The (Almost) Graduate
We join our music-talented boi, Wyatt as he's shelving CDs at Spin This. Just then, Y/N and Jude come up to him, the latter eating a taco.
Jude: "Dude, whatcha stockin'?"
Wyatt: *reads back of CD case* "A Sonic, Whirling Assault, Lashing The Ear With its Wailing, Teenage Angst-driven Fury."
Y/N: "Sounds like a mouthful if you ask me."
Jude: "Whoa. Is that good?"
Wyatt: "Who knows? I'm too scared to listen to it."
Serena: "Hey Wyatt." *he drops CDs in shock* "What's the name of that new album that you were playing last night?"
Wyatt: "Back Off My Chow. By DawgToy."
Y/N: *does The Rock eyebrow taunt* "Excuse me?"
Serena: "Oh, right. Thanks. No tacos allowed in the store, Jude."
Jude: *eats taco in one bite* "What taco?"
Y/N: "Dude... *chuckles* ...that shit's gonna hurt when it comes out the back door later on."
Serena: *chuckling* "Nice. Very nice."
Wyatt smiles as she leaves and bends down to pick up the dropped cases.
Jude: "Dude, are you all right?"
Wyatt: "Of–of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
Jude: "Every time that Serena chick shows up, you do something stupid."
Y/N: "That's because he has the hots for Serena, Jude."
Wyatt: "I do not."
Serena: *coming back with a CD* "Hey, I found it."
Wyatt, the little romeo, drops the cases yet again right before Serena takes her leave yet again.
Jude: "Like that?"
Wyatt: "Alright, so, I really like her. I mean, you know, we've gone out for coffee a couple times, and then there was Valentine's Day...but she's a year older than me."
Y/N: "Wyatt, you're 18 years old. Technically, by law, you're already considered an adult."
Jude: "Yeah, dude, what are you waiting for? Go and ask her out again."
Wyatt: "I dunno. Maybe those were like pity dates. Not even dates, more like pity coffee! I think she's way out of my league!"
Y/N: "You see? This is your one big weakness, Wyatt. You need to have a little more confidence in yourself when it comes to asking ladies on a date. And I don't mean you should "pull a Jonesy," I mean, you should work your own charm and have some more courage.
Wyatt: "That's easy for you to say! You have girls swooning over you and you already have 3 girlfriends by your side! Even though two of them can't stop swooning over other guys."
Y/N: "True, but in your case, this is just one girl. You gotta grow some cojones and show her that you're boyfriend material."
Wyatt: *gradually grows anxious* "I, uh... I... I'm not too sure. I mean, what if she has other plans? What if I'm not good enough for her?"
Jude: "Dude, you're wigging out. You've just gotta show her you can be mature and refined too."
Wyatt: "This coming from a guy who threw up in his girlfriend's mouth."
Y/N: "First off, that's a low blow. Second, at least Jude went for it when he tried to kiss Starr. And third and foremost, I talked it over with Starr and convinced her to give Jude another chance, explaining what happened that caused this... unfortunate accident.
Jude: "You did?!"
Y/N: "Yeah, man."
Jude: *pleased* "Duuude!"
Y/N: "Juuuude."
You and your skater bro share a fist bump.
[Back at the food court]
We join our favorite lemonhead, Caitlin, at the Big Squeeze. The shop-a-holic appears to be talking on the phone and she looks very happy. I wonder why, though.
Caitlin: "No way! Duh! I am so there! Are you crazy? It's only the opportunity of a lifetime! Later!" *hangs up, sees Jonesy walk up.* "Hey! I have the best news! You are looking at the soon-to-be newest Greeter Goddess at Albatross & Finch!"
Jonesy: "Nice! So they hired you."
Caitlin: "Oh no, not yet. You have to go through a very rigorous interview process. It starts today."
Jonesy: "Aren't the staff there a bit stuck up?"
Enter... YOU!
Y/N: *walks up* "Stuck up? That's putting it mildly. They're the snobbiest motherfucking assholes on the planet. When they see things not to their liking, they always say, and I quote "It's an image thing, you understand." FEH! Bunch of shitlords with too much money in their ears with no common "cents."
Jonesy: "Hah! Good one."
Caitlin: "Sure, but wouldn't you be? It's like the best job in the mall."
Jonesy: *considering* "Really? Well, as long as you're still schlepping lemons, slide me a large swirly."
