The Sushi Connection
Another busy day at the Galeria Mall and Caitlin is at the Big Squeeze, slumped on the counter while she watches this couple make out at another table... until they fall off, not even breaking for air... and it's... bothering poor Caitlin for some reason. And at the moment, she's talking to Jen on the phone about it.
Caitlin: *sigh* "I thought once I got a job here, I'd have cute guys asking me out all the time."
Jen: *on the phone* "Caitlin, you already have Y/N for a boyfriend. Why do you wanna be asked out by other guys?"
Caitlin: "I know, but sometimes I just feel like I'm out of his league, I mean he's known you and Nikki for 10 years. I haven't even known him for half that long, I hate this stupid job."
She then gasps as she looks over and sees one particular guy chatting with his other friends.
Guy 1: "See you later, Kyle."
Guy 2: "Yeah, bye dude."
Caitlin: *gasp* "Oh no! *ducks down* Kyle's coming over."
Jen: "Kyle? "Hot Tennis Boy" Kyle? The one with the cute butt?" *realizes what she said* "Uh... I mean, the tennis guy?"
Caitlin: "Yes, what should I do?"
Jen: "I really think this is a bad idea, but just calm down and just be yourself around him. Pretend he's just another customer."
Caitlin: "Just another customer, okay. *stands up, looking away, then turns to see Kyle* Hi. Can I have you? *blushes, covering her face* Uh-uh, I mean...
Kyle: *chuckles* "Uh, yeah, I'll have my usual."
Caitlin: "As usual, but that's why you call it your usual, isn't it? That's a funny word "usual" don't you think?"
Kyle: "Uh, I'm kinda in a hurry."
Caitlin: "Coming right up." *gets to work on his usual, whispering to herself* "I'm such a loser."
She turns around, having a blushing smile and Kyle just smirks at her, giving her a wink. Caitlin loses her grip slightly and fumbles with the lemon juice-filled glass before putting it on the blender and turning it on... only to get splashed all over.
Caitlin: *while lemon juice is shooting in her face* "AGH! STOP! STOP!" *fumbles with the blendor buttons, trying to turn it off* "How do you get this thing to stop?!"
Eventually, she does turn it off, but the damage is already done, as now she and Kyle have been bathed in lemon juice. His smile... gone... now replaced with an annoyed look. And now... there he goes, a dissatisfied customer, leaving Caitlin to weep in defeat. And to make things worse... Jen heard the whole thing on call.
Jen: "Was that as bad as it sounded?"
Caitlin: *sobs uncontrollably through phone*
Lunchbreak! Feeding time at the Galeria Mall. Everyone is back at their favorite spot, enjoying a nice, tasty lunch. Jude is enjoying a tasty burger with some fries and a soda pop. Jen and Nikki are just drinking a soda, you are enjoying a whole box of pepperoni pizza with a soda pop and as for Wyatt, well... he's got a bento box.
Jonesy: "Sup." *walks in wearing a lab coat*
Jude: "Hey, man. What's with the lab coat?"
Jonesy: "You're looking at the newest beauty consultant for Huntington's Department Store. It's a totally chick-centric job. High-end babes, all day long."
Y/N: "Oh, goodie, another job for Jonesy to get his ass fired from, I wonder how long he'll last at this particular one."
Nikki: "And by the way, chick-centric is not even a word."
Jonesy: "Sorry, "female-centric."
And Wyatt opens up his bento and reveals a sushi platter. Jude looks and is shocked by the spread he has.
Jude: *to Wyatt* "Dude, that's so gross! How can you eat sushi?"
Wyatt just puts one to his lips with his chopsticks and munches down on it, much to everyone's disgust... except you.
Caitlin: "Yuck! I don't even like cooked fish."
Y/N: "I've eaten fish tacos before made by my grandparents and they turn out pretty tasty."
Nikki: "Okay, fish tacos, maybe. But sushi, really... it's just revolting."
