(BTW, this story will be solely 3rd POV.)
Have you ever wondered about gods? There are many gods out there, some are benevolent gods, malevolent gods. Trickster gods, sincere gods or gods with ulterior motives. Some say that these gods are born from various humans, humans who are just as guilty as the gods themselves. Others say there are 'PURE' gods, gods that are connected to the element themselves thus making them 'PURE'.
But we are not here to talk about them, only two of them in particular.
"So, why are the gods of light and darkness in front of me?" Came from a voice who, for lack for a better word, is dumbstruck at the sight before him.
"We can explain."
"As you do, brother."
The gods of light and darkness came in the form of bright white and dark violet, a testament of what element they are associated with.
The god of light had a pure white light coming from his body which has no characteristics other than having antlers on his head
While the god of darkness is pure black with streaks of violet oozing out from his figure and, like his counterpart, had horns of a goat on his head.
The two gods were seen standing beside each other, Light had his hands behind him while Darkness had his cross. They glanced at the teen they have called upon from the original world they have assumed where they were created, Earth.
The teen, in particular, was wearing what you call 'casual' clothes. Jeans, a blue shirt with a black jacket and sneakers. Normal clothes for a normal day.
"You know who we are. I assume you know why we are here?"
"I... do not."
"Heh, figures. No mortal other than Salem held a conversation such as this. Of course, you wouldn't know." Darkness scoffed at the teen who was standing before them as he glared at him. "Basically, we're bored."
"Pardon?" The teen was really confused as to what is going on. He was just walking around the mall near his home, just window shopping then next a bright light engulfed him and his vision them found himself in front of the gods in his favorite show, RWBY.
"Brother, please. We need him." Light stopped the harassment as he glanced at the mortal. "What my brother is trying to say, is that we grew restless of the development of humanity in the world we created. Do you know of the world? I know you watch it, as well as the others in your world."
The world in question was without a doubt, Remnant, a fitting name of what truly earned the name. The teen knew better than saying 'The RWBY world, right?' since that was the name of the show, but not the world itself.
"Remnant. And yes, I did watch it. I also know a few who have taken great lengths to make your world a better place." While he could just end with the word 'Remnant', the teen has to know his place. "What's going on?"
The two gods glanced at each other before turning their attention back at the teen.
"(Y/N) (L/N), of Earth. You are chosen to go to our world and ensure peace."
"We need you to stop Salem and Ozma and ensure peace between the two. Do whatever you want but I want to see those two dead."
Well, that couldn't have been any blunter. Y/N sweatdropped at the god of darkness' option of what the objectives were. But there was another question. "Why me?" Of all the capable humans on Earth, why him?
"Shut up, mortal. We're getting to it."
"Out of the numerous mortals we have conversed, you are our best candidate."
"M-Me?!" Y/N exclaimed loudly as the weight of this responsibility rested on his shoulders. "Su-Surely there must be anyone better than me."
Even if he couldn't see it, Y/N could tell Light was smiling warmly at his decision. "You are our best candidate because you are knowledgable of our world and make assumptions and choices which will lead to the best possible solution. If it were any other, they would truly doom our world."
"That and you are the last ones before we go to another world."
"What? It's true. Anyway, we'll not let you go to Remnant without some sort of skill so we made this."
Dark and Light held one of each hand towards Y/N as a mixture of gold and dark streams of power went to him. A strange feeling went to Y/N, it wasn't bad nor good, just the sort of feeling you get once in your life.
As soon as the stream stopped, a pop-up appeared in front of his face.
"Wha?.." Those were the words that escaped his mouth as the pop-up disappeared.
"We were aware that some humans can't remember all of the information we give or are too stupid to even remember so we made this."
""The Gamer", as you call it does exactly what you think it does so no need for an explanation. We hope this will help you on your journey."
Flexing his arms and legs, Y/N doesn't feel much other than a surge of strength. Knowing that he does have the power of "The Gamer" makes him all the more anxious though.
