Idol Time at the Mall
We join our favorite protagonists chilling out at the food court and while everyone's chilling out, Wyatt comes over with a guitar case and he's looking mighty happy.
Wyatt: *sits down* "I'm feeling lucky."
Jonesy: "What, did a customer die and leave you their pickup truck?"
Y/N: "Whatchu talkin' 'bout?"
Wyatt: "Better than that. Tomorrow, Star Contest is coming to the mall to scout for talent."
Jonesy: *surprised and excited* "Dude, that's the hottest talent search in the country!"
Caitlin: "That's so exciting! You have to sign up!"
Y/N: "Yeah, with that talented singing voice of yours, you're guaranteed to get picked!"
Wyatt: "I'm glad you think so, because I want you guys to audition, too."
Y/N: "Wait, what?"
Nikki: "Did someone spike your coffee this morning? Wyatt, we suck."
Jen: "Yeah, have you heard Jonesy sing? He sounds like a dying moose."
Y/N: "No, no, no, that's putting it mildly. With the way he sings, he sounds more like a... a screaming banshee! Yeah!"
Jonesy: "Hey!"
Y/N: "What? Not my fault you're tone deaf."
Wyatt: "Look, it doesn't matter, just go with me and try out, no one says you have to be good."
Nikki and Jonesy groan.
Wyatt: "Come on, you guys. I'll never be able to do this alone. I need you."
Jonesy: "And I need a dad who lets me borrow his Porche, but we don't always get what we want."
Y/N: "Well, if you kept a job and actually put in some honest work for a change and not try any get-rich-quick schemes, you wouldn't need to borrow a Porche, but actually buy one yourself, but you don't ever listen, you just repeat the same mistakes."
Wyatt: "It's actually good that you suck, you'll make me look better and I'll have a better shot at winning."
Y/N: *quirks eyebrow, smirking* "Uh... are you implying that my singing sucks ass?"
Wyatt: "No, but... wait a minute, now that I think about it, none of us have actually heard you sing before."
Jen: "He's right. Why don't you give us a demonstration?"
Y/N: "Alright. I guess I could do a free private concert."
Nikki: "Nothing too big, though."
Y/N: "No prob."
You got up from your chair and cleared your throat before showing them your singing voice.
[Start at 1:55 and end at 2:35]
After that, the others looked at you with jaws dropped, astonished by how powerful your vocals sounded just now.
Jonesy: "...How are you not famous yet?!"
Wyatt: "Okay, that... is gonna be tough to beat."
Y/N: "Beat? No, no, no, this is about you. You've been wanting this, so you're gonna be the star."
Wyatt: "But, you sounded like a freaking legend! What if the judges pick you instead of me?"
Y/N: "Then, I'll just force their hand to make them choose you instead, simple as that."
Wyatt: "You'd... give up your winning spot for me?"
Y/N: "This is your dream. Not mine."
Wyatt: "Thanks, butt... OOH!!! Y/N, what if you convince them to take both of us? Just imagine, both of us being the stars!"
Jonesy: "Yeah, come on, dude."
Jen: "He's gonna need all the support he can get."
Y/N: "Well... *looks at Wyatt's pleading eyes* ...oh, alright, but only because I you insist and because you're my bud."
Wyatt: "Thanks, man. All of you guys are the best."
So, with that said and done, you sit back down with the others and grab your lemonade.
Wyatt: *raises cup* "A toast to Star Contest."
Everyone raises their cups before sipping their drinks.
It's the next day and at this moment, almost everyone is at the food court again and Jude shows up feeling parched.
Jude: "Give me a lemonade, extra lemon."
Caitlin does so and hands it to Jude. The skater chugs it down and sighs in satisfaction.
Jude: "I was thinking last night and I have question, why are we all working?"
Caitlin: "For money?"
Jude: "Right. It's like... what is money really? Just this pretty paper stuff that grows on trees."
Jonesy: *bluntly* "Yeah? well you owe me 15 of those pretty little pieces of paper, dude."
Jen: *to Jude* "You owe me 10."
Caitlin: "And you owe me 6, plus 2 bucks for that lemonade."
Jude: "All good examples, dudes." *shows two kebabs in one hand and money in the other* "Just because some suit at some big bank says this piece of paper's worth something, we use it for currency."
Caitlin: "Uh-huh?"
Jude: "These kebabs, for example, have an accepted consumers value of five dollars."
Nikki: "Riiight."
Jude: "So, why can't we use kebabs as currency in the mall?"
Y/N: "Because they're meant for eating, not for currency, they'll go bad and become inedible and probably stink up the world."
Caitlin: "Besides, I don't think Albatross & Finch will accept kebabs in exchange for caprese."
Y/N: "Yeah and besides, there's also that grease residue the kebabs leave behind if you've fried some meat on it."
Jude: "So... I owe you $10, or *puts kebabs in front of Jen* 4 tasty chicken kebabs."
Jen: "Jude, how long have these been in your pocket?"
Jude: "A couple of hours."
Jen: "Ew!"
Jude then sets two more kebabs down on Cait's counter, followed by half a kebab as well.