Wyatt: "Have you ever actually tried it?"
Y/N: "...Once. But not what I would have on a regular menu."
Nikki: "And I don't need to try the public bathrooms here to know that they're disgusting."
Wyatt: "Fine, live in ignorance, but at least I know what I'm eating. Those fries aren't probably even made out of real potatoes."
Jude: "Yeah, but you gotta love 'em." *sniffs fry, stands up* "The soul cannot live by nutrition alone!" *eats fry* "Mmm, mark my words, dude, mark my words."
Nikki: "Kyle come by?"
Y/N: "Kyle who?"
Caitlin: "Uh... n-n-nobody special. Just some random guy I... kinda... splashed accidentally with the lemonade."
Y/N: "You left the top open, didn't you?"
Caitlin: "I know, I'm such a loser!"
Y/N: "Cait, it's an honest mistake. Next time, put the lid on first to avoid drowning in lemon juice. It's that simple."
Jonesy: "Dude, it's obvious she's got the hots for this Kyle."
Y/N: *turns to Jonesy, looking scary* "Pardon?"
Jonesy then screamed like a bitch and leaned back too far and fell on his back with a loud thud.
Y/N: "Spout that atrosity again, see what happens." *face returns to normal, turns to group*
Jen: "What he meant to say was... Caitlin's little accident got him wet with that lemonade she was making him. Now, she feels guilty and she wants to make it up to him. Right?"
Caitlin: "O-Oh right. Exactly."
Y/N: "Well, I suppose I can try to help you out with making amends with this guy, but no funny business, okay?"
Then your eyes dart at the couple on the ground who are still locking lips with each other.
Y/N: "Ugh! Do those goddamn sickos have an off-switch for their mushy-kissy sessions, this is just plain disgusting."
Nikki: "Yeah, promise me you won't turn into them."
Caitlin: "Don't worry, things... probably won't escalate that way between me and Y/N."
Jen: "But you can still enjoy those times in moderation."
Caitlin: "Easy for you to say. You and Y/N work in Boyville at your jobs, guys are always asking you for help."
Jonesy:" Hey, if Boyville's a word, then so is "Chick-centric."
Jen: "I happen to know that Kyle demoed a racket and it's due back this afternoon. As soon as he comes by, I'll call you and we'll do an accidental on-purpose bump into. It'll be perfect!"
Y/N: "You seem oddly interested in making amends with this... Kyle guy, you sure there's nothing else I need to know?"
Caitlin: "N-No of course not. Y/N..." *cups your cheek* "You should know you're the only guy I need in my life."
Y/N: *thinks* "Somehow, I seriously doubt that." *aloud* "If you say so, but anyways, I'm gonna head back to work. If anyone wants my free leftover pizza, go nuts."
Jude: "Dude, I am humbled by your generosity!"
Jude and even Jonesy start to devour what's left of your pizza while you left to head back for another hard day's work.
Nikki: "Well, I'd love to stay, but... *she stands up* I'm late for a jean-folding seminar. If I'm still working there in two years, just put me out of my misery, okay?" *walks off*
Jude: "You got it." *continues eating*
Caitlin: *to Jen, excited* "Oh, this is so going to work, you're the best!"
Jen: "Just promise me if things don't go as planned, you'll stay with Y/N and not do stuff like this behind his back. Y/N is a very special guy, he's done so much for us in the past."
Caitlin: "How special is he?"
Jude: "Ummm, doesn't he have, like... autism, or something?"
Caitlin: *gasps in realization* "Oh no, what have I done?!"
Now it seems Caitlin is thinking about going back on this little plan of hers after learning the big truth about you.
Meanwhile, in the Khaki Barn, Nikki is just standing around, yawning and bored out of her mind. She then looks herself in the mirror, only for this big woman to get in the way. Nikki takes one look at the lady and is about to drop a harsh truth bomb.
