Chapter 6
TW: Violence and blood ahead. Mild dubious consent and past mentions. Proceed with caution.
Jungkook knew this was the stupidest idea ever. What was he even thinking?
He trekked through the dark alleys of New York—a dark side majority of the movies and TV series failed to show—with his heart in his mouth the entire time. Now Jungkook wasn't an adrenaline junkie. He used to be one, in his teen days. But after the stalker practically stole the better part of his life, he sought adrenaline rush only through games.
If one looked closely, they'd notice the tremble in his hands. His knees locked now and then, making it harder for him to keep walking. One would think it was because of the cold, but he knew differently.
The thick padded jacket and the winter gloves did very little to keep the cold outside. His beanie was pulled tight to cover his ears and the facemask was intact to hide his face from the public. Now and then, he threw a glance over his shoulder, checking if anyone was following him.
His sweet grandparents would roll in their graves if they knew what he was about to do. Not to add his brother and his parents. He was the apple of their eyes. Namjoon would fly immediately and would take him away to hide him from the world if he even heard a whiff of his stunt. Worse, Jimin would have his hide when he finds out. If he were there, he would have never allowed Jungkook to do something stupid and reckless as this.
But Jungkook had no choice. Jimin's life was on the line. It has been three days since he was taken and Jungkook spent every waking minute with a heavy weight in his chest.
It wasn't just because he was in love with the agent. It was also the guilt. It was eating him from the inside. Jimin wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for him. So when a video arrived yesterday, Jungkook had flipped, losing the last thread that tethered him to his sanity. He had to bite the inside of his cheeks to stop himself from crying.
He had to clench his jaws and chant it wouldn't do any good if he panicked to keep him from slipping. Jimin wasn't there to comfort him this time. He knew Taehyung had the doctor on speed dial and wouldn't hesitate to call if he slipped. So, he had stayed silent.
It was true. When pushed too far, humans, even the weaker ones fought back with everything they got. That was what Jungkook was doing now. He maintained a brave face in front of Taehyung and the other agents while cracking down on the inside.
The video message was loud and clear. Jimin's face was bloody and swollen. His t-shirt was soaked and he was slumped over a chair. The only thought that kept Jungkook sane was that he was alive. The message asked him to come alone.
But the gamer knew the FBI would never agree to use him as bait. Not when his life was in danger. However, the young heart was in love and didn't give a fuck about the dangers that awaited him. If he was the one the stalker wanted, he'd give them that.
He didn't have a plan, honestly. Jungkook didn't even know what he was doing until he had Jimin's pistol tucked in his waistband. Jimin usually carried his gun all the time, except while going out since he wanted to lure the stalker to him. That day they had sex and Jimin had left his gun under the pillow on his side of the bed.
Taehyung had been in a meeting with the other agents all day, discussing an alternate plan to rescue Jimin. The time was ticking and with no other better plan, Jungkook took the worst weapon in his hand. He'd used their trust in him to drug them with sleeping pills he always had in his medicine cabinet.
The three agents—Taehyung, Yoongi, and Hoseok—hadn't suspected a thing when he handed them a mug of hot coffee. Well, Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw the other two slumping in their seats, but it was too late by then.
Jungkook mouthed a sorry and slipped through the front door before taking the back exit of the building. Slipping past the security wasn't easy, but Jungkook had memorized the layout of the building, and years of playing games had given him a better strategy in avoiding them. His heart beat loudly in his chest the entire time and he had broken into a run as soon as he was away from the building.
He checked the time and sighed in relief, noticing that he arrived at the first checkpoint on time. He had ridden two subways, entirely in two different directions before ending up in this dark alley out of nowhere. Jungkook knew the stalker was trying to throw any tails off him in case he was followed.
He dumped his phone in the dumpster as instructed and searched it to find a plastic bag with a burner phone secure in it. With his heart lurching, he grabbed the phone and opened it to see a text. It was one hell of a journey but one Jungkook was determined to see through.
It was a bad idea.
Very very bad idea.
But did Jungkook regret it? Nope.
His only concern was to rescue Jimin. He almost laughed at the absurdity of the situation. He didn't even know how to fire a real gun. It was Jimin's thing. But here he was, going to his enemy's den with a gun that was of no use to him.
