The Fake Date

We turn our attention to you, as you're going through the inventory, you suddenly get tapped on the shoulder.

Y/N: *turns around* "Yes? Can I help... you?"

You blink in surprise to find a beautiful girl standing there and boy, is she one hell of a knockout.

Jill: "Hi there, can you help me with something?"

Y/N: "Sure, what'd you need?" *thinks* "Holy cow, she's cute! WAIT! Shut the fuck up, you're already with Nikki and... well Jen and Caitlin, even though those two swoon over boys. But keep it together, Y/N, you're not as weak-willed as they are!"

Jill: "Well, I'm looking for a couple of games for my boyfriend. He's a huge fan of Spider-Man, do you have any?"

Y/N: *thinks* "Oh, thank god! My job just got easier." *aloud* "As a matter of fact, you've come to the right place. We have a Spider-Man trilogy for the PS5, starting with the first Marvel Spider-Man game which was released back in 2018, then we have Spider-Man: Miles Morales and finally, our latest and hottest game, Spider-Man 2."

Jill: "Wow! He's actually gonna love these! But, why are there two different Spider-Men?"

Y/N: "Because this one..." *points to Morales* " bit by accident by a different radioactive spider than the original. But it's a good thing since later on as the games progress, the villains grow stronger in numbers and become more deadly, so it's gonna take not just one, but two Spider-Men to protect New York."

Jill: "Sounds tough."

Y/N: "It is. So, shall we ring these up?"

Jill: "Yes, lets."

And so you escort the girl to the counter and ring up the total cost of the entire Spidey trilogy before wishing her a nice day. You sigh in satisfaction after another job well done.

Boss: *teasingly* "And here I thought you'd ask for her number."

Y/N: "1, I already have... a girlfriend. 2, she's already got a boyfriend and 3, even if she was single, I'd never turn my back on my girl, that's not how I roll, my friend."

Boss: "I like that. Good thinking."

[Moments later...]

After hours of working your ass off, you finally catch a break and meet up with your friends over by the food court. Once there, you notice Jonesy on a laptop, typing down something.

Nikki: *showing up* "Huh, is that actually text on his screen?"

Caitlin: "Yeah, he's writing a guide on how to score chicks for guys that suck at scoring chicks."

Nikki: "Isn't that kinda like the pot calling the kettle black?"

Caitlin just stares blankly, confused.

Nikki: "Oh, forget it." *sarcastically to Jonesy* "So, what inspired this bout of literary genius?"

Jonesy: "My new job at Booktropolis. You should see some of the books in there, what a rip-off! The Cat in the Hat, please! It only took me 20 minutes to read that one!"

Nikki: "That's because it's a children's book."

Y/N: "I read that old children's book back when I was still barely able to speak properly."

Jonesy: "Yeah, well if people will buy a book about a cat who's wearing a hat, and by the way, they don't, then this will be a best seller."

Nikki: *sarcastically* "Oh, I'm sure."

Jonesy: "Check it out, Chapter 4: Avoiding The Parents!"

Nikki: "Check it out, Chapter 5: Avoiding The Author!"

Y/N: "Personally, I prefer Stephen King's stories. They're a heck of a page turner, those books."

Nikki: "Uh... but he writes fictional horror stories."

Y/N: "Well, who doesn't love a good scare?"

Nikki: "Good point."

Caitlin: "Not me, horror movies scare me. *sees Jen* "Hey, Penalty Box girl, who's getting a major for hooking a babe?"

Jen: *sits down* "Not me. I just wanna get that guy outta my head, it's so frustrating!"

Y/N: "Is it Corey Halder again?"

Jen: "No, some new guy named... Charlie Dobbs."

Caitlin: "He's a total knockout."

Nikki & Jonesy: "CAITLIN!"

Caitlin: *realizes* "Oops, I-I mean... he's some guy that works with Jen at the Penalty Box. And she told me she doesn't want anything to do with him, but he keeps flooding her mind."

Y/N: "Ah, so she's finally resisting, huh?"

Jonesy: "Common problem. Chapter one of my book: Making The First Move."

Nikki: "Don't go there."

Jen: *to Jonesy* "You're writing a book?"

Nikki: "She went there."

