Stupid Over Cupid

Love is in the air at the Galleria Mall and at this moment, you and Jonesy are stopping by the Stick-It booth.

Jonesy: "Hold on bro, spot inspection." *tastes food* "Go ahead, the rest pass for now."

Jude continues to skewer the cooked meat on a stick and you just watch him work.

Jonesy: "Remember I told you I had a surprise?"

Jude: "Yeah?"

Jonesy: *pulls out heart boxes from backpack* "Voila!"

Jude: *happy* "Aww, dude, you shouldn't have."

Jonesy: "They're not for you, man! They're for the customers." *puts Jude's food in box*

Y/N: "Ugh... now that's just wrong."

Jude: "Yeah, but this is meat. You really think I can sell it as a Valentine's Day present?"

Jonesy: "Are you kidding? This is a very stress-inducing holiday. Trust me, people will buy anything in a heart-shaped box."

Jude: "I don't know, dude."

Suddenly, a middle-aged cowboy in a red shirt and blue jeans approaches the boys.

Cowboy: "I'll take one o' those, partner."

Jonesy: *hands him box* "Excellent choice, sir. That'll be $25."

The man pays Jonesy and Jude gasps, but you just turn your head back and forth, unamused that the cowboy actually bought it.

Cowboy: "Giddyup!" *he leaves*

Jonesy: "Ah?" *flashes cash*

Jude: "That guy just gave you $25!"

Jonesy: "Nope, *gives Jude the cash* he gave you $25. *takes $5* Mine is $5 for the idea." 

Y/N: "So basically, he only gets $20.

Jonesy: "Told you, dude. It's Valentine's Day."

Jude then takes the Valentine's Day boxes and fills them up each with one slab of meat.

Y/N: "You guys are unbelievable."

Jonesy: "I know."

Jude: "So, you gonna ask anyone out tonight?"

Jonesy: "Not yet, but there are plenty of options. What about you, Y/N, who are you gonna ask out on a date?"

Y/N: "Nikki, obviously."

Jude: "Alright! Carpe diem, dude!"

Jonesy: "What?"

Jude: "Carpe diem. It's Latin for "seize the fish."

Y/N: "Close, it actually means "seize the day."

Jonesy: "Right. Well, man. I hope you and Nikki hit it off big time now that love is in the air. You want any help to keep the others off your backs while you have fun?"

Y/N: "Nah, I already laid down the law with them. They won't try that shit again like they did last time, or risk not seeing me for a week."

Jude: "Solid, dude." *sees Jonesy eating more meat* "Easy bro, I need those to fill up the rest of the hearts."

Y/N: "Okay, I'm gonna go grab a soda. Later." *walks off*

Jonesy: *mouth full* "Good luck, man." *turns, panicks* "Uh-oh, angry cowboy 10 o'clock."

Cowboy: *returns* "This ain't chocolate, son."

Jude: "No, it's the other chocolate. Pork. It's a new trending candy."

Cowboy: "Oh, sure, uh... I-I heard about that. You don't sell flowers, do you?"

Jude: *shows the "food bouquet"* "Sure. $30, bro."

And the man pays Jude and takes the food bouquet.

Jonesy: *impressed* "Dude! Nicely done."

Jude chuckles, counting his money.

[Later at the food court]

Everyone is cringing as Jonesy won't stop slurping what's left of his drink until Nikki yanks it away from him.

Jonesy: "Hey! I'm not done."

Nikki: "Yes you are."

Wyatt: "Shh!" *on the phone* "Hi, I'm confirming a table for tonight, the name's Wyatt." ... "Yes I know I confirmed yesterday." ... "Now that's your most romantic booth, right?" *gets cut off* "Hello? Hello?"

Jen: "Sounds serious, lover boy."

Wyatt: "Check it out, I've got dinner reservations, a nice card and 12 long-stem roses lined up for Serena."

Caitlin: "Awww, that's the sweetest."

Jude: "Dude, you're so in."

Nikki: "Oh, please."

Wyatt: "Should I get chocolates, too? Or is that overkill?"

Nikki: *sarcasm* "Why don't you hire a plane to write her a message in the sky."

Jonesy: "Yeah! How about, "I'm a total wuss."

Y/N: "Or better yet, "I don't know how to chill the fuck out."

Jude just laughs it off and Wyatt gives him the deadpan look.

Jude: "Sorry."