Jimin would know how to fire, right?
Taking a bus from the next station, he rode it for thirty minutes before getting down in the place as mentioned. His skin crawled when the instructions kept coming as if the stalker could watch him. He had noticed the CCTV cameras and decided his stalker was the creepiest with no respect to privacy.
As he walked, his hatred toward the stalker continued to multiply. Jungkook wasn't a person who despised anyone. He thought hate was a strong emotion and it was toxic. When he didn't like something, he forgot and moved on.
But this...he couldn't help the rage and anger boiling inside of him. Jimin was in this predicament because of him. He was risking his life just so Jungkook could live a happy life and free of the stalker. It didn't feel right to sit within the protected walls and watch his life fade away.
Losing Hannah was enough. Let her be the last soul he lost because of this unknown bitch's obsession. Not Jimin too. The only man he loved. Jimin might not have said those three words back to him, but there was no changing Jungkook's heart.
When he loved something, he loved it dearly and gave it all. He won't stand by and watch as the stalker hurt Jimin. Jungkook didn't know what awaited him, but he would try with everything he got inside him to rescue Jimin. Maybe he could call Taehyung once he found the place he was being held.
Jungkook didn't know how well his idea would work. The stalker seemed to be ahead of them at every turn. It wouldn't be easy to fool them.
After what felt like hours, he arrived at what looked like an abandoned warehouse. Graffiti covered the sturdy walls. He carefully skirted around the puddles of water, the garbage of broken glass, and empty beer bottles littering the path. The recent rain had left a gloomy sky behind and the weather reflected his mood perfectly.
It didn't take long to locate the entrance, a metal door that had witnessed its better days. His heart sank noticing the cameras placed around the property. There was no way he could warn the agents or sneak around. Still, he checked the burner phone only to see there was no signal.
He swallowed and grabbed the rusty knob. His heart cartwheeled inside his chest and breath began to quicken. Closing his eyes, he focused on his breathing.
Jimin is behind these doors.
I have to save him.
That thought alone was enough to encourage him to go inside. Determined, he opened the door cautiously. A shiver ran down his spine. The type when you feel like someone was watching you. The back of his neck prickled.
Stale smell and dust caused his nose to itch despite the facemask he had on. The place looked every bit abandoned with the debris-strewn floor, dust, and cobwebs covering every part of the walls. Water dripped from the ceiling. He carefully stepped over the debris, listening to any sounds.
The place was huge. Light seeped through the broken glass windows. He looked around seeing no one. Where would one keep a person hostage? While the thoughts of being so close to his stalker creeped him out, the need to find Jimin kept him going.
With shaky legs, he approached the wide, iron staircase. He descended the stairs, gripping the rusted rails in a tight grip. The step groaned with every step he took. His heart was beating loudly. That and the sound of dripping water were the only sounds that could be heard.
He rounded the corner and his gaze fell on something or more specifically someone left tied up on the floor.
Oh, my God!
He flew down the remaining stairs, uncaring of his surroundings. Jimin didn't move and Jungkook's heart dropped to his stomach.
Please be alive.
Please be alive.
Please be alive.
He dropped to his knees, shaking him awake frantically. His lower lip trembled.
"Jimin hyung, look at me!" he sniffled. "It's me. Your Jungkookie."
He pressed his fingers over his pulse. Relief flooded him when he noticed that he still had a pulse.
He is alive.
He is alive.
The agent's face was swollen, some of the wounds infected. The blonde hair was soaked in blood and mated.
He is just unconscious.
"Hyung..." he called again. "I'm gonna get you out of here."
"What the fuck are you doing here?" his hiss caught him off guard and he jerked his head to Jimin, seeing he was awake.
Whatever reaction he was going to express was cut off with another hiss from Jimin.
"Don't." He glanced around them with urgency. "Untie me."
Jungkook nodded and quickly began to untie his hands. Just as he loosened the knots, he heard it. By some miracle, he turned and ducked his head on time to see the steel rod aimed for his head.
"What the fuck?!" He scrambled away on his feet. "Are you crazy?"
His assailant was several inches shorter than he was and had a slender frame. They wore a hoodie with its hood over their head and the lack of proper light made it impossible to see their face.