Caitlin: "You only order those when you get fired or dumped."
Jonesy: "I got fired from Engrave This. 'Cause my spelling sucks!
Y/N: *gasps* "YOU DON'T SAY!"
Jonesy: *annoyed* Dude, seriously, do you EVER get tired of using that line?"
Y/N: "NOPE!!! You keep getting canned, the line's gonna keep comin' back to haunt you!"
Jonesy: "Ugh, whatever. Did you know there was a t in Christmas?"
Caitlin: *sits by Jonesy* "Um...yeah."
Y/N: "Everyone knows Christmas is spelled with a "t", not our fault your minds on money and women 24/7."
Jonesy: "You're way too blunt for your own good."
Y/N: *waves it off* "I try."
Jonesy: "Anyways, maybe I should come try out too. Now that I'm out of a job. Again."
Caitlin: "No offense, but I don't think you're Albatross & Finch material."
Jonesy: "Says who?"
Y/N: "Come on, even you know the answer to that."
Jonesy: "What are you getting at?"
Caitlin: "The Greeter Gods are like a secret society. They almost never let in outside members. Only legacies."
Jonesy: "Okay, what's a legacy, and why aren't I one?"
Caitlin: "It means the jobs are handed down generation to generation based on the presumption that coolness is in the genes."
Y/N: "So basically, you have to be born pretty or handsome, have lots of money and be influencial, as well as a jerk. Caitlin, I'm all for trying new things, but you have way more class than those assholes. Jonesy... well, he can be an idiotic jerk, but his looks are average at most and he's broke."
Jonesy: "Hey, I resent that!There ain't nothin' but coolness in these jeans!"
Caitlin: *sighs, rolls her eyes* "Okay, fine. Come if you want to. See you out front in an hour."
Jonesy: *licks finger, puts finger on back of his pants, makes sizzling sound* "Sss. Oh yeah."
Y/N: *rolls eyes* "Oh brother."
[Meanwhile, at the Penalty Box]
Nikki: "Hey, what's up?"
Jen: "Hey. On your break?"
Nikki: "No, just bored."
Jen: *sighs* "Me too."
Nikki: "Hey. Wanna mess with Coach Halder?"
Jen: "Definitely."
At the register, Coach Halder is helping a customer with purchasing one of two different baseball mits and the old man can't decide which one he wants to buy.
Coach Halder: "So, what's it gonna be, sport?"
Stuart Goldstein: "Well, the leather is quite nice to the touch, but then the plastic one is cheaper."
Coach Halder: "Well, you've got five seconds on the clock to make that call. Step up to the plate, mister, throw the pass, ta–"
Coach Halder taps the cash register, and it opens. Then, suddenly, a fake spider pops out and it's a HUGE one. Coach Halder and the customer scream like little girls at the sight. Jen and Nikki, on the other hand, watch this from behind a display, giggle at their reaction.
Jen: "That was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Did you hear him scream?"
Nikki: "Like a little girl!"
Jen: "Got any more ideas?"
Nikki: "Are you kidding? Okay, I'm gonna need a fishing pole, a dollar bill, and some fifty-pound line."
And so the prank-a-thon continues.
[Back at Spin This]
Jonesy and Y/N both enter the store, just in time to see passing two girls on the way in.
Jonesy: "Ladies."
Y/N: *mild bow* "Salutations."
Jude: *calling out to you two* "Hey, Jonesy! Y/N! Wyatt wants to ask Serena out, but he's scared because she's way too mature for him!"
Wyatt, on the other hand, was trying to quiet him down, like the meek and timid, little guy that he is.
Jonesy: "Dude, just take control of the situation. Show her you're a man."
Y/N: "For once, he's right, Wyatt. You can't just stand around ogling at a girl you like so much. Romance isn't a spectator sport. If watching is all you're gonna do, then you're gonna watch your chance with Serena go by without you."
Wyatt: "That's easy for you guys to say! You just don't get it. Every time I try to talk to her I–"
Jonesy: "Turn into a wuss?"
Wyatt: *looks away ashamed* "Something like that."
Y/N: "You need to stop with the excuses and grow some cojones for once in your life."
Wyatt: "Hey, I'm trying, okay? It's not my fault you guys have more self-esteem than me."
Jonesy: "Alright, I've had enough of this." *calls out loudly* "Hey Serena, could you come over here for a minute?"
