It's another peaceful day at the Galleria Mall and the gang is chilling by their usual spot, enjoying their break.
Caitlin: "You're a Taurus, right?"
Jonesy: "You know it. You mess with the bull, you get the horns. Know what I'm saying?"
Nikki: "Oh yeah, there's some kind of bull at this table."
Jonesy: "Got that right. Wanna be my matador?"
Nikki: "I think I'll pass."
Caitlin: "Okay, Taurus... a compliment to a friend could lead to great things. Look for new job opportunities."
Jonesy: "A new job? Boo-yah!"
Y/N: "Yes, a new job you can get fired from."
Caitlin: "What about you, Y/N? What's your horoscope?"
Y/N: "Cancer."
Caitlin: "Alrighty, let's see... Oh! Cancer... It says here to never take a Cancer's kindness for granted, because you'll never have it that good ever again."
Y/N: "That's pretty deep... yet, somehow it feels true."
Caitlin: "Of course it's true. This astrologer is really good. Actually, she predicted that I should never date a Taurus. And luckily, I'm not since I've got you by my side."
Y/N: "You got that right."
Jonesy: "Very wise and may I say you're looking exceptionally fine today."
Y/N: "Jonesy... if you don't back off..." *smiles sinisterly* "...then say goodbye to your penis."
Jonesy's entire body went pale before shutting up.
Wyatt: "Way to put the horror in horoscope."
Jen: "Are you looking for a job?"
Jonesy: *recomposes* "I am. And uh... *turns to you, gulps nervously, then back to Jen* You wouldn't happen to have any positions open, would you, by any chance?"
Y/N: "10 points for asking normally, Jonesy."
Jen: "Well, Coach Halder is reorganizing the stockroom and we could use some part-timers."
Jonesy: "Will heavy-lifting be involved?"
Jen: "Just moving boxes and stuff."
Jonesy: "Yeah, Jen, see, lifting things violates my religion."
Y/N: "Pussy."
Jonesy: "Excuse me?"
Y/N: "You heard what I said, you're a pussy. A lazy bum. You're never gonna build some character if you don't start pulling your own weight around, that's why you always get fired."
Wyatt: "What'd you expect from the guy? Jonesy worships at the Temple of Eternal Slack."
Jen: "Just trying to help you out. I better go, break is over." *she gets up, turns and leaves*
Caitlin: "Yeah, I should get back to work, too. I have to dust all the lemons." *gets up, walks over to Big Squeeze*
Nikki: *quirks eyebrow* "You dust the lemons?"
Caitlin: "Business has been slow." *puts on lemon hat*
Wyatt: *stands up* "Gotta bounce, later." *goes back to work*
Nikki: "See ya."
Y/N: "Take care, man."
Jonesy: "Y/N... I know this is a long shot, but... is Gamestop hiring?"
Y/N: "Unless you wanna spend your time restocking the shelves with new and old games, putting them in their correct, alphabetical order and stocking them under the shelves for each different console they're made for, you're better off working elsewhere."
Nikki: "Guess that leaves me. The Khaki Barn's having their annual "Look Like Everyone Else" sale this week."
Jonesy: "So?"
Nikki: "So nothing. I just heard the clone queen saying she was looking for an extra part-timer."
Jonesy: "Heavy lifting?"
Y/N: *facepalms yourself* "Oh my fucking god. Hopeless!" *gets up, leaves* "I'm heading back to work."
Nikki: *to you* "Take care, babe." *to Jonesy* "Also, it's nothing that I'd do. It's pretty much just folding sweaters."
Jonesy: "Cool. But *bummed* I don't know how to fold sweaters."
Nikki: "Uh... I could give you a crash course after we close."
Jonsey: "I know know, you and I working together. Y/N'll be breathing down my neck most of the day if he knew."
Nikki: "Well, you know, don't come if you don't want to. No biggie, but if you do choose to come, I'll make sure he doesn't step outta line if he ever comes to visit."
Jonesy: "Well... alright. I'll be there."
Nikki: "Cool."
Jonesy: "Cool."