"Now that you know of the situation we have given you, along with the power. Do you accept this proposal?"
"Psh, please brother. Look at him, Of course, he accepts. Who doesn't?"
"Brother. I have had enough of your attitude. I want this procedure to be as smooth as possible before we make a mistake again. Please, have patience."
"Of Course you would suggest patience, that made you all the more likable. Why can't I be the one to decide?"
While the two gods bicker, Y/N had received another notification from a pop-up.
Before he could make his decision, Y/N decided to wait things out between the two gods. Sitting Indian style, he waited for the bickering to stop.
"Why would you suggest such an idiotic suggestion? He is just a mortal!"
"Which is why I propose we make him a demigod. With this power, it will be faster to ensure the death between the two. Why can't you agree with this?"
"The responsibility would prove too great. He is just a child. A child with the potential to change the world because of what you've done."
It has been, by his internal clock, 2 hours since they started and it was getting tiring. During such time, Y/N decided to check on his so-called {Abilities} and {Skills}.
{GAMER'S MIND}: It allows the user to calmly and logically think through most situations without fear or anger. Immune to mental and psychological status effect.
{GAMER'S BODY}: Grants a body like a video game. Sleeping is not needed but allows faster recovery. Intense pain resistance.
{OBSERVE}: A skill to observe objects and beings to quickly gather information.
Not much to look at but it's instrumental to the Gamer and they are more useful than they look. Much better than any info broker.
Turning his head to the still bickering gods, he opened his {Inventory} to see what kind of goods the gods gave him.
Destiny Spear
Y/N's eyes bulged a bit when he saw a weapon in there. Grabbing it and he was in shock of the power radiated from it.
Swinging it a few times, it held beautifully in his hands. As he sheathed it, he saw the stares of the two gods looking at him. Bashfully storing the weapon away, the god of light chuckled.
"I see you have found Trismegistus."
"Y-Yeah. It's beautiful."
"Yeah, yeah. You better be grateful. The guy was a real pain in my-"
Darkness scoffed as he walked away. Light sighed as he walked towards Y/N.
"Forgive him as he was always tired of playing the villain. I hope this does not affect our deal?"
Y/N shook his head in denial from it. "N-No. I-I get it. It sucks not having anyone back you up."
Flaker. Siblings and friends to the end. There will be no denial of it.
"Now then, are you ready to travel to Remnant? Be warned, you will never go back to Earth. Are you sure about this?"
"Yes." Light was surprised by the sudden answer and Y/N noticed. "Yeah, I saw a notification about it and gave a lot of time to think about it."
"You mean while we were fighting?"
"Re-Regardless. I still want to go. I mean, no one will even notice I'm gone. My parents died from old age, I'm an only child and made no 'official' friends and worked at a dead beat job so, yeah. I'll go."
Darkness chuckled from that statement then turned into full-blown laughter. He walked over to Y/N as he held his shoulder.
"I like you. So, I'll give you a bit of my power." Before a sudden surge of energy flowed through him. Another pop-up came up.
"There. Now, I hope you know what happens if you so much as cross us. Do you, human?" Darkness silently seething with anger as he silently growls.
"Y-Yeah. I-I'm really grateful."
The god of darkness stopped growling and crossed his arms again. "Perfect."
"And with that, you are now complete. Trismegistus will be instrumental toward Salem and Ozma and is connected to your soul. So nobody else will use it other than you, even if Salem or Ozma gets it." Light explained as he walked away from Y/N.
"Make sure you finish the job, human. We're watching." Darkness closely followed Light away as the two disappeared.
Leaving Y/N alone, another pop-up appeared.
"Yes please." If video games and memes told him anything, a tutorial is VERY needed.
The area around then changed from bright white to a field of flowers, making it nearly perfect to train and not worry about collateral damage.
"Whoa..." Y/N was in awe of the view around him. The fields and mountains as far as the eye can see. Perfect for training.
