Bring It On

It's anothe busy day at the Galleria Mall and we join Jen, who is putting boxes on shelves at the Penalty Box. She hears a strange sound and listens closer. At first, she shrugs it off and goes back to work. Behind her, someone wearing swimming flippers is fastly approaching her. Jen, sure she's hearing something, looks up and listens. The flippers start moving faster. She turns around just in time to face her attacker, only to get caught in a net.

Jonesy: "Got you!"

Jen: "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" *frees herself*

Jonesy: "Trawling."

Jen: "I didn't get you a job at the Penalty Box so you could goof around and get fired."

Jonesy: "Chill! Just familiarizing myself with the gear."

Jen: "You're gonna get me in trouble."

Halder: *walks up* "I see you're familiarizing yourself with the gear. Good man." *to Jen* "What are you doing with that net, Masterson? Get your mind on the game! Now, have you been showing young Jonesy here the plays?"

Jen: "I've been trying to."

Halder: *to Jonesy* "Well, you're learning from the best. Masterson has the highest sales rate of any assistant customer coach at the Penalty Box. Carry on." *off he goes*

Jen: *bitterly* "Thanks a lot."

Jonesy: "Aw, c'mon, Jen. You heard the man. You're the best, and I'm just your humble student."

Jen: "Okay. So let's say you've made the sale and the customer is going to buy this net, for instance. You have to scan the product code at the cash or ring it in manually." *sees him fooling around with bat* "Are you listening to me?"

Jonesy: "Yeah, you code the scan thing." *picks up baseball*

Jen: "Jonesy! Pay attention!"

Jonesy: "I bet I could ring it in from here."

Jonesy tosses the ball in the air and swings. Jen ducks and the ball bounces off various store items and hits the cash register and a receipt prints out.

Jen: "Are you crazy? You're gonna bust the cash register!" *checks the register*

Jonesy: "What does the sale show?"

Jen: *reads slip* "$21.60."

Jonesy: "And how much is the cost of the bat and ball with tax?"

Jen: *shocked* "$21.60!"

Jonesy, the lanky pinhead, pretends to blow smoke off the end of the bat and spins it. And of course, he imitates some Western theme, like the knuckleheaded goof he is. Jen can only sigh in annoyance, starting to regret ever hiring him.


While Jen's dealing with her new Penalty Box recruit, you're currently at El Sporto to begin your job interview. Gamestop has been kinda slow lately and it's only a matter of time before your boss might have to let you go. The manager is currently reviewing your resume, keeping it as professional as possible.

Manager: "So, if I understand correctly, your only job you've had so far is the Gamestop here in this mall, correct?"

Y/N: "Yes sir."

Manager: "Hmm. Alright, then tell me. Why exactly have you shown an interest in working at El Sporto, Mr. L/N?"

Y/N: "I thought it might be a good idea to challenge myself in a faster-paced environment and improve myself, gain more experience."

Manager: "I see. So tell me, what are your best qualities?"

Y/N: "I'm highly organized, able to follow instructions when told once. I'm willing to learn the ropes and I'm punctual when it comes to showing up to work."

Manager: "And what would be your worst quality?"

Y/N: "There are times when I push myself too hard and I don't realize it until it's too late, but it's only because I wanna help the team and the company succeed."

Manager: *nods* "I see. And if you were to get the job, how soon would you be able to start?"

Y/N: *smiles* "...Immediately."

Hearing your answer was pleasant to hear and the manager then stands up with a smile.

Manager: "I like your style, kid. And while we are kinda booked at the moment, I will keep in touch in case we do get an opening."

Y/N: *stands up* "Thanks for having me."

The two of you end things with a proper handshake before you leave the restaurant. With your interview out of the way, you head back to Gamestop for yet another slow day. On your way there, you pass by Spin This, finding your boi, Wyatt restocking CDs when Serena shows up wearing a new accessory.

Serena: "Hi Wyatt."

