19. Separation

I inhaled sharply, as I stood in the kitchen preparing my bag for the food I would fill it with. Turns out, everyone ate like a pig last night, and so I took the initiative to drag myself out of bed and head out for some — for we needed a lot more food. 

As I finally finished emptying my black bag, the smell of fresh air rolled off the Korean hills and seeped through the opened windows into the cottage, creating a musty aura that was familiar to me — reminding of when I was a child.

My father prepared me for that one day ever since... the day when humans would be pushed into the forest by the Gems and forced to survive like wild animals. Little did I know that my father was in fact preparing me for what might lead to a war, would change history forever.

I glanced at the sky, noticing how it began turning a strange green colour, indicating the sun was beginning to rise, from the beaming sunlight peeking through the trees. It was almost habit at this point to watch the sun rise every day, almost daydream while staring at it. 

I observed for a few seconds through the kitchen window, setting an intention for the day, and reminding myself of what was lying ahead. I gulped at the thought, assuming it best to narrow those down to the next twenty four hours. 

I blinked for a few seconds as I threw my bag over my shoulder, and sighed as I approached the door to leave.

Before I could step out the door into the cool, foggy morning, I heard a stir from the back of the house. I turned with a frown, eyes scanning the area behind me. No sound. 

My eyes narrowed, as I carefully stepped toward the subtle stir. I was half expecting an animal to leap out and growl at me, for we were out in the middle of nowhere and that was likely to happen.

Instead, I saw a black bed head, and a pair of tired eyes looking back at me. I could've sworn he looked like a teddy bear, from how cuddly and innocent he looked in a white shirt and track pants. I resisted the urge to run over and hug him, yet I knew the lack of innocence underneath the façade.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" He growled.

Yep. Point proven, definitely not a teddy bear.

"Your ugly ass bed head," I responded with a small smile.

Taehyung glared at me as he rubbed his bared arms. My eyes lingered on the scar for a few seconds before looking away awkwardly, almost guiltily. "How is your...uh...burn?"

He glanced over at me, before his eyes trailed to the now healing scar. "It's getting better." 

I nodded, "that's good."

Taehyung yawned before ruffling the now black locks. "What are you doing this early?" He asked with a sulk, eyes still half-closed.

"I could ask the same,"

"I'm awake because you're so fucking loud." He scoffed and I bit my lip to hold back another fiery comment.

"I'm going to get some food, and the field is pretty far so..."

Taehyung's eyes instantly widened as he leapt over the couch, tripped slightly over the carpet, but somehow managed to stumble so that he was standing in front of me. "Breakfast?" He asked with eyes like a puppy, hands vibrating with excitement.

I wanted to laugh at the dramatic gesture but my morning irritability was getting the best of me. "Sure?" I replied with a small scoff at his immaturity. "Why? Do you want to come with me?"

"Uhmm, fuck yes! Why else would I ask?" he exclaimed, pulling on his jacket. "How long of a walk?" Taehyung questioned with curious eyes, reminding me of a child.

Jesus the duality.

"About fifteen minutes, shouldn't be that far." I said with a shrug. "Also, since when did you want to come with me? You literally hated me a couple days ago," I said bitterly, moving to step out the door.

Taehyung grabbed my arm to stop me, I gasped at first, before realizing he had a glove on. "I was wrong for hating you, Juliana," he stared into my eyes, and I felt my skin crawl at the intensity of his gaze. 

He licked his lips before letting go of my arm, and speaking again. "But you're still pretty annoying."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, releasing all the tension that built up within that moment we just had. I blinked a few times, wanting to clear my mind before opening the door and stepping outside into the early morning.

"Super random, but I also want a strawberry," he said with a small smile. "I heard they're grown here."

My face contorted with disgust. "Seriously? They taste like water."

Taehyung gasped, snapping back into his stubborn and irritated mode. "What?! Strawberries are fantastic, what the fuck do you mean?" He questioned my statement, almost disgusted.

"Oranges are far better. They have more flavour." I replied confidently.

He shook his head in disagreement, as we stepped further into the bright green field. It reminded me of a pond, glittering under the gorgeous sunlight and overnight rain.

Taehyung quietly followed close behind me, eyes occasionally wandering to look at the scenery. I couldn't imagine what it must be like for him, to never truly see the country or wild before. The boys had been so accustomed to the city and the fast-paced lifestyle it appeared that nature was almost foreign to them — although it was the origin of all.

However, I had to admit, compared to the other members, Taehyung was less irritating about it all. Yes, he was annoying for being salty, but he didn't complain about the outdoors like the others. Hence, he was pretty quiet about the strenuous activity involved as we walked through the massive field of grass. 

It seemed the scenery was a distraction, for his eyes couldn't stay away from it all.

Eventually, we stopped when a log came into view, bridging the gap between a deep ridge. My eyes narrowed as I peeked over the edge, eyes taking in the view of flowing water at the bottom, and the layered rock surrounding it. My eyebrows furrowed and I gulped, the thought of anyone falling over being a dramatic death.

"We're going to cross," I said simply, pushing down a bit on the log to check its stability.

Meanwhile, Taehyung folded his arms stubbornly shaking his head. "There has to be a safer way around." He replied, biting his lip nervously. This was the most vulnerable I'd seen Taehyung, his arrogant demeanour and ego deflated in a matter of seconds.

"It's not that big of a deal, c'mon." I said with a comforting smile, trying to counter the worried glances he sent over the edge of the cliff.