Jude: "Here you go, $6 paid in full."
Caitlin: *disgusted* "I am NOT putting those in my purse!"
Jude: "How much do I owe you guys?" *points to you, Jonesy and Nikki*
Nikki and Jonesy quickly dismiss him out of disgust.
Y/N: "None, you never borrowed any money from me and even if you did, I'd rather not get grease all over my wallet. I have important cards in it other than my cash."
[Later at, dare I say it, Grind Me]
Wyatt and Nikki are chilling over by one of the couches in the lounge of the shop, helping out the talented guitarist with coming up with a good song to perform for the contest.
Wyatt: "Thanks for helping me with my song. I love the new bridge and I owe you big time for staying up all night with me."
Nikki: *twitchy, hyped* "Does your stomach feel kinda raunchy, because my scalp is really itchy and my fingers are tingly."
Wyatt: "You're not much of a coffee drinker, are you?"
Nikki: *bounces on couch cushion* "No, why do you say that? Is it because I'm a Pisces? I don't wear a wig."
Wyatt: *gives her water bottle* "Have some water and calm down."
Nikki: *swipes it* "Yeah, good call." *drinks it*
Wyatt: "I'm really nervous about this whole audition thing. What if they don't like me?"
Nikki: "You've been singing since the 4th grade, you're a natural."
Wyatt: "So is Y/N, you heard him the other day."
Nikki: "Yeah, but remember, he said he'd give up his win for you because this is your dream. But you talked him into both of you being picked if it ever came down to it."
Wyatt: "I hope so. Let's get out of here."
Nikki: "Yeah, I gotta get some sleep, because night is only so long and when it's over there's daytime and *gets up close* your face seems very, very vivid to me right now."
[Meanwhile at Stick-It]
Jonesy is watching Jude work on his new... revolutionary currency, using a scale to do so.
Jonesy: "What are you doing?"
Jude: "Making sure every Stick-It is the same exact mass."
Jonesy: "Hmm... I've got to hand it to you, you take weirdness to an entirely new level."
Jude: "Dude, this is currency, it has to be exact."
Jonesy: *looking at his own greasy kebab* "Do you really think people are gonna use this instead of money?"
Jude: "Sure, wallets will have to change, but without change, we can't advance as a society."
Jonesy: "Okay, I'm heading back to the real world, now. Later, bro." *heads off*
Jude just keeps on doing his thing and... has a little snack while doing so.
While Jonesy's walking off, he bumps into you.
Y/N: "Yo, so what's up?" *sips can of soda*
Jonesy: "Jude's still caught up in his new currency."
Y/N: "Seriously? Man, he's into this way too deep. Surely even you would think this is silly."
Jonesy: "For once, I'm siding with you on this. But I say we just let him be, you know how he is. He'll come back to the real world eventually and everything'll be normal again."
Y/N: "Exactly. At least for a little while, though. But then again... what is "normal" anyways?"
Jonesy: "Heh, right?"
[moments later]
Soon the contest was about to begin and all the auditioners were lined up, ready to show off their stuff.
Announcer: "The Star Contest audition will begin as soon as everyone is registered."
While that's happening, you're currently in line with Wyatt and then suddenly Jonesy shows up, wearing a cream white fedora, purple shades, orange jacket with white stripes on the arms and black pants, posing like some two-bit wannabe gangster.
Jonesy: "Yo, man! I'm not gonna front, you need to chill! You feelin' me?"
Y/N: "The fuck?" *quirks an eyebrow at Jonesy*
Wyatt: "Jonesy, can you just give me some space? I'm trying to get ready."
Jonesy: "You better back up, you know what I'm sayin'? I wasn't even at the club, fo shizzle!"
Y/N: *stumbles dumbfounded* "Dude... for the love of all that is holy right now... do NOT... say... that line... AGAIN! You do not have one clue how cringy you're sounding right now."
Jonesy: "Don't hate, let a playa play!" *to Jen* "Hey, there's mah home girl."
And there's Jen, a few people ahead of you three, wearing a backwards cap.
Jen: *chuckles* "Step off little woof-woof."
Jonesy: "Come on, girl, where's the love?"
And now, here comes Nikki, bushed as hell."
Jonesy: *sees her* "Dang girl! This ain't an audition for an ugly commercial."
Y/N: "Jonesy, watch your mouth! *to Nikki* Nikki, just ignore him, what happened to you?"
Nikki: *tired* "Drank too much coffee with Wyatt after work. No sleep."
Y/N: *turns to Wyatt* "Dude, why'd you do that?"
Wyatt: "Sorry, man. I didn't mean for this to happen, I just needed some help with some new lyrics for my song. But now, I shouldn't have made her drink all that coffee. *to Nikki* Why don't you crash out on the sofa at the store?"
Nikki: "No, no, I'm gonna be alright..." *passes out while standing, snoring*
Moments later, after everyone registered, it was now time for the main event to officially begin.
Announcer: "Alright, it's time for the official Star Contest audition."
The crowd cheers excitedly as they wait for the 1st person to step up and that starter was Julie from Wonder Taco. She walks up to the mic, clearing her throat before taking a deep breath...