"Alright, let's see this spear." Calling upon the weapon once more, it materialized on his hands. "They really did get it." The fact that Hermes' staff was in his hands was, mesmerizing and fearful. It was awesome that he got the spear and was afraid of the actual god was gonna smite with a disease for using his weapon.
Swinging it more to get a feel for it, Y/N wanted to train with the spear in any case he meets Salem. He doesn't just go and stab her without a fight, that's just plain suicidal and he doesn't know if there is a revive perk, which he doubts.
So Y/N started training, to better more efficient with it. He pulled some memories from a certain assassin about how to effectively use a spear correctly and a certain spartan to do a form with it but no matter how hard he tries, he would feel better if he had actual trainers about this.
"Still, I'm surprised about how agile I am. I could never do this, even if I had the time to train." The {Gamer's Body} was outstanding. Y/N could feel he can do whatever moves he imagined and do it flawlessly so a high jump to a down spike, followed with a 4 stab combo was a dream come true.
Sitting down to rest, he looked around himself among the flowers and picked one himself. It was really happening, it's not a dream. He can go to Remnant and meet Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee. Maybe even prevent the death of Pyrrha...
"That settles then." With a goal set for him, he stood up to continue training. "I'll save you Pyrrha and make sure the Arkos ship will sail smoothly."
Y/N stored away Trismegistus and walked forward when another pop-up appeared, scaring him to near death.
"I'm gonna get used to that, am I?" Shaking his head, the message in it contained he wanted to ask.
While he certainly didn't mind showing of The Staff of Hermes to Ruby, it would draw attention and likely get him killed. Especially by Cinder or one of her cronies or Salem. Maybe Ozpin if he was desperate enough.
Y/N was confused as to why there were limited options but who was he to complain about this if he didn't even read the Manga.
But he still chooses. He chose {MEDIUM} on the probability that the {System} is asking about his preferences of weapon.
"So I was right, this does let me choose my specific weapon." This method was probably better than just scrolling down a list of weapons than choosing one accidentally.
Y/N thought about the list of weapons and decided to try the {Sword W/ Shield}. Ever since he saw Jaune and his Crocea Mors, a classic weapon with iconic stats, as usual, it was a better choice. It could also make as a cover-up for Trismegistus since his enemies will think he's a tank and surprise them with the spear.
The second he touched the option, a small sword appeared on his right arm and a wooden shield appeared on his left. "Starter sets, great." Sarcasm aside, they felt good.
Testing a few swings, strike then bash with a backslash and a stab, it started to feel familiar.
Sheathing the weapon, Y/N wanted to feel the magic around him. Though wanting to keep up with the surprise, he wanted to try a little something from his favorite game.
"Agi!" With that single chant, a small explosion came from the patch. With fire silently burning but dying, Y/N looked at his hands with excitement and awe.
With a silent giggle, he ran around shouting the same chant.
Wind, ice, and lightning came from around him and he laughed. Y/N laughed with content as he wanted to try more.
"Frei!" A small blue orb came crashing down on the ground and made a small explosion. "YES!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!"
And sometime later, Y/N layed on his back after testing various spells, buffs, and de-buffs with a content smile on his face.
"That. Was. Awesome. Shame I can't to a {All-Mighty} attack but maybe when I grow stronger?" He did try it but best he could do was a {Megi}, a lesser of a lesser {All-Mighty}. Still, it still did its purpose.
Well, with that out of the way, Y/N wanted to try one more thing before going to Remnant.
"ID [Create]." He may not have read the Manga but read a story close to it. A dungeon he can create as personal training grounds.
Suddenly, 5 Beowulves appeared before him, snarling before walking around him. Smirking, he draws his short sword and wooden shield and gets into, what Y/N thinks, a stance.
All 5 Grimm surrounded him, slightly more agitated due to the new area around them but still held its most primal course.
