. "Yeah, I'm alright." I replied chewing on my lip.

She nodded, but the frown on her face convinced me that she didn't believe that answer. "Are you sure?"

I sighed. "I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Some of the boys won't even look at me, or touch me. The only ones who are somewhat comfortable is Taehyung and Jimin."

"Taehyung? You managed to get Taehyung to befriend you?" Ryujin looked at me with pleasant surprise.

"No, not even close. But we aren't coming for each other's throats anymore." I replied, placing some strawberries in a bowl. "We're far from friends."

Ryujin scoffed playfully, "is that why you both were gone this morning?"

I froze slightly, gulping nervously. "Yeah, we headed out for some food and he joined me."

Ryujin's eyes narrowed at me as if I was lying. "Yeah, sure."

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing is going to happen, he's a Gem it's near impossible it will happen,"

"Just you watch," Ryujin smiled leaning against the counter arrogantly. "Something will happen." she teased making me groan with irritation.

She chuckled before stepping closer, noticing my still sad expression. "In terms of the other boys, I would give the others some time." She said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "They haven't known you as long, so it's harder for them to trust you."

I nodded slightly, fiddling with the cloth nervously. 

"Think of it like this," she smiled, before clearing her throat. "You're on a ship, and all of us are in it. Right now, the water is calm since we just started sailing, so the boys don't need to help or trust you much — they don't know you. But once the currents change, and they get to know you more; how you want to keep the ship afloat, and keep them from going overboard... they will trust you. Soon, everyone will be helping out with keeping the boat from sinking, because you all trust each other."

I smile and nod in understanding. 

"They'll come around I know they will eventually." Ryujin shrugged. 

"Hopefully." I sighed, before looking out the window in hope. 


Unedited (hehe) Heyo, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry for the SUPER late update! Be sure to vote and comment :)

Anyway, have sad news. 

Currently, shit is getting wild for me. I have exams soon, among other things, so I think I might go on hiatus until the middle of June (or earlier). I really don't want to cuz I love writing and just overcame my writer's block after two months 😭

Although, I'm not completely sure if this is set in stone, that's my plan. Thank you all for being so understanding! I blurple you <3

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