Special Chapter: RWBY X Genshin Impact {Klee Introduction}

(For anyone wondering, this is what I've been doing during my spare time. That's right, I play Genshin Impact and it has been a blast.

Just a few weeks of constant grinding and I'm now AR 30...

And yet... I still don't have any 5* characters...





Ahem, Anyway. I saw the new character Klee after the recent update and I am head over heels for her. She's just that cute.

If I were to put it: It was if Ruby and Nora made Klee into the adorable bundle of cuteness and 'AoE Pyro Damage' she is today.

So then, yeah. While I still haven't gotten her... yet, I can't help but imagine Klee interacting with the RWBY cast.

Oh and, for the record. This will may or may not be canon in the main storyline so...

Yeah. Hope you enjoy this chapter of mine.

And another thing. Since this year is almost over, that also means my school is almost done. And by the time that happens, I'M NOW A COLLEGE STUDENT!

Thanks for all the love and support, and hope you like this fluffy chapter.)


"Welcome back, mister {Gamer}." The velvet assistant greeted her customer as he appeared before her.

"Hello, Rose."

"What business will you do today?"

"I want to Gamble, please."

"Of course. Right this way, please."

Y/N nodded towards her as they made their way to the front of the ship.  The water lightly splashing around the vessel and the bright sun beaming down on them.

It was a rest day in Beacon, and that meant a free day for students to do whatever they want. Whether to train for the upcoming Vytal Festival or to do nothing and laze around.

Y/N also sought to rest a bit but found himself in a peculiar situation. It wasn't anything weird or unknown, but rather an emotion he hasn't felt in a long time.

He was bored.

RWBY said that they were gonna go the Vale for some shopping and whatnot. JNPR is busy training, hoping to get Jaune to be better at combat.

Not to mention that Aigis had to go to Peach for some maintenance check. So here he was, hoping to get something from this day.

The white porcelain table with intricate blue linings with puffy purple chairs was now seen and the two sat on their respective seats.

Rose pulled out the familiar catalog book from underneath the table and presented it to Y/N, and as usual, the same window opened in front of him.

Y/N disregarded most of them and went straight to the {Gamble} option, where the black hole from before appeared there.

"Ah, that reminds me." Rose's voice alerted him before he could plunge his hand in there. "The {Gamble} has been recently updated."

"Updated? Updated how?"

Rose mentioned that the {Gamble} option pulls items across the vast multiverse and grants whatever items to the player. To hear it that it was updated meant that there was something new added in.

"It seems there has been an uproar of suggestions at the {Abyss Auction} that made them add a new element into the roll."

"O-Kay..." Y/N decided not to intrude too much into things. The less he knows, the less the responsibility. "What are the new additions?"

The velvet assistant showed a nervous face and looked away from him. "It... I..."


"...Perhaps it is best to see for yourself."

Y/N raised an eyebrow at Rose's suggestion.

In any case, Y/N wanted to know what was the fuss about and decided to take a chance.

He plunged his hand deep into the abyss that was the {Gamble} option and waited for something to grab hold on to.

And just like before he felt something and pulled it out.

It was a small book of sorts, with a brown cover and a rough feel to it. A window appeared before it and it showed that it was a {Skill Book}.

He pressed {Yes} on the window as the book instantly turned to ashes and went to his head. The headache lasted for a bit before disappearing. And soon enough, a new skill appeared.

[Cooking] - Active/Passive - LvL 1/100 - Exp: %

-You can now cook. Any dishes cooked can now have a healing effect or have certain buffs, depending on the ingredients used.

It wasn't a bad choice, considering what the description said. And what it did say, it has a familiar {Breath of the Wild} principles. Well, now he won't slow down Ms. Belle.

Another plunge later and he got something else.

{God's Eye}

Name: Wind Glider

Class: C

Info: A glider made for riding the wind.

Another bad roll, now Y/N was feeling a little down from the drops he got. He stashed the glider away for now and let out a breath of disappointment.

"Do not worry, mister {Gamer}." Rose's voice calmed him and showed a smile. "I have a feeling... that the last one will be better than the rest."

"Well... got nothing better to do anyway. Might as well."

With one last breath of air, he plunged deep into the hole and awaited something to come out.

He didn't expect all that much, considering he's been only getting items of monetary value and such. But this time, something grabbed his hand.

Rather, someone as it felt small and delicate like a child. Felling that must be it, he pulled the hand with his might to where he is.

The sudden force all came crashing down of him when he felt a sudden weight on his chest that left him on his back.

"Mister {Gamer}!" Rose called out to him as she stands up to see Y/N.