Jonesy: "Yes, as a matter of fact, and it doesn't matter whether you're a guy or a chick, you always have to make the first move."

Y/N: "Boy, are you trying to tell her to go and flirt with this guy when she's CLEARLY trying to block him out?"

Jonesy: "Trust me, if you wanna get this guy's attention, I can help you."

Jen: "I don't want his attention, I want to stop thinking about him because I've got Y/N in my life and I'm tired of screwing up as a girlfriend, especially after all the good he's done for me and everyone else and plus... *pulls out music box necklace* I don't feel so simple and clean if I backstabbed Y/N like I have in the past."

She even makes her point clear as she opens the necklace up and the music box inside starts playing the song.

Y/N: *thinks* "Well... props to the lady for finally putting up a decent fight against her hormones like that."

Nikki: "Then go out on a date with Y/N, do something fun with him, something that'll take your mind off this Charlie guy completely. You know Y/N has ways of making things fun, so just have a fun time with him and just pretend that this Charlie guy isn't there."

Jonesy: "Wouldn't you rather be more attracted to a guy who knows just what to say to the ladies?"

Nikki: "Tch, no one's better than Y/N. Besides, remember that time when you got slapped by Charmaine at Grind Me? She wound up falling for Y/N because he was a more mature and he risked his neck to save her during the Lime Party incident."

Jonesy: "Okay, so Y/N has a way with words. Big deal, he probably just got lucky, I was only going easy on him."

Nikki: "Oh really? Hey, Y/N, what do you think about us?"

Y/N: "Well, Nix... You're a sassy vixen who's brutally honest and that's what I find attractive about you most of the time. You're also funny and you don't take any sort of bullshit. That's a plus."

Nikki: "And that'll get you a special reward later."

Y/N: *nods* "Jen, you're strong, independent, well-organized and got mad skills in sports and video games. I could definitely chill with you anytime you're available."

Jen: "Awww, thank you."

Y/N: "Yup. And Caitlin, you're like a precious little peach, because you're sweet and you make me my heart melt. On top of that, you've got a keen eye for fashion, my little peach blossom."

Caitlin: *giggles* "Thanks, handsome." *batts eyes flirtingly*

Jen: "It's settled. Y/N, think you can go out with me?"

Y/N: "It would be my pleasure. So, how do you want me to get this guy out of your head, Jen?"

Jen: "Simple... the Penalty Box is having a Staff Party tomorrow and I want you to be my date. My actual date."

Y/N: "You're in luck... My mom's gonna be out drinking with her friends and my brother's gonna be spending time with his dad. So that means I'll be there tomorrow will bells on."

Jen: "That's great!"

Caitlin: "This definitely works out better than plan B."

Y/N: "What's plan B?"

Caitlin: "Finding Jen a fake date to take with her to the party."

Y/N: "...Yeah, that would've been like finding a needle in a haystack since Jen has some very high standards, actually."

Jonesy: *defeated* "This is gonna make a very awkward, painful chapter in my book."

Nikki: "Aww, there, there, I'm sure all the chapters in your book will be awkward and painful."

You, along with Jen and Caitlin laughed it off.

Jonesy: "This reminds of that movie, Kung-fu Cop Partners, "you just picked the wrong guy."

Nikki: "No, idiot, he said, "You just kicked the thong guy."

Jonesy: "No, I saw the movie and he said "You picked the wrong guy."

Nikki: "I saw the movie, too and he said "You kicked the thong guy!"

Y/N: "He definitely said "You kicked the thong guy."

Nikki: "See? Even Y/N knows his movies!"

Wyatt: "Well, I saw the movie and he said "Get a life!"

Y/N: "Not my fault Jonesy has bad memory as well as L Rizz."

[Timeskip because REASONS!!!]

It is now the night of the staff party at the Penalty Box and you have arrived with your date and Caitlin decided to tag along. And to make sure you look good, you wore a suit.

Caitlin: "It's zero hour and you two look great! Have fun. Oh wait!" 

Cait then puts on the finishing touches on Jen's cheeks using a little bit of make-up she brought.

Caitlin: "Perfect."

Y/N: "Thanks, Cait. *to Jen* "Shall we have a good time?"