Wyatt: "Hey. You look different today." *Sees her bandana*

Serena: "Oh, good different or bad different?"

Wyatt: "You could never look bad."

Serena: "Well maybe it's the bandana."

Wyatt: "Yeah, that's it. Looks cool."

Serena: "You think? Thanks." *She kisses Wyatt*

Y/N: *smiles* "Way to go, Wyatt."

The two then see you and wave to you.

Serena "Oh, hey Y/N. What brings you here?"

Y/N: "I'm just coming back from my interview at El Sporto."

Wyatt: "Did it go well?"

Serena: "And how come you're interviewing? I thought you liked working at Gamestop."

Y/N: "I do like Gamestop. But work's been kinda slow and my manager told me to apply on the off chance I might have to resign."

Serena: "Oh no! I hope things go alright."

Wyatt: "Yeah, hang in there, man."

Y/N: "I always do." *thumbs up*

Aaaand enter Serena's ex-boyfriend.

Chad: "What's happening, guys? Hey, my old bandana! Heh. Haven't seen that in a while."

And as he walks away, now the drama begins.

Wyatt: *surprised* "You're wearing Chad's bandana?"

Serena: "Oh, yeah, I never got around to giving it back to him after we broke up."

Wyatt: "You...and Chad...used to be..."

Serena: "Boyfriend and girlfriend. Yeah. You knew that."

Wyatt: "No, I'm pretty sure I didn't."

Serena: "Oh. Well, so now you know."

Y/N: "Oh boy..." *thinks* "Keep it cool, Wyatt. Show some class and remember they used to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

Wyatt: "So now I know." 

But as he sees them laughing with each other, he gets so mad, he snaps a CD case in half and so, what do you do?

Y/N: *approaches him, quiet tone* "Dude... chill. Don't go blowing your top off just because they used to date. Jonesy and I helped you get the girl, don't strike out so early on because of your jealousy."

Wyatt: "Y/N, I..."

Y/N: "Do you really wanna blow it just because of your jealousy? Or do you wanna make it work with Serena?"

Wyatt: *sighs* "Okay, alright."

Y/N: "Good. Now, I'm going back to work. When it's lunchtime, go get yourself an ice cream to cool your brain off." *as he's walking away*

Wyatt is now left on his own to contemplate his thoughts on the matter, not knowing how to handle this.

[Back at the Penalty Box]

We find Jonesy testing out the merch as he's shooting hoops and scoring 2 points until he's approached by a customer. None other than Kyle "Dirty" Donaldson.

Kyle: "Excuse me?"

Jonesy: "Just a second, dude, going for one hundred in a row."

Kyle: "Cool. What're you shooting now?"

Jonesy: "Three." *botches the shot* "Aw. Can I help you?"

Kyle: "Do you sell hockey tape?"

Jonesy: "Hockey tape? I'll bet we do." *shouting across the store* "Jen! Do we sell hockey tape?"

Jen: *to customer* "Excuse me." *shouting back* "Yes we do!"

Jonesy: "Yes we do."

Kyle: "Where would I find some?"

Jonesy: *shouting across the store* "Jen, where is it?"

Jen: "On the shelf beside you!"

Jonesy: *takes on* "Well, that was easy." *gives to Kyle*

Kyle: "Great. Thanks." *takes duct tape*

Jonesy: "Have you tried these new titanium hockey sticks? Chicks love titanium." *shows hockey stick*

Kyle: "I'll take it." *grabs hockey stick*

Jonesy: "Good choice. Let's ring 'er up."

Jen's eyes bulge, amazed that her inept co-worker can somehow get people to buy practically anything.

[At Stick-It]

Jude is managing his little store, selling a piping hot, fresh stick-it. 

Jude: "Here you go." 

He hands a stick-it to Yummy Mummy (Or Vivian), who gives it to Stanley.

Stanley: "No, it's stupid!" *throws on ground*

Vivian: *unhappy* "He's done that at every stand in the food court we've been to today."