"Ngh. I'm alright." He replied quickly as he turned his head to whatever crashed into him. "Now, what did I... get out..."

His words died in his mouth as whatever he got, it was staring at him.

Y/N saw that whatever he got, was a child. He can tell from how small she is, likely from kindergarten. She had bright red eyes that seemed to spark miscellaneously and pale blonde hair. Her ears were long and sharp as if pointing out someone's eye, Y/N thought she was an Elf in the medieval age of sorts but that will have to wait. She wore a red coat over a white dress, along with some shorts for a child like her. along with a scarf and gloves. She also had a bag on her back, which explains why she's a bit heavy, that has a furry animal hanging off a chain. To top it all off, it seems that her emblem is a 4 leaf clover, that is embedded around her clothes.

Now where was I? ... Of yes.

"Uh..." That was all that came out of Y/N's mouth when he found the little elf staring at him. "Hello?"

"..." The child didn't say anything but just stared into his eyes. It made Y/N a bit uncomfortable as he looked at Rose for an explanation.

The attendant saw the message he gave off and cleared her throat. "Right, this is what the new update looks like. They added certain companions to the mix, from a universe I do not know. It seems this is one of them."


"That's right!" The child agreed with Rose and with smiled cheerily. "From now on, Klee will be with you all the time!"

"Klee? Is that your name?" Y/N got to sit upright as Klee also sat on his lap facing him.

"That's right. But... where are we?" She looked around the boat she was in and got to the edge, where she saw the water around them. "Wow! Look at this place! Klee has never seen so much water in her life!"

She suddenly gasped as now, Klee was brimming with excitement. "Are there are any fishies here?! Let's blow them up!"

Y/N bitterly laughs as well as Rose from how excited the little girl is. Like any child her age, it seems Klee has so much energy to give off.

While Klee was distracted staring into the depths of the ocean, Y/N thought it would be best to check her {Stats} with {God's Eye}.

{God's Eye}

Name: Klee

LVL: 55

Titles: Spark Knight, Knight of Favonious, Fleeing Sunlight

Weapon: Catalyst {Grimoire}

Vision: Pyro

Fighting Style: Bomber, Demolitions

Strengths: Klee has huge AoE Pyro attacks as each of them explode on contact and leave fiery remains. She also has adept knowledge of the wilderness, allowing her to find almost anything she wants.

She's adorable.

Weakness: Klee isn't very strong when it comes to defenses, especially when her opponent is fast enough to get around her.

Info: An active member of the Knights of Favonious, Klee is a spry child with imagination as bright as the sun. She can be a handful sometimes but that childlike behavior and cute attitude made the Headmaster forgive most of her actions. Even when it damages the ecosystem. As a Vision bearer, Klee can summon explosive slimes that deal Pyro damage to enemies, while also adding knockback.

This was a first for Y/N to see something other than {Semblance} in his {God's Eye}. He had it looked up and provided the info for him.

Info: A Vision is a mystical power granted by the Gods of Teyvat. When a person recieves their Vision, they can control the element based on the power given.

Pyro - Fire

Cryo - Ice

Anemo - Wind

Hydro - Water

Electro - Lightning

Geo - Earth

Dendro - Plants

'I see... So, Klee posses one of them. Pyro, right?' While Y/N was lost in his thought, he felt someone tugging at his arms.

He saw Klee with an excited face as she tried to pull him along. "Come on! Klee needs your help!"

"With what?"

"Klee saw a hu~ge fish out there and wants to go there to blow it up! Come on, let's go!"

Try as she might, Klee couldn't move Y/N from his spot but didn't give up. Y/N only laughed a bit as he looked back at Rose.

"So... what do I do with her?"

"That is up for you to decide. Whether you want her to stay here in your soul, or bring her out to reality."

"I see... " Seeing the little girl underneath him, Y/N stopped her and kneeled to her level. "Umm, Klee?"

"Yeah?" She tilted her head whilst pointing her mouth with one finger, giving off an innocent look.

"You wanna join with me on an adventure?"


"WOW! It looks like a castle!"

"If you think that's cool, wait till you see the CCT."

Klee gave a surprised gasp and she jumped up and down rapidly. "Can we go? Can Klee go? I promise to not get lost! Oh please???"

"Sorry, Klee. Can't let you go there all by yourself."

"Aww... Your so mean." She instantly deflated as Klee was slightly depressed.

"But..." Y/N's words seemed to catch her attention a bit. "If you're a good girl, then not only will I take you there but I'll give you some candy as well."

