Employee of the Month
Today, we focus our attention on Jude organizing his stick jar at the Stick-it food stand with Jonesy as his witness.
Jude: "Hmm... Sheer perfection in a stick jar. In Japan, I'd be elected president."
Jonesy: "I'm impressed. *writes on clipboard*
Jude: "Dude, you're freaking me out with the clipboard. I feel like I'm in school or something."
Jonesy: "I'm a secret shopper. Check it out, I go to stores and pretend to shop, then I rate their service."
Jude: "How can it be a secret if you just told me."
Jonesy: "That's the best part. You let it slip that you're the secret shopper and everyone's so into getting a good rating, they just start giving you stuff for free."
Jude: "Nice!"
Jonesy: "So, what's the special today?"
Jude: "Noodles on a stick."
Jonesy: "It sure looks good."
Jude: "Darn right. Made it myself."
Jonesy: "A bunch of free noodles would be really delicious, huh?"
Jude: "Yeah, a whole bunch of delicious."
And Jonesy just stands there, waiting for his... "free lunch," but Jude doesn't pick up on the hint because... hello, it's Jude. It's like sometimes what goes inside one ear comes out the other and he just stands there with the most vacant expression ever.
Jonesy: *sighs in annoyance* "Jude, give me a free box and I'll give you a high rating."
Jude: *now realizes* "Oh, yeah! Right."
And the skater boy hands over a box to Mr. Freeloader.
[At the Khaki Barn]
We find Chrissy placing a whole bunch of clothes on the check-in counter where Nikki is just chilling out and reading a magazine.
Chrissy: "Can you run these returns through?"
Nikki: *uncaring, bluntly* "In a minute."
Chrissy: "Excuse me? You're not even doing anything."
Nikki: *sighs in annoyance* "Fine."
And she gets to work... very... very... slowly.
Chrissy: *hinting* "I need them done before Christmas."
Nikki: *bluntly* "I think that might be possible."
Chrissy: "You know what, Nikki?"
Nikki: "What, Chrissy?"
Chrissy: "You are about *holds up hand, distancing her finger and thumb by one inch this close to being so fired."
Nikki: "Tell me when I'm this close, *holds up hand, distancing her finger and thumb by one centimeter* and I'll call a cab."
Chrissy lets out a frustrated growl and walks away.
Nikki: "See ya."
And as Chrissy's walking off to blow off some steam, here comes the free-loading, graceless Jonesy, ready to mooch off another business in order to get... free shit.
Jonesy: "Are you the manager here?"
Chrissy: "Yes, can I help you?"
Jonesy: "I really shouldn't tell you this, but... *looks around a bit* I'm a secret shopper hired by the mall's head office to do report on customer service."
Chrissy: *forces a nervous smile* "Oh! So is there anything I can do to help the evaluation go smoothly?"
Jonesy: *grins victoriously* "Now that you mention it, I do like your current line of cargo pants."
Chrissy wasn't sure about just handing over her latest line, but when Jonesy used the eyebrow taunt... she had to comply.
Chrissy: *fetching the pants* "They come in five shades of tan," *quietly* "gimme a good recommendation and I can give you the "boyfriends only" discount."
Jonesy: "Really? Nice." *takes pants, whispers* "Here's a tip, Khaki Barn head office is considering you as Manager of the Year."
Chrissy: *thrilled* "No way!"
Jonesy: "Yes way! In fact, they said if it weren't for one of your sales people lagging behind every month... *whispers* you'd be a shoo-in."
Chrissy: *while glaring at Nikki* "You know, just when you think you've made it to the top, someone drags you down. *turns to Jonesy, grinning* Tell head office to consider her fired."
Jonesy: "Well, you gotta do what you gotta do, right? I'll try these on, now."
Chrissy: *points to changing rooms* "The changing rooms are over there."
Jonesy: "Sweet."
But just as he's about to head over...
Chrissy: *calling out* "Oh, Nikki...!"
Jonesy froze in fear. Now, if it were any other person, he'd be unfazed, but hearing her name being called out... he's fucked. And the last thing he wants is for either of them to come after him after learning about how he costed her job just for free shit.
Jonesy: *having second thoughts* "Wait, d-did you just say you were gonna fire someone?"
Chrissy: "Oh yeah. Nikki's a total pain in my butt, *smug* I cannot wait to fire her."
Jonesy: "Y-Yeah, but as manager, you, uh... th-think you could show more superior management skills by I-I dunno, uh... training her?"
Chrissy: "Her sales were -5% last month."
Jonesy: "The downtown location hasn't fired an employee in 15 years, is that how you wanna be known, as the manager who fires people?"
