Chap. 12-among us logic 10
(Y/n and MrCheese moment)
Y/n and MrCheese are leaning against the walls of Polus.
Y/n said "So. Why'd you do it?"
MrCheese asked "Why'd I do what?"
Y/n asked "Why would you disguise yourself as Player?"
MrCheese replied "I guess so I could get TheGentelman back.
Y/n said "But why? He treated you terribly." MrCheese said "Yeah, but we still had a lot of good times too."
Y/n said "I guess I should understand that." MrCheese said "But I appreciate you looking out for me." Y/n said "It's no problem at all."
They both stop leaning and MrCheese got out a knife while Y/n got out his sword.
Y/n asked "Ready to start?"
MrCheese replied "Sure am pal."
They both go off to find their victims
The start of real story.
Player is being held at gunpoint.
Player said "Captain shoot him, he's the fake Player."
Captain turned to someone who looked exactly like Player but he had a more robotic voice.
Player 2 said "No fellow Crewmate, this non-humanoid should be your primary target. Eliminate, eliminate."
Captain is sweating while trying to determine which one he should shoot and black Y/n is standing next to him.
Captain said "God, it's could be either of you."
Player said "Really? I feel like it's pretty obvious."
Robot Player said "Affirmative, this replicant is clearly the robot, initiate termination procedure Captain."
The real Player faceplamed and sighed.
Captain said "It's just too hard to tell. What do you think about this Y/n?"
Y/n said "I know which one is the robot is."
Captain said "Then you take the gun and shoot the fake."
Y/n said "I'm a Crewmate, in my hands that gun is useless. Wait. How are you even going to be able to use it?"
Captain said "No time to think about that Y/n, just tell me which one I should shoot."
Y/n said "Shoot the one on the left."
Captain said "That does sound reasonable but what if you are wrong and the one on the right is the robot."
Y/n sighed.
Captain "Guess I'm going to have to shoot one of them at random."
Y/n said "That does not sound like a good idea."
Captain just ignore him and held the gun to the Real Player.
Player said "Wait, wait, hold on a sec."
Robot Player said "Yes, maybe we can formulate another plan."
Captain said "Well, we could ask a series of questions that only the real Player would know."
Player said "Yes, yes, let's do that, great idea Captain."
Robot Player said "Uh, on second thought, maybe let's just shoot one of us aren't random" He points at real Player "preferably the real Player. I mean, the fake Player here."
Captain said "Not a chance pal, question numero 1, 0 is for you. Y/n do you want to take on this quiz show? You've known him longer."
Y/n said "Yeah, but you're the one with the gun so I think you should do it."
Captain said "Okay. What... Is my favorite color?"
Robot Player said "Oh, uh."
The robot started to scan Captain.
His scan was complete.
Robot Player said "I'm going to guess... White?"
Captain said "Yep, that's the right answer, you nailed it buddy, nice work."
Y/n said "Captain, after that I think it should be obvious who the robot..."
Captain said "Not now Y/n, we got to focus on this."
Player asked "Seriously?"
Captain then turn to the real Player.
Captain said "All right Player, if that's even your real name, this next one should be a cakewalk. What... Is Euler's formula for calculating polyhedra?"
Player said "What? I don't know that. How do you know that?"
Captain said "Actually I'm not sure, seems pretty off-brand for me to be honest."
Robot Player said "Oh, I know, I know."
Captain said "Go ahead real Player."
The robot was in a loading sequence.
Robot Player said "You could solve for chi with the number of vertices minus the numbers of edges plus the number of faces equals two."
Captain said "Bingo, correct again, that's strikes two for you Player, looks like you're out."
Player said "No wait, there's three strikes in baseball."
Captain said "Well, sorry Mr. Robot. I don't know the rules, I never played as a kid because running in pants made me chafe, the real Player would have known that. So, that's strike three."
Y/n held his hands up "Captain wait."
Captain asked "What is it Y/n?"
Y/n said "I agree, the real Player should have known you never played baseball or will your favorite color was but we can't count that polyhedra question."
Captain asked "Why not?"
Y/n replied "I think that answer should be pretty obvious."
Player said "Listen to Y/n, just let me tell my side of the story and then you'll see that this very obvious robot next is not the real Player."
Captain and Y/n looked over to the robot and sees that it's glitching out.
Captain said "Go on."
Player said "Okay, it all started about ten minutes ago."
Both Veteran and Player were the two Impostors and Player walked over to Veteran who was on the outside of the dropship of Polus.
Player said "Nice, I love it when we get to be impostors together, but it's sad because we can't have Y/n on the team."