And meanwhile, Jude is tearing it up in the mall on his skateboard until he trips on something and it catapults him onto the table that Nikki and Jonesy are sitting at.
Jude: "How's it going?"
Nikki: *concerned* "Are you okay?"
Jude: "Awesome. Can you help me up?" *picked up my Jonesy* "Ah... Ah! Ow!"
Nikki: "Speaking of pain, I've gotta get back to the "Tacky" Barn. See you after work." *heads off*
Jonesy: *to Jude* "Dude, Nikki just offered me a gig at the Khaki Barn."
Jude: "Awesome."
Jonesy: "But the thing is, I don't know how to fold sweaters, so she offered to teach me... after closing hours. And I gotta be careful with how I behave around her during that time."
Jude: *while fixing his board* "Why's that?"
Jonesy: "Hello! She's gonna be teaching me! Alone! Did you forget that she's Y/N's girlfriend? I gotta make sure I don't do something stupid or he'll use me as a throw rug!"
Jude: "Then, don't flirt with her. Simple as that."
Jonesy: "Right... You're right. I can do this. Just treat her like a normal friend."
[Some time later...]
We now see Jonesy and Nikki holding a piece of clothing. Nikki's crash course on teaching Jonesy how to fold sweaters has now officially begun.
Nikki: "Now, any monkey could fold a sweater, even you. But what separates us from the clones is that we choose not to."
She tosses the sweater back as it was.
Nikki: "See? You give it a try."
Jonesy: "Right." *tosses it*
Nikki: "Good, now, let's try unfolding these." *pulls out assortment of sweaters*
Jonesy: "Alright. Let's see."
And Jonesy somehow gets the crash course done without a hitch and Nikki high fives him.
Just then, you show up after another hard day's work.
Y/N: "Uh... *gestures to the messy clothes clumped together* ...should I be concerned about this?"
Nikki: "Not really. Just giving him the crash course on how to fold sweaters... the Nikki way."
Y/N: "But... they're not fo-- *realizes, chuckles* OH! Hah! I forgot, okay... well, just make sure the clones don't find out."
[the next day]
We now see you at the Khaki Barn, putting the messy clump of sweaters away while the clones just watch you and Jonesy lazes around and Nikki... is not liking your situation.
Kirsten: "Thanks for volunteering to help, Y/N. You are, like, such a big help around here."
Kristen: "Yeah, how about you come work at the Khaki Barn?"
Chrissy: "Yeah! You'd get major discounts! And you look like a man with a sense of style."
Y/N: "Ladies, you're too kind, really. But I already have a job at Gamestop and I like it there. Besides, you girls look like you're strong and independent enough to keep your business booming without my help, so have more faith in yourselves."
Clones: *gasp, squeals happily*
Nikki: "Oh, hell fucking no they don't."
Jonesy: *quietly to himself* "How does he do it?"
[By the fountain]
Jude: *interviewing himself on camera* "Do you think the problem might be that when the camera is on, you tense up a bit? Yeah, I think I get a little tense. Why not just pretend like the camera isn't there? Dude, *chuckles* brilliant idea!"
And after that little self interview, he skates off some more.
[Back at food court]
Jen: *walks up* "Hey, how about a sour lemon pucker?"
Caitlin: "Sure." *sniffs* "Ew! What is that disgusting smell? It smells like... *gasps* gym class!"
Jen: "Oh, it must be the Raging Heat Muscle Cream I rubbed on my shoulder. It's sore from lifting all those boxes in the stock room."
Caitlin: *coughs, holding nose, fanning herself* "Oh, I hope it's worth it!"
Jen: "It's what they put on football players so they can keep playing with broken legs. *turns her back to Caitlin* Poke me in the shoulder with a straw."
Caitlin: *still holding nose, shooing Jen* "Shove over, incoming customer."
And it's the same make-out couple from before. Only this time, they can smell Jen's cream, making them stop kissing. They get sick to their stomachs and run off. Well... at least Jen managed to make those two stop swapping spit for a while.
Caitlin: "You chased away all my customers! You can come by all stinky anytime!"
