The Girls in the Band
We now join you and your friends taking a walk around the mall and Caitlin and Jen are currently jamming out to some music on Wyatt's walkman while Jonesy is looking through the newspaper to see which jobs he hasn't been fired from.
Jonesy: "Been fired from there, been fired from there..."
Y/N: *pointing in random directions* "And over there, and over there, and up there." *laughs*
Jonesy: *deadpanned* "Real funny, Y/N. *looks at newspaper* Ooh, not even allowed to shop in there. These want ads suck."
Nikki: "You might as well face the truth, Jonesy. You're unemployable."
Jonesy: "So how am I supposed to pay for that hockey trip next month? I'm seriously low on cash."
Wyatt: "No, we're seriously low on cash. If I had a dime for every dollar that you owed me, I'd have... like... well, I'd need a calculator, but you'd owe me a lot, man."
Y/N: "Not me, he's never borrowed money from me because I know he'd never pay me back. That's why... I have plenty of spare change."
Jude: "Count me in for some of that action too, bro."
Nikki: "I get first dibs."
Jude: "Why?"
Nikki: "Um... ladies first?"
Jude: *nods* "Oh right."
Jen and Caitlin: *singing*
"I'm watching you dance
It's my only chance
For a taste of your lips
My hands on your hips
Till the day you say "yes" to me
You'll always be... my fantasy."
Jude: "Oh-ho-ho, those lyrics."
Nikki: "I know, sounds like a stalker wrote it."
Y/N: *snickers* "The fuck was that shit?"
Wyatt: "Promise me you'll disinfect that before you give it back."
Caitlin: *to Wyatt* "What?"
Wyatt: "How can you listen to that?"
Caitlin: "DawgToy's the boss, Wyatt."
The keep playing the song and dance to it.
Jen: "And you have to admit, they're like the hottest guys on the planet."
Y/N: "No, the only thing that's hot is a pepperoni pizza fresh out of the oven."
Nikki: "Amen to that."
And while chatting, a guy in a big panda suit is entertaining the kids when suddenly...
Pokey: "Okay kids, watch this."
Before the furry oaf could do anything, Caitlin's clumsy dance moves made her push him down the escalator where he tumbles down each step, making you flinch from each impact until he finally drops to the bottom floor, too injured to stand back up.
Y/N: "Oh shit!"
Caitlin: *gasps* "I can't believe I just did that!"
Nikki: "You took out Pokey the Panda."
And Jonesy is still laughing his butt off while you, you slide down the escalator railings to go check on the guy.
Y/N: "Hang on, big guy!"
And the kids are all gathered around Pokey, thinking he's dead and crying their eyes out.
Y/N: "Relax, kids. He's not dead, just hurt. We'll get him fixed up in no time." *yelling out loud* "SECURITY! EMERGENCY! MAN DOWN!"
Sure enough, Ron the Rent-a-cop shows up in his little cart with his police tape in hand. He does his job, securing the perimeter.
Ron: "Keep moving people." *finishes* "That's it. Nothing to see here, thank you."
Y/N: "I'll go ahead and call for an ambulance." *dials the number, waits for someone to pick up*
Operator: "911, what's your emergency?"
Y/N: "I need an ambulance at the Galleria Mall. A man took a tumble down an escalator, might have multiple fractures and bruises."
You then explain more details before they assured you they'd have an ambulance over there as soon as possible. Afterwards you hung up.
Y/N: "There, that should do it. Hey, Ron... the ambulance will be coming by soon to pick him up."
Ron: "Good work, kid. Now, vamoose. I'll take it from here."
Y/N: "Yes sir."
So, you meet back up with your friends and notice Wyatt is beaming with an idea.
Y/N: "Yo, Wyatt, whatcha smiling about?"
Wyatt: "Thanks to Caitlin's actions earlier, she just created a new job for Jonesy... everyone, I'd like you to meet the Galleria Mall's newest *gestures to Jonesy* Pokey the Panda!"
Caitling, Jude and Jen all cheer and you just smirked.
Jonesy: "Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I may be desperate, but I do have some pride."
Wyatt: "Then you can kiss your hockey trip goodbye, because your account at Wyatt Savings and Loans is now closed."
Jonesy: "Oh man!"
Y/N: "Well, this just got interesting."
[Later at the Khaki Barn]
We find Nikki waiting by the Changing Rooms with a dress she picked out for her friend Caitlin.