Nikki: "That's just so wrong. Here..."
Chrissy: "Nikki, can I have a word with you?"
And the leader of the clones pulls her aside.
Nikki: "Yes? I'm trying to help a customer."
Chrissy: *scoffs* "Right and you're supposed to tell them they look terrific and that an every day vest would compliment that look. It's called upselling."
Nikki: "But she... or he... looks like a total loser. She's got hungry butt."
Chrissy: "We have a way of doing things here, it's all written in the Khaki Barn Handbook.
Kristen: *pops up* "I've got my copy right here if you need it, it's highlighted!"
Nikki: "No, that's fine." *goes to the woman, sarcastically* "Like, wow, that looks terrific on you and-- oh, you know what would tie it all together, huh? The every day vest!"
Nikki turns to Chrissy and she nods in approval.
Meanwhile, with you at your job, you're helping out a customer while your boss is ringing up another at the cash register.
Customer: "The thing is, my son has a liking for this TV show, it's... what was it again? Hero Academy" or something?"
Y/N: "Oh, you must be referring to "My Hero Academia."
Customer: "Yeah, that's it. You got any T-shirts of it?"
Y/N: "Sure, is there a particular size shirt you're looking for?"
Customer: "Yeah, I need one in medium."
Y/N: "Alright, lemme see what we got here."
You check the inventory for any sort of shirt he might like. Suddenly, you pull out one shirt and show it to the customer.
Y/N: "How about this? It's one of our latest ones."
Customer: *checks shirt* "Hmm... that looks kinda scary. What is that supposed to be?"
Y/N: "That's the main character with his hero suit in tatters. He looks this way because he's been patrolling all day and all night without rest, trying to help the city as best he can."
Customer: "Hmm... let me ask my son about this." *takes out phone and calls his son*
Y/N: "Go ahead, take all the time you need."
You patiently wait while the dad talks things over with his son and then a minute and a hald later, he hangs up.
Customer: "Okay, I think I'll go ahead and take it."
Y/N: "Great, then follow me to the cash register and we'll have this taken care of in no time."
In no time at all, you sold the customer the T-shirt and placed it in a bag, giving it to the man.
Y/N: "There you go and I hope your son enjoys the new look."
Customer: "Thanks for all your help, I'm sure he'll love it." *leaves*
Y/N: "I'm sure he will. Have a nice day and come back anytime." *sighs in content* "Another satisfied customer in the bag."
Just then, your phone began to ring in your pocket.
[ringtone starts at 1:03]
You jump a little and then pull out your phone to check who it is, then find Jen's number. You answer it.
[ringtone stops]
Y/N: "What's up, Jen?"
Jen: "Hey, listen... Caitlin wants to know if you're available for a date at 8 o'clock tonight. She's right here with me."
Y/N: "I'll have a chat with my mom. If she says "yes," I'll call you back so you can tell Caitlin the date is on."
[A/N: Some episodes are gonna be written differently when love is involved and the girls start showing their weakness to falling for "cute boys" other than Y/N.]
Jen: "Okay."
Y/N: "Alright, I gotta go." *hangs up*
Meanwhile back at the Penalty Box...
Jen: "Okay, I just got off the phone with Y/N. He's gonna talk to his mom about going out on this date with you. Now, you're sure you wanna go through with this instead of being with Kyle?"
Caitlin: "After hearing about his condition, there's no way I could go behind his back. It'd break his fragile heart!"
Jen: "You know, this is a pretty big sacrifice. For you to only apologize to Kyle and then go on a date with Y/N. He's gonna probably wanna know why you're doing this."
Caitlin: "I know and that's what scares me. What if he hates me for fawning over other guys?"
Jen: "Just relax, I'm sure he'll--" *ringtone goes off, answers it* "Hello? Y/N, what'd she say?"
Y/N: "I've got the green light. The date is on."