And enter Wyatt and Nikki
Nikki: "If those clones think they can just swoop in and steal my man from under my nose, they've got another thing coming. *to Wyatt* You don't think he likes them, do you? I mean... hello, they're clones, I doubt even Jonesy'd like them."
Wyatt: "You should know Y/N by now, he's not the kind of guy to go behind his girlfriends' backs. Though I can't say the same for Jen and Caitlin since they've given into temptation."
Jen & Cait: "Hey!"
Nikki: "Well, you didn't see them, it's like this love fest in there, I don't get it... why?"
Wyatt: "Nikki... are you actually jealous?"
Nikki: "What? No, I... *recomposes herself* You know what, I don't care who Y/N spends his time with." *walks off*
Caitlin: "She's hooked."
Wyatt: "Like a wide-mouthed bass."
Caitlin: "You know what this means... it's time to take some drastic action" *slams fist into left palm*
[Back with Jude]
Jude: *recording himself* "For my next stunt, I will attempt an extreme Molly tail grab to Fakie double heel flip body burial, followed by a Zurich alley-oop 5 over the fountain. I will now pretend the camera isn't here."
And Jude starts his skateboarding stunt. And to save you all the trouble... it ends badly with Jude's family jewels suffering major jab from a broom stick pole. Poor Jude let out the most painful scream from the top of his lungs, cupping his hidden treasure.
He's then forced to take a break over at the Stick-It with an ice pack on his head... and on his crotch area.
Jen: *walks up* "Jude, are you okay?"
Jude: "If you're thinking about hitting a janitor cart sometime soon, I would strongly advise against it."
Jen: "Good to know."
Jude: "Aw, man." *sniffs chicken kebabs* "Even if my damaged state, I can tell these stickets are rank." *tosses them away*
Jen: "Actually, you might be smelling my shoulder."
Jude: *blinks in surprise* "Didn't see that one coming."
Jen: "My shoulder was sore, so I put raging heat cream on it." *shows Jude the cream dispenser*
Jude: *inspects it* "Good for aches and pains associated with sporting injuries."
Jen: "It's banned in Europe, so you know it's good."
He gets an idea and decides to put it on, but...
Jude: "I can't do it with you watching."
Jen: "Okay, okay, I've gotta get back anyway. Just remember, you only need a dime-size amount. It's really concentrated."
Jude: *applies cream on back of his neck* "Oooooooooh yeah. Hmm..."
Aaaaand, the oaf goes shirtless and rubs more than the required dosage on his upper torso. A decision he would later regret.
Back at the Khaki Barn, Nikki is working her ass off, ignoring casanova Jonesy as he's now got the clones flocking to him.
Chrissy: "So, have you decided which one of us you wanna take for lunch?"
Jonesy: "I don't know."
Kirsten: "You can pick either one of us, it wouldn't matter."
Kristen: *gasp* "Hey look! There goes Y/N!"
Clones: *gasps, seeing you walking by*
Nikki: "Oh, the hell they don't." *rushes over to you* "Babe!"
Y/N: *sees Nikki approach you* "Nikki? What's up?"
Nikki: "You and me, lunch... now. I'm not taking "no" for an answer." *takes you by the hand*
Y/N: "Umm... okay? What's up with you?"
Nikki: "Just shut up and follow me."
Y/N: "Alright. Sheesh. Take a chill pill."
As you and her were walking by, you noticed Jude doing something.
Y/N: "Dude, what are you doing?"
Jude: "Just massaging a few sore muscles."
Y/N: "Uh... right." *keeps walking*
We now see you and Nikki hanging out by Wonder Taco and she... didn't order anything. You, on the other hand, ordered a three taco meal and are currently enjoying yourself... sort of.
Y/N: *after gulping down a bite* "I don't get it, Nix. You said you wanted to have lunch with me, yet you're not even eating anything, so what in the fuck is going on with you?"
Nikki: "It has to qualify as food before I eat it."
Y/N: "Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. By the way, could you pass me some napkins, please?"
She does and you take them and put them on your tray, then take one of them and wipe your face a little.