Nikki: "I found you a size six. I can't believe you actually like the clothes here."
Caitlin: *peeking out from changing room* "A good shopper can find something to buy from any store."
Nikki: "Ugh, this dress is so boring, I'm falling asleep just looking at it."
Caitlin: "Hand it over."
Nikki: *gives to Caitlin* "At least let me tear you a new hem."
One of the customers overheard her and let out an offended gasp before walking away.
Kirsten: *sarcastic* "Gee, Nikki. Zero sales today and counting. What's your secret."
Nikki: "Beat it, or I'll announce that you get your lip waxed at Frizzy Lizzie's."
Kirsten panics and runs away, covering her mouth. As for Caitlin, who's trying on her dress, she suddenly hears her phone ringing. She stops for a moment to pull it out of her purse and picks up the phone.
Caitlin: *on the phone* "Hello?"
Jen: *on the phone* "Hi."
Caitlin: *on the phone* "Hey, what's up?"
Jen: *on the phone, excited* "You are not going to believe this. Guess who's coming to our mall!"
Caitlin: *on the phone, excited* "DawgToy?! HERE?!" *squeals excitedly*
Jen: "They're doing a CD release party and taping a live video, HERE!"
Caitlin: *overjoyed* "NO! This weekend?!" *shrieks excitedly*
And out the changing room she bolts, giggling like a crazed fangirl, but then returns to Nikki, handing her the dress.
Caitlin: "Thanks."
Nikki: *unamused* "Don't tell me, DawgToy's coming?"
Caitlin: *comes back* "How did you know?" *to Jen on phone* "I am so there, later." *hangs up* "They're casting one lucky girl to dance on stage with the group!"
Nikki: *unchanged* "Sorry, am I supposed to get all, like, dizzy over four, no-talent, adolescent one-hit wonders?"
Caitlin: *excited* "Yes! New plan, we need DawgToy audition gear. *gasps* You have to audition, too!" *tries to escort her*
Nikki: *gasps, pulls away* "Not in this lifetime."
When she yanked away from Caitlin, she wound up making her fall to the floor.
Caitlin: "Ow!"
[Back at the food court]
Everyone's just chilling out, doing their own thing, like how you're just listening to music while enjoying your lunch. Just then, Jen shows up.
Caitlin: *excited* "Did you get it?"
Jen: *just as excited* "You mean this?" *shows big poster of DawgToy*
Both girls let out loud shrieks that irritate Jude, making him cover his ears and you could faintly hear them over your headphones. Your reaction to them says it all.
Jen: *looking at the poster* "They are so cute, it's sickening!"
Caitlin: "Oh, I know! Help me put it up!"
And the girls go on a shrieking fit yet again and now... there goes your appetite and you push your tray away.
Y/N: "Sheesh. *removes headphones* Can't even hear your own thoughts around here with all the racket around here."
Nikki: "If anyone asks, we don't know those two."
Y/N: "Good call."
Just then, you hear the sound of kids giggling. You and Nikki turn around and lo and behold, there's Pokey the Panda.
Nikki: "Hey, furry butt, what's shakin'?"
Y/N: "Enjoying your time with the kids, Kung-Fu Panda?"
Jonesy, who's inside the panda costume, lets out a fake laugh.
Kid: "Pokey, can I have a piggy-back ride?"
Jonesy: "Now what did Pokey just say?"
Kid: "Coffee breaks are Pokey's alone time."
Jonesy: "10 points, kiddo." *pats him on the head*
As he takes a seat...
Y/N: "Dude, you're even lazier than Po, not even his father would hire you to run his noodle shop, or else you'd run it... into the ground."
Jonesy: "Oh, ha-ha, very funny."
Jude: "Yeah, you've got little panda groupies and everything."
The kids laugh some more, waiting to have fun with Pokey.
Jonesy: *to the kids* "Scram!"
Oh great, now he made 'em cry. Two of them run off.
Nikki: "Yeah, he's a real natural."
Y/N: "A natural disaster, that's for sure."
And the remaining kid stayed behind to kick him in the shin before running off with the others.
Jonesy: "Ouch! This blows. I look like a dork."
Nikki: "Actually, I think it's an improvement. Hey, can you see outta that thing?" *waves hand in his face*
Jonesy: "Barely, this is the worst job I've ever had and this costume smells worse than a locker room."
Nikki: *smells* "Woo! Ugh, you're right! You reek."