"We'll get hurt, and I don't have the mental or physical capacity to save your ass." 

"I'll be fine," I chuckled. "Besides if I die, it's not that big of a deal, right?"

Taehyung's jaw tightened as if he were about to counter my statement, but I interrupted. 

"Let's go, we need to get going. We're already late."

Taehyung nodded, as he carefully followed behind me. I exhaled deeply as I took a small step onto the log slowly. His breathing was heavy, his footsteps unsteady and shaky. I chuckled quietly from how scared he was.

"Don't look down," I said quietly, and he nodded obediently taking the tiniest steps possible.

"How the fuck are you so chill?" he squeaked, sweat beading on his forehead.

"I've done this many times," I replied calmly. "It's second nature."

"I wasn't lying when I said you're ballsy," Taehyung chuckled nervously, clearly finding no humour in this situation at all.

I rolled my eyes, and gazed ahead of me, as Taehyung continued following behind me. That was until I felt his hand tug at the back of my shirt. 

I turned to face him, "what?"

He quickly reached forward and clutched my hand tightly, not a word escaping his mouth. 

My furrowed brows softened, and I sighed, allowing him hold onto my hand. 

The poor boy looked like he was about to cry, and I couldn't resist it.  

On the other hand, I couldn't help but think about how strange this was; Taehyung was always cold and arrogant — never afraid of anything. Seeing him act like a five year old who was being forced to eat a nasty piece of food nearly convinced me Taehyung was being inhabited by something else.

Or, perhaps what I thought I knew, wasn't true.

I sighed in relief as I hopped to the other side, and Taehyung stepped down from the log. "That could've been avoided,"

I shrugged walking ahead of him. "Where's the fun in that? You need to live a little more,"

Taehyung rolled his eyes jogging to catch up to me. "I didn't grow up with taking risks, I was taught the safest and smartest way to do things, not downright deadly."

"Well, that seems incredibly boring." I replied smugly, "besides, I don't care what happens to me, as long as the job gets done,"

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed at my response, but he didn't pry, instead he looked forward at the large patch of grass. "How much longer?"

"Oh, a few minutes." I said with a playful smile, "you seem eager for those strawberries."

Taehyung nodded, "I tried them once, but soon after the trading with humans started getting complicated, they stopped providing them in stores." He explained sadly. "I barely remember what they tasted like,"

My eyes softened, not expecting that at all. The Gems were known to have more than plentiful access to everything — including food. So, I just assumed that it was his favourite fruit, and he was excited to have a free supply of them. Yet now, it made me feel guilty knowing the truth. I grew up with various fruits at my will, and he didn't have any because of political bullshit.

It was disgusting how truly separated we were.

I walked ahead when I saw the patch, the one most people came to when looking for their food. Most of the food sold in town was home-grown foods, which was nice on occasion. But the communal patch was always the best, filled with every fruit and vegetable you can think of.

I abruptly stopped when I noticed another human there, and I backed up. "There's a human Taehyung," I said cautiously. 

He nodded, face turning grim as we approached.

"Annyeong," the woman greeted me, eyeing the boy behind me curiously.

I nodded, as I reached forward quietly, picking out fruits and veggies that we would need for later. I shoved them carefully in my bag, recounting each to make sure I had the correct amount. Taehyung stayed close, avoiding eye contact with the lady and trying to act natural. With a small smile, I reached forward for a strawberry, plucking it off and handing it to Taehyung.

"Annie, there's going to be the festival later, can you come?" The woman said kindly. I looked up and smiled at her, realizing she was a friend of my mother's who came over often.

"Oh, the festival is tonight?" I asked with shock, completely forgetting that occurred around this time.

"Yes, it's a full moon, so it will be nice and clear," she explained. "I hope to see you there."

"I'll see," I said finally giving a small bow to her as she walked away.

Taehyung plopped the strawberry in his mouth with a frown, wiping the leaves and stem off his fingers.

"How is it?" I asked, eyes searching his in hopes to see a happy glint.

Instead he grimaced slightly at first, before his eyes lit up, "ew, it does taste like water. Except, really good water."

I rolled my eyes as we began trotting on back to the cottage. How does this boy go from an arrogant, dominant asswipe to an adorable child? I suppose I will never know. 

"What was that about?" Taehyung asked, curiously, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Usually, once a year, there's a small festival for the people in the town. It's to celebrate our independence from the Gems and how we held onto our culture." I explained, observing Taehyung who nodded in interest.

"Oh, so it wouldn't be appropriate if we joined?"

I shrugged, "I'm not sure."

Thinking back to where I was merely a month ago, I probably would've responded differently to Taehyung. My hatred for the Gems was much stronger, hence I probably would've answered no instantly. But it was blind with lies, assumptions, and misunderstandings at that point — now I've come to know more, and that most of it was untrue. Now, I've slowly realized that intermingling is far more important than I thought — especially if we wanted to fix this separation.

Perhaps bringing the boys wasn't a bad idea after all. 



*Sighs* Writers block is a bitch, so blame it on her. But since she won't apologize for her rude inconvenience, I shall apologize on her behalf for the slow ass updates. 

I had to make an oranges joke, cuz y'all loved teasing Annie for stealing that orange- 💀

In other words, the orange is an ✨ICON ✨

See you (maybe) next week, if I can get out of my rut. But you must vote first hehehe :D 

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