Judge: "NEXT!"
The crowd winced from the brutal rejection.
Y/N: *thinks* "What the fuck?! She didn't even do anything! Fucking prick needs to hold his tongue, the jackass."
After that, more and more auditions went on and eventually, Jen was up next and she sung Jennifer Lopez's song "Jenny from the Block," but used her own rendition of it. She wasn't bad, but wasn't all that good either, but for one particular judge...
Judge: *unimpressed* "That was awful, just awful."
Jen: *chipper* "Thank you."
A few more auditions later, it was Jonesy's turn and boy was this a freaking funny treat to see.
"Listen up, G, got somethin' to say
Gonna break it down now like a Pow-wow
A big Bow-wow, yo don't eat my chow
Ya like that ring
Check out mah bling
I'm doin' my thing
And the bell's gonna ring
Aaand his pants fall off, making you laugh backstage.
Judge: *unimpressed* "Ding-dong, get off my stage, NEXT!"
A couple more auditions later, now... Ron, the rent-a-cop is auditioning? And what the fuck? He's wearing a German uniform and tap-dancing while singing badly!
Y/N: *thinks* "Is he fucking serious? Who the hell would dress up a middle-aged German Peter Pan and sing like that?!"
Even the judge shares your disapproval.
Now a few more auditions roll by and soon, Caitlin struts her stuff, singing Brittany Spears' song "Oops, I Did It Again." Ironically, that's the same song that plays on her ringtone.
But... she's not exactly singing in tune with the beat.
Judge: "NEXT!"
A few more auditions go by and now... Nikki's up and she's still tuckered out, but she tries to liven herself up by singing "Get The Party Started" by Pink. But she can't seem stay awake and winds up hitting her head on the mic in mid-sing.
Nikki: "What am I doing here?"
Judge: "Good question. NEXT!"
Another audition goes by and now, Jude makes his entrance, working his DJ podium, but he's not singing.
Judge: "Yes, well, are there any lyrics?"
Jude: *while still playing* "Du-huu-huu-huude."
Judge: "NEXT!"
And after a few more auditions after Jude was dismissed, it seemed like that would be the end of it all.
Judge: "Is that it, then?"
Jonesy: *calling out* "You forgot Wyatt Williams and Y/N L/N!" *to Wyatt first* "Get out there."
Wyatt is then shoved out onto the stage. A few audience members cheer, but the judge is looking sick of this.
Judge: *sighs, bored* "Alright, make it quick."
Jonesy: "You can do it, buddy!"
Jen: "Totally."
And with a deep breath and the support of his friends, Wyatt plays his guitar and starts singing his new song.
"My friends will always be around
If they sold coolness by the pound
They'd all be stinkin' rich
Stayin' at the ritz
Guaranteed to get you hoppin'
Need some clothes, they'll take you shoppin'
Or hang out just like this
Oh yeah!
Who knows what the futures gonna bring
I don't know much, but I... I'll tell you one thing
I can depend on my friends for everything
Don't matter where, or when, through anything
Right 'till the end
I can depend on my friends
And the crowd went wild for Wyatt's singing.
Judge: *approaches, smiling* "Finally, someone with an ounce of real talent. The lyrics could use some work, but you've got a great voice. Now then, I believe it's time to announce the win--"
Wyatt: "Wait, you forgot my friend, Y/N. He's the last one to audition, you'll love him!"
Judge: "Oh, right... I forgot. Alright then, but if he turns out to be a future rising star, this is all on you, kid."
And so, moments later, you are the last to step out and you've brought your mobile electric piano that you got for Christmas and set it all up, ready to show your stuff.
Y/N: "Let's do this."
And soon, as you began to play the first tune of your piano, everyone fell silent as you took off from there on.
Right after you finished your song, the crowd cheers even more wilder than they did before. And all three judges were standing and clapping for you, wowing them beyond their expectations.
Judge: "What a performance! The lyrics, the voice, the energy, it was all bloody brilliant! You know what, forget what I said earlier, I'm taking both of you boys to stardom!"
Y/N: "Whoa, wait, seriously?"
Judge: *to the audience* "Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to say we have two winners! Give it up for Wyatt Williams and Y/N L/N!"
Well... at least he won't leave Wyatt out, but man, what a day this has turned out to be. You and Wyatt soon got swarmed by your best friends, cheering for you two.
[timeskip to later]
Once the auditions were over, the gang went back to their usual hangout spot where Nikki is now passed out on the table.
Jonesy: *comes up* "Slide over, Sleeping Ugly."
Nikki just groans in her sleep while Jonesy sits and sips out of his cup, feeling refreshed. Then, you and Wyatt show up and you smack Jonesy upside the head.
Y/N: "You callin' my girl ugly, Lanky Kong?"
Jonesy: "No, I... wait, why are you calling me Lanky Kong?"
Y/N: "Because, you have no style or grace, just a funny face."
Jonesy: "Oh, ha-ha, very funny. Anyways, look who's come back to the hood, I just hope you guys'll invite us to all your parties when you're both famous."