While he was at it, they swung the rod again and Jungkook rolled out of the way.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you attacking me?"
He climbed to his feet, running around and avoiding the oncoming attack.
"Because I'm disappointed!" the woman growled. "You came all the way here for me yet you went to see him first instead of coming to me."
"What?" Jungkook dodged and ran. But unlike the upper level, this floor was small and there wasn't much room to run. "I don't even know you!"
The woman paused.
Jungkook breathed harder, trying to stay calm in the storm that was raging in his mind. He was panicking inside but was spurred purely on an adrenaline rush and survival instincts that demanded he stayed sane and didn't give into his fear.
The woman's clutch was tightening around the rod and Jungkook realized he didn't have much time. He might be able to take her down in a fight, but he had to remember the woman in front of him was a killer and had already killed two people he knew of.
"Who are you?" Jungkook panted. In his peripheral vision, Jimin was moving. "What do you want from me?"
The woman lowered the rod and lifted a hand to push the hood off. She was beautiful with long hair, oval-shaped face, and full lips, but what threw him off was the sinister look in her eyes. They weren't normal.
He waited but the woman wasn't answering. "Have we met before?"
Something flashed in her eyes, suddenly looking innocent. "You don't remember me?" Her lower lip trembled. "It's me." She took a step toward him and he took a step back.
Wrong move.
Her face turned hard as stone.
"Who's this 'me'?" he asked.
He wasn't usually reckless or careless but he was pissed. Not only she fucked with his life but now she dared to act innocent.
"You don't have a name?" he pushed, eyes watchful for any move she'd make.
"Eun," she whispered. "I'm your Eun."
"My Eun?" He scrunched his nose and fought the urge to scoff. However, his brother always told him he was like an open book and couldn't hide his emotions even if he wanted to. "When did we meet?"
"You don't remember," she repeated, eyes filling with tears.
"I wouldn't be asking otherwise, would I?" he sneered.
She clenched her jaw, taking a deep breath. "We met at a party. Remember dancing with me?"
Jungkook was losing his patience. "No," he said in a clipped tone.
"You were all alone." She took two steps forward and Jungkook took two back. She stopped. "'s me. I came to you that night. You looked so lost so we ended up talking. We danced and even kissed me. Our first kiss."
Jungkook raked his brain. He didn't remember talking to her or dancing with her. Maybe she wasn't talking about him. Maybe she mistook him for someone else. He sure would remember if he kissed someone, right?
"Do you remember anything else from that night?" he asked carefully.
Suddenly she looked hopeful and Jungkook hated that even more. "You wore a red jacket with a white t-shirt. You were drunk and told me you never drank before."
Jungkook frowned. "What else did I do?"
"I asked you if you wanted to dance and you came to dance with me. Then you said you're feeling funny and you were sweating. So I took you to the room and there you kissed me."
Jungkook's eyes narrowed. His heart was racing and something clicked in his mind. "Is that the night my brother came to pick me? The night I got sick."
She blinked, but looked hopeful and even smiled that made her look harmless, but Jungkook knew differently. "I didn't know if he was your brother. But you passed out and I was worried. He came, checked on you, and took you home."
He swallowed, his throat constricting. "Who initiated the kiss?" His voice was low, praying it wasn't what he thought it was.
She had the audacity to blush. "I did. You were looking so cute and I asked if I could kiss you."
"And I allowed you to kiss me?" He felt like he was at the cusp of a panic attack.
She smiled softly. "Not at first. I had to convince you a bit."
Not at first?
"What did I say?"
"You said you were gay," she scoffed. "Or at least you thought you were. You were confused at first but kissed me back like a good boy you are."
His eyes stung and his nostrils flared. His breath caught in his throat. "You kissed me even after I told you I was gay."
She waved a hand in the air. "You were drunk and confused. I knew you didn't mean it."
Something tightened in his chest. "What else did we do?"
She sighed. "We kissed for a bit, but then you were getting restless and pushed me off."
A few stray tears fell down his cheeks. "You were going to..." He stumbled back... "Did you...Did you touch me anywhere else that night?"
Her expression changed. "You passed out. I promised I'd wait for you until you were ready to go all the way."