Said lady easily hears and heads over to where the group is. Jonesy and Y/N pull Jude with them behind a stack.
Jude: "Hey!"
Wyatt: "What are you doing?"
Jonesy: "Here she comes. Don't. Blow it."
Y/N: "Work your Wyatt charms."
Serena: "Did you call me, Wyatt?"
Wyatt: "I, uh, I–"
Serena: "Is something wrong, Wyatt?"
Wyatt: "I... wanted to talk to you because... I–I, uh, really like you."
Both Jude and Jonesy facepalm themselves while you just sigh, shaking your heads.
Jonesy: "Aw man, he blew it!"
Jude: "Totally choked."
Y/N: "He needs some serious help."
Serena: "I like you too, Wyatt."
Wyatt: "Really? Well, now that we've been out a few times, I just wondered, if uh..."
Jonesy: *whispers to himself* "Go in for the kill!"
Jude: *also whispering "Do it, dude."
Y/N: *Thinking* "Come on, Wyatt, it's not that hard."
Wyatt: "I was wondering if you'd consider maybe, uh, being–"
Serena: "Being?"
Wyatt: "...Boyfriend and girlfriend. With me."
Serena: "Wyatt, I really like you, but–"
Jonesy and Jude: "Ough!"
Y/N: "I knew it."
Serena: "–I'm kind of older than you."
Wyatt: "Only by a year."
Serena: "I'm practically in college. I only have eight credits to go."
Wyatt: "I'm going to college too. Real soon, actually."
Serena: "I just think I'm out of my high-school-boy phase. I need a more mature guy who can understand my needs. You know? I'm sorry. Can we just be friends?"
Wyatt: "Sure. That's cool."
And there goes Wyatt's crush while the heartbroken musician looks down, discouraged and you and the other guys come out.
Jonesy: "Well that sucked."
Jude: "Crashed and burned, huh dude?"
Wyatt: "That would sum it up, yeah."
Y/N: "Wyatt, seriously... you're not gonna be able to get anywhere if you'e too timid to even assert yourself in your own way.
Jonesy: "He's right, dude. That was pathetic! 'Would you maybe consider waa waa waa?' You've gotta sell what you've got."
Jude: "Yeah, dude, you've got a good package."
Wyatt: "I think you mean I've got the whole package." *sighs disheartedly* "What's the use?"
Y/N: "No! None of that! Shame on you!" *to Jonesy* "Well, Jonesy... if we want something done right, we gotta do it ourselves."
Jonesy: "If we must, then we must!"
And so, the two boys walk off to fix the mess Wyatt left behind.
Wyatt: *sarcastically* "The poet laureate speaks."
Jonesy: *to Serena* "Hey babe."
Serena: *to you and Jonesy* "Yes?"
Y/N: "Apologies for pulling you away from your work, but my... associate and I have something to offer you."
Jonesy: "Exactly. I understand a mature woman like yourself would seek someone more refined. But you have so much to offer a young guy such as myself."
Y/N: "More like you have so much to offer any young guy."
Serena: "Oh really."
Jonesy: "Think of it! You could help nurture an unformed soul."
Serena: *sarcastically* "Oh, nurturing. Yes, that's what I wanted to do Saturday night."
Jonesy: "Why would you want some over-the-hill frat boy when you could have an adoring young stud on your arm who's at your beck and call every Saturday night?"
Y/N: "I know you have a college life and you're passionate about pursuing a career and I respect that of you. But remember, you're still young and beautiful and having a partner by your side, a young partner, but not too young, could make the journey so much more fun."
Wyatt watches, shellshocked and the sight happening before him. Jude notices and puts his hand in front of the musician's eyes.
Jude: "Look away, dude. Just look away."
Serena: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're both actually making sense."
Jonesy: "Think of us as eager little puppies. We're easily trainable."
Serena: "That's true."
Y/N: "I take it this means you're able to reconsider?"
Serena: "Yes, and I know exactly who to start with. Wyatt? I've changed my mind about us. Meet me after our shift, and we'll give it a shot, okay?"
And off she goes, leaving Wyatt speechless.
Wyatt: "Oh, yeah. Who's the man, huh?" *starts dancing*
Y/N: "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Wyatt. Now, remember, you still gotta be yourself, but show more courage, more dignity, more self-control. After all, as my uncle Eddie Jr once told me, "If you don't take care of yourself, no one's gonna do it for ya."