Jen: "Okay, thanks. I'll let her know." *hangs up* "Good news, Y/N got his mother's approval, you've got yourself a date."
Caitlin: *squeals* "Thank goodness!" *hugs Jen* "You're the best friend in the whole world! Now I can finally give him the best date EVER!" *gasps* "I have nothing to wear! Okay, my shift is over in an hour, that leaves me exactly 4 hours find the perfect date with Y/N outfit. Gotta run!"
The shop-o-holic teen then bolts past the humpty-dumpty looking man, knocking him over.
Caitlin: "Sorry!"
So it's now 8 o'clock and you're currently arriving at the Penalty Box where Caitlin has on this really hot pink dress on.
Y/N: "Whoa... *blushes* ...Caitlin, you look... fantastic."
Caitlin: "Thanks. So, you ready?"
Y/N: "Of course. So, where would you like to eat?"
Caitlin: "I know just the place."
Jen: *while you and Cait walk off* "Have fun you two!" *to herself* "Hopefully that crisis was averted for a while."
Just as you two are walking out, Wyatt and Jonesy are seen walking in and Jonesy looked pretty curious about something.
Y/N: "Something wrong, Jonesy?"
Jonesy: *slightly concerned* "I saw this guy while I was heading on my way over here and... he looked kind of familiar. I know a few people from our high school, bud and for some reason, the guy I ran into just rings a bell... and not the good kind"
Y/N: "Well, if you figure out who he is, let me know and I'll make sure to avoid him as best as I possibly can."
Jonesy: "I know you will. Anyways, you and Caitlin just enjoy your little date while Wyatt and I try and talk Jen into seeing a movie."
Y/N: "Alright, suit yourself. Come on, Cait."
With you and Cait gone, Jonesy and Wyatt finally approached Jen, both with different questions.
Wyatt: "Hey, wanna go catch a movie?"
Jen: "I can't. I'm pulling a double-shift today. And what's the matter, Jonesy, you look a little... out of sorts."
Jonesy: "I saw this dude earlier and he looked kinda familiar. He was... kinda tall, like me, had messy dark blue hair, carried a tennis racket earlier and... he smelled like lemons."
Jen: "That was probably Kyle. Caitlin apologized to him for splashing him earlier and... I had to set up a date with her and Y/N in order for her to avoid hurting the poor guy."
Jonesy: "Kyle? *realizes* "I knew I knew that dude! You mean Caitlin splashed that Kyle with lemon juice?"
Jen: "Yeah, why?"
Jonesy: *sighs in relief* "You dodged a bullet there by setting Caitlin up for a date with Y/N and not Kyle. He's a total player!"
Jen: *shocked* "Kyle?"
Jonesy: "Yeah, Kyle Donaldson. He scored 4 cheerleaders and the coach's daughter in one summer."
Jen: *shocked* "Kyle is "Dirty Donaldson?"
Wyatt: "Wow! I thought he was just an urban legend!"
Jen: "All the girls in soccer camp knew about him. He wasn't even allowed on the grounds and... *slumps down, sighing in relief* thank god, he's not going out with Caitlin. If Y/N knew about this, he'd be so devastated, his heart is just too fragile!"
Jonesy: "For once, I agree with you. Y/N's a tough guy, but even he has his vulnerable moments."
Moments later, we find Caitlin and Y/N, having dinner over at a sushi restaurant, a place where Caitlin chose.
Y/N: *concerned* "Now, you're sure that you'd want to have our date here and not at some other restaurant?"
Caitlin: "Absolutely!" *forces a smile*
Y/N: "But... Caitlin, you just said back at the food court that you hated sushi, you even said you hated cooked fish."
Caitlin: *keeping a forced smile* "I know, but... as the saying goes, don't knock it 'til you try it." *laughs nervously*
Y/N: "Well... okay, but... if you feel sick, we can drop everything and leave and I'll take you somewhere to your liking."