Y/N: "Well, I've got news for you... No it doesn't.... you do. You are smelling what people have been telling you what they've smelled for years and now it's come to bite you in the ass."
Wyatt: "Come on, this can't be worse than when you were a mountain maid at Laderhoe's and Larry's."
Jonesy: "Waaaay worse, man."
Jude: *pulls out underpants from bag* "Oh, holy underpants! What are these?"
Jen: "The official DawgToy Jason Boycott briefs."
Jude: *drops them* "Yuck!"
Y/N: "Double yuck. Who the hell would put pictures of a real life person's face on the front of a pair of briefs?"
Nikki: "I dunno and I hope I never find out."
Caitlin: *to Jen* "Do you have just the Jason ones or the whole day of the week set?"
Jen: "The whole week."
Caitlin: *happily* "I hate you! I only have John."
Wyatt: *fed up* "Okay! You guys have gotta chill on the DawgToy thing!"
Jonesy: "Yeah, they stink."
Nikki: "Ironic, coming from you."
Y/N: "Seriously, I just don't see what's so appealing about them. I've had better pleasures listening to Rafiki sing and I'mma be honest, his singing voice isn't bad at all."
Jen; *smug* "You guys are just jealous of Jason's awesome abs."
Caitlin: "Yeah, and John's gorgeous arms. Drumming is just as good as weightlifing for your biceps."
Y/N: "Jealous of their bodies?" *throws shirt off* "Clearly you've never seen me without my shirt on."
Right then and there, Jen and Caitlin just ate their words and felt their noses bleeding. Nikki, on the other hand, had some self-restraint, but checked you out like a big piece of eye candy.
Nikki: "Damn, check you out, handsome."
Jonesy: "Dude, seriously? What'd you have to do to get a bod like that?"
Y/N: "I didn't slack off while I was away in the States, you know." *puts shirt back on* "You're looking at the retired, undefeated high school Taekwando and Boxing champion."
Jude: "Dude, that is so hardcore!"
Jen: *shaking off the afterglow* "A-Anyways, you ready for the audition?"
Caitlin: "Oh, I am so ready! Check out these killer dance moves!"
She comes out of the Big Squeeze and struts her... dancing skills. Or in this case, lack thereof.
Nikki: *whispering* "Is anyone gonna tell her she can't dance?"
Jonesy: "Just keep her away from me. I don't wanna be the next panda on a stretcher."
Y/N: "You and me both, pal."
A few seconds later, she finishes.
Caitlin: "So what do you think?"
Wyatt: "There are no words to describe how bad that was."
Y/N: "If you want some constructive critisism, your body had no rhythm and you were busting them out a bit stiff. Learn to loosen yourself up and feel the beat and the rhythm of the music."
Caitlin: "Oh."
Jen: "Don't worry, Cait. With a little more practice, you'll be great."
Caitlin: "You have a great chance, too, Jen."
Jen: "I hope so. I've had a massive crush on Jason since 9th grade. I might get to meet him person."
Y/N: *thinks, deadpanned* "Oh joy, like I didn't see that coming."
The girls let out one last shriek, which made you flinch.
Y/N: *aloud, frustrated* "OKAY, I get it! Minus an eardrum! Fuck, man!"
Nikki just mimics their fangirling as a way to taunt them before shutting herself up, not giving a damn about it.
Jen: "Hey, you should audition with us, Nikki. You've got a great look."
Nikki: "Uh, I'd rather watch Pokey here hit rock bottom."
Wyatt: *pleased* "Ah, a woman with taste."
Jude: "Yeah, I was beginning to think every chick on the planet was into DawgToy."
Y/N: "My mom's not into them. Also, there are some girls out there who are more into Justin Bieber, One Direction and even Bruno Mars, and I won't lie, Bruno's awesome."
Wyatt: "For once, I'm in agreement."
Jude: "Ditto."
Jonesy: "Not gonna lie, Bruno does got the moves."
Nikki: "Yeah, well... I guess, uh... good taste comes naturally to me."
Y/N: *thinks* "She... hesitated?"
Unfortunately... Jen and Caitlin won't take "no" for an answer and they drag Nikki away.
Nikki: "Hey, what is this?"
Jen: "You're coming with us, anyway."
Caitlin: "We need the moral support."
Jen: "You coming guys."
None of them would come, except...
Y/N: *stands up* "I'm going, but only because I don't approve of you dragging Nikki off against her will." *follows them*
Wyatt: "Be careful out there, man."
Y/N: "I'll survive."