Caitlin: "Come on, guys. It's sweet. He's just showing her that she's special."

Nikki: "Yeah, with every cliche in the book."

Jonesy: "Seriously, dude. You don't pull out the entire arsenal in one date, save something for when you screw up!"

Y/N: "Or better yet, start off small."

Caitlin: "Well, I think he should do what's in his heart."

Jude: *clears throat to Y/N*

Y/N: "Speaking of which, I got a question for you, Nix."

Nikki: "What's up?"

Y/N: "Just wanted to know you had any plans for Valentine's Day. If you don't, maybe we can just go and catch a movie or something. Maybe rent some at Redbox and watch them at my house."

Nikki: "Oh, uh... about that. Could... we.. hold off until after Valentine's Day, babe?"

Y/N: "Hold off until after? Why's that?"

Nikki: "Listen, I love you more than the next girl, but unfortunately... I don't go out on Valentine's dates anymore."

Y/N: "Really? How come?"

Nikki: "Too many bad experiences."

Jen: "Oh, are you talking about the time that guy scanned your face under the naked cupid and put it up all over the school?"

Wyatt: "Or the time you got food poisoning at the Valentine's dance and had to be rushed to emergency?"

Jen: "Right! Cuz Richard Duberman gave you chocolate creams that were a year old!"

Nikki: "He could've warned me. Little science creep."

Caitlin: "You really do have bad luck on Valentine's."

Y/N: "Damn! I'm sorry to hear that, Nix. But if this is what you want, I'll respect your wishes."

Nikki: "Thanks babe. And I promise, we'll have our make-up date after the holiday's over. But for now, I'm having an anti-Valentine's Day non-celebration, a heart-shaped anything embargo if you will."

Wyatt: "Right." *stands up* "Well, this has been helpful."

Jen: "Where are you going"

Wyatt: "To buy Serena some heart-shaped chocolates before my shift." *walks off*

Y/N: "Oy vey. *shakes head* He is in way too deep. But whatever, I'll just let him be. Well, since I got no plans, I may as well pay a visit to my workplace and make a few purchases."

Jen: "Why?" Don't you have work today?"

Y/N: "No, it's my day off. Since I got no Valentine's Day plans, I'm gonna be going solo this year... just like last year."

Jen: "You could always hang with us."

Y/N: "Uh... Jen... did you forget that you screwed up mine and Nikki's previous date?"

Jen: "Oh... uh..."

Y/N: "You're still forbidden from hanging out with me until I've had a proper date with Nikki and since she's unavailable for Valentine's Day tonight, I'm going solo just like her."

Caitlin: "Aw, come on. We said we're sorry."

Nikki: "Sorry ladies, but you heard the man. Maybe next time you'll think twice before screwing our date up like that."

Jonesy: "Hey, Y/N..."

Y/N: "Yeah? What's up, Jonesy?"

Jonesy: "Why don't you stick around with me? I'll help make this the best Valentine's Day ever for you. What do you say?"

Y/N: "Why are you so interested in helping me?"

Jonesy: "Let's just say... I'm trying to be a better friend."

Y/N: "Well... my schedule's cleared, so what have I got to lose? You sure you'll be okay, Nix?"

Nikki: "Go on, I'm cool with it. Besides, I'm not gonna be alone. I'm gonna kick it with the girls. Right girls?"

But when she turned to see where they sat, she noticed they were gone and are now trying to hook up with two rugby players that are sitting over at a different table.

Caitlin: "Oh, you play Rugby, cool! So, do you play it on, like, a big rug?" *gets elbowed by Jen*

Jen: *fake laughs* "She's joking. We love rugby."

Y/N: *rolls eyes, not bothered* "Psh, wow... that's just sad."

Nikki: *approaches Jen* "Jen, what are you doing?"

Jen: *shushes Nikki* "We might have some dates for tomorrow night!"

Nikki walks away, disappointed and sits back down in her chair.

Nikki: "Oh great, whatever you have is catching."

Jonesy: "Valentine's fever. Sorry you had to see that, dude."

Y/N: "At this point, I don't really care. So... what kind of plans did you have for us, Jonesy?"

Jonesy: "Oh right! Follow me and I'll show you!"

You left with Jonesy on your next biggest adventure. And what he had in store... would be one hell of a game changer.