Wyatt: "I got this, man."
Jonesy: "Cool, dude. She wasn't my type, anyway."
Jude: "Yeah, I think she digs smart guys."
Jonesy: "Hey!"
Y/N: "What? Can't handle the truth?" *chuckles*
[Outside Albatross & Finch]
We find Caitlin waiting just outside the store for Jonesy to show up for their auditions. Seconds later, the L rizz boi arrives. And yes, even you have decided to stop by to see how things will play out for these two.
Caitlin: "Finally! Where have you been? And Y/N, don't tell me you're auditioning."
Y/N: "Hell no! I'm not into this snobbish shit."
Jonesy: "And we were scoring Wyatt a date, then the hot dog stand." *gulps it down* "Ready?" *sees mustard on shirt* "Oh! Gotcha." *cleans mustard*
Y/N: "For the record, I'm just a spectator."
Caitlin: *looking around* "This is so huge. By tomorrow, I could be just like them!"
Jonesy: "What, bored?"
Y/N: "They do look it."
Caitlin: "No, beautiful! And popular!"
Y/N: "Cait, sweetheart, you already are beautiful. And who says you need to be popular? You've got way better class than these guys."
Jonesy: *looking at a jacket* "These clothes look like someone else already wore them."
Caitlin: "Yeah, that's the idea? They're vintage wash."
Y/N: "No, that's what we call hand-me-downs. Or used clothing."
Jonesy: "Well excuse me. Just seems kinda dumb."
Caitlin: "Ssh!"
Y/N: "What? Jonesy's just speaking the truth... for once. I mean, hell, if I wanted used clothing, I'd look for some at Goodwill."
Jonesy: "Exactly what I was think–"
Caitlin: "Would you shut up? Let's just get to the auditions!"
Jonesy: *follows, mockingly* "Let's just get to the auditions!"
Y/N: "Heh... sometimes, the truth hurts."
We now see the auditions for the next greeter gods/goddesses and there is an extremely long line for it. A Greeter God unhooks the velvet rope at the front to let the next candidate in.
Blonde Greeter God: "You're up."
Darth: "This is it." *walks off*
Jonesy: "Hey, good luck, dude! I hope he takes rejection well."
Y/N: "I'm with you on that one. I feel bad for Darth. Those assholes are gonna eat the poor guy alive... and spit him back out."
Caitlin: "Okay. I've been working on my facial expressions. The bored smirk." *she shows off* "The aloof stare." *she gives another demonstration*
Jonesy: "Whoa! I felt that one."
Y/N: "So did I."
Caitlin: "Totally. And how about 'the hoodies are in the back' sneer?" *yet another demonstration*
Jonesy: "I don't get what the big deal is. I mean, it's just a store."
Y/N: "A hand-me-down store at that, dude."
OOOH!!! And the crowd gasps in horror.
Y/N: "What? Not my fault you can get hand-me-downs cheaper at Goodwill st--"
Caitlin: *covers yours and Jonesy's mouths* "They suffered a concussion recently! Skiing at Whistler."
And somehow the crowd bought it.
Y/N: "Hmm, guess people will believe anything these day--" *slapped in the face* "OOF!!! Girl, what is your problem?"
Jonesy: "Okay, that was creepy." *slapped in the body by Cait* "Ow!"
Caitlin: "Do not blow this for me!"
Y/N: "Well, excuuuuuuse me, Princess."
Jonesy: "Hey, I've got a few expressions up my sleeve, sweetheart. Check out my 'I'm hotter than you' stare." *he gives bad demonstration*
Caitlin: "It looks like you have to go to the bathroom."
Jonesy: "Yeah, I kinda do."
Y/N: "I think it's more like this." *gives a demonstration*
Aaaand just like that, all of the greeter goddesses squealed in excitement before fainting right then and there. Caitlin was a blushing mess and Jonesy... is left speechless.
Jonesy: "How... does it come so easily for him?!"
Caitlin: *swoons* "I dunno, but woo... *fans herself* He's bringing sexy back."
Y/N: "Bringing sexy back?" I don't understand what you mean, I neve even left. Unless you count my 8 year trip overseas."
It's not long before you three and everyone saw Ron dragging Darth out of the store by his cape. You knew this would happen given Darth's... situation.