Jude: "Bummer."

Vivian: "Could you be a dear and watch my Stanley for me–" *voice breaking* "–while I go cr–I mean, powder my nose?"

Jude: "No problemo."

Vivian: "Thanks. Bye." 

She rushes off. Jude looks at Stanley, and Stanley laughs.

Jude: "Maybe this isn't such a good idea."

Meanwhile, as Vivian is rushing to cry her eyes out, she eventually bumps into you, accidentally knocking the two of you down. Thankfully, her head landed on your chest, so she's safe. You get up a bit and look at her, remembering her.

Y/N: "Hey, I remember you."

Vivian: *gasps, seeing you* "It's you! That handsome young man from the booth!"

Y/N: "I'm Y/N."

Vivian: "Vivian's the name. But most people call me "Yummy Mummy."

Y/N: "Heh, I can see why if you're looking this gorgeous. But why were you booking it like that?" *while helping her up with you*

Vivian: "Oh, it's my son, Stanley. He's being so impossible! I don't know what to do with him!"

Y/N: "...Have you ever tried beatin' his ass with a belt?"

Vivian: *gasps* "Oh no! I could never harm my little angel!"

Y/N: "Angel? Viv, you don't mind if I call you "Viv", do you? He's never gonna learn right from wrong if you don't punish him. When a child is bad, that child needs to be taught a lesson. Trust me, I know, because I acted out sometimes too when I was younger."

Vivian: "How old are you?"

Y/N: "18. And back then, ass-whippings were like meals and the few times I acted up as a kid, I was well fed."

Vivian: "I... see."

Y/N: "It's called "tough love." And I think your son is way past due."

Vivian: "Hmm... you know, for someone who's barely starting as an adult, you seem to be pretty smart about life."

Y/N: "Thanks. Anyways, I'm gonna head to work or risk getting my ass fired for being tardy."

Vivian: "Okay, but one more thing before you go."

Y/N: "What's up?"

This sexy MILF then blows your mind away as she presses her hot body onto yours and mashes her lips onto yours. You melt in the kiss and give her one right back. If you weren't pressed for time, you'd have taken her somewhere private and given her a good time. But for now, you settled on this.

After pulling away a minute later, you booked it to your job at high speeds while she watched you run... her eyes glued to your ass.

Vivian: *seductively* "Mmm, where has he been all my life?"

[at the food court]

Nikki: "So what if Chad and Serena used to date?"

Wyatt: "So what? She's still wearing his stuff! It's like she's still, I dunno, his girl! And Y/N expects me to just "make it work?"

Caitlin: "Well, I mean, he made it work with me, Jen and Nikki... even though Jen and I screwed up a lot."

Nikki: "Yeah, plus, this isn't 1962! Don't sweat it. Buy her a new bandana and put it on her head! Problem solved. Oh, and why don't you write 'Wyatt's Girlfriend' across it while you're at it?"

Wyatt: "That's not a bad idea, thanks!" *walks off*

Nikki: *to Caitlin* "Wouldn't you hate to be a guy and be so confused all the time?"

Wyatt: "I heard that."

[At Gamestop]

It's moderately busy, but not too busy. You're at the counter, going through the Gamestop database and helping sell a console to a customer.

Y/N: "Hmm... it looks like there's a couple of PS5s available in Missisauga and Brampton. What we can do is you can pay upfront and we can have it sent to your address within 3 to 5 business days, how's that?"

Customer: "Okay, sure."

Y/N: "Great and would you like the 1 year or 2 year protection plan?"

Customer: "Definitely the 2 year plan."

Y/N: "Alright, good choice." 

You round up the total and the customer pays with their card. The transaction is successful and another happy customer leaves. Now, you wait for the other 2 customers, who are browsing around the shop to get something while the boss chats with you.

Boss: "So, how'd your interview go? Anything good?"

