Chapter 15 : fall, despair and fake Gods
normal : talking
Italic : thinking / mind-conversation
BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk
underlines : narration
BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics
Y/N : Your Name
L/N : Last Name
f/c : favourite color
After Monster Island was taken over by the Holy Omni Empire , the entire world and United Earth launched an assault to take the island back from the Gods. The assault failed and the MONARCH outpost was evacuating before any retaliation could happend. Dr Ishiro Serizawa was evacuating with his researchs on the Titans, especially the ones on Godzilla. He refused to let the Gods use it for their gain.
MONARCH captain : Sir, are your sure it's necesarry to take your researchs with you ?!
Serizawa : I saw what she done to Burning Godzilla, it's... terrifying. We must not let her have an advantage on the other Titans !
MONARCH captain : ... Sorry sir. I should have know that.
They were in a landing platform as a helicopter was here to take them out of here but it was shoot down by a laser as most soldiers were sent flying. Serizawa looked in despair at what happened in front of him. A soldier then came, panicking and screaming :
They looked above the outpost to see millions of giant ships above them.
Serizawa : My... God !
A beam came out of one of the City Destroyer and when it dissapeared, Elma was standing in front of the mortals with two other ladies and Dojis, Rashos, Taisons, troopers and Mechon units.
The soldiers were taking position and their weapons out and aimed at the enemy as Elma stood simply here.
Morag : Which one of you is Doctor Ishiro Serizawa ?
Serizawa then took a step foward.
Serizawa : I am.
Elma : I guess I don't need to explain why I am here.
Brighid : We were following the Supreme Archdeity Empress orders. The inhabiant attacked us, we were simply defending ourselves.
Morag : Nothing will happend.
MONARCH soldier : What have you done to the Titans ?!
Taison : You questions doesn't not concern us.
Serizawa : Why are you even here ?!
Elma : Her highness have invited you as a important guess. You're coming with us.
The soldiers charged their weapons and pointed them at Elma's head.
MONARCH soldier : In your dreams bitch !
Morag : Looks like we have to do it the hard way.
Brighid : I was hoping for more civilized soldiers.
Elma then nodded toward a Taison as he began to walk toward dr Serizawa.
MONARCH captain : OPEN FIRE !!!
the soldiers open fire toward the Taison but it did nothing to the giant. The Taison swinged his fists toward the soldiers, sending most of them flying. As the Taison was about to eliminate the rest, he was hit with a sonic boom that make him step back. They looked to the source of the blast to see a sonic boom canon pointed at the Taison. Theses canons are usually used to defend the base from incoming Kaijus, but now, they served as anti-gods weapons. The canon kept firring at the Taison who protect himself. Morag then nodded toward Brighid as they took out two swords that transformed into whips before they launched fires from the sword at the canon, completely obliterating it.
Dr Serizawa then began to run inside the base as the Taison was getting rid of the troops.
Morag : (point at Serizawa) Get him !
The dojis then began to chase Serizawa as he run in the base's corridors. Someone put his foot on his path, making him fall as a daguer was pointed toward his neck and a brown-haired girl with a blue cloat was looking at him with a grin.
IF : I wouldn't move if I were you. Don't want to harm a guest of her highness and his precious researchs.
Serizawa was then escorted by the troopers as a Mega-Kaiju came out of the water and headed toward the base. Elma snapped her fingers and the ships fired at the Mega-Kaiju, killing him and burning his corpse all under the eyes of Serizawa.
Serizawa : And may I ask why you're taking me to her "highness" ?
Brighid : Let's say... your researchs on the Titans, especially Godzilla, have caught her attention.
Serizawa : And for what does she planned to use them ?!
IF : Just walk instead of talking !
They were on the evacuation platform as a beam headed toward them before Serizawa was engluffred in a bright light.
Timeship hours later :
Pneuma was on board of a spaceship with the Purple Heart holding Junior's hand as he try to break free. She was having a transmition from Elma and the team charged to get MONARCH's important peoples along with Deus, charged to track and capture the Titans to prevent any resistance.
Pneuma : How was the meeting with Dr Ishiro Serizawa ?
Elma : A bit longer than expected your highness.
Morag : Let's say he wasn't consentant for a talk with you.
Pneuma : And the capture of the Titans Deus ?
Deus : Very troublesome your highness. We managed to capture the Titans named : Behemoth, Methuselah, Empress MUTO, Sanda, Gaira, Baragon and the ones during our trip to Monster Island. But some keeps escaping us no matter our approach with them : the two Rodans and some other flying Kaijus.
