Chapter 7

Here's the final chapter. Thanks for waiting patiently.


Three months later...

The recovery process was always slow. Depending on the injury, it took weeks or sometimes months. This time Jimin was given a long medical leave and was now confined to the four walls of his apartment. He didn't remember the last time he lived in his apartment this long.

These three months were the longest he spent in recovery. It didn't hurt while breathing anymore, but sometimes he could feel the phantom stab of pain when he inhaled too deep.

His mother stayed with him until a month ago before he sent her off with a promise to take care of himself. He had just begun to work out again under supervision. Jimin felt fine but it would take another month or two before he can report to active duty.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was working with other teams while he waited for his partner's return. However, after the two near-death experiences, they had requested a transfer to a different department and were waiting to hear from the higher-ups.

He trudged through the snow with a heavy heart. It was early March, but this year the snow had been unforgiving. He hugged the paper bags filled with groceries close to his chest. It reminded him of the day he went shopping and all the plans he had made for Christmas.

Then Christmas came and went when he was still in recovery with no news from Jungkook. All his plans were foiled. He didn't get to decorate the Christmas tree or celebrate it with Jungkook. Instead, it was spent on a hospital bed, surrounded by machines and tubes.

Jungkook's case had caught media attention and the public was shocked to learn the extent of crimes committed by the obsessed woman. They had confiscated her apartment and fortunately, there were no other victims.

As it turned out Ahn Eunji was the daughter of the Chairman of a prestigious vehicle manufacturer in South Korea. She had money and resources to pull the shit. They had managed to track her hacker and others through her various bank transactions though it took them time.

Jimin was shocked to find just how obsessed Eunji was with Jungkook. Their teams confiscated hundreds of thousands of photos and videos. The majority of them were taken in Jungkook's private moments, in the comfort of his home or during his short walks outside. It was worse than it first looked and Jimin could only feel glad that Jungkook was safe now.

Jimin didn't remember much from his captivity because he was in and out of consciousness most of the time. He was awake an hour or so before Jungkook arrived and was waiting for his chance to escape. He'd heard the conversation between Jungkook and Eunji.

Right then he wanted to hug Jungkook. His lover had been so brave throughout, facing his worst nightmare in person. He had come. Though it was foolish and reckless, Jungkook had risked his life for him.

Jungkook was given a break by his company. Their PR team had released a statement saying the gamer was going on a hiatus until further notice. Jimin hadn't heard back from him either.

He'd left several messages to the gamer and his calls always went to his voicemail. Seokjin wasn't any help either. The last he heard, Jungkook's brother had taken him somewhere and away from this entire ruckus. Their lawyer was the only one who got in touch with them from time to time to help them with the case. He couldn't help but wonder what Jungkook was doing and how he was.

Jimin reached his apartment complex and began to climb the stairs one at a time as a part of his recovery process. It was important to stay physically active and to ease his body back into strenuous activities.

While he climbed, all his thoughts were on Jungkook again. He'd been tempted to go to Korea himself. He wasn't required at work anytime soon and now that he was fully recovered, it was all he could think about for the past week.

However, the problem was that he didn't know where Jungkook was. But then, he didn't let that deter him. He was fucking FBI for god sake and he knew he could find the young gamer if he pulled the right cards.

These past three months without Jungkook were hard enough. It also proved what he felt for him wasn't normal and it wouldn't go away anytime soon. His heart hurt and he struggled to sleep every night. He had gotten used to the warm body curled around him every night for several days that he found himself often absent-mindedly reaching out and patting the empty side of his bed in his sleep for Jungkook.

After a long conversation with Taehyung last week, his resolve only strengthened. When Taehyung asked if he'd leave FBI for Jungkook, he'd answered yes in a heartbeat and he realized he meant it. He needed Jungkook in his life like he needed air to breathe. He didn't think what would happen once they met. But he was ready to do anything if it meant he'd get to spend his time with Jungkook.

Now, all that he needed was a plan. Before he knew it, he reached the fifth floor, panting heavily. His body was exhausted even with such small exertion. Well, climbing five stairs wasn't easy, but it was easy for him until three months ago. It reminded Jimin why he hated this recovery time. It was torture.

The keys jingled as he adjusted the paper bags in his arms and opened the door with one hand. The door opened with a soft click and he slipped inside, not bothering to turn on the lights. It was dark with only lights coming through the open curtains from the streets outside.

