Part one
'My game has ended' was scribbled all over Laverne's notes that she was "taking" in class as she woke from her nap. Scratchy breaths were inhaling and exhaling as Laverene kept on scribbling the 4 words over and over again. "So, Laverene, can you tell us why we infer and how its important?" Ms. Boal called over to the back corner of the small classroom. Laverne kept her wide grey eyes on her scribbling. "Laverne!" Ms. Boal called out once again.
Laverne dropped her pencil and looked up at the teacher. "Um...what?" Laverne's shaky voice ran out quick as the wind pushing against the classroom window. A few kids snicker's echoed the classroom. "Laverne, dear, can you tell us why we infer and how its improtant?" Laverne started shaking....what could she do? She wasn't even listening to the lecture about so called "infering."
" h-honestly have n-no i-idea." Laverne muttered. A silence occured after she stated her answer. "Well then, do you wanna call a friend for help?" Ms. Boal smiled. "S-sure. Um..." A handful of kid's hands shot up. "Um.." Laverne scanned the classroom. "Uh, Lucas." She muttered softly. Lucas answered the question, but everything seemed to be a blur. A gentle ring shot across her head. Laverne put her pale hand to her forehead. Her ringing was then interupted by the real school bell. It was time to go home.
Laverne slowly paced herself to her locker. "Freak" was written on the blue metal. Laverne took her sleave and whiped it off, it was dry erase marker, so it came off easily. She opened her unkept locker and grabbed all of her homework and shoved it in her black backpack.
Laverne didn't make it 10 steps, until her best friend came up behind her and grabbed her arm. "Laverne! You okay? You seem like you're kind of out of it." Laverne looked up at her friend. Laverne tried her best to give a smile, but it came out weak. "Hey Mary."
"What's up, yo?" Mary giggled as she pulled out her sketch book. "Uh, nothing much. Just can't wait to go home." Laverne laughed. "Same bro." Mary said while tucking her sketch book under her arm. "Well I gotta go. Catch you later! Have a great weekend!" Mary waved and started to walk away.
"I'll kill you, b*tch!" A voice yelled...Laverne stopped in her tracks. "W-w-what d-did you s-say Mary?" Laverne trembled. Mary turned around, her strawberry blonde bangs flew up as she gave a confused face. "What are you talking about? I didn't say anything!" Mary replied. Laverne's stomach churned. "Um, its nothing. I thought you said something.." Mary shrugged and kept on walking.
The heart in Laverne's chest was beating so hard, like it was kicking against the ribcage to free itself. Laverne turned around and looked to see if she reconized anyone who could've said that. No one seemed to have said that. "What are you doing Baker?? Move out of the way, you worm!" Jack Resin yelled. He pushed Laverne and rolled his eyes. Laverne didn't say anything, but it took her all not to punch Jack in the face.
Laverne walked across the street and into her neighborhood. She was almost home, she could even see her yellow house from where she was walking! She saw her mom watering the flowers in the front yard. Laverne was just about to wave, when she heard heavy footsteps, almost like a 6'8 guys running at her. Suddenly, a deep voice that whispered right behind her left ear said, "I've got you now. This won't hurt, I promise." Laverne started screaming and bolted towards her house. She didn't even look back.
"Mom! Mom! Call the cops! That man behind me is following me and is trying to kill me!" Laverne screamed, wide eyed. Laverne's mom put down the water can. "What man, Laverne?" Her mom asked. Laverne turned around, but did not stop running. No man was behind her. In fact, Laverne and her mom were the only people on the street as they could see.
"But mom, you saw that guy, right? He was chasing me!" Laverne tried to catch her breath. "Honey, I saw you coming as soon as you got out of school. I was watching you, and I saw no man whatsoever!" Mrs. Baker stated while pointing in the direction Laverne came from. "B-b-but...I heard...someone-It's okay dear. Come inside, its freezing out here!" Mrs. Baker guided her daughter inside their home. The heat welcomed Laverne into her safe house. "How was school, sweetie?" Her mom asked.
"It was good. Nothing new, I guess. Hey, I need to start my homework mom. I'll talk to you later, o-okay?" Laverne fled upstairs and walked into her baige room. Laverne slammed down her backpack and reached into her side pocket. She pulled out her Camels from her backpack and scrambled for a lighter, match, or something. She just needed a cig so badly.
Finally, Laverne found a bented match under her bed. She scraped her empy match box and lit her cigarette and inhaled a huge drag and exhaled a puff. The dull grey mist surrounded Laverne, making her feel comfortable and private. She then realized, she forgot to blow the smoke out the window. After she finished her cig, she threw her filter out the window.
"Well done as*hole. Did you really think I didn't find you? Pathetic." Laverne stopped in the middle of her room. "Who s-said that?" Laverne shook. "You can look to your left, and find me there." Laverne rotated her head to the left. No one was there. "Heh. You really are nuts aren't you? No wonder why you have one friend! And get ready, she's going to leave you in the dust soon. She doesn't need someone like you in her life. And guess what! You've been depressed for a long time as well! I hope those cigs give you cancer b*tch. You should-"
"Shut up shut up shut up!!!" Laverne yelled. "Hah! Look at you go! You do realize that you're stuck with me, don't you? You're stuck with all of us h*e. Get ready for the time of your life," a deep voice snickered. Laverne shut her eyes as tears trickled down her face. "Please...just stop." Laverne cried. "Aww is she crying? Knock it off, you!" A womens voice then came in the group of voices.