Darth: "No, you don't understand! I'm a people person, a people person!"
Ron: "Please...have a little dignity, son."
The Greeter God unhooks the rope again and lets Caitlin and Jonesy go in while you stayed behind, not wanting any part of it.
Jonesy: "Gee thanks."
Y/N: "...Good luck in there, you two."
Greeter God: *to you* "Why aren't you in line?"
Y/N: "I'm not auditioning."
Greeter God: *smiles, eyeing your physique* "You're missing out if you have a healthy body like that."
Y/N: "Thanks, but no thanks. It's a "humility" thing. You understand."
The two head behind a wall, then get blindsided by a spotlight shining down on them. The two are in front of a panel of three judges.
Caitlin: "Okay, I so want to work here!"
Greeter God: "Yeah, we got that? Why?"
Caitlin: "If you have to work retail, Albatross & Finch is like the only socially acceptable store. The '94 Spring catalog changed my life."
The redhead judge whispers into the blonde's ear. Jonesy, lazily waiting, just acts like himself while he's picking lint out of his belly button.
Caitlin: "I have all of the required facial expressions. Don't ask me because I don't care." *shows it off* "You'd look fat in anything." *shows off more* "I could go in the back and check but, I won't."
And she demonstrates yet again before checking the judges if they approve of her.
Blonde Greeter God: *to Jonesy* "So, how about you?"
Jonesy: "Just got fired. Didn't have anything better to do."
Greeter Gods and Goddesses: "Hmm..."
Jonesy: "Hey, is this gonna take much longer?"
[The redhead whispers into the blonde's ear again.]
Blonde Greeter God: "That's it, wait outside."
Caitlin: *angrily whispers*"What was that? Ugh! I just hope they don't hold you against me!"
So, after the auditions finished, Jonesy and Caitlin wait outside with you while you're jamming to some tunes on your phone. Not long after, the judges come out with the final results.
Blonde Greeter God: "Okay, I'm gonna call out the names of our new Greeter Gods. If you don't hear your name, it basically means you're not cool enough."
Caitling crosses her fingers and hopes she'll get the job. You turned off your music, curious of what the result was. Sadly... luck was not on her side.
Blonde Greeter God: "Jonesy."
Everyone in the crowd gasped.
Caitlin: "What?"
Y/N: *blinks in surprise* "Say WHAAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!"
Jonesy: "Who, me? Why?"
Blonde Greeter God: "Well, you have that detached self-involved egotism that Albatross & Finch stands for."
Y/N: "So basically... you chose Jonesy because he's only thinks about himself, is that correct?"
Blonde Greeter God: *shrugs* "Pretty much, yeah."
Jonesy: "Thanks. I guess."
Y/N: *thinks* "I should be surprised, but... somehow deep down, I saw this coming."
Red-haired Greeter Goddess: *drags him in* "Welcome to our crew."
Blonde Greeter God: "Okay, that's it."
[The crowd gasps.]
Caitlin: "That's it? No, wait! I love this place I live for this place! Can I at least come on the annual ski trip?"
Red-haired Greeter Goddess: "I can't watch."
Jonesy: "She really wanted this job."
Blonde Greeter God: "Everyone wants this job. C'mon, let's get you into training."
The Greeter Gods and Goddesses move away with their new trainee, leaving Caitlin to grovel and plead in vein.
Caitlin: "No, wait! I belong here, I do!"
Darth: *comes up to her* "I feel your pain, sister. I feel your pain."
Caitlin begins to cry at the knowledge that, aesthetically, she's in the same coolness category as Darth. But just then, you chase after her and stop her just outside the store.
Y/N: "Caitlin, stop! Look, baby, look at me. Look at me."
Caitlin looks up at you with tear-filled eyes.
Y/N: "Baby, I know how much you wanted this job, but you have to understand something. They only accept narcissistic assholes and jerkwads, that's how this store operates. But you, you have way more class than them. Why? Because even if they "look" cool, they don't "act" cool. There's a big difference. And if they can't see that, then that's their problem, not yours."
Caitlin: *sniffs* "R-Really?"
Y/N: "Yeah, babe. Besides, there'll always be other job opportunities for you out there, but for now, the Big Squeeze needs you. That's where we all get to hang out during break."
Caitlin: "I guess you're right. Thanks, Y/N"
Y/N: "That's my girl. Now come here."