Nikki: "At least I can count on you for support."
Y/N: "You never left me hanging, I should do the same."
[At the audition]
Everyone was gathered at this massive stage, watching as a select few girls were dancing to the rhythm of the music. Jen was one of the last remaining few next to Serena and Charmaine. And when the dance is done, the crowd cheered for the girls.
Nikki: *half-excited* "Woo-hoo, go Jen!"
Caitlin: "She was amazing!" *feels jolt of pain* "Ow! I still hurt from my audition. Was I really that bad?"
Nikki: "Don't worry, I'm sure no one even saw you fall."
Spotlight guy: *walking by* "Oh man, that must've hurt. I've never seen anyone fall off the stage head first."
Y/N: "Way to rub salt in the girl's wounds, bud."
Nikki: "Look! They just eliminated everybody but Jen!"
Y/N: "Okay, good for her, now let's get outta here."
Before she could go, Nikki lets out a sneeze that shoots out her nose piercing, making it ricochet off multiple places before beaming Jen right in the butt and landing next to her.
Nikki: "My nose ring!"
Jen: *feels impact* "Ouch!" *rubs her backside*
Nikki walks over to get her nose ring.
Nikki: "Excuse me, sorry." *finds it* "There it is." *picks it up*
Host: *grins* "Now that's the look we're looking for."
Nikki: *puts nose ring back in place* "Excuse me?"
Jen: "You're excused. *whispers, taunting* She could never handle the dance steps."
Y/N: "Oh, the hell she didn't."
Nikki: "Oh, really? Maybe I will give it a try."
Host: "Alright. Let's see what you got."
The host quickly escorts Jen and himself off the stage and watches Nikki work her magic. The music starts and Nikki feels the beat and the rhythm and busts out her killer dance moves.
Y/N: "Ooh, shake what your mama gave ya, Nix."
Caitlin: "She's really good."
After her audition, the host goes over to Nikki.
Host: "Ladies and gentlemen, our new DawgToy video girl!" *gestures to Nikki, who's raising her hand in victory*
The crowd goes nuts for Nikki except for one girl.
Jen: *scoffs, pissed* "THAT TRAITOR!"
Y/N: "Well, if you wanted to keep your spot, you shouldn't have provoked her like that. *shrugs* Better luck next time, Jenny-bear-bear."
Jen: "Why you... COME HERE, YOU!!!"
And now she's chasing you while you run away, laughing.
[Later at Spin This]
Having lost the wrathful Jen, you phoned up the guys and told them you'd join them. They told you where they were and you quickly met up with them in the back room of Spin This.
Y/N: *shows up singing* "The fun has arriiiived!" *pulls an Elvis* "Thank you very much."
Jonesy: "Hey, what took you so long?"
Y/N: "I had a little "Fangirl control" problem, but it's all taken care of."
Jude: "Well, slide on over and grab a seat dude."
Y/N: "Don't mind if I do." *clillaxes with the guys*
Jonesy: *kicks back, relaxing* "Ah."
Wyatt: "Man, those DawgToy dudes are weak."
Y/N: "Tell me about it. If I have to hear one more fangirl blabber on about DawgToy, I'm gonna freaking rage flip a table."
Jonesy: "Yeah, I'm all boy-banded out. It's nice to be just kicking it, chick-free, letting it all hang out."
Jude: "I'm so glad to hear you say that, bro." *lets it rip, Wyatt laughs* "Ah yeah! I've been holding that one in all morning."
Wyatt: *laughing* "Oh gross."
Y/N: "Woo! Way to air brush those boxers!"
Jonesy: "Dude, nice one!"
All of you laugh it off before Jonesy lets one rip, making everyone crack up once more. Then you let it rip and...
Everyone laughs even harder. Despite what others may think, you still have your dark, nasty moments and you're proud of it.
Jonesy: "At least we don't have to worry about a 4th fart from Wyatt."
Wyatt: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Jonesy: "Man, your butt's so uptight, you won't even use the food court washroom. I don't think we'll be hearing from it, today."
Y/N: "Sorry, Wyatt. But he's got you there."
Jude: "No worries. Allow me" *farts*
You bust out laughing with Wyatt from that big gas bomb.
Jonesy: "Hey, no proxy farting allowed. Every man... *fart* ...for himself." *farts again*
Man these fart machines just keep going on and on and laughing it up some more.
Wyatt: "Oh, that's bad. I'm outta here."