Fury licked his veins. He had to bite his cheeks so he didn't cry in front of her. He felt violated and what was horrible was that he remembered none of it.
"So what you're telling me is that you took advantage of my intoxicated state and imagined that I'm into you," he growled. "You took my fucking first kiss without my consent and wouldn't have hesitated to go further if I hadn't passed out."
Anger flashed in her face. "Don't talk to me like that. You kissed me back."
"But I said no, didn't I? I told you I'm gay, didn't I?" He was livid and clutched his head as he tried to make sense of it.
" were just drunk and confused." She tried to step closer and he stepped out of her reach again.
"Don't fucking touch me, you bitch. I was fucking drugged that night and was hospitalized. I wasn't in the right mind and I didn't even remember anything that happened during that night. Do you even know what personal space means?"
"You're mine," she growled, all traces of softness left her face and she lunged.
Jungkook tried to run but found himself cornered by the wall. She clawed at his face with a scream.
"You're mine! You dare call me a bitch while I waited for you all these years."
They scuffled and he managed to make her drop the rod. She slammed her shoulder into his chest, knocking his breath away. Her strength caught him by surprise.
"I was never yours," he grunted. He pushed her off him and tried to run only to be tripped by her.
Jungkook fell face flat with a small 'oomph.' She climbed on his back without giving him a chance to recover. She grabbed and pulled at his hair.
"Behave!" she growled. "I told you to be good, Jungkookie. Why won't you ever listen to me?" she panted. "You were so pliant that day. Where does all this fight come from, huh? Is it because of him?" She turned his head in an odd angle to point at Jimin. It hurt his neck. "Now that you have him you think you can dump me?" She slammed his head on the floor like a maniac and pain shot through his entire head.
He brought his hands to cushion the fourth hit but it still hurt. He could feel the skin heating up and was sure his forehead would be swollen.
She is a fucking psycho.
She tugged at his hair again, making him crane his neck at an odd angle. "I'm going to kill him and show you what happens when you make me angry," she hissed in his ears.
"You're a fucking psycho." He rolled them over and they scuffled again.
She caught hold of his jacket when he tried to get free. He shrugged off the jacket, kicking her in her stomach, sending her crashing to the floor.
"I'll never be yours. I fucking hate you!"
Then he ran. He climbed the stairs, two at a time, and ran, almost reaching the top. What Jungkook didn't account for is the sound of the gun going off and before he knew what was happening he fell forward, hitting the steel stairs with a painful grunt.
A burning pain shot from his thigh and with tears now blurring his vision, he realized the bitch shot him. He gasped for breath as the pain he was never used to spread through his leg. He didn't even have time to recover before she pulled him by his leg, dragging him down.
She wasn't a bit gentle with her actions. His body was dragged unceremoniously over the rest of the stairs and his face hit the stairs a few times, his elbows hit something as he scrambled for purchase. He whimpered in pain when his head hit once on the final step before she flipped him over on the floor.
"I told you to not make me angry," she screamed. She pointed the gun at him. "You'll pay for that. But first I'm gonna start with your friend there."
Before she could move, a flash of black blurred in his vision and she went down with a grunt. Jimin didn't give her a chance to get up. The ensued fight was ugly. Jungkook tried to get up but his body and head felt heavy. Tears now flow without restraint.
She screamed at Jimin, attacking him with everything she got. Jimin had her hand that was holding the gun in a tight hold as he fought with one hand. They rolled on the floor, trying to get an upper hand. Jimin returned every punch but cried out when she dug her nails on his cheeks, missing his eyes by an inch.
He rolled over, throwing her to the side and elbowing the side of her head. In a blink of an eye, he was on top of her, raining punch after punch on her face until she went limb. His chest heaved as he stood in wobbly legs and kicked her ribs before rushing toward Jungkook who was slowly losing blood.
"Jungkook!" He was on his knees, shaking Jungkook fervently. "Sweetheart, look at me."
"Fuck!" Jimin checked on his injury. "I think the bullet caught the femoral artery." He immediately removed his t-shirt and wrapped it around the wound as tight as possible. "We gotta leave and get help."
He helped him up. Jungkook could barely feel his lower half and he didn't know if he would ever make it to the upper level. "I-I don't think I can."