Veteran said "Keep your voice down, there are eyes everywhere."
Player said "Dude, don't be so paranoid, there aren't any cameras in here."
Veteran said "Yeah, but I was reading online now that there's bots in this game that help you cheat. They have supersonic hearing and I can see through walls with their special heat vision, not to mention they're practically invincible, they only have one weakness."
Player asked "And what's that?"
Veteran replied "Bullets."
Player said "Pretty sure that's everyone's weaknesses Veteran. Come on, let's go kill somebody."
Veteran said "Shh, dude they can hear you."
They both walked off but little did they know they were being watched by MrCheese and TheGentelman but TheGentelman was Purple and he had a more robotic voice.
MrCheese said "TheGentelbot, report."
TheGentlebot said "Targets are on the move."
MrCheese said "Good, good, all according to plan."
MrCheese then started to laugh maniacally and both Player and Veteran found Bro and Mother.
Player said "Okay, there are two of them and two of us, I think our plan is pretty obvious."
Veteran said "Right, totally but uh, just for fun. Can you say it out loud?"
Player then got out his gun.
Player said "We're going to kill them at the same time Veteran."
Veteran said "Oh yeah, yeah, for serious I was thinking the exact same thing."
Player said "Okay, you go kill Mother and I'll take care of Bro."
Veteran said "Dude, I don't want kill Mother, those mini Crewmates freak me out."
Player said "Ah fine, you go kill Bro in all go kill Mother."
Veteran said "Deal, I'll give you the signal."
Veteran gives a thumbs-up and both Bro and Mother turn to them.
Mother asked "What's that now?"
Bro agreed "Yeah. What the H E double hockey sticks are you talking about broseph?"
Veteran shouted "Player Now!"
Veteran and Player both got out their guns and shot Bro and Mother.
Player said "That was a close one."
Veteran said "Oh dude, we should have killed them with our knives, now we don't know if they were Bots or not."
They both look at Mother and Bro's dead bodies with flys hovering over them and Timmy and Franklin both crying over the loss of their mother.
Player said "Pretty sure they weren't Bots Veteran."
But they had no idea that TheGentelbot was using his heat vision to spy on them.
TheGentlebot said "The Impostors have eliminated Bro and Mother."
MrCheese said "Then it's time."
MrCheese then laughed maniacally again and he called an emergency meeting.
MrCheese said "Everybody vote out Veteran and Player, they're the Impostors, I saw them kill Bro and Mother."
Captain said "My God, say it's not so Player."
Player said "It's not so."
Captain said "Oh, thank goodness."
Veteran said "Yeah, Player and I didn't kill anyone."
MrCheese said "But I saw them, TheGentleman here can confirm." He whispered "Gentlebot activate live confirmation mode."
TheGentelbot said "Activated! MrCheese is telling the truth, I saw them commit the murders with my own two human eyes that are made of flesh."
Captain said "I also have to human eyes that are made of flesh, compelling argument as always TheGentelman."
TheGentlebot said "Also. Might I add that MrCheese is looking really nice today?"
MrCheese said "TheGentleman please, we're in public."
Player said "Doesn't anyone think it's a little S.U.S that TheGentelman is complimenting MrCheese, he never does that."
Veteran said "I don't know, MrCheese does look pretty nice today."
Y/n said "What? I think it's suspicious that the double top hat wearing freak is actually being a good person towards MrCheese."
TheGentlebot just stayed quiet which made Y/n get even more suspicious.
Captain said "All right people, it's time to vote and right now it's a he said, he said, he said, he said. So, I'm going to suggest we vote out Poopyfarts instead."
Poopyfarts farted in response.
Captain said "I'm sorry Poopyfarts, it's nothing personal you've just been so quiet this whole time. Pretty S.U.S."
Y/n said "Not to mention that me and Captain can clear each other and Player and Veteran can clear each other and sadly so can MrCheese and TheGentelman. So, that just leaves you."
Poopyfarts farted again.
Captain said "I think we can do without the vulgarity Poopyfarts. You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
Poopyfarts responds with his usual.
Captain said "Oh My God, I'm so sorry. I-I had no idea."
Y/n asked "What's he saying?
Captain replied "Nothing I want to repeat. Anyways, I'm still voting you out Poopyfarts, Emotions Don't Matter only logic can reason."
Player said "Alright, let's get this over with, all those in favor of voting out Poopyfarts say "aye"."
Everyone except TheGentleBot MrCheese and Poopyfarts said "Aye!!!"
Poopyfarts then got ejected.
