Contract Bound

The moment everyone was in the room it easily became crowded.No one seem to understand the meaning of a persons personal bubble so here you are, sitting right next to the flicker flames of orange and yellow, the heat licking your cool skin once a while.Snow wrapped around your neck like a scarf and catching some z's.

"Now that we have a women in our group, why must we need another to join?" Dori questions, Gandalf seemingly understood but held his ground within the bundle of dwarfs.

But did peace remain?Nah.Everyone at the table began to bicker and complain about how they take back their home under the lonely mountain.Most said it was impossible  as others said it was.

"We have a wizard in our advantage, how many have you killed?"

That question sent Gandalf into a confuzzled state "What?"

"Dragons!How many have you slain?"

This moment you remember well because immediately Gandalf.ex took his place, puffing out smoke like a broken record then a pro gambler.

That was when the real choas began.Not so close to it, well you are but not in the middle of it all, many were shouting with rage across the table while others were ready to basically leap over the table and throw some hands.The only one not causing trouble is Bombur eating his last few chunky slices of cheese-.

"SHAZA!" Thorin boom, everybody did as told once the king of the lonely mountain stood from his seat.

Once everyone's attention on him he continues on "If we have already read these signs do you not think that others have read them too?The rumors began to spread, the dragon Smaug has not been seen for 60 years.Eyes has been set to the east, assessing, wondering, waying the risk.Perhaps the vast lives of our people's worth lay unprotected, so we sit back and watch what is rightfully ours be taken?Or do we seize this chance and take back Erebor!!?"

That speech sent everyone on their feet, cheering with hope, that speech Thorin gave made you only clap for it  was already too loud in here.However it gave you courage for what is to come for you already knew the dangerous challenges ahead.

"You forget the front gate is sealed." Balin pipes up, many of them stop to only remember that "There is no other way in."

"That my dear Balin, is not entirely true." Gandalf was supposed to be the one who shows the key but I felt, at the exact moment, a metal thing in my was the key.Sly bastard.

Thorin eyes widen, yet he had his voice to speak "How you came by this?"

"It was given to me by your father, sir Thrain, for saft keeping." I got up and hand it to Thorin, he was still in shock yet he held hope by it "It is yours now."

Thorin took his time to admire it, but you?You give the great grey wizard the 'You sneaky mother fucker!' face.His reaction?He pats you on the back and ignores your death stare.

"Now, the task I have in mind would need a great deal of stealth and.." Gandalf glance at Bilbo, who is standing behind Thorin, listening to what is being said "...a little courage.But if we are careful I believe it can be done."

"That's why we need a burglar!"

Bilbo, poor sweet Bilbo, huffs to himself "Hmh!You will a good one too, an expert I imagine."

"And are you?"

Bilbo paused, look around behind him and to the company, confuse as hell "Am I what?"

"He says he is an expert!" Dori cheers.

"M-ME?Oh nonono!No!I am not a burglar!..I never stole a thing in my life!"

"I'm afraid I must agree with mister Baggins, his is hardly burglar material." Balin spoke, yet he was not wrong.

Bilbo agrees with a quick 'Mhm!' which has Gandalf look at him with something in his eyes, you on the other hand just let it all work till it is solved.

Dawlin agrees next "Ai.The wild is no place for gentle folk who can not fight or defend for themselves. "

Many began to complain yet agree.For a second you wanted to say something but stayed quiet, Gandalf was about to blow.

And he did.

"Enough!" Darkness seeps out of him like a tilde wave, you felt so cold even though you sat next to the fire place, soon he continues "If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar then a burglar he is!"

No spoke as Gandalf calmed down, he still had things to say "Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet, perhaps pass by many nor be seen if they so chose.However the dragon knows the smell of dwarf it may not know the smell of a hobbit, this may give us a distinct advantage." He sat down, you watch Bilbo gawking at this whole situation, soon he was speaking with Thorin "You asked me to find the 14th member of this company so forth I chose Bilbo Baggins, there is alot more worth to him then you may know, any of you will ever know!Including himself...You must trust me on this."

Thorin seem to debate with himself.Should he trust the wizard or should he deny his choice of this Hobbit?He though it out yet found his answer.

"Very well.We will do it your way."

"We're off!" Bofur grins as others cheer.

Bilbo immediately wants to deny it "N-No!Nono-!"

"Give him the contract."

Balin gets up, the contract in hand "It is nothing special just the usual.Pocket expenses, time required, immigration, funeral arrangements, so forth."

That moment he heard 'funeral arrangements' he went pale "W-What?" Thorin slams it on his chest, taking some air out of his lungs, yet managed to speak "Funeral arrangements??"

By this time you managed to get yourself out of there.Knowing that while he is reading it he will get to the point he will fall back first, this boy only will suffer more then he even knows possible.

Finding his, or maybe yours, room you snatched a pillow "Got ya bitch." then waddle your way back.

As Thorin and Gandalf talk behind Bilbo's back, you came at the moment he got to the juicy stuff.

"Up to 14th of property if there is any, seems fair, the company shall not sustain injuries that is last toooo...Lasterations..?Eliteration..?.." Bilbo checks the word one more time, blood go cold, then face the company who seem to not be fazed at all "Incineration...?"

"Oh ai, it will wipe your flesh off your bones in a blink of an eye."

Bilbo pales, just by what Bofur said, then feels lightheaded all of a sudden.

"You alright laddy?"

"Yeah!..I'm fine." No, he was kneeling over and breathing weird "I feel quite faint.."

Bufor decides to make it worse, getting up to talk with him "Think furnace with wings."

"I-I-I need some air.."

"Flashing lights, searing pain, then POOF!Your nothing but a pile of ash!"

Bilbo tryes to take that in, standing there for a little bit, seemingly looking well again "Nope." Immediately he falls down.

And looky here, his head lands on the pillow right on.

"That was quite helpful." Gandalf says steadily as he got up, making his way out of the crowded room.

Coming near you hand Balin the contract "This is nothing new, happens alot actually."

He didn't seem convinced but goes with it.

"Can I have Snow again?" You turn to see Kili, his head tilt to the side which made you smile.

"Yeah." Snow immediately jumps into his hands, making his chirpy noises, then you went over to Bilbo, soon dragging his unconscious self to a chair.

Everyone, even Gandalf, was suprised at your strength.For once he was near the chair you managed to pick him up bridal style and place him down with such care.None of thought you were strong enough to pick up a unconscious body.

Thorin's eyes however were train on you, for you went off saying you will make tea, but it seems he was not the only one who has eyes on your form alone.

It seems, my dear reader, you peeked some dwarfs intrest..

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