No... Don't Go!
[Warning: If you happen to be animal sensitive, you're free to avoid reading this chapter and can skip to the next one once it's all finished and ready. Also, be sure to grab a tissue box and have it ready just in case, thank you. You have been warned]
After the Battle of the Sexes, which was pointless since all are considered equal, things got a tad out of hand... Okay, they got completely out of hand in many different ways. First off, Wyatt lost points with Serena when he tried to give her a bandana that even she didn't like.
Jude was in a real pickle when he agreed to watch over a couple of kids for the parents who were shopping in the mall. The kids were all over him, giving him a rough time.
Jonesy got canned when he was forced to help watch the kids while they were making a mess of the Penalty Box. And ultimately, the girls had to calm the kids down, which they did.
So, after the chaos settled down and the guys learned their lesson about gender equality, the girls each decide to call you up, but you're not answering your phone. Not even the guys are able to get through to you and at the moment, they're at the food court.
Jen: "I don't get it. Why isn't he picking up?"
Caitlin: "Are you sure he's not mad about being dragged into our... "gender squabble?"
Nikki: "I'm positive. I know Y/N and even though this battle of the sexes was stupid, he'd never shut himself off like this."
Jonesy: *pacing back and forth, phone to ear* "I tried calling him some more, but he shut off his cell phone."
Jude: "Maybe he just left the stove on and his mom was chewing him out for almost burning down the house."
Wyatt: "Not likely, the dude hardly forgets anything."
Nikki: "No, that's not it. It's something serious. When he got the call from his mom, he seemed normal at first. But then... it shifted to a worried expression."
Jen: "Maybe we should go over and ask if he's okay."
Wyatt: "We'll all go. If there's something wrong with him, we should at least check up on."
The gang all agreed and gathered their things before leaving the mall to head into Y/N's neighborhood effective immediately.
After a couple of bus rides and a minor walk later, the gang arrived at the house where you live. Jonesy, having not seen the place before, was awestruck at how beautiful it was.
[I'm not sure if I showed his house before but, this is Y/N's house.]
Jonesy: "Whoa... what a house! I know the guy saves money, but how is he able to even afford this place?"
Jen: "It's his mom's place. She works for the courts, he helps pay rent, he told me so himself."
Nikki: "Yeah, maybe you should take a page from his book when you're not getting canned all the time."
Jonesy: "Hey!"
Wyatt goes and rings the doorbell and steps back. The gang waits and a woman in her late 30's steps out.
M/N: "Oh, hi. You must be Y/N's friends?"
Nikki: "Hi, Ms. L/N. Is Y/N here?"
Caitlin: "We've been trying to call him, but he never answers."
M/N: "Oh. Well, he's... he's here, but... you might wanna come inside, I'll explain to you what's going on."
The gang heads inside and your mom closes the door. The gang looks around and the place is pretty nice. Especially the living room.
Jonesy: "Man, Y/N's really lucky if he's living in a luxurious house like this."
M/N: "He works hard, so I got no problems with my son living at home with me. Can I get you guys some water, or juice or anything?"
Jen: "No, we're fine."
The others agreed.
Nikki: "Ms. L/N, is Y/N okay?"
M/N: "Well... yes and no. He's in his room."
Your mom leads your friends down the hallway to your bedroom door and she shushes everyone before peeking inside. There, they see you... crying... trembling, holding what appears to be a white, fluffy dog that's lying on your bed.
Y/N: *weeping, sniffling* "It's okay, buddy... daddy's here, daddy's got you. Just stay with me, okay, buddy. Daddy's gonna make it all better for you, I promise."
Before anything, your mom closes the door and gathers your friends into the living room and they all sit down, concerned.
Jonesy: "Damn... I have never seen Y/N that way."
Jude: "Who's the daddy anyway?"
M/N: *sighs* "I should probably tell you... Y/N... is grieving over his pet dog, Bentley... he's... gonna be put down."
The others gasp.
Caitlin: "Oh no! That's so sad."
Nikki: "Why are you putting down his dog?"