"Really?!" That depressing aura was instantly gone as Klee's eyes began to sparkle brightly.

Which only shone brighter when Y/N nodded.

The exitement then burst out of Klee as she jumped happily around him. "Yay! Klee's getting a treat! Klee's getting candy! The sweetest candy there is!"

The duo left the {Velvet Abyss} a bit later and now Y/N was showing Klee around Beacon for a bit. The reason being Klee wanted to look around the school as she wanted to understand the pathways here. That and she wanted to see what Y/N's world looked like.

Y/N saw no reason for her being out here, so long as she doesn't do anything bad, Klee will be fine.

Speaking of her, the Sparking Knight ran around the statue of Huntsmen and Huntresses with an excited feel as she was mesmorized on how people treat Y/N as a Huntsman-In-Training.

He walked towards the little girl and Klee noticed him immedietly.

"Y/N! Are you going to be a Hunstman in the future too?"

"Yeah. Might as well put my skill to good use. What about you, Klee? What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"Hmm..." Klee brought up her hand to her chin as she thought long and hard about it. But it seems she already has answer with a simple hug to his waist. "Klee wants to stay with Y/N."

Y/N gave a smal snort in reply as he patted the little girls head atop from her hat. "If that's what you really want. Then you can stay as long as you want."

Klee gave a bright smile to him, a smile to bright it may as well be the new sun.


(when will I get her?... all I've been getting are 4* characters... I hate my life so much...)

"Y/N?" His name was called out to him as he turned to see RWBY there.

"Oh hey guys. How was the trip?"

"Good. But..." Yang pointed at the adorable little girl that was hugging Y/N. "Who's she?"

Y/N saw that they were looking at Klee with a confused stare and he sought to remedy that. "Ah yes. Guys, this is-"

"My name is Klee! And I'm Y/N's traveling company!" Klee announced herself to the group with a smile on her face.

"..." They all stared dumbfoundly at Klee and left their mouth agape a bit.

"Hmm... Did Klee do something wrong? I thought this is how you greet someone?"


"...Uh guys?"


In just an instant. RWBY all dashed to where Klee is and clamored around her. The moment was so fast, that Y/N couldn't keep up with their speed at all.

Klee was just as surprised as well as 4 teenage girls were all gushing at how cute she is.

"Oh my Oum, she's adorable!"

"Look at how cute those ears are!"

"I want her as my sister!"

"Let me pet you!"

These sorts of praises kept on coming and Klee was getting dizzry from the constant words being thrown at her.

Just as she was about to attack...


Y/N stopped RWBY from their clamoring as he sighed at them. "You do know that Klee is just only 9 years old, right?"

(To be fair, Klee looks very much like a 9 year old kid. And yet she does major damage to her enemies. So, I don't think its a stretch to say that Klee is still a child and like Ruby, has enourmous potential.)

That stoped them from continuing as they looked at Klee, who was about to unleash her Vision attacks.

"Aw... We're sorry." Ruby kneeled next to the girl and apologized to her.

"Yeah. I'm sorry too..." Yang made a bashful expression as she scratched her head.

"Me too. I don't know what came over me." Weiss apologized to the small girl as well.

"Same here. Although, you are cute." Blake as well, only to come back with another priase.

Klee smiled at them and giggled. "That's OK. Klee is happy for making new friends!"

"New friends?"

"Yeah! When someone aplogize for doing something wrong, they become friends?" Klee then got a little sad as she realized something. "Are you... not my friends?"


They all group hugged Klee since she looked so sad.

"We're friends. We're all friends! Right, guys?"


Klee giggled from the attention and let out another smile. "Then, we're all friends!"

Y/N snorted though his nose as Klee now gained new friends for her. He felt something warm swelling in his chest as Klee only giggled from the hug.

They stopped hugging and let Klee fall down on her own without much trouble. Soon afterwards, she walked to where Y/N was and stood by him.

RWBY was curious as to why Y/N had aquired such adorable creature but they didn't delve that much into it. Afterall, why waste this oppertunity?

With that, the day ended warmer than expected.

And a smile being filled with happiness and joy.

(Well, that's the end. Sorry if it's a bit short but I didn't really think much about it other than seeing Klee for the first time and just adoring her looks and personality. Seriously, this child will end COVID and 202 with just her smile.

God I want her already. I mean, as a character, don't know what you guys are thinking.

Anyway, this story will likely not be update until next year since I need to focus on my studies now. After January, I'm now a graduate so wish me luck and hope you draw Klee...

Or Diluc...

Or Venti...

Or Qiqi...


Please give me good luck.)

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