Chapter 8: Monday Mourning
(Morningstar High)
(September 11, 2017)
(8:45 A.M)
Around the school, police officers roam the school grounds. No weapons present, but they still seem to be on the lookout for something. Chatter travels across the school yards as students begin to arrive for another week at Morningstar. The trio of girls, Allison, Paige, and Cece, sit in the front courtyard of Morningstar High. To be specific, they sit on the edge of a fountain in the courtyard, eyeing the passerby and relaxing before the start of a grueling Monday and an even more hectic week.
Leaning back, Paige casually sighs as she takes in the scenery. The presence of authority seems to invigorate Paige, serving as a replacement for a daily dose of coffee.
Paige: "A girl literally spills her guts and the entire town becomes a crime scene."
She smiles with delight as she writes in her notepad. A true multi-tasker, she also nibbles on slices of pepperoni from a plastic bag.
Cece: "They're just here to ensure safety."
Paige: "Is that what Police Papa told you?"
Cece proceeds to talk in a defensive manner after Paige's witty remark.
Cece: "They care about us."
Paige folds her arms and grins.
Paige: "I'm willing to bet they're out looking for suspects already. And there's a few I'm hoping they interview."
Cece looks towards Paige with an innocent look of curiosity.
Cece: "Like who?"
Paige fixes her red glasses with sophistication.
Paige: "Well, for starters..."
Allison seems to be looking off in the distance when something seems to suddenly catch her attention. She pauses, squinting her eyes for a second before returning to the conversation between Paige and Cece. She interrupts in a soft voice.
Allison: "Wait guys, look."
Her finger points in a general direction in front of the group.
Walking towards the school on the main sidewalk is Claire. She struts down the center entryway, with an outfit style resembling Vanessa's. She wears a frilly blue tank, with skinny black jeans and heels. On her side she carries a small turquoise purse. Her hips dramatically sway side to side. Not only does the entire school take notice of her presence, but the trio also stares awestruck at Claire.
The trio leans in more and lower their voices as Claire walks by them.
Allison: "Is it just me or does she look a lot like..."
Paige and Cece: "Vanessa."
Cece: "I guess she's trying a new style? Maybe she likes it. Blue looks good on her."
Paige snorts.
Paige: "More like trying a new on a new identity."
Cece: "You always manage to find a way to cast suspicion on everything, don't you?"
Paige smirks in delight.
Paige: "It's what I do best, sweetie. It's in my DNA."
Cece seems to shake an imaginary force of her face. Her face looks overwhelmed.
Cece: "Gosh, this entire week is just gonna be insane! First we've got a Dead Girl, and now we've got new It-Girl playing dress up as Dead Girl!"
She scoops up her small bejeweled bag full of school supplies and turns toward the other two girls. She seems to slightly bounce up and down.
Cece: "Nevertheless, we can all try to see the light in a very dark situation. See you both later at lunch?"
Allison and Paige nod in agreement to Cece's question.
Walking away, she twinkles her fingers at the two and gives them a bright and cheery smile. Paige is in her train of thought, scratching her chin with purpose.
Paige: "It's like nothing's happened to Claire. She does realize her best friend died, right?"
Allison is back to staring off into the horizon, not focusing on Paige's inquiries. Her response to Paige is very flat toned.
Allison: "Yeah, people cope in different ways."
Paige: "But dressing up like your best friend?"
Allison gives Paige no response as she waits for an answer back. Paige purses her lips and forcefully clears her throat. She nudges Allison in the shoulder.
Paige: "Hey, you're awfully silent today. What's up Big A?"
It takes a few seconds for Allison to realize that Paige was in fact speaking to her. She shuts her eyes for a second, coming back to reality.
Allison: "Oh, me? Sorry, spacing off. These past few days have exhausted me."
Paige: "Could say the same thing for me too."
Paige reaches inside her plastic bag, taking a single slice of pepperoni out. She extends her hand out to Allison.
Paige: "Pepperoni?"
Allison manages a slight smile.
Allison: "I'll pass. Thanks Paige."
Paige shrugs.
Paige: "Suit yourself."
She plops another pepperoni in her mouth. As she chews with delight, she seems to light up like a lightbulb. She leaps to her feet.
Paige: "Oh! Hey, I gotta run. Mockingbird Message is in for a crazy new story."
Allison: "Alright, see you in a bit. Are you coming to Game Theory?"
Paige: "Nah, committing one hundred percent to my journalism this week. Maybe another time?"
Allison: "Sure."