Caitlin: "Okay thanks. So... what was it you ordered for us again?"
Y/N: "Tamago sushi. You'll see it soon enough."
Pretty soon, the chef arrived with both of your sushi trays.
Y/N: "I'll try it first, Cait."
You grabbed your chopsticks and used them to bring one of the pieces to your mouth and chomped on it. You turned to the chef and gave him a thumbs up.
Chef Hiro: "Domo arigato."
[A/N: That translates to "thank you" in Japanese.]
Y/N: *nods* "Doitashimashite."
[A/N: That translates to "you're welcome" in Japanese]
Caitlin: *sees small green paste* "Ooh, this looks vegetable-y" *takes bite of it*
Y/N: *reacts too late* "CAIT! NO! THAT'S... wasabi."
Caitlin suddenly felt like her entire mouth was on fire. Suddenly, her eyes started watering like crazy and she spat out the glob and let out a muffled scream, grabbing her throat.
Y/N: "Hang on, Cait!" *feeds her sushi* "Here! Just eat this and drink some of this tea, it should make the burning stop!"
He helps Caitlin with this and eventually, the burning slowly goes away and now she's panting up a storm.
Caitlin: "Thanks, Y/N."
Y/N: "No problem. I should've warned you beforehand. Wasabi is extremely spicy, even if it's just a small paste drop, that stuff can really burn your tongue if you're not careful."
Caitlin: "Maybe we should go eat elsewhere."
Y/N: "I understand. I'll take care of the bill."
Caitlin: "Just the one here, I'll pay for our meal at the next restaurant."
Soon, after paying the bill and bagging up the sushi, you headed out of the sushi restaurant and then... Caitlin's stomach started spinning again, probably from the sushi she ate.
Caitlin: *holds stomach* "Oh no... I don't think that tamago sushi is sitting well. What was it wrapped with anyways?"
Y/N: "The chef tied the egg and rice together with some safe and edible seaweed wrap, why?"
Just hearing that made her real sick and soon, she couldn't handle it anymore and rushed to the nearest trash can and... well, you know that she lost her lunch now. Thankfully, you stood next to her, rubbing her back while she kept hurling up the stuff.
Y/N: "Just let it all out. Breath in... breathe out."
You helped her out for the next 30 seconds until she finally 100% better and ready to continue.
Caitlin: "Thanks, Y/N."
Y/N: "Don't mention it. Come on, we can go and grab some good food at El Sporto's if you want."
Caitlin: "That sounds perfect."
Meanwhile, back at the Khaki Barn, it's pandemonium in the store and Nikki, the new Assistant Manager, or as her tag says "Ass Man," is close to losing her shit from the many customers flooding the store and can't seem to find out why.
Nikki: "Where did all these people come from?!"
Kirsten: *happy* "It's the mid-season's Midnight Madness Sale today. Didn't you check the schedule?"
Nikki: *irritated* "What schedule? We don't have a schedule!"
Kirsten then points to the wall where the calendar is at and proved poor Nikki WRONG! She groaned in frustration.
Nikki: "This entire town has gone crazy! Everyone is shopping here!" *to a cowboy holding a bunch of pink clothing* "Don't you have any style of your own? Everyone has those!"
Cowboy: "Ah know. That's why Ah want 'em." *whistles happy tune*
Nikki then turns and freaks out when she notices something.
Nikki: *rushes over to fitting room* "Excuse me what's the hold-up here?"
Kirsten: *knocking on one of the doors* "They've been in there for a half hour."
Nikki opened the door to find the annoying couple that makes out all the time, which are Jason and Joanie.
Nikki: "What do you think this is, the movie theater? Out! Out! Out!"
They quickly leave the fitting room STILL having their lips locked.
Nikki: *looks, freaks out again* "And what happened to the Marina Will Fall sweater display?! There's sixes in with the twelves! That's like 6 size differences in one pile, there's no order! According to the manual each-- *gasps in realization* oh no! I'm turning into Chrissy!" *storms off* "NOOOO!!!"