Y/N: "It went as well as could be expected. They're not short of staff, but they still have my contact info in case an opening comes up.

Boss: "Ah. Well, I hope things go well for you."

Y/N: "Yeah, hopefully I don't say goodbye to this pla-- *a customer comes up* Hey, did you find what you need?"

And so, the work day keeps going.

[Meanwhile with Jude and Stanley]

Jude is walking around the mall, followed by Stanley.

Jude: "So, what are you into, besides making babysitters cry?"

Stanley: "Hitting things." *pulls out rubber mallet and plastic bat*

Jude: "I'm down with that."

Jude grabs the mallet, and they start bashing the toys on a trash can and a bench and here comes Ron, the rent-a-cop.

Ron: "What's going on here?"

Jude: "Babysittin'."

Ron: "Alright then. Carry on." 

And off goes the cop, thus leaving the destructive duo to their business.

[Back at food court]

Time passes by and now, everyone is on break. With everyone present, save for Jude, Caitlin decides to break the silence.

Caitlin: "Did you give that ugly bandana to her yet?"

Wyatt: "No. I'm waiting for the right moment."

Y/N: "Wait, what ugly bandana?"

Caitlin: "Wyatt bought an ugly blue bandana with hockey sticks on it and he's planning on giving it to Serena because he doesn't like the one her ex-boyfriend got her.

Y/N: *looks to Wyatt* "Dude, are you fucking serious?"

Wyatt: "What do you expect me to do?"

Y/N: "Act like a fucking man with common sense! She likes the bandana she's wearing, fine. Let her wear it. It's her choice, she's your girlfriend now. Not Chad's. That don't mean they can't be just friends. Deal with it!"

Wyatt: "Like how you deal with two of your girlfriends flirting with other guys?"

Jen & Cait: "Hey!"

Nikki: "Okay, low blow there."

Y/N: *calm anger* "Now, you listen here, you motherf--"

Jude: *arrives with Stanley* "Hey dudes." *takes seat*

Y/N: *calms down* "We'll discuss this later, Wyatt." *to Jude* "Yo, how's it hanging, Jude?"

Nikki: "What's with junior?"

Jude: "His mom left him with me so she could go to the washroom."

Caitlin: "That's so sweet!"

Jude: "Three hours ago."

Y/N: "Seriously? Either she's crying her eyes out, or she's contemplating on the advice I gave her back then."

Nikki: "What advice?"

You whisper into Nikki's ear and she gasps before grinning at you.

Nikki: "Oh, I would definitely take that advice."

Stanley: "We broke things."

Jude: "Little dude's got a good arm."

Jen: "Listen, Jonesy, it's stupid for us to compete for sales at work."

Y/N: "Wait, you guys are doing what-now?"

Jonesy: "You're right, guys are just naturally better at that stuff than girls."

Y/N: "...Oh god... *laughs* You did NOT just throw the gauntlet."

Jen: *shocked* "Excuse me?!?!? No! I meant we should work as a team!"

Jonesy: "Yeah, and you shouldn't feel bad about asking for help."

Y/N: "Go ahead, keep running your mouth. You're only digging yourself a deeper grave."

Nikki: "Uh, hold on. You don't think guys are better at anything because they're guys, do you?"

Jonesy: "I don't think that. I know it. Right, guys?"

Wyatt: *hesitant* "I don't know."

Jude: *unwilling to answer* "I guess?"

Y/N: *all eyes on you* "...Don't look at me, I'm not a part of this."

Jonesy: "Face it, the male race is braver, faster, stronger–we're superior."

Y/N: "Aaaand that's the final nail in your coffin."

Nikki: "Oh yeah? Prove it."

Jen: *upset* "Let's see what you've got!"

Jonesy: "Okay, pick something. Anything. And we'll do it better than you."

Nikki: *annoyed* "Fine. Staring contest. Me and Jude."

Jonesy: "Oh you're going down! Right Jude?"