[Much later]

With the help of Jude and Jonesy, you had unknowingly set up a booth and the yeven plastered your picture above. And on the front of the booth, there was a sign that said "Eligible Bachlorettes only," like it was some kind of bidding booth.

Right after setting everything up, you, Jonesy and Jude sat down, waiting for others to show up. Sure enough, here comes Wyatt.

Wyatt: "What are you up to now?"

Jonesy: "Jude, you know what to do."

Jude: *clears throat, stands up, announcing* "Bid here to win a dream date with Y/N!" *normal voice* "I don't think anyone would pay to go out with me."

Jonesy: "Since Y/N's got no date for Valentine's, I'm doing him a favor and helping him score big time this year. I mean, come on, there are tons of chicks without dates on Valentine's Day. With Y/N's natural charms and my awesome management skills, we'll make a fortune. Y/N is taking one lucky lady on a romantic night at the mall. Dinner, dessert, a movie of her choice and if Y/N feels like it, maybe a kiss."

Wyatt: "I'm sure it'll be a night to remember. But why do this for Y/N and not yourself?"

Jonesy: "Because Jen and Caitlin not only screwed up his date with Nikki... and if I remember correctly, so did you."

Wyatt: "Yeah, I... I'm sorry about that."

Jonesy: "Plus, the moment he punished the girls, they quickly went to hit on rugby players. Now they're somewhere out in the mall, trying to get dates for themselves. And as much as I hate to admit it, but Y/N has a way with the chicks more than me and because he called me a true friend for helping Jude, I'm helping him."

Wyatt: "Quite the interesting story. Okay, let's say you got dinner reservations, flowers and chocolates for someone and you found out they thought all that stuff was stupid."

Jonesy: "I'd save yourself the cash and cancel it all, bro."

Jude: "Me too. It's like, why buy a bone for a dog who has no teeth?"

Wyatt: "Uh... yeah. I've gotta run. I've got some damage control to do." *walks off*

[Somewhere else]

With Wyatt cancelling all his plans, Jen and Caitlin are still walking around, trying to find dates of their own... but have no luck.

Jen: "I can't believe we struck out at the arcade and most of those guys were 12!"

Darth: "Hello, ladies. Can I interest you in some half-price stereo wires?"

Caitlin and Jen blink and look at each other, then back at Darth, the little Star Wars fanatic. And... it goes from 0 to 100 real quick as they shove each other aside and try to take Darth by each of his hand, which surprises the little geek.

Darth: "Whoa-ho, easy ladies. There's plenty of Darth to go around." *chuckles, snorts*

Jen: *snaps out of it* "What are we doing?! We've got to get a grip, we're not that desperate!"

Caitlin: "You're right. Nikki is so better than Darth."

And now they leave the poor guy to wallow in misery.

Darth: *sighs* "They have a point."

[back with you]

Jonesy: *using Megaphone* "Step right up ladies! Step right up and you could win a dream date with my good buddy, Y/N! He's multi-talented in many departments! He's got the skills of a pro singer, he can break it down on the dance floor or sweep you off your feet! But more importantly, he will treat you like a queen!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Maybe I should've just headed on home and watched some rented movies or play some video games."

Jonesy: *sees Wyatt, uses megaphone* "Hey, Wyatt, were you able to bail on your plans for Serena?"

Wyatt: *deadpanned, takes megaphone* "Yeah, thanks." *approaches you, uses megaphone* "So how many bids you got so far?"

Y/N: "To be honest, none."

Jonesy: "Can you believe it?"

Wyatt: "How much is the starting bid?"

Jonesy: "$200."

Y/N: *wide-eyes* "WHAT?! JONESY, NOBODY'S MADE OF THAT KIND OF MONEY, YOU IDIOT!" *calms down* "I say we bring it down to $20."

Jonesy: "$20? This is you we're talking about." *realizes* "Oh, I get it. Start the bidding low, build up Y/N's rep."

Y/N: "Uh... something like that."

Jude: "Y/N! Look, two hotties, 11 o'clock!" *points to two cute girls*

Y/N: "Hi there, ladies."

Jonesy: "Would either of you ladies like to place a bid? You might win a date with this guy here." *pats you on the back*

Blonde chick: "Okay." *giggles, and places bid*

Y/N: "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle."


So far after those two chicks placed a bid, a couple more random girls placed a bid to try and win a date with you.

Y/N: "Would you look at all these bids? I've never seen this many single ladies in a mall."