Poopyfarts96 was not an Impostor.
Veteran and Player are now hanging out in the vents.
Veteran said "Dude, vents are great for getting around the map but it's not exactly an ideal place for a conversation."
Player said "I know, I know, this might be the only place that's safe. I think you were right about the bots Veteran, something is definitely going on with TheGentleman and MrCheese."
Veteran said "Yes." he accidentally hit his head "Ow."
Player said "So, let's go hunt them down together, we can stay out of their sight traveling through the vents, once we find them it's an easy double kill for the win."
Veteran said "Cool, just remember to use your gun Player, it's their only weakness."
They both start to crawl away.
Player said "That doesn't make any sense Veteran."
Captain and Y/n are walking while having their own conversation.
Y/n said "So Captain. Did TheGentelman seem a little strange to you?"
Captain asked "Strange how?"
Y/n replied "Well, for one he didn't get mad at me for taking his color."
Captain said "Yeah, last time you did that he called you and I quote "a rapscallion headache"."
Y/n said "Yeah, and speaking of headache, he usually calls me a headache when I call him a double top hat wearing freak."
Captain asked "So, what are you trying to say?"
Y/n replied "I've heard rumors about there being Bots in this game."
Captain asked "And you think that TheGentelman might be one of those Bots?"
Y/n replied "Precisely."
Captain said "So, what are we going to do about it?"
Y/n replied "We're going to find MrCheese and confront him about bringing a Bot here."
Captain said "Okay, lead the way buddy."
Y/n said "You're the captain I'll follow you bud."
Captain said "Alright then, onward."
Back with Veteran and Player.
Both Player and Veteran came out of the vent outside of weapons where they found MrCheese and TheGentelbot.
Veteran said "Freeze robots scum."
MrCheese said "TheGentlebot. How did they get past your defenses?"
TheGentlebot said "They must have used the vents. I am sorry MrCheese, I hate to disappoint you especially when you look so nice today."
MrCheese blushed "Aw Gentlebot."
Player shouted "Veteran attack!"
Player got out his knife while Veteran got out his gun Veteran shot MrCheese in the head while Player jumped at TheGentelbot and stabbed him in the face.
Player cheered "Yes, I did it!"
TheGentelbot rose up a bit.
Player said "Wait. What?"
TheGentlebot said "You should have listened to your friend Player."
He took the knife out of his face and look like he did in the thumbnail.
Player asked "What the?"
Veteran said "Dude, I told you.
TheGentelbot: Now you will pay for killing MrCheese.
He looked at MrCheese's dead body with flys hovering over it.
TheGentelbot: Who even in death is looking really nice today. Initiate termination sequence.
His eyes started to Glow and then he shot some sort of laser at Veteran and disintegrated him leaving Just his crown and gun.
Player said "What? Crewmates can't kill Impostors."
TheGentlebot said "I'm a Bot, I can do whatever I want. Here, watch this.
TheGentelbot's shadow transformed Northwest shadow that looks like Player's.
Player said "No, this isn't possible!"
Robot Player said "Look at me, I'm such a loser. I never get to win this game. Whine, whine, whine, whine."
Player said "All right, now that's just uncalled for."
Just then Captain and Y/n walked in.
Y/n said "MrCheese! Are you in here?!"
Captain noticed the gun.
Captain said "Dibs" he picked up the gun "sweet, a gun."
Y/n shouted "A gun?! Why is there a gun in here?!"
Captain said "Beats me, but one thing's for sure it's mine."
They both see the two Players.
Captain said "Wait a minute. What the heck is going on here?!"
Back to present.
Player said "So, that's the whole story. Please Captain and Y/n. I know it's crazy and it doesn't make any sense but I swear on my life it's the truth."
Captain said "Don't worry Player, I believe you."
Y/n said "Same here."
Player said "Really? Oh, thank God."
Captain said "Yeah, there's just one thing."
Player asked "What is it?"
Captain said "If all that's true, then that means you're an Impostor."
Y/n said "And we're Crewmates."
Player said "Oh, uh, yeah, I guess."
Captain took the gun and shot Player in the chest.
Robot Player said "Nice one, Player loses yet again. Ha, ha, ha."
Captain said "Wait, but if I can shoot a gun. Doesn't that mean I'm also a Bot?"
Player said "Yes it does, Captain Bot."
Captain Bot said "Captain..."
Y/n asked "Bot?"
They both start thinking really hard for a second with math and graphs showed up as they recall the last few minutes.
Captain said "Oh, okay, yeah, the Bot thing checks out."
The End of Chapter 12.
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