Jude: "Uh...yeah."

Jen: "First one to blink loses. And...go!"

Jude and Nikki stare. Jude blinks after a few seconds.

Nikki: "Ah ha!"

Jen: "Nice!" *She hi-fives Caitlin*

Jonesy: *angry* "How come you folded so quickly?!?"

Jude: "I forgot what we were doing."

Y/N: "What'd you expect? Your mind's not all there."

Nikki: "I'm thinking of four words: I told you so!"

Jonesy: "Not so fast there, best two out of three!"

Jen: "Fine! We'll even let you pick the challenge this time!"

The guys, except you, whisper together and settle on a challenge.

Jonesy: "A blind lemon-chugging contest."

Nikki: "That's pure lemon juice."

Jude: "That's right. You chicken?"

Caitlin: *standing up* "I'll do it! You're on!"

Jonesy and Caitlin face each other across the table, four shots in front of each of them.

Jen: *giving Caitlin a pep talk* "You were made for this."

Caitlin: "It'll be a piece of cake." *She snaps her compact mirror shut*

Nikki: "Ready? Go!"

Caitlin tosses a shot down. Jonesy takes one as well and coughs. Caitlin takes the second; Jonesy replies and nearly chokes.

Jonesy: *hides pain* "That's good lemon juice!"

Caitlin takes the third shot and pounds the table to relieve her pain. Jonesy downs his and starts clawing at himself.

Nikki: "One more. He's gonna choke!"

Caitlin drinks the last shot. Jonesy raises his nervously, body shaking.

Jude: "Come on, dude! You can take her!"

Wyatt: "It's just lemon juice. You can do this."

Jonesy touches his lips to the juice, tries to drink, and collapses.

Jen: *joyous* "Disqualified! We have a winner!"

The girls cheer. Jonesy moans.

Jude: "I'm gonna take Stanley back to Stick It. Be back pronto."

He and Stanley leave. Jonesy raises his head and coughs something out.

Wyatt: *translating* "He says best three out of five."

Nikki: "Don't know when to give up, huh? Okay. Have I got a challenge for you. And this time..." *points to you* "You're gonna do it."

Y/N: "WHAT?! Why me?"

Nikki: "Because you didn't stop them or defend us, so you gotta pull your weight, mister."

Y/N: "You're seriously gonna be this petty and drag me into this mess when it was Jonesy who started this whole mess?"

Nikki: "Either that or... your pelvis goes bye-bye when we get home."

Y/N: *turns pale* "...What's the challenge."

[at the arcade]

Y/N: "Uhh... what's going on?"

Nikki: "Simple, we're gonna do a little dance battle on this popular dance game, called Friday Night Funkin."

Y/N: "I know that game."

Nikki: "Good. Then let's get to it."

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah, but don't go dragging me into things I didn't start every so often, babe."

So, the two of you step on the dance platform and Nikki picks the song of her choice and sets it to the highest difficulty level. Both of you select your characters and begin the challenge.

Jen: "Go, Nikki! Show him what you've got!"

Caitlin: "Win the home stretch, Nikki!"

Nikki: "Oh, I intend to."

Y/N: *sighs* "This is ridiculous."

[You chose Tricky (on the right), Nikki chose Tabi (on the left)]

As the song began, both you and Nikki began to dance to the rhythm according to your characters making sounds on the screen. Now, Jen and Caitlin have both seen Nikki dance before during the DawgToy concert rehearsal, but to see you busting a move like it's no big deal... it impressed them as well.

Jonesy, Jude and Wyatt all watched in awe as both you and Nikki danced like professionals, shaking your groove thangs at this fast-paced music so well. Jonesy wouldn't have stood a chance against you and knowing Jude, he'd probably just watch the arrows move so fast and get distracted by the flashing light.

 Honestly, the girls thought this'd be an easy win for them, but they clearly saw you weren't just keeping up, you were owning it. Even Nikki is impressed by how focused you were on the steps, as if they were in slow motion.