He headed straight to the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter. His head felt dizzy and slumped in his seat, taking a moment to collect his breath. Then he patted his jacket for his phone and pulled it out, dialing his partner immediately.

"Jiminie, is everything okay?" Taehyung answered in the second ring.

"Yes," Jimin breathed. "I wanna go to Korea. I need to see him, Tae. I can't..." His breathing grew heavy. "I miss him."

"You don't even know where he is."

"Help me," his voice cracked. "I feel like I'm going crazy. I can't go on like this. I'm in love with him and I have to tell him. I don't want him to think I don't. Fuck. Help me, Taehyung-ah. Help me find him. I can't live without him."

The other end was silent for a moment. "Why don't you tell that to him directly then?" His voice was soft, confusing Jimin.



Jimin whirled around almost falling off the chair with his eyes going wide like saucers. His gaze fell on the dark silhouette that was all too familiar.


He jumped to his feet, rushing to the young gamer with wobbly feet. The phone slid off his grip, clattering on the counter and he ignored it.

"Y-You're here." He grabbed the gamer with one hand while reaching for the lights with the other.

It wasn't his eyes playing some dirty trick, was it?

"I'm here, hyung." Jungkook's voice cracked.

Jimin looked at him as lights flooded the kitchen. It was really Jungkook. He'd lost a lot of weight and his hair was cut short. His cheeks weren't full and there were dark circles under his eyes. But it was still Jungkook. His Jungkook.

"Y-You..." He couldn't form words as he gave him a once over. "You're here," he said again.

Jungkook's eyes were wet and he gave him a watery smile. "I am."

"You came," Jimin whispered, cupping his face.

"There wasn't anything that was holding me back," Jungkook said softly. "You were all I could think of every waking moment. So, I packed and left."


"Taehyung hyung..." Jungkook sniffled. "He picked me up from airport and gave me a spare key."

That was sneaky move. Jimin was happy though. He couldn't complain. Jungkook was here.

"I missed you," Jimin sniffled, pulling him by his neck to press their foreheads together. "I called. I left voicemails and texted." He cupped his cheek. "I fucking missed you so much."

"I'm sorry." Jungkook hugged him back. "They confiscated my phone," he admitted. "My condition was worse and...I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner."

Jimin shook his head. "I was going to come to you." He sniffed and glanced into Jungkook's eyes. Tears were streaming down his cheeks too. "I didn't know where you went. But I was planning to go to Korea and search every nook and corner if needed."

"You said you loved me?"

Jimin nodded. "I do."

"I love you so much, hyung."

"I love you, Jungkook," he confessed. "So fucking much. You were all I could think for these past months while I recovered. I've been wanting to tell you for so long. I love you so fucking much."

Jungkook closed the distance between them, kissing him earnestly and suddenly everything fell into place.

"I was ready to leave everything behind," Jimin said in between the kisses.


"Mhmm..." Jimin opened his mouth, letting Jungkook take control of the kiss. He tasted the same and Jimin lost himself in the kiss.

"You'd do that for me?" he asked when they parted briefly to take a much-needed breath.

"I'd do anything for you."

A radiant smile lit his face and his nose scrunched up, eyes twinkling with hundreds of stars. "Then be my boyfriend."

Jimin gave him a watery smile. "Yes, I'd love to."

They kissed again and Jimin smiled into the kiss, his cheeks hurting. He was so happy. So fucking happy. This, Jungkook in his arms, it felt right. It was all that mattered. Jungkook was here. Jungkook came for him. Jungkook loved him.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you more..."



"Jungkook-ah, come on we're late already."

Jungkook chuckled. "Gimme a minute." He smiled into the camera. "I guess that's all for today. My fiancé isn't a patient man. We're meeting my parents and he's nervous. We don't want him pouting the entire evening, do we?" He winked, ending the stream with a few more words and promises to come back soon.

"Jungkook-ah...come on. Let's not make your parents wait," Jimin whined. "How do I look?" He pointed at his clothes.

He wore a white sweater that was a size bigger than the skin, paired with a pair of skintight jeans. His now long, black hair was parted in the middle and fell over his eyes in soft waves. He was beautiful just like the first time they met if not more.

"Gorgeous as ever." Jungkook pulled him toward him and kissed his nose. "You look amazing, hyung."