M/N: "Because he's already too old. He can't eat, he can't drink, he can't walk, he just lays on my son's bed, whimpering for the pain to go away. I called him up to let him know that we have to put him down. So he rushed back here yesterday and hasn't left Bentley's side since."
Jen: "Poor Y/N. Even I'm tearing up about it." *wipes tears from eyes*
Wyatt: "He must be really attached to his dog, isn't he?"
M/N: "You don't know the half of it. Bentley is like his own son. He loves him to death. He spoiled him, took him for walks, paid for his groomings, gave him food, water, shelter and a whole lot of love and attention. And Bentley... he loves my son to death, too."
Jude: "Dude... that is just... so beautiful... and tragic."
M/N: "I know." *wipes tears with tissue* "So, right now, he's going through a tough time, having to let go of his best friend."
Caitlin: "Poor, Y/N. Is it... okay if we can..."
M/N: "Sure, just... try not to upset him too much."
Nikki: "We promise. And... thanks."
The gang all get up from the couch and head back in to the room where their friend is in.
As you hear your door open, you see your friends there...
Y/N: "G-Guys, I..."
Jen: "It's okay... we know. Your mom told us everything. And we understand, we wanna be there for you."
Y/N: *sheds more tears* "Please..."
The desperate plea in your voice showed just how vulnerable you were right now and the gang didn't hesitate to come to your aid and stayed by your side while you continued to hold your precious pooch in your arms. His weak whimpers tore at your heart as you desperately clung to your best friend.
Y/N: *choked up* "I'm here for you, buddy. Daddy's here for you and he always will be."
Now even your friends were getting tearful, including Nikki. They all hugged you and your best friend, trying to ease your pain.
Y/N: *while crying* "I knew this day would come, but... I... I still wasn't ready and I'm still not ready to let him go!"
Jen: *choked up* "I know, Y/N. Truth is, no one is ever truly ready to let go of that one pet whom you know is gonna be your best friend. But, we want you to know, you don't have to be alone in this, because we're right here with you."
Jonesy: *teary-eyed* "Yeah, man. Always."
Jude: "You just keep showing your little fluff ball here how much you love him, I'm sure he knows it too, dude."
Caitlin: *sniffles* "And even when you're feeling like your whole world is crashing down on you, we'll help you stand up."
Nikki: *tries holding back the tears* "If you're sticking by your pet's side... we'll stick by your side even when he's long gone."
Wyatt: *pets Bentley, slightly crying* "Yeah... and I know your dog loves and appreciates all that you've done for him."
Y/N: "Guys... Thank you..." *inhales deeply, shaky*
No other words were said. Y/N continued to hold his withering pooch in his arms, clinging onto the desperate hope of him getting better. Your friends don't leave your side, giving you the comfort you needed.
[The next day...]
The gang all decided to take the day off from the mall and were all outside of the dog shelter, waiting for the inevitable. Inside, you were handing over your precious dog to the staff while he was wrapped comfortably in a blanket and you hugged him tightly, saying your last goodbyes.
Y/N: *choked up* "Bentley... thank you, buddy. Thank you... for coming into my life... for being my bestest buddy. Always by my side, even in the good and bad times. You've given me so much joy over the years. I'll never forget you. I just... I just wish I could spend more time with you... Daddy loves you so much... You're gonna be okay now... you won't feel anymore pain. I'll miss you, buddy... so... so much."
And with a face full of tears, you kiss your pooch on his nose while he breathes weakly and licks your face one last time, then with his last strength, he places his paw in the palm of your hands. It tore you up inside, but for some reason... you knew it was his way of saying... "thank you." and "I love you too."
[Moments later]
You come out of the shelter with your mom and brother. And in your hand, you had Bentley's blue collar... but no Bentley in sight. Your friends understood all too well what it meant and you couldn't stop yourself from running towards them. They held you in a group hug as you cried your eyes out.
Y/N: "No... Don't go! BENTLEY!!! *breaks out into a loud sob* COME BACK TO ME, BUDDY!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!! BEEENTLEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!"
Jonesy: "Just let it out, man."
Jen: "We've got you."