After letting it all go, you all exited the break room of Spin This and head back into the store.
Jonesy: "You know what your problem is, bro?"
Wyatt: "What's that?"
Jonesy: "You dunno how to loosen up. Even when it's just us guys."
Wyatt: "That is not true."
Jude: *chuckles* "Is so."
Y/N: "Sorry to say this, but you're way tighter than a corset on a fat man."
Wyatt: "Oh yeah? Well..."
He tries to let one rip, but it came out short. It even made you, Jude and Jonesy facepalm yourselves.
Jonesy: "That was pathetic. Loosen up, man."
Jude: "A dude with no rear firepower is like a car with no horsepower."
Jonesy: "It's a darn shame."
Wyatt: "Alright, you want loosening up? I'll show you loosening up."
And Quiet Wyatt runs back into the break room and grabs the Pokey the Panda costume and then heads back out.
Wyatt: "Come on."
You all follow Wyatt until...
Jude: *breaking the 4th wall* "The stunts you're about to see are performed by professionals. For your safety and the protection of those around you, Pokey insists that you do not attempt any of what you're about to see."
And as a start for showing how he's loosening up, Wyatt throws the costume on himself and rushes over to the same make-out couple from previous chapters. He then pushes aside the guy and lays a big panda smooch on the guy's girlfriend. Even goes for a dip. The other people in the mall watch this and cheer for him.
Wyatt: *pulls away* "I always wanted to do that. Excellent!"
He hi-fives you and the other guys. You... You laugh at the girl's expression with her cheeks all puffed up.
Y/N: "That is one priceless look!" *laughs harder*
Jonesy: "Heck yeah! Say my name, panda!"
Sometime later, we see Jen at the food court with Caitlin, moping and fawning over her silly celebrity crush... whom she blew her chance at getting to meet.
Jen: "How could Nikki do this to me? It's just so insensitive. Besides, everyone knows she's just going to embarrass herself up there."
Caitlin then gasps as she sees you-know-who as Jen was mentioning said person.
Nikki: *clears throat* "Hey, Wyatt, Y/N, care to pull that knife out?"
Y/N: "That's what I'm here for."
Jen: "Well, you weren't even a DawgToy fan, you hate boy bands! This is my one and only chance to meet Jason!"
Nikki: "Hello, I didn't try to get chosen. You were the one who dragged me to that stupid audition, remember?"
Jen: "Wyatt, Y/N, don't you think Nikki's being a bad friend?"
Wyatt: "Oh no, leave me outta this. *walks off* I can't believe you two would fight over DawgToy, they suck."
Y/N: "The only bad friend here is the one who dragged Nikki there against her will and then questioned her dancing skills. Not my fault you can't keep your mouth shut."
Jen and Caitlin: "HEY!"
Caitlin: *comforts... the poster* "Don't listen to them, John. They're just jealous."
Y/N: "I can hear you, ya know. And what the fuck do I gotta be jealous about? I got all I could ever want right here!" *hugs Nikki with one arm*
Nikki: "Thank you, Y/N. At least someone has some common sense. You got anything else you wanna say behind my back? Because I can turn around for you."
Jen: "Nope, I'll say it your face." *glares at Nikki* "Best friends should help each other hook up with their crushes, not steal them!"
Nikki: *scoffs* "What is that, like, a rule or something?"
Jen: "Yeah, it is!"
Nikki: "You know, I was gonna give you my spot in the video, but now, I'd rather see how badly I'll embarrass myself up there."
Jen: "FINE!"
Nikki: "FINE!"
And soon, Nikki walks away and Jen turns away, pouting like a freaking grown child.
Y/N: "Sheesh, you behave like a 4-year-old who's denied their favorite toy. Kinda sad, really."
Jen: "SHUT UP!!!"
Caitlin: "So, explain this rule thing to me?"
Jen: "It's like if you scoped a perfect one-shoulder top and put it on layaway and then your best friend ran back to the store and scooped it."
Caitlin: *gasped* "Nikki scooped a scope?" *Jen nods* "Oh, I had no idea it was this serious."
Y/N: "You're making too big of a deal out of this."
Jen: "When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it, traitor!"
Y/N: "What opinion? It's a FACT! If you hadn't provoked Nikki about her dancing skills, or better yet, NOT pulled her to the audition when she clearly didn't want to go, you would've been the girl dancing with DawgToy, but here you are, throwing a hissy fit."
