2. No Retreat

NOTE: This chapter contains attempted sexual assault. I want to make it clear that it's purpose is to show the danger of where Annie lives. Nothing else. No one should ever be treated or violated in this manner, and I just want to clarify that I am not glorifying it.

Getting down from that building was quite the hassle. Seulgi slowly wrapped her arms around me, helping me down into the abandoned building itself, with the awareness of my inability to climb.

The structure smelled like mold, the walls and ceilings caving inward, the walls brown with abandon. On the cracked wood floors, grass sprouted between the creases. Animals lying dead and scattered, along with ripped, unwashed clothes.

It appeared to be the ideal hangout spot for the gangs, from the writing on the walls which threatened the Gems with the rebellious words only us humans understood.

Seulgi held my shoulders tightly the whole time, ensuring I wouldn't trip on anything.

Once we were free from the building, the town seemed more awake with people and farmers lurking about.

When Seulgi let me go, since she had to go to work, I was left alone. I tried to walk on with humble confidence-despite my stinging leg. It was a common walk most developed over the years, to tone down the suspicion people have when seeing each other.

There were no rules here, so if someone didn't like you they could kill you on the spot if they wanted.

I thought I was out of the woods, until-metaphorically speaking-someone brutally grabbed my neck hauling me back under the dark, spider like branches.

"Hey," the person said from behind me.

I ignored them, trying to walk faster.

Irritation washed through me, knowing it would be one of those guys that go around dealing with people; typically for food and water or anything of benefit to them. To most, they were terrifying, with a manipulative but also violent exterior, especially when you didn't have something to give them.

I thought they were disgusting wimps, having to ask people for things instead of being tough and getting it themselves.

"Where are you going?" They raised their voice to sound innocent, but I didn't fall for it.

In these parts, relying on your head rather than your heart was the safest.

"Where you're not," I replied harshly, not even sparing a glance at the person, "there's nothing for today anyways."

I sped up my pace, trying to ignore the soreness in my leg until the guy stepped in front of me, blocking my path.

His hair stuck up in all directions, face filled with dirt like everyone else in this town, but his eyes were blazing and smile just as insane.

"No need to be rude," he said placing his hand on his chest to show how hurt he was.

My eyes narrowed, and looked straight into his eyes. "Back off," I seethed, as I tried to step past him. Then, he gripped my arm, leaning toward my ear to whisper hoarsely, "I know you're lying." He smiled mischievously, placing his hand around my waist.

Slowly, his fingers inched down my hips and outer thighs, growing closer to an area I did not want him or anyone touching.

"I can change the price?" he whispered seductively.

My jaw tightened as I jabbed my good leg into his inner thigh, making him bend forward with pain. I backed away, until he threw a hard punch into my stomach.

I gasped, and recoiled with pain, trying to catch my breath.

When he went in for another punch, I quickly kicked him in the face as hard as I could. I wobbled back to standing on both feet, almost losing balance from my injured leg now aching even more from the kick.

Though it wasn't a ninja-like move with perfect form, it did seem to hurt him since he stumbled back holding his face.

He groaned with pain, as he examined his bloody hand that was holding his face. A deep growl erupted from his chest and he lunged toward me. I attempted to dodge it, but he was quick, sending a hit to the side of my mouth.

I yelped, and licked my mouth, tasting the blood that stung them, then turned to spit it on the ground. My chest was heaving, and adrenaline pumped through me as I punched him in the shoulder. Then, I gripped it with my hand, pushing against his shoulder as hard as I could, despite my tiredness, and his struggling form hitting and punching me.

That's when I heard a crack.

The guy let out a shrill scream, holding his injured shoulder as he collapsed to his knees.

I walked slowly toward the guy, who's eyes were glittering with tears, and kicked him in the face once more. "When I tell you to back off, that means---fuck off." I said confidently, and spat on his face.

I turned and limped away, leaving the guy on the ground in pain.

I wasn't the whiny or retreating type, at least, that's what I thought in most situations. In this one, it was rather the opposite. I left the guy breathing well, and able to walk after what he was trying to do.

I would've beat the guy to pulp had I been in a better condition.

Since I was a kid, I learned that.

Whining, and backing down was for the weak-minded who couldn't put up a fight, or for the ones who were asking for death. That's all it is around here; a game of fighting and survival.

If you didn't fight, you'd die. That was the motto.

So, if you fell down or were knocked by anyone, you better get your ass up and fight back, not letting whatever hurt you win.