Pneuma : I see... You're making sure they are contained on monster island don't you ?
Deus : Of course your highness.
Pneuma : Good.
Deus : That's not all my lady.
Pneuma : Is there something else ?
Deus : Yes. Aparently, there's a species on this planet called : Battleship-girls or Shipgirls for short. Kalrow told me that they are friends of Godzilla, or rather : Y/N L/N.
Pneuma : *chuckles* interesting.
Junior : Don't touch them you meanies !!!
A whip slam was then heared and Junior looked back to see Iris Heart with her whip sword with her.
Iris Heart : Unless you want me to take care of you, I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut !
Junior was scared of Iris Heart as she smilled at the child's fear. But she then started to shake in fear and look around to see Pneuma glaring at her with anger in her eyes. Iris Heart responded by a scared smile as she dematerialized her whip-sword before leaving.
Pneuma : So Deus, do you know where they are ?
Deus : I'm sorry my lady but we couldn't find their base yet.
Pneuma : Doesn't matter. Let's proceed to the next phase.
Deus & Elma : Yes your highness !
They then cut the transmition as Junior was having a questionned and scared look.
Junior : Wh- what is the second phase ?!
Pneuma looked at Junior before turning to him.
Pneuma : Since the "gods" of this worlds can no longer call themselves gods, I've decided to put this planet under my rule. All I need is to deploy a Karma Fortress and have control over most of the planet and it's done. (Smile) I wonder how your father will react to that. (turn around and surmond a holographic screen) Hear me now ! Let's this day be the beggining of a new world order !
The soldiers cheered for their Supreme Archdeity Empress' words.
Out of nowhere, a giant black and blue portal appeared close to Earth. Coming out of it was a giant buddha-like fortress came out of the portal, every human on Earth saw this and was scared. The fortress was way bigger than Earth as an entire armada also came out of the portal before it closed and the fortress was perfectly installed.
(Imagine it has the description from chapter 5.)
On the back of the control room in the head. Pneuma teleported her, Purple Heart and Junior here before she sat on the throne and Purple Heart flies off. Sensing that Pneuma wasn't looking at him, Junior began to slowly sneak away but :
Pneuma : Don't bother trying to escape Junior L/N.
Junior stopped and lookat at Pneuma looking at him.
Pneuma : These fortresses are infused with my energy. I can see, hear, feel and sence anything happening inside of it. If you try to escape, I'll just have to found you and let my soldiers bring you back.
Junior looked at Pneuma with despair he then curl himself and began to cry, thinking he would never saw his dad again. He then feel lighter as he looked around to see he was on Pneuma's lap.
Pneuma : That doesn't mean you won't see you father again. Knowing him, he's gonna burst whatever is in front of him and take you back with ease.
She then began to pat Junior's head. Junior didn't know what to do, he loved headpats but it's from the person that his father hate of all being.
Pneuma (carring voice) : ~Rest now kid. You'll see you father soon~.
Junior couldn't answer has de driffed asleep. Pneuma looked at him with regrets.
Pneuma : If only I knew where his familly, especially his father, are. I can't let what happened to Y/N L/N happend again to this poor kid. And I can't even let Y/N L/N become like that monster. If only I could conviced Y/N L/N to come to me with his familly and friends... Maybe if I...
Pneuma's eyes then widened.
Pneuma : Yes ! That's it, I've got the idea of the century ! I know how to conviced Y/N L/N to come back !
Pneuma then used her power to levitate Junior without disturbing his sleep. She then walk somewhere else, planning her idea.
Timeskip days later :
The gods started to take control of Earth, the United-Earth desperatly tried to stop them using all they got but it wasn't enough, their forces were wipped out with ease. Eventually, the Battleship-girls were requested for help during the last battle between the United-Earth and the Gods.
In the middle of the battle, on the Azur Lane base, some of the Shipgirls were defeated and taken away, even the Sirens were no match and easily defeated. Thoses who kept fighting were exausted by the strenght of the Gods' units. Enterprise was taking down some dojis on flying platforms to give her some time to assit the others. She dodged a crashing Valturn before looking at the skies to see the Bilusaludo fleet, the G-force and Gotengo desperatly fighiting Nirvanas, Septentrion and Arcadias.
Inside one of the Septentrion, the commander of the assault, White Heart, was watching the battle.
White Heart : tch, what a bunch of losers. They really think they can defeat us. I feel bad for them.