Jude: "Dude, you're a legend."

Jonesy: "Shh! Cougar on approach."

And here comes the sexy MILF of the mall as she sits her fine ass down on the table, staring down into your eyes.

[A/N: I'm not sure if it was decided by me and my fans, but her name will be Vivian]

Vivian: "Can I place a bid, boys?"

Y/N: "For an alluring temptress like you... anytime." *winks*

She happily places her bid and then strokes your chin playfully with just one finger.

Vivian: *seductively* "See you tonight." *winks and walks off*

And right now... all alarms are blaring in your mind. The good ones shouting "MILF DATE!" And as you slump down on your chair with your jaw still hanging open, you soon recover.

Y/N: "Woo!!! I didn't expect to have a MILF take an interest in me."

Jonesy: "Oh, you just hit the jackpot!"

[Back with Jen and Caitlin]

It seems like Caitlin and Jen aren't gonna score any "cute guys" this Valentine's Day, much to their dismay.

Caitlin: "I guess it's just gonna be you, me and Nikki tonight."

Jen: *stops herself and Caitlin* "Caitlin, I've got an idea!"

Her eyes lock onto the music store standee of Jason from their favorite boy band... DawgToy.

Jen: *to Caitlin* "Faint."

Caitlin: "What?"

Jen: "Fall on the floor, now! Faint!"

Caitlin isn't sure what she's planning, but she does as she's told, fainting to the floor.


One of the guys from the music store rushed over to check on Caitlin and Jen took this time to swipe the standee of Jason.

Man: *to Caitlin* "Are you alright? Don't move."

No one notices Jen walking away with the Jason standee. And once she's out of sight, Caitlin revives herself.

Caitlin: "Woo! I feel much better now. Thanks guys." *gets up and leaves*

[Back to you]

Jonesy: *sees the girls coming* "Dude, you are not gonna believe what I'm seeing."

Jen: "Jealous much?"

And they just keep on going their merry way with their cardboard cut-out of Jason, while you... you just sit there, unphased.

Y/N: "I'm seeing it, I believe it... just don't care."

Jude: *excited* "Dude, incoming."

Y/N: "Who?" *looks and blinks in awe*

Charmaine: "How's it going boys? What kinda gimmick you got cooking up here, anyways?"

Y/N: "They set up a bidding booth. Whoever has the highest bid wins a date with me."

Charmaine: "Ooh, count me in on that action." *places her bid*

Jude: *checks clipboard* "$55 bucks puts you right at the top."

Charmaine: "Good. I'm counting on it. I'll see you later... handsome." *winks at you while walking away*

Y/N: "...Imagine that."

Jonesy: *chuckles* "Dude, I hate you, right now!"

[Back with the girls]

Caitlin: "Nikki, did we score the best date for Valentine's or what?"

Nikki: *looks at standee* "Uh, you do realize he's cardboard, right?"

Caitlin: "So? He's cute, available and he won't say anything stupid."

Nikki: "Are you implying that Y/N says stupid things?"

Caitlin: "No! Not in a million years!

Nikki: "Good, in that case, by the man a soda."

Meanwhile, back with you and the guys, Wyatt has come back and he's looking more worried than a turkey in November.

Wyatt: "I'm toast!"

Jude: "No reservations left?"

Wyatt: "Not even Wonder Taco!"

Jonesy: "Yup, you're toast."

Y/N: "Look on the bright side. At least you saved yourself a huge bundle of cash at the very last minute, bud."

Wyatt: "Valentine's is the only legitimate excuse to come right out and show your affection, any other day, it would just be humiliating!"

Jude: "So true. I gave flowers to this girl on Bastille Day and she laughed at me."

Jonesy: "Nice effort though, dude."

Jude: "Thanks, man."

Wyatt: "What am I going to do for Serena."

Y/N: *sighs* "If you're that worried, just give her a gift and take her somewhere simple to eat. For her gift, it has to be something simple, but very special... something that sparks her interest."

Wyatt: "Are you sure it'll work?"

Y/N: "Trust me, it'll work. Now, go get her, man."

What you're giving him advice, a familiar MILF has returned and is placing a higher bid.

Y/N: *turns around, sees Vivian*

"Hey, how's it going?"

Vivian: "Just fine. I told you, I'd be seeing you tonight, big boy." *strokes your chin, winking at you*

And as she leaves to go somewhere, you are left in awe at how thirsty she is for you.