Wyatt: "Yeah, yeah. I can't believe they picked us."
Y/N: "I can hardly believe it myself."
Wyatt: "I owe it all to you guys. Especially you, Y/N."
Nikki: *tired* "Woohoo."
Caitlin: "So, what's next?"
Wyatt: "Tonight, we get to open for Utility Pole."
Jude: "Sweet!"
Caitlin: *gasps, excited* "They're awesome!"
Y/N: "And that's not all, we've pulled some strings to get you guys all FRONT ROW TICKETS!"
Caitlin: *claps, happy* "ALRIGHT!"
Jonesy: "We'll be there!"
Wyatt: "I knew we could count on you. If we see at least 5 friendly faces in the audience, I think we can do this!"
[some time later]
We now see Wyatt and you backstage with the main judge. Wyatt is pacing the room, anxious for the gang to show up. You're also waiting, but you're chilling against the table, taking a few sips of your water just to keep yourself from losing your head.
Judge: "You'll be fine, peace of cake."
Y/N: "It's not the performance he's worried about, it's our friends possibly not showing up."
Speaking of which...
Jonesy: *pokes in from backstage door* "Yo, Wyatt, Y/N, good luck out there!"
Judge: *to Jonesy* "Excuse me, only talent allowed back here and if memory serves, you're not in danger of falling into that category. *to Wyatt* You're on in 10. *to you* You're on after him, *turns back to Jonesy* you, out, now! *tosses towel at him*
Jonesy ducks just in time before hearing some crazed fangirls go nuts and soon... another scheme comes to his mind. He takes a few water bottles with him and exits.
Jonesy: *behind closed door* "I've got some bottles of water that Wyatt and Y/N drank from! $10!"
Naturally, the girls went nuts.
Somewhere in the mall, Jen and Caitlin were making a mad dash for the show to try and make it and see you perform.
Caitlin: "Hurry up! we're gonna miss Wyatt's and Y/N's gigs!"
But just then... her shopping senses started tingling. She looked at the entrance of Albatross & Finch and...
Caitlin: *astonished, walks in* "No way! Albatross & Finch never has sales! They don't have to."
Jen: "We don't have time for this." *pulls on Caitlin*
Caitlin: *begs* "75 seconds, I promise! I can do huge damage in under 2 minutes."
???: "Welcome to Albatross & Finch."
Caitlin turned around and swooned at a shirtless greeter god. The guy had messy, blonde hair and only had on grey jean shorts.
???: *to the girls* "Hey."
Jen: *ogling him* "I guess we could go in for a minute."
Aaaaand they screwed up big time.
Back with the two rising stars, Wyatt is still pacing the room, wondering where everyone is. He then checks out on stage and only Nikki is there, but she's passed out on the chair.
Wyatt: "Where is everybody?"
Y/N: *peeks out* "Aside from the sleeping vixen, I don't see the others. Just what the hell are they doing?"
Cait and Jen were still checking out the stupid clothes at the store, Jude... he's trying his hardest to get in, but his new kebab currency isn't exactly all the rage right now.
Ticket Vendor: "Sorry, man. I only take cash."
Mohawk guy: *to Jude* "I'll sell you my shirt for 3 Stick-its and a burger."
Jude: "You got a deal."
Well... at least someone got free food. Now, as for Jonesy...
Jonesy: "They say you shed 40 pounds of skin in your lifetime, so you'll literally be taking home a piece of Wyatt and Y/N when you buy any one of these personal objects!"
Yup... some friends.
And sadly, it was time for Wyatt to perform soon and so far... nobody, except a snoozing Nikki was in the audience.
Wyatt: "I don't believe this! None of my friends showed up!"
Y/N: "What?! And after we went through the trouble to get them tickets to watch us perform?" *punches table hard* "That's it! I'm singing a different song after you're done."
Wyatt: "Yeah, I'm with you on that. *takes out piece of paper* Time for some new lyrics."
While you two are getting ready, the Judge went out to the audience to introduce the 1st act.
Judge: "It is my great pleasure to introduce one of our Star Contest Regional Winners, give it up for Wyatt!"
Wyatt walks out with a peeved look on his face. He looks at the empty row of seats where his friends should be and yup, they're not there.
Wyatt: *in mic* "This is a song I wrote about my friends."
He starts and plays on his electric guitar and soon, the hatred comes out as he sings.
"Jonesy really is a jerk
Hits on anything in a skirt
Jude thinks he's a dude
He doesn't have a clue
Caitlin wears a giant lemon
Thinks the shopping mall is heaven
And Jen?
She's just plain rude!
Nikki thinks she's tough
She can't even wake up!
Right when he said those last spiteful words, he kicked his mic away in anger and got big applause from the crowd. Even the judge found that to be entertaining.
Judge: "I'm impressed. That version was even better than the original."
Wyatt: "Thanks."
Judge: *picks up mic* "And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to turn your attention to our other Star Contest Regional Winner, put your hands together for... Y/N!"
Wyatt quickly moved out of the way with the judge just as he announced your name.
Just then as the curtains opened up, some fog made its way onto the stage just as the music began to play, followed by you stepping out and singing your heart out and dancing like you're a one-man boy band.