Meanwhile, back at El Sporto's, you and Caitlin are sitting next to each other, enjoying some scrumptious foods they both liked and ones that don't make Caitlin sick. Caitlin was having a caesar salad and you were enjoying a juicy double cheeseburger with a large soda.
However, in the middle of your dinner, Caitlin looked down as if something was troubling her. You looked over and noticed.
Y/N: "Caitlin... how come you look so sad, love?"
Caitlin: "Y/N... can you answer me honestly?"
Y/N: "Sure."
Caitlin: *thinks* "No hesitation? Oh boy..." *aloud* "Y/N... would you truly love me... even if I have some... really big faults... and flaws?"
Y/N: "Cait... of course I would. Everyone has flaws, even me. And you love me despite my flaws, so obviously I'd love you all the same, too, regardless of yours, why ask?"
Caitlin: *breaks into tears* "Y/N... I..."
Y/N: *gasps, hugs her* "Cait... what's wrong? Please don't cry."
Caitlin: *choked up* "Y/N, you don't understand... I... I did something very bad today and... *sniff* I feel like the worst friend and girlfriend ever... all at the same time."
Y/N: "W...What do you mean?"
Caitlin: *sniffs* "Earlier today... I... I started fawning over another guy... even though I was already with you!"
Y/N: "O...Oh." *blinks in surprise*
Caitlin: "And... I... I might've blushed when he gazed at me while I was trying to get him a lemonade and... all I could do was think about how I could get him to notice me! But... it wasn't until Jen told me about you and your... mental condition."
Y/N: *remaining calm* "Okay, but tell me this... did anything happen between you and this guy you were fawning over?"
Caitlin: "N... no? I just apologized to him. And after that... I wanted to make it up to you by going on a date with you." *slightly calmed down* "Y/N... I am so... so sorry. And even now, throughout our date, you always thought about me having as much fun as you. I screwed up as your girlfriend and... I understand if--"
Y/N: "Cait... it's okay." *deep breaths, exhales* "Listen... you've told me plenty about what went on with this guy. Obviously, things didn't escalate that far and that's alright with me. And while I am a little hurt that you were fawning over someone behind my back, I'm still grateful that you told me the truth to my face."
Caitlin: "I'm sorry." *tearing up again*
Y/N: "Come here."
She inched towards you and you hugged her close, rocking her from side to side and kissing her on the forehead. She sobbed some more and the other people in the restaurant reacted with "aww" from how affectionate you two were getting.
Y/N: *whispers* "I love you, Cait."
Caitlin: *sobs quietly* "I love you too, Y/N."
The hug lasts for another good minute before you pull away and you help wipe the tears away from her eyes and dry her face by patting it with a few napkins. Caitlin, from this up close, looked so stunning and in that moment, the area around her seemed to sparkle. It was as if this magical moment was the perfect opportunity.
And slowly, but surely... you and her moved in and shared a passionate kiss that lit up the skies in your minds.
The kiss lasted for a good 3 minutes before pulling away.
Caitlin: "Wow..."
Y/N: "Yeah... wow."
Yup. What Caitlin thought would be a disaster, turned out to be a blessing and a very important lesson she'll never forget.
[timeskip and music stops here.]
We now join 5 of the members, including you, chilling by the usual spot, waiting for Nikki and Wyatt to show up. Suddenly, Jonesy's phone went off and he answered it.
Jonesy: "Hello?"
Nikki: "Just calling to see if you got away with your little crime spree."
Jonesy: "Nah, I got fired."
Caitlin: "Oh, I'm so sorry."
Jonesy: "Whatever, I wasn't that good at makeovers anyway. Everyone ended up looking like Gollum."
Y/N: "But my date with Cait was pretty fun."
Caitlin: "That's great to hear."
Y/N: "However, there is one thing I need to address."