"What? She clearly deserves a syringe stabbed in her arm full of choraphor." The main voice shouted. Laverne started hyperventilating. "Just leave me alone!!" Laverne screamed to the top of her lungs. Everything was silent. Not a sound was made, until Laverne heard her mom's footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Laverne, what the hell is going on here? Why were you screaming? And why do I smell CIGARETTE smoke??" Mrs. Baker boomed. Laverne still shook as she said," M-mom...didn't you hear those people yelling at me? T-they were..." More tears streamed down Laverne's face.
Mrs. Baker leaned on the doorframe. "I heard no voices at all. You've been acting really weird for the past few months. I'm worried about you, honey."
"I'm fine....just get out! Just leave! Just-just don't get involved." Laverne growled. Mrs. Baker folded her arms to her chest. "Excuse me? You do not talk to your mother that way. I want to help you, and I think you're depressed! And now you're hearing VOICES??" Laverne cluched her jeans. "I'm fine..." She mumbled.
"No, I really think there's something wrong. Are you being bullied at school again? Please, as your mother, I want to help you..." Mrs Baker shook her head. "M-mom I really need to calm down. I-I'll talk to you later...please just leave me alone." Laverne sobbed. Mrs. Baker closed the door and Laverne waited until her mom's footsteps got fainter and fainter to start crying again.
The weekend went by super fast, as usual. As soon as the little break started, it was over. It wasn't long until Laverne was waking up to the Boku no Pico theme song (hah, that's something to get you up) on Monday at 5:30 am. Laverne dragged herself out of bed, got dressed, ate breakfast, and got ready for the dreadful day.
She walked her normal route to her highschool, and made her way to her locker. Laverne got all of her first period stuff, and shut her locker door. Unfortunatly, Peyton Sullivan, the girl who bullied Laverne the most, was standing behind her.
"Hah, you look ugly as usual today. What did you do? Brush your teeth with crack? Oh wait, what teeth! Haha!" Peyton burst out laughing. "Just get out of my way, Peyton." Laverne mumbled. "What's that? I didn't hear you with all the pizza stuffed into your mouth, pig!" Peyton mocked. A crowd started to form around Laverne and Peyton.
"Please stop." Laverne pleaded. A few kids laughed within the crowd. "Wow, do you actually think THAT will stop me? You're funny, Laverne. Life is just a game as I see it. Or, most people see it as a game to be honest. But your game? Its clearly over. You would do a huge favor to everyone if you just died already. Seriously. You're so weak, its hilarious. So will you do us all a favor?" Peyton leaned in an inch from Laverne's face. "Kill yourself already." Peyton grimly said.
"Why don't you kill her? Its easy. Just stab her with the pen you have in your hand." The main voice returned. "No." Laverne whispered. "What was that? C'mon, say it louder Baker. We all want to hear." Peyton crossed her arms.
"She's made you like this. Don't you think it's time for a little revenge? It won't hurt you, I promise. Trust me. If the school tries to get you in trouble, just run away, or as I like to say, defend yourself. Heh!" The voice teased. Laverne put her hands to her ears. "No no no no no..." She thought.
"Speak, why don't you! Say something for yourself, b*tch!" Peyton yelled. "JUST DO IT ALREADY!" The voice screamed. Everything stopped as Laverne put her hands down from her ears. Everyone was quiet, the voice has gotten quiet too. "Well?" Peyton asked.
Laverne's eyes widened and an wild grin flashed across her face as she stabbed Peyton in the arm with the pen she had clutched in her hand. An insane laugh escaped from Laverne's lips. "You thought I was weak, didn't you? Well it's my turn now." Laverne shouted with a sprinkle of crazy mixed in with her words, still the smile on her face. Blood streamed down Peyton's shoulder as everyone screamed and wailed for help.
Teachers and staff from the school ran down the hallway towards the scene, with a first aid kit. Laverne took off down the hallway. Yells from the teachers yelling "stop" was heard as she bolted farther and farther away. Laverne ran inside a boy's bathroom. It was empty, thankfully for her.
She sped into a stall, slammed it, and locked it. She caught her breath from that situation. "Good job, my friend." The deep voice congratulated her. "What have I just done?" Laverne whimpered. "Something that should've been done long time ago." The main voice answered. Tears greeted Laverne once again, and before she knew it, she was shaking and crying. "Sheesh. Get over it. You were the one that did it, not us." The deep voice growled. Laverne let out a scream so loud, she didn't even know she was capable of doing so.
The ring came back inside her head and everything was spinning and blurry. She heard multiple footsteps entering the boys bathroom and slams on her stall door. She closed her eyes and tried a stragety to take Peyton's favor. "Peyton is right... My game is over." Laverne thought as people busted in through the stall. Then everything went black.
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