Y/N: "Well, DAMN!"

Wyatt: "Dude! Are you sure you can handle her?"

Y/N: "The real question is... can she handle me and my... mini me?"

You and the others gave a holler and high-fived each other.

Meanwhile, with the girls, they were surprisingly having a good time, munching on some grub and chatting with each other.

Jen: "You know what? This isn't so bad."

Nikki: "I told you." *munches on some more chips*

Caitlin: *licks sauce off fingers, belches loudly* "I love chicken wings, but I would so never eat them in front of a date."

Jen: "Shh! You're gonne hurt his feelings."

Nikki: "Who's? Jason or you-know-who?"

Jen: "Jason, obviously. I doubt Y/N will mind if we let out a few..." *burps loudly herself* "Oh, excuse me."

Nikki: "Nice one. By the way, I think Jason wants more ice cream."

Jen then throws some at the Jason cut-out, making the girls all laugh.

[Meanwhile at Spin-This]

Wyatt is watching Serena listen to some beats with her friend Charmaine and is pondering on how to surprise her.

Wyatt: *thinks* "Think, Wyatt! Think! Cool Valentine's gift."

Serena: "Hey, Wyatt! What was the name of that reggae group I liked again?"

Wyatt: "Tutana May Tiles."

Serena: "Right! Thanks."

And then... it hit him.

Wyatt: *gasps* "That's it! Y/N, you're a genius!"

Back with girls pigging out...

Jen: "Okay, being single on Valentine's Day kinda rocks."

Nikki: *burps*

Caitlin: "And you can pig out."

Nikki: "And you don't have to blow money on stupid presents."

Jen: "You know the one thing that would make this perfect?"

Caitlin: "New outfits?"

Jen: "No. If we could get Jason here to fetch us more food."

Caitlin: "Yeah."

Nikki: "Nice."

[Back at Spin-This] 

It is now closing time and Serena is just about locking up the store before heading out.

Charmaine: "I'd better go. I want all the details in the morning. Meanwhile, for me... I've gotta secure my date with a hunk." *walks off, giggling*

Serena: "Go get him girl." *closes up shop, meets with Wyatt* "So, ready for our date?"

Wyatt: "Okay, I have something for you. It's not fancy reservations or anything, but... here." *gives her CD*

Serena: "It's a CD?"

Wyatt: "Not just any CD. You know how you love all those songs I spin but never know who sings them? I burned them all onto one disk for you." *gives CD to her*

Serena: *in awe* "No way! That's the coolest Valentine's gift I ever got."

Wyatt: "Really?"

Serena: "Definitely. Were you planning this all along?"

Wyatt: "Oh, not too long."

Serena: "Okay, so I know it's cheesy and totally unoriginal, but I couldn't resist." *gives Wyatt his gift*

She hands Wyatt a simple little plush puppy with a cute pink ribbon wrapped around its neck.

Wyatt: "It's so... cute." *smiles*

Serena: "I know, kinda dorky, huh?"

Wyatt: "No, I love him. Wanna get outta here? I know a great hot dog stand where you don't need reservations."

Serena: "Sounds good."

[back with you]

Y/N: "So, how long until the bidding ends?"

Jude: "10 minutes, bro."

Y/N: "Ooh. That was quick."

Then you hear whistling and you look to see the hot mama waving at you and batting her beautiful eyelashes at you. You wink back at her and then shortly afterwards, Charmaine comes back and BOY is she morbid when she finds out she's been outbidded.

Charmaine: *gasps* "WHAT IN THE HELL?! Oh-ho, so she wants to play it like that, huh?" *places another bid* "Well, two can play at that game."

Y/N: "Oh boy... things are gonna get heated up around here."

Jonesy: "Ooh, starting to sweat here, Y/N?"

Y/N: "I can take this kind of heat." *chuckles*

Charmaine: "Hey, handsome... mind if I..." *she gestures to your arms*

Y/N: "Eh, why not? You did ask nicely." *flexes*

She feels your arms and can feel herself melting away as she's feeling up... the Galleria Rizzler.

Jude: "Dude's on a roll!"

Nikki: "Damn, look at him go."

Jen: "Should I be jealous? Because I feel like I should."

Caitlin: "I'm definitely feeling jealous."