But Jimin wasn't listening. He hoisted Jungkook over his shoulder and began to trudge toward the stairs. They haven't even reached the first step, Jungkook heard the scream.
Jimin whirled around and stumbled with Jungkook on his shoulder before falling over the stairs. Jungkook braced for the fall but it still knocked the breath out of his lungs. When he finally managed to open his eyes, the bitch was on top of Jimin.
Blood seeped from the gashes in his chest and Jungkook screamed. Jimin caught her hand with one of his, stopping her from stabbing him again. Another hand held her throat. She clawed at his hand before wrapping the free hand on his throat.
Jungkook tried to push her away but couldn't even lift his hand. Fuck. Suddenly he remembered the gun he carried. He reached behind his back pulling it out just as Jimin kicked her off his body with the last of his strength.
Everything was a blur. Jimin turned to him for a moment and then he was grabbing the gun like a bolt of lightning. He was so quick that a click and a six-round of shots was all Jungkook heard before he saw the bitch going down in a heap. She stopped moving as blood pooled under her.
Jimin's hand dropped and his head fell on the stair with a thunk sound.
It was then he noticed all the blood. There was blood everywhere and multiple stab wounds on his chest and ribs. When he opened his mouth as if to tell Jungkook that he was okay, he coughed blood.
"Hyung!" Jungkook cried weakly. "Please...don't...don't leave me."
"I-I..." Jimin coughed, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he wheezed for breath.
"Hyung." Jungkook hovered over him with great difficulty. "Help!" he began to scream. "Somebody." He cried out. "Help!"
Jimin reached out to him with a shaky hand. "L-Love..."
Jungkook nodded. "I love you." He kissed all over Jimin's face with tears falling down his cheeks. "Stay. I-I'll find help."
Jungkook shook his head. "G-Gonna get us both out."
He tried to move but screamed when the pain shot through his legs and shoulder. Jungkook bit the inside of his cheeks and moved only to scream again. His body wouldn't cooperate. He lay there panting as dark spots clouded his vision. It wasn't like he'd seen in movies at all. He couldn't move or even think of moving. His lungs burned with every breath he took.
Everything in his body hurt and pain was all he could think of. He cried helplessly, blaming himself for everything. It was his fault.
Beside him, Jimin's eyes were now closed and his breathing became shallow.
"Hyung..." he cried weakly. "Don't l-leave me."
But there was no one to hear his cries. Jungkook lay there, despising the silence with only the sounds of dripping water and his ragged breaths to keep him company before darkness clouded his vision.
Jungkook felt his body jolt, pain once again shot through every inch of his body but he could barely make a sound. Everything felt so distant.
He heard muffled sounds and felt hands on him, on his chest. Ripping sounds, shouts, and yells. He tried to open his eyes, but the world spun around him.
He was being lifted onto something and he felt something puncturing his hand. Someone was pressing over his chest and then his world went dark again.
When he came to his senses, it was to the familiar beeping sounds and the smell of disinfectants. Jimin tried to ease his breath, accessing everything before he blinked his eyes open.
The blue curtains were drawn close and he was hooked to machines as expected. It hurt when he tried to inhale. He glanced around finding his sleeping partner slumped on a chair with his neck in an awkward position.
His partner shot up with a jerk, wild gaze scanning before settling on Jimin. "Jimin-ah!" He was up in an instant, hurrying toward him and pressing the button to call a nurse. "You're awake. Finally." Then he began to sob. "You fucking scared me." He stroked Jimin's cheeks tenderly.
"Safe," Taehyung sniffled. "His brother took him home last week."
"H-How long?"
"How long were you out?"
Jimin tried to nod, finding even that action was tiring him out. He could barely move his lips. His throat was parched and his tongue felt numb with all the amount of pain killers that were pumped into his system.
"Three weeks."
Jimin closed his eyes. Pain radiated off his chest and head.
"You suffered head trauma, two broken ribs, and the knife had caught your lungs. The stab on your back wasn't deep but missed your spine by a mere inch," Taehyung continued as if reading his mind. "There was swelling in your brain. So the doctors put you in an induced coma while you recovered," he sniffled. "They said it was a miracle you survived. That head injury could have been lethal."