As the Nirvanas fired at Gotengo, the ship activated a green shield that send the lasers back to their owners, damaging the ships but not enough to destroy them. Gotengo's drill then began to rotate before firring his drill-laser at White Heart's Septentrion, hititng him but not damaging it.
White Heart : Ahahaha !!! What an failure of a weapon. Let's show them what a real blast look like. Deploy the Absolution cannon and blast that thing out of the skies !
Kageboshs : Roger, Deploying the Absolution cannon !
A part of the Septentrion's lower part began to open and a massive cannon came out of it and aimed at the Gotengo.
Bishmark : Could it be ?!
Cleveland : You've got to be kidding me !!!
Pince of Wales : What do they plan to do with such a massive cannon ?
The Abosultion cannon's hole began to glow as energy charged inside of ti.
White Heart : FIRE !!!
And without warning, the Septentrion fire a powerful blast from the Absolution cannon that piered the Gotengo's shield and caused explosion all around the ship. Once the blast ended, Gotengo was on fire and crashed once again on the ocean, still floating but maybe impossible to repair.
White heart : I hope they take what happened as an example of what happend when someone defy us.
Enterprise fall on her knees in despair after witnessing Gotengo being obliterated by the Septentrion.
Enterprise : n- No ! The Gotengo !!!
Prince of Wales : It... was massacred !
Shoukaku : This is bad !!!
Prinz Eugen : If it keep this up, I doubt we will last longer.
Enterprise : LOOK OUT !!!
They dodged Dojis on flying platforms and Vinaya fighter jets firring at them. Once they pulled back to atempt another attack, Enterprise took her bow and create a energy projectile before pointing it at the Gods' flying troops.
Enterprise : OWARI DA !!!
She then fired the arrow who then spill in multiple ones and destroyed all the Dojis and Vinaya fighter jets rapidly.
Cleveland : Nice shot !
Enterprise then looked at the Septentrion with the Absolution Cannon deployed.
Enterprise : I must reach one of theses ships !
Prince of Wales : It's suicide !!!
Enterprise : (look at Prince of Wales) You think I don't know that ?
They then saw multiple Gods' units falling on the sea on blue fire and saw Kaga on top of her giant eight flamed tailed fox.
Kaga : Then you better hurry !
Enterprise nodded before surmoning fighting planes and jump on one of them and then flies toward White Heart's Septentrion.
In White Heart's Septentrion, White Heart slammed her fist on her throne/like seet in anger.
White Heart : WHAT ?!
Kagebosh 1 : One of our flying fighters squad was destroyed !
White Heart :
(She's in her normal attire and not in her swimsuit)
Kagebosh 2 : Lady White Heart, enemies coming toward us at 12 o'clock !
A holographic screen then appeared and showed Enterprise on her small fleet of planes coming at them.
White Heart : It's her... All units, sink that bitch in the sea !!!
Kageboshs : Roger ! All ships, commence purification !
The Nirvanas took defensive positions toward the Septentrion of White Heart as the Arcadias target Enterprise. As excepted the Arcadias first opened fire toward Enterprise as a small part of her fleet was shot down but Enterprise was out of their blast zone. Eventually the Nirvanas fired next but missed. White Heart was VERY angry.
White Heart : You want to play it that way ? Fine ! Recharge the Absolution Cannon and fire at her !
Kageboshs : Roger !
Enterprise was now close to the Septentrion but only her plane remained, she descended toward the Septrention's lower part but then noticed the Absolution Cannon charged. Before she could seemingly react, the Absolution Cannon fired a powerful blast that went to space before fadding.
White Heart (smilling) : Any dumbass else want to try ?
As White Heart smilled, the Septentrion suddendly shaked before a screen appeared revealing Enterprise with Golden glowing eyes and unharmed.
White Heart (pissed off) : ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME ???!!! What is the security doing ?! KILL HER ALREADY !!!
Kageboshs : Roger ! Destroy the mortal! punish her !
As Enterprise stand up to look at her surrounding, the door suddendly opened and Dojis on flying platforms, Rashos with lances and longswords and a Taison Specialist came out of it. Enterprise fired a arrow at the Taison but it did nothing to him as he fired two energy orbs at her. Enterprise then dodged a Doji before kicking him out and took control of his vehicle. She then fired multiple blasts at high speed, knocking the Rashos out and forcing the Taison specialist to protect himself. Enterprise then charged another attack with her arrow.
Enterprise : OWARI-
She was them smacked with a axe before being throw on the wall, almost bleeding and badly injured. She look up to see White Heart herself with her axe.
