Fate In Ink

Snow never really left the food storage, he was basically eating all the grapes off the vines.You noticed that after Bilbo, tired of begging you to stop playing your 'games', was now cooking your guys meals.He asked you to grab some ginger and salt.

"Okay you I think that's enough, let your stomach settle okay?" You pull Snow away from the grapes, hearing them whine, then finally give Bilbo his stuff "Is it almost done?It smells really good!"

He shakes his head licking his lips "Just give me a minute to add these and cook a little more THEN we can eat."

You nod before heading back into the food storage.You already had oranges, mangos, carrots, pork, ham, and rice hidden away.By what you remember these dwarves eat on till the whole pantry is gone.Once this is all over with Bilbo will be so ever so grateful to you.

You grab a bag and filled it with apples, yellow and most red at that, then tie it shut "This should be enough  I think-?"

"(Y/N)!Dinner is getting cold!"

You sprint to the living room "Coming--hold up.." you took another bag and stuff all the grapes left into it, soon you strap it to your waist then went to meet Bilbo "Sorry I had to do something real quick!"

"Hm?Oh that is fine just...keep that critter under control will you?"

You didn't notice Snow glaring daggers at Bilbo but you sat down, drooling at the food "Don't worry he had a good amount of grapes!" and like that you ate up.

Bilbo looks at you in disgust.You were eating your food like an animal, a wild animal at that.You never ate like that so why are you eating like this?Where has your table manners gone to??

He shakes his head before looking down at his food.He could not waite to chow down on his delicious meal he made.Rubbing his hands together eagerly he grab his napkin, stuff it in his shirt, then grab his fork and stab it into his collar greens.Unlike you he was being a proper gentleman-.


Bilbo and you stop.You stood up, exite the kitchen, then began looking for a good spot to hide your two bags of food.You knew who was behind it so you had little time to hide your stash.Other then that Bilbo was confuzzled.At this time of night who had the mind to come to his home and knock on his door?He was lost so what he do?He got up with hesitation in each step he took and finally opens it.

"Dawlin." He then bows "At your service."

Bilbo froze "Uhh.." he looks around then introduces himself "..Bilbo Baggins..at yours..I'm sorry but do we know each other?"


The dwarf comes in "Now where is it laddy?"

Bilbo was taken back "W-Wheres what?"

Dawlin takes off his coat and throws it at Bilbo "Supper." He then walks the wrong way "He said there would be plenty of food here."

Bilbo blinks, processing the words "Says who-?"

"Oh you must be hungry!" You came back, some ail in hand, giving to the dwarf "Bilbo I will take care of him for you, please follow me mister Dwarf!"

Bilbo was going to fuss with you but he didn't.The moment the dwarf sat down in his seat he ate all Bilbo's dinner, nothing was left.Bilbo sat in the back near the fire pouting and glaring at the dwarf with a death stare as you just made sure he was okay.He was on his 5th mug of ale by the way.

He didn't speak much but turns to Bilbo after he finished his fish "That was good.Do you have more?"

Bilbo got up confused yet still angry "O-oh uh..?" you point out the plate full of biscuits to him, he gives you a thankful look then gives the dwarf the plate, taking one for himself "Here we go-!"

That dwarf was on it.Stuffing the whole thing in his mouth then the next, repeatedly without stopping.

You smile inwardly coming to grab his drink "Would you like more?"

He stops just for a second, nods as his eyes met yours, then continues his mission on filling his stomach to the brim with the biscuits.

Bilbo took this as his chance to talk with him, leaning down over the table  "Now that you are, well, here who else is-?"


"That will be the door."

You knew who the next were, smile wide and bright, you still can't believe your even here.Bilbo groans as he went to open it, then he met another one.

"Here is your drink!" You didn't pay attention to what is happening with Bilbo, the dwarf took it with greedy hands, and drink it to the brim.

You turn just in time to see a white haired dwarf come in, soon you greet him "Hello there!Are you perhaps hungry as well mister?"

He smiles at you "Why yes, that would be lovely."

You soon left the room right as Bilbo pass you, confused yet bewildered at what is happening at this moment.You found it very funny as you turn just in time to see how shock he was after the two dwarfs head butt each other out of the blue.It may be weird but you could easily tell it was out of joy of being reunited once again.

Grabbing a plate you look around "Maybe this?" you put it down to only grab another item "No dwarfs like meat not vegetables-."

"Ia.But there will be times I would eat some."

Almost dropping it you turn to see two dwarfs in the food storage entrance.How did you not hear them coming?Last time you checked these dwarves stomp every chance they can get..

"Thank you for the ale."

You perk up to see Dawlin look at the food items then you, you look down at your rather small Hobbit feet "Y-You are very welcome."

Bawlin then comes in and takes the plate gently from your hands "If it is to hard to ask but where is your stash of wine at?"

You actually didn't know where it was, heck, you don't even drink at all.

"I-I actually don't know-."

"I found it." Dawlin chimes as he took his mug and fills it with the new found wine.

Not long in comes Bilbo, speaking his anger out but in a polite manner "I-it's not that I like vistors unlike the next Hobbit, but I do like to know them before then come visting-."

"What is this?" Dawlin stare down at the cheese "Mold?"

Bawlin shrugs "I don't know maybe cheese?It gone blue."

You almost let out a laugh as Dawlin threw it out, almost hitting Bilbo, and the two ignore him.