Jimin hummed. The bitch had caught him off guard and everything was a blur from there. "How?"
The nurse came at that moment, checking his vitals immediately, and asked him a few basic questions before hooking him with painkillers. She gave him some water to sip, but he couldn't drink more than a few sips with nausea churning his stomach.
The doctor came shortly after following some routine checks he was used to and asked some questions which he answered. He rattled off some tests before leaving them alone to their devices.
Taehyung pulled the chair closer to the bed and took Jimin's hand in his carefully. "After you were taken, our team following your trail lost you. We were trying to find you for three days and then Jungkook received a video." He paused for a moment before continuing. "We expected him to act recklessly. So we had additional security to watch him so he wouldn't slip. But he was cunning. He drugged us, fed us coffee infused with sleeping pills before slipping out."
Jimin's eyes widened and Taehyung snorted, but there was a certain fondness in his eyes.
"Yoongi and Hoseok fell asleep. I didn't finish my coffee so I only felt dizzy. I called the team before Jungkook got away." He sighed. "He's...reckless." He shook his head. "He managed to slip through twice but the team found him before losing him again near the abandoned warehouse. When the backup team arrived, there were like five warehouses and we didn't know where you both were held. It was too late when we found you." His eyes were wet and shiny when it locked with Jimin. "I'm sorry, I was late."
Jimin shook his head, weakly squeaking his hand. "You came. We're alive."
Taehyung swallowed, looking away. "I failed you as your partner."
Jimin wanted to scoff but couldn't. "You are human," he whispered. "You saved me several times, Taehyung-ah. I'm lucky to have you as my partner."
Taehyung laughed through his tears. "You weren't breathing," he said. "I was so afraid. There was so much blood and I thought I lost you. We couldn't find a pulse and they resuscitated you twice. Once in the ambulance and once when they reached here. I was so fucking scared, Jiminie."
"I'm sorry."
Taehyung shook his head. "It wasn't your fault. We underestimated the stalker."
Jimin sighed and stared at the ceiling. "We didn't expect this. You know we cannot always control the outcome."
In his peripheral vision, his partner nodded. Jimin felt the painkiller kick in, numbing his pain and he was able to breathe easily.
"Her name was Ahn Eunji. Jungkook wasn't in a position to give us a statement before he left. So we were waiting for you to wake up."
Jimin's throat tightened. "H-How is he?"
Taehyung watched him with a tender look. "He lost a lot of blood and was unconscious. His injuries weren't worse as yours. A bullet wound to his upper thigh and a muscle tear in his shoulder. The doctors said your head injury was at least two days old and there was a blood clot."
"The bitch caught me off guard. I passed out."
Taehyung nodded. "Jungkook's brother was delirious. He flew here immediately and demanded that we release his brother." He sighed. "Seokjin-ssi tried to make him see reason, but he wouldn't listen." He rubbed the back of his hand gently. "We can't blame him. He was worried for his younger brother."
Jimin nodded.
"He asked about you, you know."
Jimin slanted a glance at him.
"Jungkook. He asked about you the moment he woke up. Kept asking the doctors to let him see you. When they allowed him to see you, he refused to leave the room and the doctors had to sedate him."
Jimin's eyes burned with tears.
"It was hard for him. He had nightmares and frequent panic attacks. The doctors kept him sedated after he reopened his stitches. He was also suffering from insomnia." He squeezed Jimin's hand gently. "They pumped him with Benzodiazepines and he wasn't in a position to oppose when his brother discharged him."
Jimin nodded, a few tears sliding down his cheeks.
"You love him, don't you?"
He swallowed. "I do," his voice was weak. In the moments, when he thought he was dying, he'd tried to tell him he loved him but never got to complete the sentence.
"We don't know where he is, but we can find him." Taehyung patted his hand. "Seokjin-ssi is literally his brother's friend. You can talk to him later."
Jimin nodded shakily even though he didn't know how useful it'd be. As minutes ticked away, he felt his eyes droop and he was too exhausted to fight it. He let the sleep envelop him.
What does benzodiazepines do to your body?
Benzodiazepines are a type of sedative medication. This means they slow down the body and brain's functions. They can be used to help with anxiety and insomnia (difficult getting to sleep or staying asleep).
Some Visuals:
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