Your desperate cries for your buddy to return rang out high unto the heavens and even then, the dogs at the shelter could feel your sadness and even howled for you.
It was a somber and tragic day. A precious life was lost and a member of your family was gone.
[A couple of days later...]
It had been a couple of days since your dog finally went to heaven and to this day, you haven't left the house for anything and only ate much less than you normally did. The rest of the time, you laid in your bed, clinging to your dog's collar, clinging to it as if he was still there with you.
It was only 4 in the afternoon, but you you just laid there... doing nothing, except reminisce about your pooch. Before you knew it, your eyes slowly closed and you begun to dream.
In your dream scape, you were stuck in an empty room with only a spotlight as your only source of light while the rest of the environment around you was pitched darkness. But then... the place changed to that of a beautiful, grassy meadow with clear blue skies and a warm breeze.
Next thing you knew... you hear the sound of a familiar bark in the distance and you look to find it's your dog, Bentley.
Y/N: "Bentley?" *gasps* "BENTLEY!!!"
You quickly rush over to him while he runs towards you, all happy and such and he jumps into your open arms, tackling you into the ground. You laugh as he licks your face.
Y/N: "Bentley! My precious little boy!" *hugs him warmly*
Then... just like any dream... the impossible happens.
Bentley: "Papa..."
Y/N: *gasps* "...You... You talk?"
Bentley: "I can... in your dreams, papa."
Y/N: "Oh..."
Bentley: "Papa... please don't feel to bad about me. I had a lot of fun with you over the years."
Y/N: "But... I miss you, Bentley. I didn't wanna let you go, even now, I still want you with me."
Bentley: "I know, papa. I wanna be with you, too. And I will... forever. Right in here." *puts paw on your chest* "You made me a happy dog. You stayed with me even when it hurt to breathe at my old age. You gave me a reason to love the life I lived. We shared so many adventures together and now... I want you to go have another."
Y/N: "But... *sheds tears* won't be the same without you."
Bentley: "Maybe not... but just know... You're never alone and I'm never alone because we have our love for each other. Please... do this for me. Keeping your life to the fullest. Please, papa?"
You took a moment to process what your old pet is saying and so, you hug him some more, sobbing some more.
Y/N: "I will, son. I will."
Bentley: *hugs you back* "Thank you, papa. I love you so much."
Y/N: "I love you too... son."
In that moment, he, along with the entire dreamscape fades into a bright, warm, glowing light.
[end of dream]
You soon wake up, gasping and pull out your phone... it's only 4:30 PM. You sigh and put it away and get out of bed before opening the door to leave your room. But just then, you spot your mom coming towards you with a bag.
Y/N: "Mom? What's going on?"
M/N: "Your friends... wanted me to give you this."
She hands you the bag and inside it contains contents regarding Bentley. One of which tugged at your heartstrings.
Y/N: "They... They didn't..."
In your hands, was a black box and on the box, a gold plaque with the word "Bentley" was written on it.
M/N: "Your friends saw how attached you were to Bentley, so they helped pitch together some money to collect your dog's paw prints, his certificate of death and... that box in your hands... contains your little butt buddy himself."
Y/N: "You mean... Bentley's... inside this box?"
M/N: "Yup. His ashes are in the box."
You trembled in saddness, but also in joy as your little pooch was brought back home. You ran to your mom and hugged her tightly and even she was crying as well.
Y/N: *quietly* "My baby's back! My baby's back home!"
M/N: *choked up* "I know, I'm happy too, mijo."
A truly bittersweet moment indeed. While your sweet little fluffy friend was gone from this world, his remains were now at home where he belongs and the memories you shared with him will always be remembered.
[A/N: I dedicate this chapter to my beloved dog and son, Bentley. Yes, he was real and I loved him so much. He was my whole world and I loved and cherished every waking moment with this bundle of fluff. He brought me so much happiness when he comes into my life back in high school. He was only a year old when I adopted him and I'll never forget his adorable face. Daddy will always love you, buddy. Rest in peace. Even now, I still shed a tear for him.
Bentley: 2010 - 2024]
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