When the time came, the challenge ended and the winner... was you. By a single point. And the guys cheered and rushed at you, but... you weren't in the mood to be praised for something like this, especially for the ridiculous purpose of who's the better sex.

Jonesy: "That's what I'm talking about!"

Y/N: "This is not how I pictured my day going."

Nikki: "So, you won by 1 point, big deal."

Y/N: "Babe, seriously. Don't lump me in with these knuckleheads. I told you this was ridiculous, but you left me no choice."

Nikki: "Yeah, yeah, next time, best 2 of 3."

Y/N: "Whatever. I don't need this." *walks off*

Jen: *grabs your back shirt collar* "Not so fast, Happy Feet. We're still ahead 2 to 1."

Y/N: "Are you FUCKING kidding me?"

Jonesy: "We choose. Winner take all."

Jen: "Bring it on!"

Jude: *appearing* "Hey guys, guess what! Stanley's mom came back, and she paid me twenty bucks! I'm watching him again tomorrow."

Y/N: "Great to hear, Jude. But right now, I'm kinda forced into this pointless "Battle of the sexes" and it's driving me NUTS!"

Jonesy: "Here's the challenge. Whoever can eat 30 stick-its and then ride the Vomit Comet without barfing wins."

Jen and Jude are at the front of the rollercoaster cars, looking ill.

Jonesy: "Take your time, that was a lot of stick-its."

The safety bar snaps down, and both nearly puke.

Jen: *gasping* "Okay. Here we go."

Jude: "Fo-cus..."

And off they go on yet another pointless challenge.

Wyatt: "There goes a brave man."

Y/N: "You know... we could all be reading a book by now."

The cars race around the track. Both Jen and Jude barely hold their guts in. When it stops, Jude flops out.

Jonesy: "Way to take one for the team, buddy!"

Wyatt: "You didn't lose it!"

Nikki: "Give us some room." *helps Jen out*

Caitlin: "Okay. Just do what you have to do to keep those stick-it chunks down."

Sadly, nature was calling and off she goes to lose her lunch.

Jonesy: "Yes! Jen tossed her cookies! Woo!" *hi-fives Wyatt* "The guys win!"

Nikki: *testy* "Fine. You won. Best five out of seven."

Jonesy: "I'm sorry, didn't you hear the challenge? It was all or nothing, remember? Winner take all?"

Jude: *weakly* "Guys rock."

Jonesy: "You know it!" *dances* "In your face--"

By this time, you had enough and chopped him upside the back of the head, knocking him out.

Y/N: "I'm done with this. I need to get back to--"

And, ring ring goes your phone.

[starts at 1:03]

Y/N: *picks up phone* "Yo, what's up?" *nods* "Yeah, mom. I'm heading back to work, my break just ended, why?"

Suddenly... as he was listening to his mother on the line... his face turned to an expression of pure sorrow and shock.

Y/N: "W... What? No... No-no-no, this can't be.... I... I'm coming over!" *hangs up*

Before you can book it, Nikki grabs you by the collar.

Nikki: "Hold it, where do you think you're--"


Nikki was shocked and backed off and as you ran off, she looked closely and noticed how when you snapped at her, your eyes looked like you were holding back tears.

Jen: *shocked* "What's up with him?"

Nikki: "I dunno... maybe I was too hard on him?"

Caitlin: "We... did kinda force him into participating. But he didn't have to snap at you like that."

Nikki: "I don't think it was me that caused the tears."

For what reason did you snap at Nikki and what was the reason behind your sudden leave of absence to wanna book it back home? Only time will and hopefully their friend will recover from whatever's troubling him.

[A/N: I know this is shorter than the canon episode. I have a special chapter coming up and... just so you know... you might wanna bring a tissue box, because minor spoiler... it's gonna tug at your heartstrings and even I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about it, but I will write it nonetheless.]

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