Y/N: "You should have a bite, Nix. These tacos are tasty."
Nikki: "No thanks. You just keep it to yourself."
Y/N: "Alright suit yourself. But you're missing out."
Then a drop of taco sauce falls on her tank top.
Nikki: "Oh great! Now look what you've done! You got your stupid taco sauce all over my clothes, you slob."
Y/N: "Hey! Excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess. Here, I'll get it for ya."
And you put your food aside and try to help clean Nikki's shirt, but little did you know, Jen is watching you from afar. From her point of view it looked like you and Nikki were locking lips and got a little... jealous, which was kinda adorable.
Y/N: *growls in frustration* "It's not coming off."
Nikki: "Next time, watch where you point your food. But I bet you wouldn't have sloppped food on Chrissy."
Y/N: "What's Chrissy got to do with anything? Why are you acting so paranoid?"
Nikki: "Why were you hitting on the clones earlier?"
Y/N: "Hitting on the clones?! Is that what this is about?! Nikki, I wasn't hitting on them! They were trying to hire me to work at the Khaki Barn, but I politely declined them. Besides, I like my job at Gamestop and besides, I have you for a girlfriend already."
Nikki: *blinks in surprise* "Oh... okay. But still, you're always hanging out with Jen or Caitlin!"
Y/N: *sighs* "Okay, you got me on there. So, how about this. We go out on an actual date, just the two of us. Sound good?"
Nikki: "...Yeah... Yeah, that sounds great."
Y/N: "Come on, then."
She hooks her arms around your arm and you guide her to the amusement park, unaware of the two other girlfriends watching you.
[At the amusement park]
We now see you and Nikki riding the Vomit Comet roller coaster and you're looking happy as you laugh and cheer from the fast ride.
Nikki: *loudly* "Having fun, big guy?"
Y/N: *loudly* "You know it! WEEEE-HOOO!!!"
Meanwhile, Jen and Caitlin show up and spot you using binoculars.
Jen: "Oh, they are so on a date!"
Caitlin: "Better call for reinforcements." *gets out phone, dials number*
Nikki: *spots the girls* "Is that Jen and Caitlin down there?"
Y/N: *sees them* "Yup! Definitely!
Jen: *panicks* "Oh shit! They saw us!"
Wyatt: *through the phone* "Hello?"
Caitlin: "Wyatt, find a way to leave work. We have a definite situation here."
Jen: "I'll call Jude."
But Jude couldn't answer the phone... not with his body being all numb from the cream. So, with our unlucky skater boy out of action, Jen, Cait and Wyatt will have to... improvise. Jonesy got called in on the plan, but he refused, not wanting to invoke your wrath.
So now, we turn our attention to the Gigantoplex, the Galleria Mall's indoor movie theater.
Caitlin: *looking through binoculars* "Okay, they just bought tickets to the new romantic comedy movie."
Jen: "Uh-oh, I've seen this one. Majoe mush factor. We have to work fast!"
Caitlin: "Ready?"
Wyatt: *finishes coffee, sighs* "Ready as I'll ever be."
Caitlin: "Let's go!"
Inside one of the theaters, you and Nikki are sitting front row center, both looking unamused at the movie, even though Nikki chose it. Just then, Wyatt shows up with a bag of popcorn.
Wyatt: "Hey guys."
Caitlin: *shows up, putting on an act* "Oh my gosh, I didn't know you guys would be at this movie."
Wyatt: "Great seats, guys. Popcorn, Caitlin?" *offers popcorn*
Caitlin: "Oh yeah, hand it over." *takes bag, grabs drink, offers to Wyatt* "Pop?"
Wyatt: *accepts drink* "Thanks. So thirsty." *takes sip, offers to you* "Want some?"
Y/N: *hushed tone, through teeth* "No, now shut up already!" *to Nikki, quietly* "What the fuck is up with these guys?"
Nikki: *getting ticked* "I don't know."
Jen: *pops up behind you two* "Oh, I love this part! This is the part where she kisses him for the very first time."