Caitlin: "What's that?"
Y/N: "You know how you said you tend to fawn over guys?" *Caitlin nods nervously* "Well, there will be times when I fawn over a few ladies and I don't wanna double-cross you."
Jonesy: "Why not? There's tons of hot chicks here! You could even start your own harem! You've already got 3 hot chicks *turns sour a bit* as much as I hate to admit it, *cheerful again* but still, you could make a ton of girls in here extremely happy!"
Y/N: *shocked* "WHAT?! Have you lost your marbles, there's no way I'd backstab my 3 girlfriends so shamelessly like that!"
Jen: "Actually... as much as I find it really discouraging... he... might have a point, Y/N."
Y/N: *to Jen, astonished* "What? But why?"
Caitlin: "Well, think about it, Y/N. You're a nice guy and what if there are other girls in this mall who need someone as kind and caring and understanding and... and..."
Jen: "Wise for his age?"
Caitlin: "Exactly! So, I say you should expand your options."
Y/N: *thinks* "I... cannot... believe it. These girls actually giving me the green light to actually date more girls?!" *aloud* "Uh... little red flag going up, you're forgetting Nikki. She doesn't even know about this yet, so I doubt she'd be okay with it."
Jen: "Then we'll talk it over with her."
Soon, Wyatt shows up and... ya boi's brought a delicious tray of fries, a burger and a delicious soda pop.
Jen: *to Wyatt* "What? No sushi today, Mr. Sophisticated?"
Jonesy: "Do not say that word while we're eating."
Wyatt: "You know, I never really liked sushi that much anyway. Somehow this just tastes... better."
Jude: "You see? Soul food. Told you, man."
Jen: "Jonesy, phone." *he throws it to her, she puts it to her ear* "So, Nikki, how do you feel about allowing Y/N to get more girls?"
Nikki: "Yeah, I heard everything, so... wait until I get there, I'm gonna have a nice, little chat with him afterwards."
And she hangs up.
Moments later, she arrives after her shift is over and... OH SHIT, she's picking you up by wrapping her arms around your neck.
Nikki: "So, care to explain the whole "dating other girls" thing to me one more time, Casanova?"
Y/N: *choking* "What are you attacking me for?! This wasn't my idea, Jonesy brought it up and Jen and Cait agreed to it!"
Nikki: *skeptic* "Uh-huh. And you?" *strangles you tighter*
Nikki: "Hmmm..... *drops you* ...fine, I believe you, but only because Jonesy would come up with something this hairbrained."
Jonesy: "Hey!"
Nikki walks over to the girls, they huddle in and whisper the gist of the plan and before you knew it... Nikki then approaches you again and this time... she just puts a hand on your shoulder.
Nikki: "Okay, look. I'm gonna be honest. You don't like this plan and neither do I. But they're right about one thing, you're a nice guy when it comes to other people. But you also have your dark sides and weaknesses, so... you might as well go crazy. And before you protest, think of it this way... *whispering in your ear* ...if you catch them trying to impress or date other guys, think of this as payback."
Y/N: *whispers back* "You're right, we both don't like it. But, if you're gonna allow me, then fine... but I'll let you know beforehand when the time comes, sound fair?"
Nikki: *out loud* "Deal. Now come here."
After that, she pulls you in by the shirt collar and mashes her lips with yours and you pull her in for a deeper smooch.
So now, it seems the girls have worked out a new plan for you and if they're right... there's gonna be way more girls in your future than you ever thought you'd get in a lifetime. But the real question remains... is this truly the birth of the Galeria Rizzler?
We'll find out.
[A/N: Yup, you saw it here, folks. Hope you liked it. Anyways, a few things changed in this chapter, like Caitlin doesn't barf at the amusement park, nor does she go there, Jonesy still got fired AND the girls have agreed to share him with other girls. Things will certainly get steamy up in here, so... STAY TUNED!]
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