Jen: *in your face* "I've had a crush on Jason long before Nikki ever did and she should've known that!"
Y/N: "Don't get upset with me because you made the worst decision that cost you your chance at being with DawgToy. And EXCUSE ME if I'm so out of your league for you to be crushing on DawgToy, but at least I know how to keep it real!"
But then... she drops a bomb she would later regret.
The look on your face said it all and Caitlin let out a gasp of shock afterwards.
Caitlin: *shocked* "Jen! How could you?!"
It's only now that she realized she fucked up real bad.
Jen: *remorseful* "Oh god. Y/N I'm so sorry, I..."
Y/N: "Save it... I'm done reasoning with you." *turns away*
Jen: "Y/N, wait! Don't go!"
But when she tries to reach for you, you slap her hand away and walk off without another word.
Jen: *wracked with guilt* "What have I done?"
[Meanwhile with Wyatt and Jonesy]
Wyatt finds Jonesy chilling out by Stick-It and not doing his job like he's supposed to.
Wyatt: "Shouldn't you be out hugging kids or something?"
Jonesy: "I'm covering for Jude. He's conquering Mt. Escalator today. Pokey makes great skate padding."
Wyatt: "Huh?"
Jonesy points to the upper floor where Jude is at. Wyatt sees him in the Pokey costume, hanging from the escalator railing on his skateboard like the daredevil he is.
Jude: "Whoa-ho-ho!"
Wyatt: "What the?"
Even the kids are watching Pokey as he begins to perform something utterly dangerous and stupid.
Jude: "Prepare for panda domination!"
And down he goes on the railings zipping through the mall, wowing the kids with his mad Tony Hawk skills.
Wyatt: "Go Jude!"
Jonesy: "Nice, you're the man!"
But then, Jude soared too high and before he could go any further, he plummets straight down into the center of the Galleria fountain.
Jude: "Sweet ride."
The kids all cheered for Pokey, running up to him. The furry mascot steps out of the fountain and joins the kids until.
Yup, Ron the Rent-a-Cop is on the case.
Jude: "Uh-oh. Come on, little dudes, let's bounce."
He then brings the kids with him and runs off just as Ron shows up by the fountain.
Ron: *in his walkie-talkie* "Dispatch, we have a 519 in progress in the main fountain area, we are in pursuit. Your furry butt is mine, Pokey."
[Back on the stage]
The host is watching Nikki strut her stuff to the beat, getting in some last-minute practice for the big event. Jen and Caitlin are watching from afar and right now, whether she likes it or not, her mind is not centered on how to stop Nikki from dancing.
Jen: *groans* "She's gonna kill me. How am I gonna explain to Nikki what I said to Y/N?"
Host: "Well, the guys should be here any minute."
Nikki: "Cool, whatever."
Jen: "I'm not sure if I can do this."
Caitlin: "Jen, eventually she's gonna find out."
Jen: "I know. I just..."
Host: "A bit nervous, huh?"
Nikki: "Nah, I better get to work, though." *walks off*
Jen: *sighs* "I might as well get it over with. If I'm not back, tell Y/N I'll miss him." *walks off*
[At the Khaki Barn]
Two of the three clones notice Nikki coming back from her long, overused break.
Kirsten: *scoffs* "I don't suppose you feel like working today, do you, Nikki?"
Nikki: "Drop dead."
And she just walks by casually, not caring. And no sooner afterwards, Jen and Caitlin show up.
Jen: "Did you see where Nikki went?"
Kirsten: "Excuse me, do you see "Nikki-sitter" written somewhere?"
Caitlin: "No, *gasps* ooh, but that would be so cute."
Jen: *sees Nikki* "Nikki, we need to talk. Look, I know you're still probably mad at me about the whole DawgToy bit, but that's not what I wanna talk to you about right now."
Kirsten: *astonished* "She's in a video?"
Caitlin: "Nikki got cast instead of Jen and scooped Jen's big chance to meet her crush, Jason." *Kirsten gasps* "She scooped her scope."
Nikki: "I don't got time, I'm gonna be late."
She then hauls her backpack on, but the bottom rips open and all of her contents fall out.
Jen: "Huh?" *picks up stuff*
Nikki: *alarmed, gasps* "Leave it! I'll get that!"
But it's too late, Jen finds out the big mystery.
Jen: "The Best of DawgToy? Woof, Baby, Woof an Autobiography?" *gasps*
The other girls gasp as well. And then... the big one. Jen finds the exact same DawgToy poster rolled up inside her backpack. And she then jumps to one conclusion.