Chrissy: "You don't understand, she's like a bratty little kid, I can't bring her in a line."
Jonesy: "Yeah, but if you could, imagine the respect you'd get upstairs."
Chrissy: *realizes, grins* "Oh, I'd be such the hero."
Jonesy: "I could give you some ideas if you want. *heads off* I'll be in the change room."
Nikki: *walking by* "I'll be in the can."
Chrissy growls in frustration at Nikki. She cannot have Nikki ruin her chance at getting in good with the "higher ups." So, out of desperation, she goes to Jonesy who's currently trying out his new set of "free" pants in one of the changing rooms.
Chrissy: "Okay, tell me what to do to make manager of the year!"
Jonesy: *peeking over door* "You said Nikki's like a kid? Maybe a little reverse-psychology would work."
Chrissy: *sly grin* "It's not a bad idea. Thanks." *walks off*
Jonesy: *walks out, satisfied* "I'm such a good friend."
[Back at Stick-it]
Jonesy: "So, who's your employer?"
Jude: "I got interviewed by the dude who used to do my job. *realizes* Wait, how will they know what a good job I'm doing if they don't know who I am?"
Jonesy: "Who cares?"
Jude: "I do! I've never done a good job at school or cleaning my room, I want someone to know."
Jonesy: "All I have for the Stick-it is a telephone number." *writes it down, hands it to Jude* "I'll catch you later. I hear Gamestop's about have a big sale for a secret shopper."
Jude: *looks at phone number* "So, the quest for my real boss begins, I will find him... or her."
[Back at Gamestop]
It was a slow day at the shop. Not a lot of customers were coming in today, so all you could do was wait and listen to some music that's playing from the speakers.
Y/N: "Hey, boss... just out of curiosity, have you ever played that one video game called Watch Dogs or anything?"
Boss: "You kidding me? I loved that game. In fact, all 3 of them were pretty cool if you ask me."
Y/N: "Me, too. Especially Watch Dogs 2 and Legion. Mostly because of Wrench and Aiden Pierce. They're what I would consider the Watch Dog icons of the games. Especially Wrench."
Boss: "Lemme guess, his mask?"
Y/N: "Dude, I LOVE his mask, the way it expresses his emotions and his goofy, yet destructive personality make him all the more likeable, I wish he were actually real."
Boss: "I get what you mean and-- *looks at doorway* oop, look sharp, customer coming."
Y/N: *stands and turns, clears throat* "Hello and welcome to Gamestop, anything we can help you with?"
But as you look to see who it is, you're automatically feeling bummed that it's just Jonesy. But... why's he carrying a clipboard.
Jonesy: "Good day, gentlemen. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna be browsing around to see if there's any good games for sale."
Y/N: "Very well then, let us know if you find anything to your liking and we'll get you all fixed up." *thinks* "Just what the hell is this scamming son of a bitch up to now?"
Knowing Jonesy, he's probably gonna try to worm his way out with a couple of games at a high discount, or worse. But you didn't say anything to your boss until the time was right.
Jonesy: *turns to you* "Excuse me, could I have a word with you?"
Y/N: *playing it cool* "Right away, sir."
You go over to Jonesy and stop right next to him.
Y/N: "And how can I help you?"
Jonesy: *looks left and right, gestures you to inch closer* "Can I tell you a secret, buddy?"
Y/N: "Okay, what did you wanna say?" *inches in*
Jonesy: *whispers* "I'm not allowed to say this, but I happen to be the mall's secret shopper and if you play your cards right, I might just give this store a good rating."
Y/N: "Really now?" *thinks* "Yeah, you're not gonna weasel your way out of this one freeloader. Time to turn the tables." *aloud* "Well in that case, which games would you like, sir?"
Jonesy: *falling for it, grins* "Oh nothing much, just a little something like, oh, I dunno, the Grand Theft Auto Definitive Trilogy?"
Y/N: "Ah, a man with good taste, I see. Good choice. Follow me to the counter and we'll get you all fixed up."
Jonesy puts on a smug look on his face, but little does he know, he's in for the biggest let-down of his life.
You get behind the counter and pull out the case he's looking for and put it on the counter. And just as he's about to take it, you swipe it away from his grasp.
Y/N: "Whoa, hang on there, sir. First we need to go through the following procedures."
Jonesy: *quirks eyebrow, smile vanishes* "What's there to do, it's just a game, everyone plays it, don't they?"
Y/N: "Yes, but this is game is rated M for Mature. See, if you wanna buy it, you're gonna have to show some ID that verifies you're an adult, otherwise I can't sell you the game."