In this case, I retreated-but rather reluctantly. My mind wanted to continue its errands of stealing of oranges, lemons, and apples, to make up for my breakfast, and possibly leave that guy barely mobile.

But my body wanted the opposite.

My arms and shoulders shook and trembled, feeling unbelievably heavy, while my injured leg was about to fall off. The blood in my mouth made it all worse, leaving me on the verge of passing out.

So, in the end, I chose the second option.

With the lot of grit I had left from earlier, I limped home with a leg that was slowly turning purple, and a mind that was ready for the long lecture from my parents.

Whenever I returned home from fights and stealing, it was never fun. My parents were the biggest worriers. Every time I would come home as a kid with a small injury of any kind, they threw themselves all over me, and gave me the utmost attention and treatment.

They also taught me how to fight, typically from my father, in fear that I might not make it in this cruel world.

Now, home seemed like a world away with how slow my movements were. I grasped the wood pillars throughout the street, hauling myself forward, yet painfully slow. My arm was on fire, my shoulders insanely sore, while my other leg was pinching from carrying all of my bodyweight.

It was slow and painful, but once I returned home, and got through the door of the hut, I almost immediately collapsed on the small ripped up cushions. My body relaxed from the tension I didn't know I was holding, meeting the rest it so desperately asked for. I felt like I ran a marathon, with my breathing heavy, sweat beading on my forehead and my face red with heat.

"Oh my god, what happened?!" My mom came running into the room.

I winced at her loud voice, as it burned through my ears. "No need to be so loud,"

She sighed, setting her hands on her hips firmly and looking at me with a twitching eye. "You steal from Mr. Yun again, didn't you?"

My lips formed into a thin line, and I avoided my mother's gaze.

"Yes, you did." She lectured me and I rolled my eyes. "And you got into a fight too," she observed, gently brushing my chin with her fingers.

"He won't catch me mom. Besides, it's just a scratch from a wire. I also kicked the guy's ass." I said smugly.

My confidence dissolved, as my mom stepped closer to me, eyes boring into mine before she grabbed my leg firmly. My jaw tightened and my breath caught, as her iron grip clenched tighter around the tender area.

Shit she's really mad.

"You need to disinfect it," She said bitterly, ripping off the cloth I had around it. "I will clean you up." She turned and walked out of the room.

I sighed, "I can do it myself," I mumbled, allowing my head to rest on the cold wall.

"It's fine, you need the help!" My mom replied back, as if hearing my whisper. Sometimes I'm convinced my mom is a mind reader-no matter what emotion anyone portrays, she doesn't fall for any of it.

Perhaps it's why I never got away with anything as a kid.

My head lifted up, hearing footsteps I was assuming to be my mom's. Instead I saw my dad, who walked past me obliviously, eyes gazing forward and nowhere else. He seemed to be daydreaming-enthralled in something.

"Dad?" I asked, trying to catch his attention. "What are you doing?"

He spun around to face me. "Oh, nothing, just thinking," he chuckled, until eyes flickered down to my injured leg smile falling almost instantly. "Your leg-"

"Yeah I know," I responded quickly. "Mom's going to treat it."

He nodded and bit his inner lip, "what happened?"

Conveniently, my mom trudged into the room her eyes aflame with irritation, targeted particularly at me. "She stole from Mr. Yun again, and got into a fight."

I pursed my lips and looked away, my eyebrows raised.

"Juliana." My dad's soft voice shifting to a strict and firm tone, which sent shivers up my spine.

My mom's small but feisty form grew closer, dabbing harshly with her cold cloth against the wound. I gasped at the pressure, and held my breath. "Did the guy hurt you?"

I shook my head. "Just a couple scratches and punches but I'm fine."

My mom sighed. "You're my only child Annie, I can't imagine what would happen if you were killed," Her voice cracked with emotion, her hand trembling as she stroked my leg with the cloth. "I know you don't care what happens to you, but impulsive bravery isn't going to do anything to help our situation."

My eyes met hers for a mere second, sympathetic but determined. "I'm tired of us living poor, and being treated like garbage." I replied firmly, my gaze meeting hers before she retreated.

"I know." She patted my leg. "I am too, but we must be smart and very careful."

I sat back and huffed, before my mom stood her feet.

"Now," she said, wiping her hands on her clothes. "You will stay here for a while at least a day until that heals up, okay?"

I nodded reluctantly, eyes moving to stare at the ceiling. "Fine."


Somewhat edited.

Hewo! :} Thanks for reading! Sorry that Taehyung isn't in any of the chapters yet. He'll show up very soon :)

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