Nikki: "Shut up, you girls broke his heart numerous times before, I'd say he should enjoy this to the fullest."

Jude: "7 minutes left and Charmaine's got the lead."

But not for long, Vivian, the Yummy Mummy places a higher bid.

Y/N: "WHOA! You're tenacious!"

Best of all, she clings to you from behind, mashing her soft, well-developed breasts against your back and purrs into your ear. Your hormones kick in and you spin the two of you around and dip her in your arms, entranced by her sexy, natural charms.

Y/N: "If you do win the bet, save those sexy purrs of yours for when we kick it into Funky Town."

Charmaine: "I am not about to let this older hussy steal my chance at a date with this hunk o' man meat!"

Jonesy: "He's too good!"

Just then, another girl shows up.

???: "What's all this about?"

Jonesy: "A bidding war. Place a higher bid and you could win a date with my friend over there." *points to you*

???: *gasps, smiling* "I remember him!" *walks up to you* "Hey, Y/N, remember me?"

Y/N: *turns to girl* "Paige! Hey, how are you?"

Paige: "Pretty good. Glad to see you remember me." *places her bid*

Jude: "$75! Looks like Y/N's all yours."

Y/N: "Wow, big spender."

Paige: "What can I say? I know a cutie when I see one. And have I got the perfect date for just the two of us." *clings to you*

Y/N: "I'm all ears."

Nikki: "Okay, I know I should be happy, but... for some reason, I do NOT want any of them to have their way with him."

Jude: "One minute left."

Vivian: *places another bid* "Stick with me, baby and I'll make sure you're taken to a whole new world of pleasure." *pulls you into her boobs*

Paige: *glares at Vivian* "Back off, bitch! He's mine!"

Charmaine: "Girl, I had eyes on him, first! Get in line!" 

Paige: "You wanna go at it, whore?"

Charmaine: "Whore? Oh HELL no you just didn't!"

Y/N: *thinks* "I should've brought some popcorn." *aloud* "Whoa, ladies, please, let's not start a blood bath here."

Nikki: *stands up* "Alright, that's it!" *walks up and pulls you away* "You're enjoying this way too much, aren't you?"

Y/N: "Hey, they chose to bid and fight over me, I can't control what they do, Nix. Plus, you said so yourself, you have your own plans for the holiday, so why intervene now?"

Nikki: "Because... Because, I..."

Y/N: "Come on, just spill it. What is it that you..." *realizes* "Oh, now I get it... it's about what she said earlier."

You whisper it in her ear and Nikki blushes a little before nodding and confirming it.

Y/N: "Okay, tell you what. I'm holding a special discount just for you... If you're already my girlfriend, which you are, your first bid is 100% off guaranteed."

Nikki: *grins* "I knew I loved you for a reason." *walks up to the booth* "Step aside ladies." *places bid*

Jude: *checks clipboard, shocked* "t... $20,000?!?!?!"

Vivian: "Oh my, someone's a big spender than me. No doubt I can't beat that kind of price."

Nikki: "Yeah, well, go big or stay home, girlfriend."

Vivian: "Oh well, there's always next time." *walks away, feels your ass*

Y/N: *yelps* "Tender fingers there."

Paige: "You know he'd never let you pay that much, right?"

Nikki: "True, which is why he gave me the best discount ever. That's what I love about him."

Paige: "If you say so." *walks off*

And Charmaine just walks away, having lost her chance at a date with you thank to Nikki.

Jude: *megaphone* "Auction closed! And the winner is..." *mimicks drumroll* "NIKKI!"

Y/N: "Well, looks like you win, Nix. So, what now?"

Nikki: "We're going to my house, right now. Come on, lover boy, we're out of here." *takes you by the wrist*

Y/N: "Uh... see you guys later, I'mma be chilling with my girl."

Jonesy: "I... cannot believe it!"

Jude: "I know... I hope he can survive this."

Oh but little do they know, you're in for the biggest, bestest, most memorable date of your life. Luckily as you were heading out of the mall with Nikki, you made sure to phone your mom ahead of time to let her know you'd either be late coming home or spend the night at Nikki's altogether and she was okay with it. This was turning out to be the most eventful Valentine's Day of all time.

[A/N: Watch out guys, you're in for a special treat in the next chapter, but right now, I hope you enjoyed that little set-up in this chapter and the changes I made. You're gonna love each and every moment of this, I guarantee it, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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