Jonesy: "In that case, will this suffice?" *shows his ID inside his wallet*
Y/N: "Hmm... yup. Everything looks to be in check and do you have a Pro Membership with us?"
Jonesy: "As a matter of fact I do."
Y/N: "Perfect, all I need is your membership card or a phone number and then we'll get to the payment process."
Jonesy: "Uh... *chuckles, grinning* ...or, you can sell that to me at a special discount and I might... just might put in a good word with the higher-ups about promoting you guys. Maybe, like say... selling this game to me for free, per sae?"
Y/N: "Sir, this is not how we do business. We can get you a good deal with a Pro Membership and even sell it to you with an added protection plan, but we can't just give it away."
Jonesy: "Uh, maybe you forget, but I'm the secret shopper and unless you want a bad review, I'd recommend a free game."
Y/N: "That's called extortion and abuse of authority. Now, you have these simple choices. 1, you pay for the game with either cash or card and we'll cut you in on a small discount and the option of an added protection plan, 2, you purchase the game for regular price without the membership benefits, or 3, you can leave the game here and walk out that door to try and take your "business" elsewhere."
Boss: "So which one will it be?"
Jonesy: "Fine, be that way, but don't come crawling to me if your business goes under!" *leaves*
Y/N: *happily while waving to him* "Thank you for your time, have a Game-tastic day, sir!"
Boss: "Well, that was certainly something. Nice job on the way you handled him so well. So, he's a secret shopper, huh?"
Y/N: "Apparently so. But I'm not worried. Even if they do try to investigate us, we've got security cameras that checks out our alibi. We'll just tell the higher-ups what happened and boom! They'll know he was trying to scam us for some freebies."
Boss: "You sure he was going for freebies?"
Y/N: "Yeah, I know him on a personal level. We're old childhood friends and he's one of those guys who wants to get rich quick to impress the ladies, wanting free stuff all the time. But despite all that, he does have some good points to himself.
Boss: "I'm sure he does. Anyways, *checks time* you can go now, it's time for your break."
Y/N: "Alright. Take care."
[Timeskip to food court]
You and most of the gang were present, except for Nikki, who'll be here in just a short time. In the meantime, Wyatt told the craziest story about how Nikki was chosen as Employee of the Month over at the Khaki Barn and everyone is stunned to hear it.
Wyatt: "You should've seen Nikki's face!"
Jonesy: "I would've paid big bucks, man."
Y/N: "That doesn't make sense. Nikki hates the Khaki Barn and barely puts in any effort to help boost sales. She's brutally honest about how people would look in certain clothings, especially that one time when she mentioned this one woman had "hungry butt."
Wyatt: "I know, but still. You should've seen it!" *mimics Nikki's shocked face, making others, minus you, laugh*
Y/N: "Uh, dude..." *points to Nikki*
Wyatt: "She's right behind me, isn't she?"
Y/N: *nods, stands up* "Babe, how did this even start?"
Nikki: *walks over and sits down* "How should I know? All I know is that my credibility as a human being has been destroyed. People will think I actually like the Khaki Barn."
Y/N: "Not me. I know you hate it, Nix."
Nikki: "Thanks, that eases the stress a little."
Jude: "I've never been Employee of the Month."
Wyatt: "It might've been your "soup on a stick" promotion."
Jude: "Whatever. Gotta get back there in case my boss calls. Later." *leaves*
Nikki: "Excuse me, I'm having a crisis here!"
Caitlin: "Why all the drama, Nikki? It just shows that they have faith in you."
Nikki: "That's the point! Khaki Barn stands for everything I loathe."
Y/N: "Hmm... *strokes chin* ...there's something that's just not right here."
Jen: "Well, I'd love to be Employee of the Month, I've been killing myself for this secret shopper that's supposed to be making the rounds."
Caitlin: *excited* "You mean like a shopping spy? Who gets paid? To shop?"
Y/N: "Funny you should mention that, I had an encounter with the so-called "secret shopper" not too long ago."
Jonesy: *nervous* "Uh, really now?"
Y/N: "Yeah, the guy was a total pain the ass. He tried to scam my boss and I into giving him one of our games for either a high discount or for free, but things didn't exactly go as he planned. That's all I can say for now, but just beware of the jackass."
Jen: *groans* "Great, JUST great! Well, just keep an eye out. It could actually be anyone."
Jonesy: *recomposes himself* "I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about."
Jen: "Tell that to Coach Halder. Later." *leaves*
Caitlin: "Why didn't they ask me to be the secret shopper? I'd be so good at that!"