Jen: *gasps* "You're a closet DawgToy fan!"
Kirsten: "No, she's like a DawgToy groupie!"
Nikki: *embarrassed* "STOP! IT'S... IT'S TOO HUMILIATING!"
Caitlin: "Admit it! You love DawgToy!"
Nikki: *caves in* "Okay! Okay! I...I-I I love them! I do."
Jen: "So that's why you didn't want to give up being in the video. Well why didn't you just tell us?"
Nikki: "Could you... keep it down? It's bad enough that hairy lip over there knows." *points to Kirsten*
Said girl gasped and covered her lip before walking away.
Nikki: "I was too embarrassed, okay? I... I tried to stop listening to their CDs, but... I can't help it! *dreamily* When Jason tilts his head to the side and... and bats his eyelashes, I just..."
Jen and Caitlin: *dreamily* "Melt?"
Nikki: *sighs* "So, now you know my deepest and darkest secret. And now, I have to kill you."
Jen: "Umm... Nikki, you might feel like killing me for another reason, but, I have to tell you."
Nikki: "What?"
Jen hesitated at first, but then she whispered to Nikki everything that happened after she left the food court. She told her everything she said to you and how you reacted. And now...
Nikki: *spiteful* "You're gonna make it up to him and you are gonna take back what you said!"
Jen: "I know, but he won't speak to me! I even tried to ring him up, but he's not answering any of my calls. *looks down* Maybe, I deserve this for being the worst girlfriend ever."
Nikki: "Alright, if he's not gonna listen, then I'll find a way to draw him out."
Caitlin: "How?"
Nikki: "Just leave it all to me."
[Meanwhile with you]
You're not in any of the stores, just walking around the mall, listening to your music and minding your own business. But for obvious reasons, they don't seem to be help out.
Y/N: *quiet growl* "Fuck, man. Screw this." *puts away MP3 player*
With a sigh, you keep walking around until these many fangirls rush past you, probably to see the DawgToy concert.
Y/N: "Hey, watch it! Watch it!" *one bumps into him, but keeps running* "OOF! Watch it! Keep your goo-goo eyes on--"
Once fangirl tramples over him on their way to the concert.
Y/N: "That's it! Next time I drive." *gets up*
After that incident, you brush it off and continue on your way, until suddenly you hear over the loud speaker...
???: "Alright, before we get on with the show, this first cover song is a special request from a fan who wishes to convey a message to someone she hurt and wants to make it up to him."
Y/N: "The fuck?"
You thought that was strange, then as if things weren't even stranger, DawgToy starts playing this song all over the mall.
While it's playing, you make your way down to the bottom floor where the boy band is likely performing at. You are currently riding down one of the escalators. Then, reaching the bottom, you walk in the direction of where the boy band is currently at.
Little did you know, there was an even bigger surprise all set up for you, courtesy of one sassy Vixen... and a ginger-haired beauty.
Moments later, you make it to the area where DawgToy is performing and as soon as they see you, the camera crew aims their cameras at you and on another person. You stood there at a far distance from the stage while Jen stood just a few inches away from the stage. Her eyes were set on you, never looking away.
There's no way she could've set all this up on her own, but it came as a surprise that she'd do all of this... just for you. You knew this song was directed towards you. You find yourself unable to look away from Jen, who's still looking back, shedding tears of remorse, guilt and sadness, clearly sorry for what she said.
You couldn't find the strength to speak. Like a lump has formed in your throat and your heart was racing a thousand miles. Your mouth is slightly open, but nothing is coming out. All that you could muster... was a single tear that ran down from your eye and down your cheek.
Before you knew it, your body moved on its own, walking straight towards Jen and she walked towards you as well. Everything around you seemed to fade into the background and all you could focus on... was her and somehow, she might be thinking the same.
Eventually, the two of you were now just inches away from each other and you could tell she was still crying. No words were said, she merely put a hand on your chest before wrapping her arms around you, sobbing quietly onto your chest, getting your shirt dirty. But somehow... it didn't bother you one single bit.
In that moment... you embraced her as well, closing your eyes, letting a few of your own tears run down your face.
As the song was coming to an end, you make her look into your eyes and then pull her into a long, passionate kiss. The music ends and the crowd cheers for the two of you. After about 15 seconds of smooch city, you pull away for air.