Bilbo noticed that so he kept on going "-Not in the slightest.I-I do not mean to be blunt but I had to speak my mind.I am sorry."

Both of them immediately stop and face Bilbo, then Bawlin spoke "You are forgiven." And like that they continued to scavenge the place.Leaving Bilbo hanging now knowing he can't do shit to stop this.


Bilbo looks so darn defeated, so instead of him getting it you took it instead.

Getting to the door you took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, then open the door to met the two dwarfs;Thorin's nephews.

"Kili." The black haired one spoke then bowed, the other follows "Fili." They both got up in the same time and spoke at once "At your service."

You were having a serious issue on not fangirling but you remained composed, greeting the two "It is nice to meet you two, my name is (Y/N) by the way!"

Kili smirks "What a lovely name, may we come in?"

Boy smirk at me one more time and I will faint on the spot!

You open the door wider you step aside "Yes you may!Please do watch your step!"

Fili stops beside you, after you close the door, then suprised you by taking your hand and kissing your knuckles softly.

You felt your face get hot "W-What are you doing?"

"Showing my appreciation of course." Fili smirks kindly at you before Dawlin takes him to the kitchen, right as he gives Bilbo his stuff in his small arms.

He was getting mad...

You sigh taking it from him "Calm down.Here, give it to me."

He didn't want to but you had it, soon you were looking for a place to place it at.


You snort "He is about to lose it."

Just as you put Fili stuff down Snow gone into a zoomie again, this time he was doing it around your shoulders.It didn't bother you, you were in a good mood right now, so the moment you were going to sit down you felt arms wrapped around you and, with a yelp of suprise, you turn around to see Kili.He had you trapped in his hold.

"W-What you want Kili?"

He shrug "Not much but a hug..." His eyes trailed to your snow white crazy friend "...what is that thing?"

"That is Snow.He is a ferret."

He made a 'oh' face then sets you down onto your feet.Snow wasn't on you but now was on him instead, ontop of his head on his hind legs.

You giggle at the sight "I think Snow likes you fufu.~"

Kili smiles "Do you mind if I have him for a bit?He is cute!"

You thought about it for a long second but soon agreed, Kili fist pump the air.You soon were grabbed by the hand and drag into the room full of dwarves.Food from the storage on the table.Snow squeaks before deciding to jump down and wrap himself around Kili's neck, no one noticed it surprisingly, then you were drag to a seat.And guess what?Your sitting right next to Kili while Fili is across from you, how great is that?

"My, my, is that little miss Baggins I see?" You look up to see the grey tall wizard, he was smoking his pipe "You grown since the last time I saw you, when did you get here child?"

"I was here since you saw and talked with uncle this morning." That was partly true yet you stuck with it.

Gandalf hums soon asking you to come closer with his hands.Not denying his request you made your way through the choas to him, poor guy this place was too darn small for him.

"Now I know that you are very young, but I have a question to ask you."

You tilt your head confuse but eager "Okay and that is?"

Gandalf leans down to your ear level, whispering "You are the only girl in this shire to be so reckless, but that dose not mean you can do more." He paused to look around, then pulls you close to him, continuing "How about you join the company?Help these lost souls reclaim their home miles away, an reckless adventure of a lifetime."

You blink more then once.Gandalf wants you to join?The Company??That is a hell yes for you!!

You didn't say a word but instead hug the giant man.He was suprised at first but he returns it.

"Hey Kili?What is that thing wrapped around your neck??"

You froze as Kili tried to persuade them to something else but it only ended in more choas as Snow ran around the food and such.

You got down and whistle saying a quick "Snow come!" like magic he did as told and hide himself in your hair.

Everyone in the company was shock yet very intrigued, all eyes on your form..

"Who is she?"

"Please do not tell me she is our burglar.."

"Is that thing her fimialer?"

"Is she a witch or something like that?"

"Is she evil?"

Gandalf seem to tell that your feeling rather uncomfortable so he spoke up for you "No she is not a witch nor here to cause harm, she is a Hobbit."

You nod, now feeling confident "A-And not only that but I wish to join the company!"

Everyone stood silent.




"Once you sign the contract there is no going back lassy." Bofur fortold, not thinking you would do it now.

Yet you still never changed your mind.

Bawlin snorts "Okay it will not hurt to have more then little eh?"

"Bawlin I don't think that--!"

Too dame late.You wrote down your signature, locking your fate, and everyone goes from dead on silence to marvelous clashing sounds of pure cheer and joy.Even Gandalf pat your head with your good choice.

"So (Y/N)?What can you do?" Bombor asked, eating cheese.

You raise a brow, a slight smirk at your lips "What do you mean?"

Nori gets up "Can you fight?What is your weapon?"

That...okay so you had part of that question.

"I know how to fight hand-to-hand combat and self defense but using a weapon not so much."

Gossip spread around the table, soon Fili spoke "That is a start.We can each train you on the way!"

That sounds nice actually..

Not long your dragged to a random seat, it was between Dawlin and Ori, soon every began to chow down on the food.You took some but just enough for the night.

So they all excepted you that's good.But the real issue will be the king under the montain, he will definitely look down on you.

"Your all eating like pigs." Bilbo says, many make fun of him instead.

You smile "At least pigs are smarter then pigeons."

With that comment everyone laugh and pat you on the back, yeah.Your going to blend in fine here.

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