Right then and there... the crowd erupted into an applause just like they did with Wyatt.
Judge: *walks up to you, smiling* "I swear, you boys just keep surprising me every time. Never have I seen such splendid moves that complimented your singing voice so perfectly."
Y/N: "Thank you." *to the cheering crowd* "YOU GUYS ROCK!!!"
[some time later]
Pretty soon, just about everyone in the gang made their way back to their usual hangout spot. Jen was setting down all the clothes they had bought from that clothes store.
Jen: *disappointed* "I can't believe we totally missed Wyatt's and Y/N's performances!"
Caitlin: "I feel so bad, *slumps on table* I can't even enjoy the blissful afterglow of shopping."
Jen: "How'd I even get all these clothes?"
Caitlin: "That's their marketing technique. They suck you in with gorgeous staff and the next thing you know, you're buying the clothes to live the dream."
Jen: *to Jonesy and Jude* "Hey, guys. How was the show?"
Jonesy: *sits down* "We're not sure. They must've been good though, I sold all of my Wyatt and Y/N memorabilia."
Jude: *sits down* "I didn't have any cash on me and the ticket dude wasn't hungry."
Jonesy: *to Nikki* "Yo, walking dead, you were there. How were Wyatt and Y/N?"
Nikki: "I woke up and everyone was gone." *sits down*
Caitlin: *blinks in surprise* "None of us saw Wyatt and Y/N's acts?"
Nikki slumps down, groaning, still tired, but pissed at herself.
Jonesy: "Well, maybe they couldn't see that we weren't there because of the bright spotlights."
And enter the stars.
Wyatt: *disappointed* "No, I could see."
Y/N: *disappointed* "You wish we were that blind."
Ooh... now that look on your face... it says a lot.
Y/N: "Where... the fuck... were you guys? You better have a really good reason for why you jilted us like that."
It was hard for most of them to come up with an excuse, so...
Jen: *stands up, guilty* "I am so sorry. It was Albatross & Finch, they had a greeter god and it's part of this huge conspiracy to suck you in and--"
Y/N: "Albatross & Finch?" *slowly getting angrier* "You botched our performance to go shopping at some stupid fucking CLOTHES STORE, IS THAT IT?!"
Jen: *slightly scared* "...CAITLIN MADE ME DO IT!"
Caitlin: *gasps* "They had a sale! They never have sales! *covers face* I'm the worst friend ever, I know. *chipper, looks at her wrist* But I did get this leather bracelet at half off."
Yeah, that's not helping.
Wyatt: "And you guys?"
Jonesy: "We were working the event. I was merchandising an entire line of your products getting your names out there, man."
Wyatt: "Shouldn't Y/N and I be getting most of the profits from that?"
Jonesy: "I guess that'd make sense."
He pulls out the cash from his pocket and gave Wyatt most of the money and he split it in half with you. You gripped the money hard, but slammed your fist on the table, scaring the others.
Y/N: "I... cannot believe this. You know what... I'm gone, I don't need this kind of shit." *about to walk away*
Jen: *grabs you* "Wait! I swear, I'm really sorry, Y/N. Please, forgive us, we didn't mean to hurt you, next time we're so there!"
Jude: "Yeah, I should'a brought cash. They weren't ready for the barter system yet."
Y/N: *pulls away, coldly* "Then prove it by showing up! Let your actions do the talking, but until then, I'm not in the mood to listen to anything you have to say. Later." *walks away*
Wyatt: "He'll come around eventually, guys."
Caitlin: "I hope so. I've never seen him this mad before. I mean, sure I've seen how ruthless he can be when he whipped Jonesy that one time, but to see him like this..."
Jen: "I know what you mean. I never should've betrayed him like that, not after all the good he's done for us."
Wyatt: "Yeah, anyways... I'm guessing none of you actually heard our songs?"
All: "No."
Caitlin: "We loved that song. We knew you'd do a great job."
Wyatt: "Actually, I did a different version of the song and Y/N sang a completely different one. But anyways, just make sure you're there for our next show, both for me and Y/N's sake."
The gang all promises before Wyatt heads off.
Wyatt: "Gotta bounce." *walks off*
Caitlin: "Wyatt took that pretty well."
Jen: "Yeah, but it's gonna take some convincing for Y/N."
Speaking of which, there's a huge crowd gathered at the arcade and our little angry friend is rocking out in Guitat Hero 3. Mostly to blow off some steam and cool off.
The song he's chosen to play... well, now normally, he doesn't listen to or play heavy metal unless he's hella pissed off. But with this song he selected, it shows how pissed he is.
After shredding those mad skills once again, all that anger that was raging inside of you had finally died down and everyone who was watching you clapped.
Y/N: *looks to crowd with a thumbs up* "Thanks, guys... you guys rock, take care now."
And so while you're doing your own thing, we see Wyatt chilling over at his job at Spin This.
Co-worker: "I liked your song, Wyatt. Too bad your friends are such losers."
Wyatt: "Yeah, well, they're not all that--"
Jude: *butts in* "Dude, isn't that your song?"