Jen: "Let's." *clings to you*

You both walk into the party and are about to start off with some punch, then greeted by Jen's boss, Coach Halder.

Halder: "Masterson!" *taps her on the back*

Jen: "Hi, coach Halder. How've you been lately?"

Halder: "Fine, thank you. And hey, I know you, young man!"

Y/N: "And I see you're staying in fine shape, Coach. This party's pretty cool, but what's way cooler is my girl." *hugs Jen close*

Jen: *giggles* "Stop, you're making me blush."

Halder: "Well, Masterson, you've got one hell of a winner there, that's for sure, so carry on!" *walks off*

Y/N: "So, how shall we enjoy our night?"

Jen: "Could you get us some hors d'oeurves?"

Y/N: "Sure thing. Let's see what kind of grub they got here."

While you two are getting some grub, Caitlin noticed a familiar face at the party, managing the DJ booth.

Caitlin: "Wyatt! How'd you score this gig?"

Wyatt: "The guy they had lined up got food poisoning. How'd you get in?"

Caitlin: "It's called the Little Squeeze."

She gestures to the little lemonade stand on wheels.

Caitlin: "We use it for private parties, I just told the guy at the door and Coach Halder hired me. How's Jen doing?"

Wyatt: "I think she's doing alright. Have a look."

She looks over and sees you and Jen having some delicious food and drinks, enjoying each other's company.

Y/N: "The thing is... it's hard for me to aim with two hands when it comes to basketball."

Jen: "Where'd you even come up with the idea to even shoot the ball with only one hand?"

Y/N: "Ever heard of the series, Death Note?" *she shakes her head* "Well, it's a series about a guy who finds a notebook that can kill people just by writing their names in it. In the live-action version, it shows a scene with the main character playing basketball with his college friends and he makes the winning shot in their short game by throwing the ball with one hand... which is where I picked it up."

Jen: "That's why you use only one hand?"

Y/N: "Well, for some reason, I aim better with one hand, even if some deem it a little unorthodox and sloppy."

Jen: "Maybe... but if it works for you, don't feel ashamed."

Y/N: "Thanks, babe."

Jen: "Oh! By the way, have you seen that one movie, Cabin in the Woods, by any chance?"

Y/N: "Sure have, it's like wicked hardcore!"

Jen: "I know, right? Hey, you know, since we're here at the party, how's about you and I have a little dance together?"

Y/N: "Sure, just let me go check with the DJ, see if they can throw down some good beats."

Jen pecks you on the cheek and you head off to the DJ where Wyatt's stationed at... along with Charlie Dobbs.

Charlie: "Have you got any Justin Timberlake?"

Wyatt: *snickers* "Sorry, dude. I'm fresh out."

Y/N: "I got a Justin Timberlake song you can play."

Wyatt: "You do?"

Y/N: "Yeah. My girlfriend's in a dancing mood, so why not play this song for her so we can get our boogie on?" *shows song on phone*

Wyatt: "Well, alright."

Charlie: "You must be one lucky guy. Who's your girlfriend?"

Y/N: "Her name's Jen. She works here at the Penalty Box and I work at the Gamestop on the 2nd floor of the mall."

Charlie: "Wait, Gamestop? Here?" *you nod* "What a coincidence, my girlfriend just paid a visit to that store not too long ago."

Y/N: *blinks in surprise* "Uh... just out of curiosity, did she have a pink shirt on, peach-colored skin and long, raven black hair and wore this kind of necklace?"

Charlie: "Hey, yeah! That's her. Her name's Jill!"

Y/N: *snaps finger, flashes thumbs up* "Man, you are one lucky boy to have her in your life, just as I'm lucky to have Jen."

Charlie: "Amen to that."

The two of you fist bump each other before you head back to your girlfriend just as the song is about to play.

Y/N: "Sorry I'm late. Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Jen: "No worries. I saw you talking to Charlie. Do you know him?"

Y/N: "Not directly. But I have met his girlfriend yesterday."

Jen: *blinks in surprise* "Wait, he's got a girlfriend?"

Y/N: "Yeah, her name's Jill. I met her when I was working. She wanted to buy some games for Charlie as a present. Apparently, Charlie's a big fan of a certain friendly neighborhood wall-crawling superhero and I sold her 3 of the best games."