Jimin wrapped his hands around his middle, resting his cheeks on his shoulder with a sigh.

Jungkook took his left hand, kissing his knuckles and running his finger over the engagement ring that glinted with light. A proud smile stretched his lips. This stunning man was his now. He had said yes to him.

The next day after Jimin's birthday Jungkook woke him with homemade breakfast worthy for a king, burying the custom-made ring inside the cupcake he ordered just for the event.

Jimin had broken into tears at the sight and pulled him into a wet and messy kiss before murmuring yes against his lips. His boyfriend, now his fiancé, was just a giant ball of sunshine, Jungkook learned during these past months.

Jimin had transferred to a different department, one that put him in the least life-threatening environment. He was also in training to become an FBI profiler along with Taehyung, which Jungkook was happy about. His fiancé could kick asses but he was also just a big baby at home. Something that was pleasantly surprising and endearing. Jungkook loved him even more.

Now as he held his boyfriend he felt his hands shaking in nervousness. They were meeting Jungkook's parents for the first time today after a whirlwind romance. Though they had talked on the phone several times, Jimin was nervous.

Jungkook smiled fondly. The man who could fire a gun with his eyes closed was now nervous just thinking about the meeting with his parents.

"They love you already. You're mom's favorite. Namjoon hyung adores you and dad holds a lot of respect for you," he spoke gently. "You have nothing to be worried about."

In his parent's eyes, a man who'd jumped in front of a bullet for their son definitely scored all the points. After getting to know Jimin personally, they were gone for him. Jimin had claimed his place in Jungkook's family.

It was the same with Jimin's family too. His younger brother adored Jungkook and they hung out a lot these days. Jihyun became someone Jungkook could call a friend from his same age group in New York. Their gaming nights with Taehyung every week were chaotic at their best and Jungkook wouldn't have it otherwise. Hoseok and Yoongi often came over too.

Jimin's parents were no better. They spoiled him rotten. Now that Jimin had a place to call home unlike before when he was always on missions, they visited them often and left with their fridge full of food that would last them a week.

Life was good. Really really good. Both had to attend therapy to cope with the trauma but it was getting easier to breathe for Jungkook.

When he came to New York, chasing after Jimin it was still hard for him to go out alone. Crowded places made him uncomfortable and there was always this feeling of being watched. He was always jittery and jumped even at the smallest sound. He still had nightmares occasionally, but it had gotten better with professional help.

He started streaming again two months ago and it had worked wonders for his mental health with how much support people showered him. They were happy to see him. He didn't expect they'd wait for him.

Jimin was with him through it all.

"Do you think they'll like the gifts?" Jimin mumbled against his chest, pulling him out of his reverie.

"They'll love it," he assured. Jimin gave the best gifts and he knew so much thought had gone into each gift. Jungkook was sure they were gonna love it. "You outdid me again."

Jimin chuckled. "Just wanted to show my gratitude to them for giving me an amazing person like you." He craned his head, pecking his lips.

"Mhmm..." Jungkook bent, taking his bottom lips between his. The kiss soon grew heated with Jungkook tugging at Jimin and tilting his head more to kiss him better.

Jimin was the first to pull away. "Don't start now, baby. We won't make it on time." He gave a meaningful squeeze to his ass as he grinned against his lips.

Jungkook sighed, pressing his forehead against his. Arousal stirred in his gut. "You sure we can't squeeze in a quickie?" he coaxed, eying the clock. "We can still spare ten minutes."

Jimin threw his head back with laughter before slapping at his chest. "The traffic is gonna be hectic. We gotta leave now." He pulled Jungkook by his hip, rubbing their crotch together. "Besides, ten minutes isn't enough time with you." He bit his bottom lip to prove his point.

The drive wasn't too long. Only fifteen minutes away. He bought this home to be close to his parents and wanted to have something in Busan for when they wanted to come here. He contemplated for a moment. They didn't have much time and Jimin's intense gaze and tight grip on his ass hinted a lot on how this night was going to turn out.

"Fuck!" Jungkook hissed. "Then let's get going. The sooner we go the sooner we get to leave."

The next moment, he was dragging Jimin outside by his hand. They were home in Busan; Jimin for the first time in years.



Jimin tugged Jungkook by his long, curly hair for a sloppy kiss. The young gamer continued to roll his hips with soft gasps and moans.