White Heart : You're really a pain in the ass you know ?
Enterprise : Don't... think I will... give up !
White Heart : Yes you do. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna teach your friends a lesson.
Enterprise : NO-
White Heart kicked Enterprise in the face, knowking her out.
White Heart : Take her to the cells and lock her up. I've got to teach some bitches their place.
The soldiers took Enterprise with them.
Back with the Shipgirls, They were staring to push back the Gods troops thanks to their combined efforts and Kaga's giant wolf.
Hornet : Don't give up !
Prince of Wales : Just a little more and we will be victorious !
But then a white light fall from the Septentrion and it crashed on Kaga's wolf, killing it and sending Kaga flying.
Akagi : KAGA !!!
As the water fall back, White Heart could be seen with her axe, smilling at her action.
Hornet : Who are you ?!
White Heart : The goddess who's gonna beat the crap out of you ! SAY GOODBYE LOWLIFES !!!
She then charged at some of the Shipgirls and slammed her axe on the ground sending them back to base in critical conditions. She then blocked an attack from Prince of Wales before grabbing her by the neck and throwing her away. She was meet with a blast and saw some of the Shipgirls firring at her but none of their attacks hurt White Heart. She slammed her axe one the ocean and rocks came out of it and hurt the Shipgirls, almost sinking them down. White Heart let out a laugh until she felt something in her back, she looked back to see Bismarck trying to stab her with her lance. Bismarck jump back to avoid White Heart's counterattack.
White Heart : What was that for ?!
Bismarck : I won't let you get away with this !
Bismarck then charged at White Heart and engaged in a weapon duel with the goddess. Bismarck fired sometimes at White Heart eyes to blind her and she then successfully landed a hit in White Heart's guts, making the goddess jump back.
Bismarck : Had enough yet ?
White Heart : Fine ! I'll just focus on your friends !
White Heart then charged as Bismarck ready her weapon. But then, White Heart go pass Bismarck as she look back to see that White Heart was heading for Hood. Bismarck then used all of her strenght to head toward Hood.
Bismarck : HOOD !!!
Hood looked from the scream to see White Heart about to smash her with her axe. But before that happened, Bismarck protected Hood, taking the hit for her.
Hood : BISMARCK !!!
White Heart then throw Bismarck high in the air with her axe before flying up and prepare for the killing blow. Bismarck could only watch as White Heart charged at her while powering up her axe.
White Heart : SEE YOU IN HELL !!!
And with rage in it, White Heart slammed her axe on Bismarck's chest as she speel blood, making her fall on the water and sink with violence.
Shipgirls : NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Underwater, Bismarck could only see the endless darkness underwater as she helplessly sunk.
Bismarck : I've... failed you all... I'm... sorry...
Bismarck then noticed a black larva with a yellow horn and red eyes swimming toward her before she loose counciousness.
The King of the sea... was suncked.
The Gods eventually made landfall on the Base as SuperMechagodzilla 2 was evacuated. With small resistance opposing them, the Gods quickly proceed further in their invasion. In her room, Unicorn was putting a colar with Enterprise's letter and a blue gem on her little friend, U-chan.
Unicorn : U-chan... (look at the blue gem) I heard than this gem was created from Godzilla's shaterred dorsal plates back at Tokyo. Please, find him, he's then only one who can save this world.
There was then violent knocks at the door as the Gods were trying to enter.
Unicorn : Hurry ! Find Y/N ! Junior...
U-chan then flied as the door was destroyed and the Gods started taking Unicorn away as she struggle.
Unicorn : NO ! LEAVE ME ALONE !!!
A Kagebosh then noticed U-chan flying away and used his orb-like devices to fire at the poor Unicorn as it fall in the water.
Unicorn (crying) : U-CHAN !!!!!!!!!
Kagebosh : retreating enemy taken down. (point at Unicorn) Take her to the others.
The little unicorn was underwater, it swimmed away for what seemed to be hours before hurting a wall, almost loosing counciousness. The Godzilla's dorsal plate on his colar began to glow as crystals on the wall responded by glowing too, opening the portal Godzilla took to travel to different worlds. U-chan enter the portal before coming ashore as it struggle to stand up due to his wounds. It could only saw two girls running at him before it loose counsciousness.
U-chan slowly woke up as it look around and saw he was on the hands of someone but he didn't have the strenght to see who was carring him. He couldn't saw what's happening around him but hear a voice that he recognized :
??? : U-CHAN !!!
(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? Chapter 16 coming next.)
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