Nikki: "Don't know, don't care. I gotta go back to work." *leaves*
Wyatt: "Me too. *to Nikki* See you after work, Khaki Queen." *runs in other direction*
Nikki, peeved by his comment, throws a chair at him.
Wyatt: "Good one."
Y/N: "I've still got 20 minutes before my next shift starts. I'm gonna go and head to the arcade. Take care, Cait, my little peachy princess." *strokes her cheek, this kisses her*
Caitlin: *giggles, kisses back* "Have fun."
[timeskip to arcade]
With your friends all heading back to their jobs, working through their issues, you took it upon yourself to enjoy a little gaming before heading back to work and what better way to enjoy this break than with a nice classic game of Rock Band?
You put in some money in the arcade machine, strapped the guitar controller over your shoulder and placed yourself in front of the mic, ready to bring the house down.
Y/N: "Let's do this!" *selects song, presses start*
Unbeknownst to you, some of the other kids and teens walk by you, overhearing you rocking out and singing like a star. A few people stood by to watch you finish your song, either to see how far you'll go or because they want a turn at this as well.
Needless to say, everyone was treated to quite a show. And it didn't take long before more and more people came and watched and listened to your spectacular singing and playing.
Eventually, the song comes to an end and you finished it with a 5-star rating before receiving applause from the majority of the people in the arcade, which startled you.
Y/N: "Oh, thanks guys."
Now satisfied with the little rock-out session, you head over to play some Cruis'N World and get to dominating the other racers.
[At the Khaki Barn]
Nikki arrives back to work and is horrified at her muggshot being posted all over the store before she walks past the two clones.
Nikki: "What?" *to Chrissy* "They're freaking me out, Chrissy."
Chrissy: *chipper, confident* "You get used to it. People don't know how to deal with strong women like us."
Nikki: *skeptic* "Like us? We have nothing in common."
Chrissy: "See, that's where you're wrong. When I was your age, nobody wanted to believe in me either."
Nikki: "You're only 2 years older than me."
Chrissy: "Responsibility can change you pretty fast. Suddenly, people are, like, depending on you and the weird thing is... you start to like it, later." *walks away*
Nikki wasn't sure what she's up to, but she failed to realize that she neatly folded one of the shirts in her hands. At the last moment, she looked down and gasped before tossing the shirt aside, trying to shake it off, only for a customer to approach her.
Man: "Excuse me, if you're not too busy, I'd love your opinion on these." *shows pants*
Nikki: *to customer* "Seriously? *scoffs* They're the ugliest things I've ever seen. Try the butt-lifter jeans, they're ugly too, but, at least they're on sale."
Man: "Thanks, I'm sure you're right."
Nikki: *confused* "Really? Why?"
Man: "You're Employee of the Month."
Nikki: "Huh?" *walks to Kirsten and Kristen* "Hey, pod girls, do people always buy what you tell them to just because your picture's up on the wall?"
Kristen: "Yes."
Kirsten: "I just don't get it! Why her?"
If they only knew.
[Meanwhile and Spin This]
Jonesy: "Thanks for those demo CDs. *sniffs* Oh, *smug* I smell a great employee evaluation." *walks off with overfilled basket*
Wyatt: "Nikki's Employee of the Month and Jonesy's raiding our work? The end must be near."
Y/N: "Not necessarily. *walking in*
Wyatt: "Hey, dude. How was your break?"
Y/N: "It was fine, I had a quick snack after my visit to the arcade, so I'm about to head back work. So, what's up?"
Wyatt: "Jonesy just walked off with a few free CDs."
Y/N: "Lemme guess, he scammed you with the "Secret Shopper" excuse and threatened to give a bad review if you didn't give him some freebies, is that what happened?"
Wyatt: *blinks in surprise* "How'd you know that?"
Y/N: "Because he tried the same thing at my job. But he failed to realize that we had everything on camera when he tried to scam us out of a free video game he couldn't purchase."
Wyatt: "Uh, won't this land you in trouble?"
Y/N: "Nope. We're already prepping to plead our case. He's so gonna be fired by the end of this."
Wyatt: "Ah, so a silver lining shines amidst the gloom."
Y/N: "You know it." *fist bumps Wyatt* "Hang in there, man, justice will be served for Spin This." *heads off*
Wyatt: "Good luck."
[Meanwhile at the Penalty Box store]
Jen is being hounded by the coach, making her run all around the store, making her organize pretty much everything in sight and the poor girl has no one else to help her.
Jonesy: *walks in with overfilled basket* "Excuse me, miss."