"Feels so good..." Jimin panted against his lips. "So beautiful like this."

Jungkook's tanned skin glistened with sweat, littered with possessive love bites all over his chest and collarbones he was a vision to behold.

Jungkook hadn't waited for him to shut down the engine before he pounced at him over the center console, kissing the life out of him. They were a tangle of limbs and Jimin didn't remember how they even managed to enter their apartment without tripping anywhere.

He'd stripped him bare before bending him over the couch to open him with his tongue and fingers. Then Jungkook had climbed onto his lap wanting to ride him. Jungkook looked so sexy like this. So demanding and bossy.

Jimin loved it. He dropped his head back, panting. "Just like that, baby. Faster."

Jungkook fell forward, mouthing along his neck and jaw as he lifted his hips and pressed down harder and faster. His thighs clenched with exertion. He had amazing stamina though. His workout routine came in handy in times like this.

Jimin cupped his ass, spreading him as he brought him down his cock. He spread his leg more, planting it firmly on the floor and he began to thrust up. Jungkook let out a strangled moan, his body bouncing with every thrust as he held onto the back of the couch, face buried into Jimin's neck.


"Like this?"

The slap of their skin against each other and the lewd moans was too obscene. Jungkook threaded his fingers into Jimin's hair.

"L-Love it! Fuck. You fill me so well."

"I fuck you too well too."

Jungkook threw his head back at a particular thrust. "T-That too."

His blunt nails dug into Jimin's shoulders as his downward movements began to grow sloppy. Jimin snaked a hand between them tugging at Jungkook's neglected cock, red and dripping with precum. He fisted his cock, jerking it with urgency.

He was close. Jungkook clenched so hard around him that Jimin felt himself stumble over the edge, thrusting up with a sharp cry. Not a second later, Jungkook spilled in his hand, his eyes glazing a little as he felt forward, going lax in his arms as he tried to catch his breath.

Their hearts pounded inside their chests and Jimin could hear Jungkook's heart beating against his chest. He loved and cherished these moments when their hearts seemed to beat alike. He ran a hand over his back, massaging his lower back gently.

"That was amazing," Jimin panted.

"You say that every time." Jungkook chuckled.

Jimin joined him, his body shaking and he slapped his ass, causing him to moan. He leaned forward to take one of Jungkook's nipples into his mouth, lapping his tongue over the piercing he got recently in addition to the tattoos that now decorated his toned abdomen. His fiancé arched into him, letting out a soft moan.

Jimin loved everything about him. He was growing more confident and he was happy. It was all Jimin wanted.

When Jimin released him to pepper kisses all over his chest, Jungkook grabbed the tissue box and began to clean them. Jimin helped him with a knowing smile.

"What?" Jungkook lifted a brow.

"You know what."

A smirk lifted the corner of his lips. "You weren't lying when you said the night was going to be long." He rolled his hips experimentally and Jimin moaned. "Fuck, how are you hard already? We just finished."

Jimin chuckled. "Have you seen yourself?"

Jungkook only leaned forward to capture his swollen lips in another searing kiss. "You gotta do all the work this time though," he whispered against his lips.

Jimin didn't have to be told twice. He flipped Jungkook on his back without pulling out and pinned him to the couch, bracing his elbow over the handle while grabbing Jungkook's leg and pushing it over his chest with the other.

"Tired already." He snapped his hip forward and began to fuck him deep with slow strokes.

"No." Jungkook shook his head, his eyes rolling back to his head. "Never tired of this."

"Hmm...Good then. Because I'll never get tired of this either." Jungkook was warm and inviting, gripping his cock so tight.

With every thrust, he arched his back and dug his heels into his back.

"Faster," he demanded. "Fuck me harder, hyung."

"Yeah? Want to limp when you meet your friends tomorrow? To show them how well you got fucked tonight."

Jimin straightened, grabbed his ass, and lifted it off the couch as he began to fuck into him harder.

"Yes," Jungkook whimpered. "Want everyone to know I'm taken. That you take good care of me."

"Fuck! So tight."

"For you."

Jimin fell forward, kissing him hungrily as he continued to piston his hips. Jungkook's legs slipped from where he had it wrapped around his hips but he caught it, holding him open for him.