She runs with enthusiasm towards the school doors along with her enormous textbooks and endless piles of papers. Allison notices the bag of pepperonis to her side where Paige once sat.
Allison: "She forgot her pepperoni..."
She carelessly throws the large plastic baggy of pepperonis to her side. A familiar voice yells out to her from an unknown distance and location.
"Ali, Hey!"
Approaching Allison from under the shade of an oak tree is a boy. Stepping into the light, his auburn hair and red and white jacket immediately gives away his identity. Allison smiles as AJ Kappa casually strides towards her. His charisma emanates from his radiant smile. She greets him with a wave.
Allison: "Hey."
AJ: "Hey, what's up? You look exhausted Ali."
Allison: "Yeah. It's been an overwhelming few days, and it's Monday."
The two share a lighthearted moment, laughing together. AJ sets his red backpack down on the fountain.
AJ: "Wow, whoever left those must be an avid fan of pepperoni. You sure nothing else is bothering you?"
Allison: "Um, not that I can recall."
AJ: "You sure?"
AJ begins to sit down next to Allison on the fountain. His volume begins to lower. He leans in to whisper to Allison.
AJ: "Okay... Did I spook you the other night?"
Allison's face is full of grimace as AJ inquires her. She backs away for a slight second in astonishment. The girl is left speechless.
Allison: "Wait, was that you in the car?"
AJ: "In your neighborhood?"
AJ chuckles awkwardly, his face rose-red with embarrassment. His left hand goes to the back of head as he scratches his auburn hair with worry.
AJ: "Yeah, sorry I didn't honk or anything. I didn't wanna wake anybody from their beauty sleep."
Allison seems to desire more answers as her face is inquisitive.
Allison: "Did you send those texts too?"
AJ: "Texts? No. Only person I was texting last night was Tyler. You haven't seen him by chance have you?"
She shakes her head in response.
Allison: "Nope. Last time I can remember for sure seeing him was when he ruined your late night snack."
AJ grunts and clenches his hands.
AJ: "Damn, still gotta remember to make him pay for that funnel cake."
Allison: "May I ask why were you taking a midnight drive through my neighborhood?"
AJ: "I was gonna ask how you were doing. Sorry if you got the wrong message, literally."
He pats his hands on his legs.
AJ: "This leads me to my next question..."
With gentle care, AJ slowly slides closer to Allison. His face begins to soften. Concerned, he looks at Allison.
AJ: "How you holding up?"
Allison sighs. Her eyes seem to wander anywhere else but AJ. She is purposely avoiding eye contact with the boy. The question seems to play on repeat in her mind.
Allison: "You know, it seems like everybody's been asking me that question recently."
AJ: "Uh... Sorry bout that, I really am."
Allison: "It's fine. Oh, and I'm fine."
AJ: "You sure? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you."
Allison reassures AJ by giving him a smile. Her smile seems to lighten the mood as AJ gives her a smile back.
Allison: "You're not bothering me at all."
AJ: "Listen, I'm really sorry about the other night. I kind of just ditched you after everything that went down."
Allison: "It's fine AJ. Besides, you and your friends have known her for a lot longer. You lost a close friend. I get it. There is no need to apologize."
AJ's jaw seems to clench and his upper body seems to tighten. His eyebrows raise.
AJ: "Wait a sec. You thought I was close with Vanessa? Seriously?"
The words cannot process in her mind. At loss for words, her response is nothing but a guilty look on her face. Her mouth is open but no words seem to come out. AJ's eyes begin to narrow. What used to be a bright smile is now a penetrating stare.
AJ: "Is that how you see me?"
Managing to get a few words out, Allison speaks hesitantly.
Allison: "Well... I just thought that-"
AJ politely interrupts her, his voice full of hurt, smoothly seaming together the rest of Allison's sentence.
AJ: "That I was some douchebag that exclusively hung out with the 'it crowd'?"
Shrugging, AJ laughs it off with a light chuckle. He shakes his head as he gazes at the morning sky. There is disappointment in his eyes as the clouds reflect off them.
AJ: "I guess you don't know me."
Allison glances down at the ground, shamefaced. She mutters under her breath:
Allison: "I guess I don't know a lot of people."
Like a curious puppy dog, AJ tilts his head towards
AJ: "Huh?"
Allison: "Nothing, I just..."
Suddenly, the school bell begins to sound off.
Scurrying to gather all of her things, Allison seems to be speaking in an untranslatable language, slurring her words left and right.
Allison: "I'll uh... See you in class."