But the moment he hears the words "YOU SUCK," it hits Jude like a ton of bricks.
Wyatt: *tries cheering him up* "Jude, how's it going?"
Co-worker: *shoving Jude out* "Get out of here, man. You suck."
Jude: "Take it easy, bro. I was gonna buy something this time."
But he just didn't listen and was thrown out just like that.
Jude: "Sheeeesh!"
Just then, here comes you.
Y/N: "Jude? *picks him up* "What are you doing on the floor?"
Jude: "I dunno, bro. One minute I'm asking about Wyatt's song, next thing you know his worker buddies shove me out of the shop."
Y/N: "Without a reason?"
Jude: "Other than saying "I suck."
Y/N: *squinting eyes Wyatt* "Oh really?" *puts hand on Jude's shoulder* "Follow me, Jude. I'll fill you in on the details over a big lunch, pizza's on me."
Jude: "Thanks, dude. This scene is harshing my mallow."
So, while Jude is mingling with his fans, you're fixing up a big lunch for your friends and with the money Jonesy made you and Wyatt, the extra cash is just enough to buy 3 extra large pizzas and two two-liter sodas, not just for Jude and you, but possibly everyone else.
Meanwhile in the Khaki Barn, the clones are fawning over a cardboard cut-out of Wyatt and you while Nikki just scoffs.
Nikki: "You guys are so hopeless, they're just guys, you know. I knew them way before they became big."
Kirsten: "You did?" *closes up on Nikki* "Wait a minute, you're the Nikki in Wyatt's song?"
Nikki: *proudly* "Yep."
Both clones: "EEEEEWWWW!!!"
Kirsten: "You don't deserve to be friends with him OR Y/N!"
Kristen: "Yeah, you don't even deserve to be friends with friends of them."
Kirsten: "If you were my friend, I would like, so un-befriend you."
Nikki then retreats into one of the changing rooms.
Kristen: "And un-speed dial you from my phone."
Kirsten: "So un-speed dial-worthy."
Meanwhile at Albatross & Finch, Caitlin decides to go on another shopping spree and approaches the front desk.
Caitlin: *sets down clothes* "Can you put these on hold for me under "Caitlin?"
Greeter god: *realizes, glares at her* "Caitlin from the song? I'm afraid I can't do that."
Caitlin: "Isn't the sale still on?"
Greeter god: "Not for you. We don't want you representing our clothes, it's an image thing, you understand."
Caitlin: "But, I looked really good in those."
[Back at Spin This]
Jonesy is, once again, riddling through shit, collecting what he considers "Wyatt" memorabilia and had already finished looking for some from you to make more money.
Jonesy: *to Wyatt* "What's up, dude?"
Wyatt: *happy, star-struck* "I just signed my name beside Pierre Bouvier from Simple Plan." *sees Jonesy* "Why are you going through my garbage can?"
Jonesy: "Baby, this ain't garbage, this is memorabilia. We're gonna ride this all the way to the bank."
Wyatt: "But you can't just keep following me and Y/N, picking up everything that we've ever touched."
Jonesy: "Hmm, you're right. It's time we talked management."
Wyatt: "You want to manage me?"
Jonesy: "No, I want to manage you and Y/N. Pack your things, as of this moment, you are no longer stuck in the country section of Spin This and no longer will Y/N have to be stuck behind a boring counter selling hot games he could potentially get himself!"
Wyatt: "Where are we going?"
Jonesy: *dramatically* "To adult contempo! Now, come on, let's go find Y/N and tell him about the big news."
[Back at the food court]
The rest of the gang is sitting down, bummed about what's been happening lately and luckily, you had bought enough pizza and soda for everyone so they could eat and chat.
Caitlin: "Thanks again for the pizza, Y/N. But... I thought you were still mad at us for... you know."
Y/N: "Not mad anymore. Just disappointed." *bites into slice, then sips soda from cup* "So, what's up with you guys?"
Caitlin: "I don't know if you've noticed it, but people in the mall are acting really strange."
Jude: "Yeah, you don't think they're all vampires, do you?"
Caitlin: "No."
Nikki: "I'll tell you why people are treating us differently. Wyatt's song, he changed the lyrics. He made us sound like the worst friends on the planet."
Caitlin: *gasps, realizes* "Because we didn't show up for his show, or Y/N's show either!"
Jen: "But wait, what about Y/N?"
Y/N: "Just because I was pissed off, doesn't mean I'm gonna run your names through the muck like some pompous asshole."
Nikki: "What song did you sing?"
Y/N: "I'll tell you guys later." *finishes slice one, grabs slice 2 and refills cup with more soda* "So, Wyatt's revised song is messing with your daily lives, huh?"
Jen: "Now that you mention it, I got a 10 minute penalty for wearing my nametag crooked today."
Caitlin: "And I got kicked out of Albatross & Finch!"
Nikki: "It's been happening to all of us."
Y/N: "That's not all, I saw Jude get thrown out of Spin This after I came back from the arcade to blow off steam. And I can only assume that the poor guy got thrown out of there for the same reason you guys are going through a living hell right about now."