Jen: "Y/N... I'm so... so sorry. I feel just awful for the things I said and the way I hurt you. Can you ever forgive me?"
Y/N: "Jen... as much as it hurt when you said those things... I just can't stay mad at you forever. Come here."
The two of you hug one last time and she cries a little bit more, this time with some added tears of joy.
Jen: *quietly, in your ear* "I'm so sorry, baby! I'm sorry! I love you!"
Y/N: "I love you too, babe. It's all good now."
Jason: *on the mic* "So, champ. You and your girlfriend good now?"
Y/N: *looks at DawgToy* "You bet we are."
The crowd claps happily now that you and Jen have made up. You share one last peck on the lips with her and soon, the real concert begins and Jen enjoys it to the fullest with the girls.
[After the concert]
The fangirls are going wild after DawgToy's amazing concert. And as an added bonus, Nikki took Jen and Caitlin... and surprisingly roped you into seeing them.
Jen: *rushes to Jason* "Jason! I am so your biggest fan!"
Caitlin: *to John* "You guys are so... so... *shrieks happily* "You're really DawgToy!"
Jen: "Hey, listen... thanks for helping me patch things up with my boyfriend."
Jason: "Hey, no problem."
Jen: "By the way, is it okay if I touch you?"
Jason: "Sure."
She feels him and she squeals.
Jen: *to Nikki* "He even feels cute!" *pulls you and Nikki in*
Nikki: *nervous* "Uh, hi. So, umm... could... could you sign my Jason doll?"
Jason: "For you, anything." *he signs it, then gives it back* "There you go." *turns to you* "So, what about you, what'd you think of the concert?"
Y/N: "To be honest, it was okay. I got nothing against DawgToy, it's just not my kind of music... but I do respect you guys for your hard work and for what you did for me and Jen."
Jason: "No problem. You take care, man." *fists bumps you*
Y/N: "You too."
After that, the band heads off and the girls giggle with glee now that things ended on a good note for everyone.
Nikki: "Okay, if you tell anyone about this, you're dead." *to Jen* "And watch what you say to Y/N next time."
Jen: "I promise."
Then, the four of you heard the guys laughing and you look over.
Wyatt: "Some of the audition clips made it onto the video. Check it out."
The guys watch as they see Caitlin's audition video. And so far she wasn't too doing half bad... until she stepped too close to the edge and fell off the stage.
Jude: "Duuuude. That must've been embarrassing."
Y/N: "Ouch! I still ache just from watching that."
Caitlin: *embarrassed, to Jonesy* "Can I borrow your costume tomorrow? I don't think I can show my face around here for a while."
Jonesy: "Wish I could, but I got fired for being a bad role model for kids. Go figure."
Y/N: *dramatically* "You don't say!"
Jonesy: "Go ahead. Laugh it up." *sees Nikki's doll* "Hey, what's that in your hand."
Y/N: "I'll read it." *yanks doll away from Nikki*
Nikki: "Hey! Give that back!"
Y/N: *reads autographed doll* "To Nikki, with love... from Jason."
Jonesy: *amused* "From "Jason?" DawgToy Jason? Well, well, welly-well-well! Isn't that cute? And here we thought you had such good taste."
Nikki: "Gimme that back!"
Y/N: "Of course you can have it, it's yours." *hands it back*
Nikki: "Uh... you're not upset?"
Y/N: "Nikki, I don't care if you like DawgToy. Everyone has a band or singer they're crazy over. If you like 'em so much, go for it."
Nikki: "Then why were you making a fuss about DawgToy earlier with Jen and Caitlin."
Y/N: "I only have issues when DawgToy's brought up over and over and over again, about how they're so "cute" and "hot stuff" and all that nonsense, it gives me a headache.
Jen: "Did you ever have a crush on a singer."
Y/N: "Used to... Her name was Lindee Link."
Caitlin: "Used to?"
Y/N: "She broke my heart when I saw that she got married. I stopped listening to her music altogether and moved on."
Nikki: "Sorry to hear that. But hey, least you got us."
Y/N: "Yeah... you girls are a total upgrade. Come here."
Nikki, Jen and Caitlin all group-hugged you while the guys just watched, not bothered by your heart-warming moment... especially Jonesy. Guess even he's growing up a little himself.
[A/N: And there you have it. I've been meaning to get to this chapter for a while and I am SO GLAD that I did and it was worth all the hard work just to get this one published. Be sure to look out for the next chapter of this story and remember... STAY TUNED!!!]
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