Jen: "Wow... I can't believe I didn't know about him having a girlfriend... although, now that you mention it, I did almost try to ask him out for coffee, to which he replied "But." I'm guessing he was gonna tell me he had a girlfriend before I cut him off."

Y/N: "Heh... Jen, you like 'em too pretty."

Jen: "I know, I'm sorry."

Y/N: "Hey, you still scored major points wanting to get him outta your head, well... now that won't be a problem."

The moment you hear the song playing over the speaker, you and Jen look at each other and you take her hand.

Y/N: "May I have this dance, m'lady?"

Jen: *swooning* "You may."

The two of you then enjoy your time dancing to the sweet beats of the song and Jen clings to you as you dance elegantly with her. Her bright smile and slightly half-lidded eyes were so hypnotic and lovely, you couldn't get enough of her.

You give her smooth, long hair a good stroking  with the back of your fingers and in turn, she buries her face into your chest. The way you two were dancing was gathering the attention of her co-workers and your friends, all watching with smiles galore.

Jen, lost in her own thoughts, began to reminisce about the days you and her would have the best fun of your lives when you were kids, like going to the skate park, playing hide and seek at your homes or at the park, roleplaying as superheroes and all that kid stuff.

And then the one memory she hated the most when you were all 10 years old and had to leave with your mom to the states. Back then, Jen and Nikki just wouldn't stop crying, nor would they ever let go of you when they hugged you so tightly, almost sufficating you. Then, before you left, Jen gave you one last peck on the cheek, telling you she'll wait for you to come back, no matter how long it takes.

With those last thoughts, she looks back up at you, gazing into that warm, handsome smile of yours, almost like you were glistening and she brings a hand up to your cheek, softly and lovingly stroking it and whispers to you in a heartfelt way...

Jen: "I love you so much."

Y/N: "I love you too, babe."

In that moment you bring her in and share a tender, passionate kiss with your girl, which the guests reacted with "aww."

Jen had screwed up in recent times when it came to being your girlfriend, but tonight, after so many screw-ups, she's finally making an effort to see what's truly important to her. And for the icing on the cake, Jen wraps her arms around your neck, deepening the smooch.

It lasts for a good 5 minutes before the two of you break for air and continue to look into each other's eyes, smiling.

Y/N: "Having fun, love?"

Jen: "With you? Always."

[music stops]

[A/N: In canon, Jen tried to get Charlie's attention by fake dating Jude, but things ended badly, so I decided to change the whole scenario where Jen actually tried to forget about Charlie and focus all her attention on having fun with her REAL boyfriend. Also, I left out the Jonesy and Nikki scene because it plays out pretty much the same as it did in canon, just so you know.]

Some time later after the party's end, everyone is seen hanging around at the food court and Jonesy's buried in his laptop again.

Jonesy: "I'm almost finished with the last chapter of my book. It's where I save our lives in the elevator."

Nikki: "Do not put me in your stupid book. In fact, why don't you try reading some books on the job instead of jumping right to writing one?"

Jonesy: "Can't. Got fired."

Y/N: "You don't say?"

Jonesy: "But, don't worry, you come off looking like a complete babe."

Nikki: "Oh, well, in that case, carry on, Shakespeare."

Jen: "Y/N, thanks for coming with me last night. I really needed that and you know, I feel lucky dating the hottest guy."

Jonesy: "Hey, second hottest."

Nikki: "No, Y/N is definitely the #1 hottest."

Y/N: "Whereas you... with your personality... you're in dead last."

Jonesy: "See now, that was just cold."

Y/N: "Well, learn to shape up your lousy personality and maybe you'll get some girls flocking over to you. And speaking of cold, I could go for a nice cold can of soda."

Jen: "I'll get you one. My treat." *pecks your cheek* "Handsome."

And there she goes. You sigh and kick back while the others have a small laugh out of that.

Nikki: "Face it, Y/N. You just hit the jackpot."

Y/N: "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

[A/N: And that's another chapter done and done right and there'll be more chapters to come in the future. The excitement is building up more, so now... STAY TUNED!!!]

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