Everyone nodded.
Jen: "I know we screwed up, but Wyatt can't do that. It'll ruin us."
Speak of the devil, here he comes.
Wyatt: *walks over* "Hey, guys."
But no one's looking at him and give him the cold shoulder.
Wyatt: *chuckles* "I guess you heard the song. I only changed the lyrics 'cause I was mad, but it's cool now. Guess what, Petty Crime Records heard it and Y/N's song and they said they wanna sign us. They're coming tomorrow to hear us play it live!"
Y/N: *sighs, stands up, looks at Wyatt* "Wyatt... I don't think you understand the seriousness of what you've done."
Wyatt: "What do you mean? I told you, it's all cool now."
Y/N: *raises voice* "No it's not!" *he flinches* "Ever since your song was made public, our friends have had to suffer the backlash and hate from everyone here in the mall. You got Jude kicked out of Spin This, Caitlin was kicked out of her favorite clothing store, Nikki was ridiculed by her co-workers and Jen was penalized over trivial shit, do you have any idea how humiliating it was for them?!"
Wyatt: "Come on, guys, lighten up."
Jude: "Easy for you to say, dude. Everyone in the mall is treating us like piranhas!"
Nikki: "Pariahs."
Jude: "No, I mean the stuff they want to avoid, like those fish with the teeth."
Caitlin: *pleading* "You have to get them to stop playing that song, it's humiliating."
Wyatt: "Okay, I know I shouldn't have slammed you guys, but this could be mine and Y/N's big break, it's just a song."
Y/N: *slams fist on table, gets in Wyatt's face* "Our friends are going through living hell right now and all you can think about is some STUPID FUCKING RECORD DEAL?!?!?!
Wyatt: "Why are you getting mad at me? You were mad at them when they missed out on your performance, too!"
Y/N: "I was! But I didn't change the lyrics to my song like you did, I sang an ENTIRELY different one that didn't address them!"
Wyatt: "What's the difference?!"
The others couldn't bear to see their two best friends bickering like this, although they were happy to know you were still standing up for what's right for them.
Soon, Jude and the girls all came up to you and sat you down and tried to calm you down.
Jen: "Y/N, deep breaths. Have some more pizza and take some sips of your soda."
The girls even go so far as to feed him his food.
Nikki: "If you're able to be that brutally honest, then it's no wonder I love you so much."
After a couple of slices and a cup of soda later, you calmed down a little bit and thanked your friends for their help. No sooner afterwards a group of fangirls came swarming at you and Wyatt.
Y/N: "What in the?!"
Jonesy: *shows up* "Make some space, Wyatt's and Y/N's manager coming through." *shoves fangirls aside* "If you wanna see Wyatt and Y/N, they'll be at the official autograph signing session in the food court in two minutes. *whispers to you both* at $5 a pop."
Y/N: *sussy stare* "Manager? Who died and made you my manager and who said I'd agree to this whole--"
Jen: "Y/N, it's okay. *walks up and kisses you, whispers* You already stood up for me and everyone else. Besides, you did spare us and made us feel better. Enjoy yourself."
Y/N: *sighs* "Except it won't be much fun if people are gonna keep ridiculing you guys."
Jen: "We'll manage, thanks to you." *winks* "Now go out there and let loose a little bit."
Y/N: "If you say so."
So, two minutes roll by and you and Wyatt are currently signing autographs for your fans. But you still felt like you shouldn't be doing this, not while your friends are still hated.
Jonesy: "Guys." *shows leather pants* "I brought you guys your new wardrobe."
Wyatt: "I'm not going to wear leather pants."
Y/N: "Do you have any idea how much leather pants chafe?"
Jonesy: "We'll talk about it after the movie."
Y/N: "What movie? You never told me we were gonna see one."
Jonesy: "Actually, I'm going to a movie with the gang. Sorry buddies."
Wyatt: "You're ditching us? But you're our manager."
Jonesy: "I just work for you guys. Why don't you hang out with them?" *points to fangirls*
Y/N: *thinks* "Burro."
[Translation: Jackass]
You sigh and walk over to the girls with Wyatt.
Y/N: "You girls up for a movie with us?"
Of course, they said yes.
[timeskip after the movies]
We find Jonesy hitting on a sexy blonde girl at the Grind Me coffee shop like the wannabe ladies man he is.
Jonesy: "So I said to him, "if you call this a chai soy latte, then that must make me the Easter Bunny."
Both him and the girl share a laugh.
Y/N: *walks in with Wyatt* "Well, well, well, hello... Jonesy."
Blonde girl: *turns, gasps* "You're the singers, Y/N and Wyatt!"
Y/N: "In the flesh, miss."
Jonesy: "And I'm their manager."
Blonde girl: *realizes* "Did he just call you "Jonesy?" Jonesy the jerk who'll hit on anything in a skirt?" *dumps coffee on his crotch*
Jonesy exclaims in pain, covering his crotch while you get a small laugh of satisfaction out of it.