Jen: "Jonesy, can't you see I'm busy?"
Jonesy: "Could I get some service here?"
Jen: *annoyed* "Give me a break. I don't have time for your games today, this secret shopper could be anyone."
Jonesy: "It could be anyone, but it's not. It's me!"
Jen: *laughs a bit* "You? Yeah right."
Jonesy: "No, really. It's me. So just gimme a deal on a sweatshirt and I'll make sure you get a good report."
Jen: *stressed & annoyed, throws inventory* "Look, I'm covering two shifts, it's a stock day and I have to be on my best behavior because of this stupid secret shopper.
Jonesy: "Yeah, but--"
Jen: *ranting* "I've got enough to do without you coming in with your *mocks* "Miss! Miss! Pay attention to me, because I'm Jonesy and I always have to be the center of attention!"
Jonesy: *trying to show her proof* "I'm not kidding. I've got a clipboard and everything
Jen: *angry* "Don't make me hurt you! Because I will and there's a lot of things to hurt you with around here. Ski poles, hockey sticks, baseball bats, *screams, making him fall to the floor* I think I could get creative with a GOLF BALL WASHER!!!"
Halder: "MASTERSON! Is that any way to treat a customer? Hmm?"
Jen: *nervous, tries to reason* "Oh, uh... he's not really a customer, coach, he's--"
Halder: "Anyone who comes through that door is a customer and we treat our customers like Hall of Famers." *to Jonesy* "I'm sorry for the behavior of my team, sir. Can I help you?"
Jonesy: *still a bit spooked* "No thanks, I was just browsing."
Halder: *to Jen, sternly* "What's gotten into you? You're my first new quarterback, but you fumbled that one out of the park."
Jen: "But he-- uhh, nevermind."
Halder: "Now I'm leaving you here to call the place for a while, I've got a hot date tonight with the filly who runs the Scotch Tape Emporium, I need some slick new slacks. Now, get out there and sell, BREAK!"
Jen: "Yes, coach!"
Boy... she really screwed up big time.
[back at the Khaki Barn]
And at this moment, our Employee of the Month is helping out another customer, who's trying on a green jacket that's a little too big and loose for her slender figure.
Woman: "Yeah, so is it too tight on me?"
Nikki: "Umm, I uh... no, it actually looks pretty good."
Woman: "Mhmm, fine. I'll take it. *holds up pair of blue jeans* What would look good with these pants?"
Nikki: "This baby T kinda matches, they're both blue."
Woman: "Oh, you're right. I'll take two."
Nikki just couldn't understand how people could actually go along with her fashion choices, it still felt bizarre to her. Soon, the woman takes her clothes to the check-out desk.
Chrissy: "Was anybody helping you today?"
Woman: "That girl behind you. *points to Nikki's E o t M muggshot above* She has great fashion sense."
Chrissy: *looks up at picture* "Oh, Nikki. *turns back to customer* She's one of my best customer fashion consultants. Thanks for shopping here."
And just when things couldn't get weirder...
Nikki: *to customer* "Have a Khaki day."
AAAH!!! She did NOT just say that!
Chrissy: *walks up to Nikki* "That was so very. *escorts her* I think you're ready, Nikki."
Nikki: "What's going on? I thought you hated me."
Chrissy: "On a personal level, yes. But your sales are up 117% since yesterday."
Nikki: "They are? Wow. No wonder you wanted to fire me."
Chrissy: "Being Employee of the Month isn't exactly on your list of things you want to accomplish in life, is it?"
Kristen: "It's on mine! It's #2!"
Chrissy: "There's like, a lot of opportunity here for a girl like you, ya know, you have the ability to give people the gift of style. You just need some guidance, give it a think and while you're doing that, relax in the Elite Employee of the Month lounge." *opens secret door*
Nikki: "Ooookay?" *walks in*
Little did Nikki know, she was about to cross a line that could forever change her life... that is IF she keeps going down it.
[timeskip to food court]
Mostly everyone is gathered there and Jude is explaining his dilemma about trying to contact his mysterious boss.
Jude: "Every time I dial the number, it rings and then I get the call waiting beep, but nobody's there, weird, huh?"
Caitlin: "Yeah."
Y/N: "Uh, Jude, when you dialed the number, did you hear the ringing come from close by?"
Jude: "Yeah, I thought that was my cell phone."
Y/N: "Heh... that wasn't your phone, Jude. I think your boss is much closer than you think. Maybe he's right under your nose, or... maybe you should look in the mirror. You never know, you might not have to search the entire globe to find him at all."
Jude: "You sure?"
Y/N: "Positive."