Caitlin: *to Jen* "Want some popcorn?"
Jen: "Thanks." *takes handful and eats it, then takes out licorice* "Licorice anybody?"
Y/N: *thinks* "Keep it cool. Do not explode... Do! Not! Explode!"
[Back at Stick-it]
While the gang is fucking up your date with Nikki, Jonesy shows up at the Stick-It on his break.
Jude: "Oh, man. What am I gonna do?"
Jonesy: "Jude? Where are you buddy?"
Jude: "Jonesy? I'm down here. A little help, please?"
Jonesy: *peeks over counter* "Jude, what are you doing lying down on the job like that?"
Jude: "My body's not listening to me, bro. The only thing that's working is my mouth."
Jonesy: *sniffs, exclaims in disgust* "UGH! If only I could say the same with your nose! You freaking reek!"
Jude: "Sorry, dude. Must've been the cream Jen loaned me."
Jonesy: "Cream? What cream?" *sees empty cream dispenser, inspects it* "Oh yeah... this stuff is definitely the source. *walks behind counter, picks up Jude* Come on, buddy... let's go find Dr. Jen and see if we can't find out what's wrong." *sniffs* "Pee-yew! And afterwards, you need to take a shower, dude."
[Back with you and the gang]
You and Nikki are walking out of the theater early for obvious reasons, but the others won't stop following you and it's slowly getting you and Nikki beyond pissed.
Jen: "Don't worry about walking out early, I can tell you how it ends over ice cream."
Nikki: *annoyed* "Some other time, maybe."
Caitlin: "I know how not knowing how a movie ends can bug you."
Nikki: "Right now, that's not what's bugging me."
Y/N: "So do us a favor... and BACK OFF!"
Suddenly, Cait and Jen stop just outside of Stick-It.
Jen: "Look, the Stick-It is empty. Where's Jude?"
Caitlin: "I dunno, come on."
Jen: "But, I called him earlier and got no answer. He always answers."
Caitlin: "We don't have time right now."
Jen went over to the Stick-It and found the empty cream dispenser and gasped, knowing what really happened to Jude.
Jen: *worried, shows Caitlin* "Look! It's empty! If Jude used that much, he could really be in trouble."
Caitlin: "We can't let them out of our sight, let's go!"
Meanwhile, Jonesy is struggling to carry Jude over to the food court so he can call the others. But despite his tall stature, his muscle mass is severely lacking right now.
Jonesy: *grunting* "Ugh! Jude! You're really heavy! Just how much do you eat?"
Jude: "Hey, I happen to have a very athletic body build, thank you."
Back with the others, Wyatt is peking out from a plant and Cait and Jen finally catch up.
Caitlin: "Wyatt! What happened?"
Wyatt: "I dunno, they kinda got away from me. I didn't know what to do!"
And at the moment, you and Nikki are just chilling by the bench, talking and chatting with each other without a care in the world.
Jen: *gasps* "We gotta stop them!"
Caitlin: "Then we'll do it on 3! One... Two..."
Jonesy: "Yo! Guys! A little help here!"
Jen and Caitlin turn and Jen gives a horrified scream.
Jen: "It's Jude and Jonesy!"
The three friends rush over to the two guys. And just you and Nikki are about to lock lips with each other, you then stop and point over to Jude. He's currently limp and can't move, being forced to latch onto Jonesy, making Nikki look and gasp.
Y/N: "JUDE!!! *rushes over to him* "Dude, what happened to you, are you okay?"
Jude: "I can't use my arms."
Wyatt: "Let's help him out."
Y/N: "I got him. Hold on, buddy."
You carry Jude on your back and take him with you.
Y/N: "So much for our date night."
Nikki: "Yup. But you sure showed me a good time."
Y/N: "I would've showed you a better time if these boneheads didn't butt into our business."
Caitlin: *whispers* "Jude, you're a genius! I'll get you some water."
Jude: "Huh?"
You then set Jude down gently on the bench.
Jen: "I'll try to find an antidote."
Wyatt: "Maybe some coffee'll help. I'll be right back."