"Only for me," he breathed heavily against the other's lips, relishing how red and swollen his lips looked, glistening with their saliva. Jungkook was just so beautiful.

"Only for you." Jungkook had his head thrown back, chest arched, and fingers now digging into Jimin's hips. "F-Feels so good. Just like that."

Jimin increased his pace, knowing he wouldn't last long. Not when Jungkook looked so fucking good. He once again wrapped a hand around Jungkook's hardened erection.

Their combined moans and grunts drifted around them, sweat dripping off their skin. The dim light illuminated his fiancé so perfectly. He looked like a sculpted statue, well-toned and gorgeous.

"Love you so much." Jimin's hips stuttered as the orgasm washed over him.

"Love you too."

Jimin pumped his hips a few more times, milking another orgasm out of Jungkook before slumping over his chest. It took a while to catch their breaths this time. He felt Jungkook pressing his lips on top of his head.

These moments were so tranquil and Jimin never wanted this to end. Jungkook's skin seemed to glow just like his eyes. He sighed as he listened to the comforting rhythm of his fiancé's heart.



"Let's get married."


Jimin lifted his head, his eyes crinkling with laughter. "I don't mind." He pulled out gently and began to clean them up. "But seriously, what are we waiting for? I love you and you love me. I can't imagine a life without you. Let's get married."

Jungkook's eyes filled with tears. "What about Jeju for a wedding destination?"

"Do you think the guys can make it here in time for New Year?"

Jungkook lifted a brow and then chuckled. "You really can't wait, huh?"

Jimin kissed his nose. "I don't want to wait."

"How about a spring wedding?" Jungkook coaxed. "I like outdoor weddings and don't wanna freeze my balls off while walking toward you in the aisle."

Jimin laughed, his entire body shaking. "A spring wedding then." He nuzzled into his cheek.

"How about a dog?" Jungkook asked dreamily. "I think we should adopt a dog and train him or her to be our ring bearer."

Jimin smiled. "I'd love that. What about our honeymoon?"

"I'm thinking of Japan. You always said you wanted to go there."

Jimin nodded immediately. "And Paris. Taehyung always told me he'd buy me a trip to Paris if I got married first among us two."

It was Jungkook's turn to laugh this time. "Japan and Paris then. Do we need to move?"

"No, I like our apartment and it's pet friendly."

"Ah yes. Our little nugget can watch over the city whenever he or she gets bored. A lot of space to play around."

"Mhmm..." Jimin hummed and lay on his chest.

Jungkook wrapped his hands around him. "Gosh...I can't believe we are getting married already."

Last year, they were both fighting for their lives. This year, they were together. Celebrating Christmas like they always wanted to do. If someone had told Jimin last year that he'd fall in love and settle down with someone, he'd have laughed at the absurdity of the situation. He never thought married life was in cards for him. Chasing bad guys was the only thrill he enjoyed.

Now here he was, madly and deeply in love with a man who was once his charge, planning their future and talking about their wedding.

Life was unpredictable. But as Taehyung said, life always brought the right people at the right time to them. Everything happened for a reason.

Their meeting could have happened in a better scenario but Jimin wouldn't change a thing. It brought them closer, it gave him a chance to fall in love with a wonderful human being. It gave him Jungkook.

"I can't wait to marry you."

"Me too."

With a smile, they snuggled together. Jungkook grabbed a throw blanket, pulling it over them as he adjusted them both to get comfortable. Soon they were drifting off on the couch with a soft smile plastered to their faces.

The End.

That's another fic completed. Phew.

Five more to go...oh lord. I'm never participating in fic fests ever again 😒😣 Those prompts are too good to say no too and I'm suffering now.

See you soon lovelies...

Don't forget to tell me if you like this fic. I write switch, top JK/JM, bottom JK/JM. It all depend on plot for me. So please always read the tags before reading. 

Here's a list of my fics:All are available on AO3.Some aren't available here yet. I'll post here too don't worry. I'm just running short of time and not finding enough time to update here yet.Completed:Our Little Peach [A/B/O]Hate That I Love YouStrawberry [Mafia]SerendipityEuphoriaLove Will RememberThrone [A/B/O]Game OverOngoing:Be Mine [Mafia]Vanilla LatteCrossroads and RingsPromise [A/B/O]You're my Starlight [A/B/O]My Heart's On Fire for Your Love [A/B/O]

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