Caitlin: "So, Jen, did the lemon juice eat away at your nail polish, too?"
Jen: *yawning* "I don't wear nail polish."
Caitlin: *horrified* "I'm, like, Wolverine's girlfriend!"
Y/N: *grins* "Aww, what's wrong with that? You'd look good in X-men tights, did you know that?"
Caitlin: *giggles* "Well, if it pleases you that much." *bats her eyes at you flirtatiously*
Aaaand, that made you pull her into a deep kiss, which she happily returned while giggling.
Jude: "Dude, I didn't know you were a huge Marvel fan."
Y/N: *pulls from Cait's lips* "What can I say? I'm a true believer! EXCELSIOR!"
Caitlin: *recomposes herself, looking concerned* "Anyways, Jen, you look totally wiped."
Jen: *groans, slumps onto table* "This secret shopper thing is driving me crazy and Jonesy comes in pretending to be him so he can scam free stuff."
Y/N: *worried* "Uh... Jen... please tell me you didn't give him your usual attitude earlier."
Jen: "I had to! Can you imagine how many lies he's told over the years up until now?"
Y/N: *facepalms himself* "Jen, this time, he wasn't lying, he actually is the secret shopper!"
Wyatt: "I can actually back him up on that. He scammed free music CDs from me just so he could give me a good rating."
Jen: *shocked* "WHAT?!"
Caitlin: *also shocked* "No way! Him?! I'm such a better shopper than he is!"
Y/N: "That, I can agree with you, babe."
*Jonesy walks in*
Jonesy: "What's shakin' amigos?"
Y/N: *under your breath* "que the ass-kissery in 3...2...1."
Jen: *stands up, opens arms wide, forces smile* "Jonesy! My best friend in the whole world, come on!"
Jonesy: *weirded out* "Okay?"
Jen: "I heard you're doing a really good job as a secret shopper."
And there they go, Jen trying to get her store re-evaluated.
Caitlin: "I still can't believe they let Jonesy do my j-- *gasps as she turns to see something truly horrific*
Y/N: "What?"
Nikki: "Hey guys."
Y/N: *smiles, hearing her voice* "Oh, Nikki! *turns to see her* "How are *stumbles from seeing her new demeanor* yooooOOOOOUUUUUUUUU?!?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!"
Nikki had gone off the deep end. She had her hair died in a pony tail with a pink butterfly hair clip, wore a hot pink T-shirt and skinny blue jeans that hugged her curves nicely. But most of all, not only were her piercings gone, but she was... nice and peppy!
Jude: "WHAT THE?!?!?!"
Wyatt: "Nikki, are you alright?"
Nikki: *happy* "Yeah! Actually, I had a really cool experience today, I sold this woman an entire outfit and she was, like, so happy and it's all because of the Employee of the Month award."
Caitlin: "Well, you look really cute."
Y/N: *thinks* "You're seriously gonna fucking encourage her right now when she was fine the way she was?!"
Nikki: "And guess what, this T-shirt comes in 4 different shades of pink! Khaki Barn, it's all about you!" *watch beeps* "Oops. Gotta run. I just came by to tell you that there's a "blend into the crowd" sale this afternoon, only at the barn, see you there." *heads off*
Wyatt: *concerned* "I think the Khaki Barn is finally starting to get to her, we've got to do something, come on!"
Y/N: "YEAH! Nobody messes with my girl's natural looks!"
And so, the group heads on their way to the store and once inside, stay incognito and watch Nikki from afar. They still can't believe she's changed all this much. While she's helping out the coach for his date, you all converse with each other silently.
Caitlin: "Are you sure that's Nikki?"
Wyatt: "They definitely messed with her head. Nikki hasn't been that nice since she was 3."
Jude: "Maybe they brainwashed her."
Y/N: "Whatever they did, we're gonna snap her right back to her old self and I'll give her the biggest hug yet!"
Caitlin: "Why?"
Y/N: "To see how she'll react. Oh, there she goes!"
And Nikki is entering the Employee of the Month lounge. The others quickly follow her inside just before the door closes.
Wyatt: "Psst!"
Nikki turns and looks surprised to find her friends just as she's putting on some lip gloss.
Nikki: "What are you guys doing here?"
Wyatt: "Okay, don't freak out, but we think you've been brainwashed by the Khaki Barn to become a clone." *shields himself*
Nikki: "Is that what this is about? You're so silly, I'm totally fine."
Y/N: "Fine?! They freaking robbed you of your pride!"
Wyatt: "Yeah, look at what they've done to you!"