She shares a small kiss with you on the lips before leaving together. You dropped Caitlin off at the Big Squeeze and share one last kiss with her before heading back to work.
[At Gamestop...]
It was another boring, slow day and you boss was just chilling out behind the counter, watching one of the game trailers on the TV. You were busy in the back, checking to see which items you needed to stock.
Y/N: "You'll never guess what my friend Jonesy did."
Boss: "Jonesy? Which friend is that, again?"
Y/N: "Tall, lanky, tan skin, blue hair, full of himself, ignorant in the knowledge about ladies."
Boss: "Oh yeah, I remember now. What happened?"
Y/N: "Apparently, he got a new job. At Albatross & Finch."
Boss: "Seriously? Isn't that the store where the employees are selfish?"
Y/N: "Yeah and they're jerks. Did you know that my girlfriend, Caitlin, was auditioning to work at the store? I told her she has more class than them."
Boss: "I'll bet she does. I'm surprised that you didn't apply for a job there yourself, I mean business has been slow as of late."
Y/N: "Puh-lease. A store that prioritizes selfishness and narcisism above all else for their employees is no job worth applying. But if I were to do apply for a 2nd job, I'd apply for a position at El Sporto."
Boss: "Well, no one's stopping you from doing so. Business isn't always gonna be booming, so you might wanna apply to a 2nd one while the getting's good."
Y/N: "I suppose. But I'll do it once my shift ends. I'm still on the clock and you've basically been fair to be since I got hired here."
Boss: "Alright, but just don't forget what I told ya."
Y/N: "I won't."
Truth be told, the man had a point. Gamestop's been having on and off days and it's only a matter of time before you'd have to resign and possibly consider a different job.
[some time later...]
It was now the start of your lunch break and you're now back at the food court and see everyone, but Jonesy, altogether.
Y/N: "Yo, what's going on guys?"
Nikki: "Hey, babe. Cait told us about her failed audition at Albatross & Finch and how Jonesy was picked instead of her."
Y/N: "Oh yeah. I'm still surprised that Jonesy got hired. Oh wait! No, I'm not, considering the nature of the store employees... and regarding Jonesy's personality."
Jen: "Somehow... it makes total sense. But anyways, we're here to talk to Caitlin. Wyatt's looking for some romance advise."
Y/N: "Not a bad choice, though I'm curious of why he's not asking you or Nikki about it."
Wyatt: "Because the woman I like is an older woman and I need to learn to act mature."
Y/N: "Dude, she's only 1 year older than you. There's not much difference in your age."
Wyatt: "Maybe not to you, but is to me!"
Y/N: "Fine, 'scuse me for trying to help."
Caitlin: "And I'm the only person in the whole world who could help you?"
Wyatt: "Look who I have to choose from."
Jen: "Hey!" *smacks him with rolled-up catalog*
Caitlin: "I guess I could help then."
Wyatt: "Thank you."
[Some time later...]
You're strolling through the mall, checking the time on your phone and are about to pass Albatross & Finch.
Y/N: "Hmm... I've got about 10 minutes left 'til my break's over, maybe I can check on Jonesy."
You enter the establishment, ignoring the other Greeter Gods and Goddesses and instantly find Jonesy... shirtless. Seems like he's doing alright if he's getting checked out by ladies.
Jonesy: "Oh, yeah. This job rocks."
Customer: *approaches Jonesy* "Those pants are so cool!"
Jonesy: "Pulverized Low-Slung Camping Shorts. Sizes 30 through 38, back of the store."
Carson: "Thanks, dude!" *walks off*
Jonesy: "I am so good at this!"
Y/N: *watching from afar* "Hmm... not bad. Aaaand here comes one of his co-workers."
You didn't trust this greeter god, or any of the others, so you might as well browse incognito... while gathering intel. With your phone out, you hit the record button.
Blonde Greeter God: *to Jonesy* "Yo, new guy. It's our policy to ignore customers outright."
Jonesy: "How will they find what they're looking for?"
Blonde Greeter God: *walks off* "That's not our problem."
Jonesy: "This place is so stupid." *sees Jill walk by* "Then again..."
Y/N: "Psh, if this is how they do business, this place needs some major adjustments... but right now, duty calls."
You left the store and decided to be on your way back to work, passing by El Sporto where Wyatt and Serena are having their "mature" date.