AJ: "No sweat Ali we've got ten minut-"
She darts away with her possessions to the school doors as they fling open. Swarms of other students begin to crowd into the school as well. Meanwhile, a confounded AJ still sits on the fountain. He sighs and slaps his thigh with moderate force.
AJ: "Alrighty then."
(Room 2A)
(9:05 A.M.)
Students have settled back into the classroom after an overwhelming past week. Wright sits at his usual spot, the desk in the front of the classroom, quietly reading the novel "Lolita". Allison sits in her desk. Next to her is the empty spot where Claire Bellami is assigned to sit. She glances over at the spot for a second. Individual conversations occur throughout the room, before the school bell rings again, signifying the late bell.
Upon this sound, Wright makes his way to the front of the classroom, in front of the blank chalkboard, to gather the attention of the socializing teenagers.
Wright: "Class, before we begin our lesson for the day. I just want to make you all aware that the school is at a loss for this situation. We all are. We value the feelings of our students and recognize the tragic loss you all are facing this week."
Drew chuckles quietly. A few other students find humor as well. Mr. Wright sighs as he glances at his classroom full students for a moment.
Wright: "Why don't we all-"
The door opens suddenly, revealing Claire Bellami. The students' attention are now gathered around the glamorous girl. Without saying a word to Mr. Wright, or handing him a pass, she confidently strides over to her assigned desk next to Allison. She sits down in her chair with poise. Wright clears his throat, he too was focused on the girl for a short duration.
Wright: "Like I was saying, let's take some time and sit."
Claire chimes in, with an attitude. She seems to be unaware of details behind his statement.
Claire: "Um, what the hell are we doing? Is this some kind of quiet game?"
Wright is bewildered by her response. However he maintains his professionalism. He seems to form an understanding look of sorrow as he directs his eyes to Claire.
Wright: "Your friend, Vanessa. We're taking some time to remember her."
Claire's expression does not change one bit.
Claire: "Oh, okay."
The room is now engulfed by a void of silence. The students sit at their desks patiently. Some sit in complete quietude, while others, such as Drew, find a quiet activity. He casually reads a comic book. Allison lays her head in the desk. Claire stares at the front wall, her eyes showing no regret or remorse, just emptiness. AJ seems to be fiddling with his cell phone, in the middle of a frantic text message.
Only a few seconds later, as the silence settles in, a knock is heard coming from the hallway door.
Drew, reading a comic book, rolls his eyes as the short lived period of silence comes to an end. Opening the door, Mr. Wright stands face to face with Gabriel Wildes, police officer at the Attwater Police Department. In his arms, Gabriel holds a clipboard with sheets of paper. A few students begin to whisper to their table partners as others stare at the officer, stupefied.
Wildes: "Good morning ."
Wright: "Officer Wildes, to what do I owe this pleasure?"
The two young men shake hands.
Wildes: "I'm going to have to pull some of your students for a little bit, if that's okay."
Mr. Wright gives the young officer a formal gesture by nodding politely.
Wright: "Anything we can do to help in the investigation sir."
Students begin to tense up.
"Is this about Vanessa's murder?"
"Why is he here?"
Wildes: "Well alright, can the following students please come with me?"
Wildes' eyes begin to scan up and down the clipboard. The room is cast with a spell of silence, the only noise is of those who are inhaling what seems like their last breath of air. Anticipation fills the air in the classroom as the students hold their breaths, awaiting the officer's response. Clearing his throat, in a melodramatic fashion, Gabriel's eyes finally are cast off the clipboard, and his voice projects to all of those in Room 2A.
Wildes: "Claire Bellami and Andrew Bizaal."
Slight gasps and mutters travel around the classroom as the glamorous gal and brooding boy stand up from their desks. Drew puts his comic book down slowly. He rolls his eyes in annoyance once again. Allison watches as Claire raises up from her desk without hesitation. Her facial expressions mostly remain the same.
Wildes: "If you could kindly come with me this way..."
Gabriel opens the door back up, propping it open with his foot. He gestures them to go outside of the classroom. The two teenagers exchange looks with one another as they approach the officer.
Wildes: "We've got a few questions to ask the both of you."
Yay! Finally got another chapter submitted! This one took longer than I thought it would due to my vacation. Sadly, I won't be able to submit a single thing next week as I will be in the middle of the ocean. Don't know which one😹 Thank you for reading my latest chapter and I hope you continue to follow this book! A comment and vote always makes me happy :) See you later and have a GREAT summer. -Jack Ryan
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