Caitlin: *slightly freaked* "You're wearing pink and butterfly clips! Pink butterfly clips, Nikki!"
Jude: "I don't even know you anymore, dude. You're hideous!" *tries looking away, shielding his eyes*
Nikki didn't know what's up with her friends, but was about to go back to doing her make-up. But then, you grabbed her by the shoulder and by the wrist.
Y/N: "Nix, stop! Can't you see what they've done to you? Where's the old Nikki who didn't take shit from anyone? The girl who wouldn't mince words around when it came to clothes?! The same girl who would take breaks when she felt like it? Where's that Nikki, where's the very same girlfriend I know and love?"
Caitlin: "Let me try."
Y/N: *nods* "You got the spotlight, Cait."
Soon, you backed away and Cait walked up to Nikki and slapped her across the face real hard.
Caitlin: *stern, boldly* "Get a hold of yourself, girl! You're turning into one of them! And okay, it's fun to be nice to me, but you're totally FREAKING ME OUT!" *turns her to the mirror*
And in that moment, thanks to the slaps, Nikki's senses were brought back and is horrified by what she sees herself in.
Nikki: *horrified* "What have they done to me?! I am hideous! I look... I look... like you!" *turns to Caitlin*
Y/N: "Does this mean... *rushes to hug Nikki* NIKKI!!!"
Suddenly, she stops you and slaps you across the face.
Nikki: "Knock it off! Snap out of it, ya big baby."
Y/N: *astonished, then smiles* "Now THERE'S the same awesome Nikki I know and love! Good to have you back, babe."
Caitlin: "I second that."
Nikki: "Thanks, and... sorry for slapping you."
Y/N: "You kidding? I'm glad you did! That was a test to see if you came back or not and you passed with flying colors."
Nikki: "Thanks. Now for this."
And she pulls you in by the back of your neck and pecks you right on the lips, which lit up your whole world. Yup, she's back alright.
[Back at the Penalty Box]
Jen is just showering Jonesy with so many sports goods and who can blame her when she screwed up earlier. As of right now, she's showing him their newest sneakers.
Jen: "These are the latest. They inflate and *pulls on shoe lace* they're also an MP3 player. 50% off then, just for you?"
Jonesy: *sternly* "It'll take a lot to change my mind about your earlier evaluation, I'm a man of principles, you know."
Jen: "Free then?"
Jonesy: *points at basket* "Put them with the rest."
She tosses the musical sneakers into the towering, overflowing shopping basket and goes onto the next item.
Jen: *shows tennis racket* "Want to try this new tennis racket? It's from the new Jogn Mcenroe line, bang it on the ground and... *slams racket on the ground*
racket: "OW! WHAT ARE YOU, BLIND?!"
Jonesy: *grins* "Can I have it for free?"
Jen: "It's worth $150."
Jonesy then uses the same ol' trick again, bringing up his clipboard, making Jen squirm like an eel on a hot plate.
Jen: "Okay, free, sure. I'll just take it out of my next 10 paychecks." *tosses racket into basket*
Jonesy: "I heard about some thermal underwear that massage your butt while you ski."
Jen: *defeated* "Right away." *walks off*
[Back at Khaki Barn]
Thanks to the help of her friends and you, Nikki was able to fix herself back up to her normal self.
Nikki: *genuine* "I don't know what would've happened to me if it weren't for you guys."
Caitlin: "You'd have done the same for us."
Y/N: "That's the best thing about friends, Nix. We look out for each other, no matter what."
Jude: "Man, I'm just glad I don't have a boss like yours... that I know of."
Nikki: "Well, I've never been a good influence before and I'm not about to start now."
Moments later she comes out, dawning on her normal facial looks, piercings and all. And now she's about to confront her boss.
Nikki: "Ah, you almost had me there, Chrissy. Heh, yeah, you sure did, *gets up close, threatening* but nobody... NOBODY comes between me and my nose jewelry!"
Caitlin: "Nice try."
Y/N: "Yeah. Now, riddle me this... why go through all the trouble to change my girlfriend to make her look like you?"
Chrissy: "Well, you see--"
Jonesy: *enters shop* "Yo, sales chick, I need some service over here, if you don't mind."
Nikki: *walks by, bluntly* "Bite me, I'm going on my break."
Jonesy: "Hmm, bad attitude, terrible customer service from the staff, *brings out clipboard* looks like I'm gonna have to give your store an average performance review after all."
Chrissy: *groans, yells at Nikki* "YOU JUST MADE ME LOSE MANAGER OF THE YEAR, YOU-YOU... UN-KHAKI LOSER!!! *to Jonesy* I... I tried to reform her, but my training didn't stick!"