Jonesy: *crossed* "That's it! It is one thing to talk trash about me in your stupid song! But when that stupid song impedes my ability to score chicks, then you have gone too far, my friend!" *walks off*
Y/N: "You know... as funny as it was to watch him fail miserably... again... he does have a point."
Wyatt: "Dude, seriously?"
Y/N: "You're coming with me, you ignorant little fuck." *drags Wyatt away to somewhere*
Soon, you stop at a spot in the mall where a huge TV screen shows Wyatt playing his song. You make Wyatt look up.
Y/N: "Take a good long look, Wyatt. Is this how you wanna be remembered worldwide? To drag our friends' names in the mud just so you can make yourself into a star?"
Wyatt: *guilty, remorseful* "...Okay, you're right. I was a total jerk and I didn't see it clearly up until just now. What do I do?"
Y/N: "You do what's right. Whether it's backing out on the deal or some other 2nd way... the choice is up to you. Me... just like last time, I'm singing a different song."
As you leave Wyatt to gather his thoughts, he finally decides on what he chooses to do.
[the next day]
It's now time for another performance and the judge from the contest meets up with a man wearing some expensive clothing and blingage and was instantly recognized.
Judge: "You must be from Petty Crime. You're going to love, love, love the angry thing this one kid does and the lively energy this other kid can give off."
Petty Crimes man: "Anger and lively energy are so now."
The judge gave the thumbs up to start and soon, Wyatt was introduced first, he walks out and this time... you and Wyatt can see your friends out in the front row.
Y/N: *smiles* "Well, what do you know? They kept their promise."
And since they showed up... they got the original song Wyatt sang for them, the one where he can depend on them. Sad to say that the judge and man from Petty Crime Records were bummed that he chose this song.
Judge: "Too bad, kid. You could've been someone."
Wyatt: "Funny, I thought I already was."
Well, he's out and now... it was your turn. And as soon as the music began, the curtains rose and just like last time, you began your amazing singing and dancing routine.
Boy, what a performance! The crowd definitely loved it and so did the judge and the sponsor from Petty Crime.
Judge: "What did I tell ya! Lively! Looks like you'll be the only one heading for the stars, my friend."
Y/N: "Before I forget, I just wanna make one thing clear."
Judge: "I suppose."
Y/N: *through the mic* "Listen everybody. Singing and dancing in front of you guys was fun and all and I appreciate all the love and support you've given me. But this isn't my career choice."
Everyone looked shocked.
Y/N: *through the mic* "I mean, my friends and I are 18 and about to start college this Fall! I have a job here at the mall that I like, friends to hang out with and I wanna make all the good times last. I have my whole life to think about what career I wanna pursue. But for the time being... this is where I belong... this is home and all of you guys are like family to me, so to Petty Crime... I thank you for coming out to see us."
And just like that, everyone clapped and cheered at that heartfelt message you gave and you said your goodbyes to the judge and sponsor like a professional.
Judge: "You've got heart, kid. Perhaps when you're older, you can audition again, we're always scouting new talent."
Petty Crime Sponsor: "Good luck, kid."
You then rejoined with your friends and they all gathered around you and Wyatt with Caitlin hugging you.
Caitlin: "I can't believe you guys did that."
Wyatt: "I'll get another shot. I just didn't wanna trash you guys all over the country to do it."
Y/N: "And whoever said I wanted to be a singer?"
Jonesy: "I guess this means I'm fired."
Y/N: "Big time."
Jonesy: "That's a shame. *gives bag of trash* Here."
Jude: "Dude, what were you guys thinking? It's Petty Crime Records, you could've been the next Alanis Morisette and Elton John!"
Wyatt: "I'll get another chance to be her."
Y/N: *chuckles* "Jude. You probably don't know this, but... I never wanted to be a singer, I'm more of a... video games type of guy. Which I plan on studying about once I'm in college. Right now, you guys are more important than any record deal in the world."
And so ends yet another adventure for you and your friends. Wyatt may have thrown his chance away, but he was glad to do so once he knew what was truly more important. As for you... well, let's just say that your speech earned you mad respect from the people.
[timeskip to later at the Khaki Barn]
We find two of the clones, Kirsten and Kristen folding clothes while Jude makes his way to the counter with a set of clothes while carrying a tray full of kebabs.
Kirsten: "Do you smell something *sniffs*... garlicy?"
Nikki: *to Jude* "Find everything you were looking for?"
Jude: *sets down clothes* "Definitely."
Nikki: "And how will you be paying for that, sir?"
Jude: "Will kebabs do?"
Nikki: *grins, looks to clones* "You guys are closing the cash tonight, right?"
Kirsten: "Umm, yeah, check the schedule."
Nikki: *to Jude, smiling* "Kebabs will be fine."
Jude hands over his stash of kebabs and Nikki puts them in the cash register and closes it before she and Jude leave the store. Then the two clones walk over to the counter.
Kristen: "What is that smell?"
Nikki: *smug* "See you tomorrow."
Kristen: "EW!"
Well... at least Jude's barter system worked... for once.
[A/N: Man... I gotta tell ya, I loved writing this chapter. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it and many more to come. I've got more surprises on the way, so... STAY TUNED!]
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