The first one, from behind came running towards Y/N. Jaws open and claws pounced upon him. It would've reached the target if it were any human, but not on a Gamer.
Knowing the attack at the last second, Y/N dodged by shifted his feet slightly to the left and let the Beowulf pass him. Time slowed to a crawl for Y/N as he viewed the Grimm. Jumping at it, he stabbed the Grimm at its skull, puncturing the mask it held.
Time went back to normal as the Grimm that attacked Y/N was now dead with a sword in its head. Y/N heaved his breath as the sudden attack was a rush to get through but that would be later since there are still enemies.
One of the Beowulves howled around him as all 3 suddenly attacked, thinking more calmly about the situation. Y/N held his shield up and waited for a chance.
One of the Grimm came up and tried to slice him but Y/N dodged at the last second and in one motion, sliced at its torso and stabbed it's back. It made Grimm kneel before decapitated its head. For good measure.
Another one came in front. Leaving no time to dodge as Y/N held his shield up to block the sudden swipe. The force these guys were packing made Y/N grit his teeth to dull the pain on his left arm but once the swipe passed through, The Gamer hacked at the defenseless Grimm before kicking it away and ending it with a lightning spell.
"ZIO!" A bolt of lightning came crashing down on the downed Grimm, finishing it off with a small explosion.
The 3rd Grimm suddenly backed off from its oppressor and stood on its hind legs to intimidate Y/N but all it does is just annoy him. Snarling and glaring at the Gamer, Y/N has had enough and ran at him with surprising speed. Buffing himself with [Sukukaja].
Then he jumped at the Grimm before grinning as he made a downward spiral slash, cutting the Grimm into pieces.
Feeling good, he forgot the last one as it swiped at his flank. Unfortunately, he didn't activate his Aura yet so it did hurt like hell. Y/N was tossed to the right and came crashing to solid rock later. While he was thankful for [Gamer's Body], he could still feel that attack shaved off more than 60% of his health. Standing up and wiping away the blood from his mouth, the last Beowulf cried out once more before running towards him.l
Y/N wanted to end his final enemy with a flashy move so he cast [Tarukaja], on himself and [Rakunda] on the Beowulf. Preparing himself, he went into a stance to prepare.
As the Beowulf came closer and closer, he still awaited his chance. The Grimm pounced at the weakened human to finish its appetite. But at the last second, Y/N parried it claws and did an upward strike from the belly to the head, slicing it completely in half.
Setting himself down, he calmed himself from the adrenaline. Y/N looked at his side and saw the wound closed and has stopped bleeding but that doesn't mean your still healed so he cast a healing spell.
"Diarama." A soft green light made it's way to his side and he felt much better after that. "Damn, I never get tired this much, I always thought it was gonna be easy. That's what I get for underestimating my enemies."
He then heard growling coming from his side and saw more Beowulves spawn in. Figuring he has had enough for the day, he called it quits.
"ID [Escape]." And with that, all the Grimm vanished without a trace on the field. "Let's see what I got." Y/N then opened his {Inventory} to see what loot was leftover. He was so glad there was an auto-looter in games.
{[Charge}], {[Focus}]
1 Skill Point
Destiny Spear
"What else did the announcer said? {Upgrade}?" Y/N asked himself as he saw another menu screen.
Y/N thought about the {Upgrade} section more closely before deciding to upgrade his weapons.
A bright light engulfed his arms as once his wooden shield turned into a small kite shield with white trimmings. His sword turned into a long sword with a thicker blade but sharper edges.
Feeling satisfied with himself and an upgrade to his weapon, he decides to go to Remnant now.
"Ah, wait. How do I activate my Aura?" In the RWBY-verse, unlocking one's aura required someone to unlock it for you so... "Ah screw it, what could go wrong?"
Pressing {Yes}, a glyph appeared beneath him as lights coming from it surrounded Y/N. Feeling lightheaded, he passed out, heading to Remnant and to finally end the war.
But will it truly end?..
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