Y/N: "Hmm... well, so far so good. At least he's trying. I wanna see how this plays out, but I don't wanna creep him out with my spying and I've got some work to attend to." *while walking off* "Even though it's another slow day."
So, you make it back to your job and it's only then that two customers enter the store, a middle-aged man and his teenage daughter.
[their description is up to your imagination.]
Y/N: "Hello and welcome to Gamestop, how can we help you?"
Girl: "Do you happen to have the latest Black Ops 6 for the PS5?"
Y/N: "Yup, we've actually got two more copies of it."
Boss: "I'll go ahead and grab one of them."
And of course, the usual practice happens. The dad shows his ID to signal he's the adult and he's consenting his daughter to play this M rated game before they pay the fee. Afterwards, the two take their new game and head on their way.
Y/N: "Thank you and have yourselves a wonderful day." *once they're gone...* "It's nice to know that even the ladies love gaming."
Boss: "Do any of your girlfriends like video games?"
Y/N: "Nikki and Jen do. But Caitlin... not so much."
Just then, you hear your phone ring.
[start at 1:03]
Y/N: "I thought I had it on silent." *answers it* "Hello?"
Wyatt: "Dude! You gotta help me!
Y/N: "Help you with what?"
Wyatt: "My date! I'm with Serena and I can't do anything right!"
Movie: "Dude, we've got four hundred seniors in the pool. What could go wrong?"
Y/N: *hears movie dialogue* "Is that Jerry and Pete Get Busted? I thought you said you wanted to show her how mature you were. This is the kind of movie that guys like us like to see."
Wyatt: "That's my point! Caitlin tried to show me how to act mature, but it's not working!"
Movie: "Dude, put your pants on, or we'll get busted!"
Y/N: "If this was her choice of movies, then don't worry so much and have a little fun. Remember, she might be older than you, but she's still young like the rest of us. College life isn't always about all work and no play, so just let loose like she is and have a little fun."
Wyatt: "I... I guess I could. But what do I say to her?"
Y/N: "Uh... try something like this." *whispers his own lines*
Wyatt: "Wait seriously?"
Y/N: "Yes. Or if you want, alter them in a way that you would say them. Remember, a woman likes a man when he's being himself. Don't just put your best foot forward, show all your flaws, whether it's little by little or all at once, it's up to you."
Wyatt: "I guess you're right. I'll try."
Y/N: "Good. Alright, gotta go." *hangs up, thinks* "Man, I know he's my friend, but he seriously needs to grow some cojones."
[At the food court...]
We now join you and the rest of the crew by the usual spot and they have some interesting news to share. Apparently, Jonesy got fired from Albatross & Finch, but this time... he did it on purpose to spare Caitlin from the Greeter Goddess bullies. They ganged up on Caitlin just because she was trying to buy this tube top, cargo pants combo and ridiculed her about it, which pissed you off.
But knowing that Jonesy took one for the team... well, you let him off easy and just laughed with the guy and everyone else.
Caitlin: "And then he mooned the entire store!"
Jude: "Cool."
Y/N: "Way to go Jonesy! And thanks for sticking up for my girl, I owe you one."
Nikki: "Once again, you've managed to sneak up and impress me. And you did it by mooning people! Go figure."
Jonesy: "Hey, when you've got a rear view this good, you can't hide it forever."
Nikki: "And then you go and blow it again."
Y/N: "Yeah, don't get too full of yourself."
Wyatt: *comes with Serena* "Hey guys."
Y/N, Jen, Jonesy, and Caitlin: "Hi!"
Jude: "Hey dude."
Nikki: "Hey guys."
Serena: "We just rode the Vomit Comet 11 times!"
Wyatt: "It was such a blast! I felt like a little kid again!"
Serena: "Again? Huh? Nice try, junior!" *shoves him playfully*
Wyatt: "Hey! You're only one year older!"
Serena: "A year and a half!" *grabs him*
Wyatt: *slips from her* "Whoop! Missed me!" *laughs and runs*
Serena: "Yeah, you better run!" *gives chase*
Jude: "Real mature, dude."
Y/N: "Well, at least he's loosening up. That's a good sign."
[A/N: Hey guys. Here's another chapter all set and ready for you to read, I've got more chapters in the works, most are probably lemon chapters in different stories. But I plan to make them spectacular. But in the meantime... STAY TUNED!!!]
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