Y/N & Nikki: *blinks in surprise* "WHAT?!" *glares at Jonesy* "Reform her?"
You and Nikki then take the clipboard to see what's going on.
Jonesy: "Gimme that!"
But you hold him back while you two kept going over it and it's just as you suspected, but it also came as a shock.
Nikki: *to Jonesy* "You're the reason I got stuck with Employee of the Month? I'm taking the rest of the day off."
Y/N: *slowly turns to Jonesy* "Jonesy..."
Jonesy: "Now wha--" *freezes at your expression*
Y/N: *calm anger, slowly rising up* "You mean to tell me... that all of this... was your own... fucking... DOING?! ....Why....?"
Jonesy: "Uh... c-c-c-cause, I uh... wanted free stuff?"
Y/N: "............I'll be back."
Uh-oh... now he's done it.
[timeskip later]
Mostly everyone is back at the food court again.
Jude: "Caitlin, a glass of your finest lemonade slush, please?"
And she gets to prepping it.
Jude: *to Jonesy* "What's the dealio, Jonesy?"
Jonesy: *bummed* "Nikki rewrote all my reports. When they saw her A+, they knew I was lying."
Wyatt: "It's called "karma" man. Your yin just bit your yang in the butt."
Jonesy: "Yeah, well that yin just blew the best job I ever had."
Nikki: "Yup, all in a day's work."
Jen: "Jonesy."
Jonesy looks up and sees Jen and you together.
Jonesy: *nervously* "Hey, Jen. How's it going? And you too, Y/N, uh... so, what's going on?"
Jen: *sinister grin* "Now that you've lose your secret shopper job, I thought you, me, Y/N and John could have a little chat."
Jonesy: "John?"
Soon, she brings out the racket and slams it on the table.
Y/N: "I paid for the racket myself. Oh, and that's not all. 'Cause guess what else I've got for ya." *whips out belt, flashes scary grin* "HOHOHO, I GOT THE GOOD BELT, TOO!!!"
Jonesy: *backs away, scared* "Now, wait, guys. Let's talk this out!" *runs off, screaming*
Soon, you and Jen gave chase and it wasn't long before the sounds of the racket thudding and ranting, along with your belt thwapping against what sounded like flesh could be heard. What followed next was the sound of Jonesy screaming like a bitch.
And the others just watch this, thinking he deserves it.
[Later on]
After a thorough beating and trying to get the sting off his ass with an ice pack, Jonesy pays a visit to the Stick-It and alongside him, his punisher, which is you.
Jude: "Maybe my boss just doesn't wanna be found."
Y/N: "Try it again, Jude. And this time... listen closely. Trust me, your boss is much closer than you think."
Jonesy: "Dude, did you and Jen really have to whip me so hard without the pants? My butt stings badly, man."
Y/N: "Answer me this, why is it that every time when you get a job with a low position of power, you abuse your authority? You took advantage of the secret shopper gig and nearly scammed all of your friends for free shit all because you wanted to save money. You're lucky you're just a teenager, otherwise, if you did this as an adult, you'd be sent to prison, so stop this shit and grow the fuck up."
As for Jude, he dials the number again and this time, he hears more clearly and hears the sound of the Stick-It telephone ringing.
Jude: *gasps, answers phone* "Stick-It, hold please." *brings cell phone up to other ear* "Hello, I'm looking for the boss of Stick-It." *hears his own echoing voice* "Hello? Helloooooo."
Y/N: *laughs* "Jude, don't you get it? The answer's right in front of you the whole time. You're the boss of Stick-It."
Jude: *excited, hangs up phones* "Duuude!"
Y/N: "Juuude! This is awesome! Congrats, man." *does the fist bump handshake with Jude*
Jude: "Well then, as my own boss, I guess I get to give myself breaks."
Y/N: "Within reasons, of course."
Jude: "Cool. You guys free?"
Y/N: "Sure, I'm all done with my shift."
Jonesy: "And I'm out of a job."
Jude: *hops over counter* "Cool, movies all afternoon on me."
Y/N: "Uh... maybe just one movie is enough."
And so, with Jude now finding out who's in charge of Stick-It, the 3 boys catch up a relaxing movie at the Gigantoplex Cinema. And with Nikki's looks back to normal and Jen's job saved, life has gone completely back to normal for our friends.
[A/N: Woo... I bet you guys weren't expecting this, huh? It took me a while, but I managed to do it. But the next one, I'm gonna have SO MUCH FUN doing even more! But for now the chapter is done, so for the time being... STAY TUNED!]
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