Y/N: "I swear, the next time we have a date, we're locking those moochers up and throwing away the key."
Jude: *slipping* "Uh-oh." *put back in place by you and Jonesy*
Jonesy: "So, what was all that about?"
Y/N: "Those motherfuckers ruined our date night! That's what."
Jonesy: "Ouch! Sorry to hear that, man."
Y/N: "Ah, there'll always be a next time. But Jonesy... *warm smile* You really pulled through like a true friend. One, you stayed out of our way regarding our date. Two, you helped Jude. If you put that kind of hard work into a job, you'll make some dough a lot better."
Jonesy: "Well... thanks, man."
[Back at food court]
Jude is laid down on the table and Jen is massaging him
Jen: "Coach said the important thing is to keep your blood circulating and drink plenty of water."
Jude: "Water, gotcha." *sips water from cup*
Nikki: "How's the patient, doctor?"
Jen: The heat cream should be out of his system in about eight hours."
Jude: "Eight hours?!"
Jen: "Maybe sooner if you work it out."
Jonesy: "I'll help you bro."
Nikki: "Me, too."
Y/N: "Need a 3rd helping hand?"
Jonesy: "Nah, I think we got it."
Y/N: "Alright then. Get better soon, Jude."
Jude: "Thanks, man." *sniffs* "Hey, isn't that the unmistakable aroma of those fart-a-mones things again?"
Nikki: *sniffs* "Uh, no. I think it's just the taco sauce that fell from Y/N's taco and onto my shirt."
Y/N: "Now, as for you three." *turns to the three, glaring* "What the fuck is wrong with you? Nikki and I are trying to enjoy a relaxing date together and you go and RUIN it!"
Jen: "Sorry, but we had to!"
Y/N: "She's my girlfriend! Why should you intervene?"
Wyatt: "I'm just gonna come out and say it. They were jealous."
Jen and Cait: "HEY!"
Y/N: "Jealous? *facepalms* UGH!!! Not this shit again! Look! You're all my girlfriends, but I have to share the love equally! I already went out on a date with Caitlin! Then with Jen! And now I was supposed to enjoy a date with Nikki AND YOU GO AND FUCK IT UP!"
Jen: "Uh... sorry?"
Y/N: "No, sorry is not good enough! Until Nikki and I complete a date REDO, I am not going out with either of you! And Wyatt... next time, stay out of my love life!"
Wyatt: "Yeah, sorry man."
Yup... now Caitlin and Jen have gone and goofed up now. And they're paying for it big time.
[Next day]
We see Jude is back to his old self and has brought some snacks for everyone at the food court.
Jude: "Stick-It?"
Jonesy: "Don't mind if I do." *takes one*
Wyatt and Caitlin take one as well.
Caitlin: "You look like you're all better."
Jude: "Yeah, I can feel every part of my body again."
Nikki: "Just don't be doing it in front of us, okay?"
You took one of the stick-its, but didn't eat it.
Caitlin: *after eating a bite* "These stick-its are great."
Wyatt: "Yeah, they melt in your mouth."
Jude: "That's because I use the best meat tenderizer ever."
Jen: *sniffs her snack* "I think I recognize the spice."
Suddenly, her food goes... limp. As does Wyatt's... and Jonesy's... and Caitlin's.
Jen: *gasps* "JUDE! You didn't!"
Y/N: *tosses uneaten stick-it away* "Jude... did you seriously put the leftover cream inside these stick-its?"
Jude: "I shall never reveal the Colonel's secret recipe. But I can tell you it's the choice of football players everywhere."
It looks like everyone except you and Nikki are suffering the after-effects of Jude's special spice. Oh, how good it feels to have sweet justice delivered to the date crashers. Except Jonesy... as funny as it was to see him suffer, he didn't do anything bad today.
Oh well... better get him plenty of water.
[A/N: I wasn't sure where to go with this particular chapter, so I just winged it, but I do know what I plan to do next chapter. So hold on tight everyone, because the Galleria Malls gonna go Stupid over Cupid, the stage is set... now... STAY TUNED!!!]
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