Hey y'all! So I'm going away for a five day camp and I'll be out of cell service. So I won't be very active. I will check every now and then for messages (when I have service) but otherwise than that I won't show any signs of activity. Just thought I'd let you know so you guys don't think I'm dead.

I don't own anything.
Orson never went back to any therapy/school after that. His parents pretty much gave up on him, claiming that he was impossible. However, to keep his mind off his obsession with Galen, his parents had him take up some small jobs over the summer, which Orson didn't mind so long as he got money out of it. He assisted in one architectural job, but his coworkers couldn't seem to leave his speech impairment alone and so Orson quit doing any jobs that had adults in it. Oddly enough, he took up babysitting. Orson's first three babysitting jobs were fairly easy. Two of them were children who were 6 and 9. The third one was 5. Orson had a blast caring for all three of them and they did keep his mind off Galen, giving him a chance to calm his mind and become more creative with adding more to the list of What To Do When I See Galen Again. The children didn't judge his lisp and stammer either so it was a quartet win: clear mindset, no judging, distraction from Galen, getting paid.

Orson took up another babysitting job on a planet in the Unknown Region, an area far beyond the Outer Rim, called Csella. His mother drove him out to the planet (he still hadn't gotten his ship license) and dropped him off with a few credits. "Take the bus back to Lexrul, okay? It should be enough for the bus fare plus a little extra just in case you run into any trouble.

"Thanks, M-Mom," said Orson, hugging her. He had grown more attached to his parents in the past month (after he forgave them for dragging him to that Kriff-awful therapy place).

He started walking towards the house. Orson had heard the children were about 2 or 3. For some reason, he hoped the children were a little troublesome because it would give him something exciting to do.

Orson strode up to a beautiful house rich with detail to it's architecture. The building shone brightly against the duller background surrounding it and the place was at least five stories high. He twisted his hand so his knuckles pointed to the door and rapped on the metal.

"One moment!" A man's voice with a thick accent said. Orson took a deep breath and sighed. It took about a minute for someone to retrieve the door.

It was a male Chiss. He was dressed in a neatly pressed tuxedo and stood in a way that caused his chest to appear buff. "Ah, you must be Orson Krennic," he said.

"I am," Orson replied. He put his hand out. "It's g- uh, good to meet you, Mitth-th'ren'nero."

"Likewise." The Chiss took Orson's hand and shook it. "I heard about your success in the Republic's Futures Program. I must say, I am quite impressed. I never expected a man your age become one of the best students."

Orson felt slightly awkward. This guy liked to do some research on his babysitter, didn't he? Then again, it made sense since he was part of the Chiss government's Eighth Ruling Family. He gave an innocent shrug and smile.

"Come in," said Mitth'ren'nero, better known as Thren to outsiders. He let Orson into the grand house. "Let me show you around."

For abut ten minutes, Thren briefly explained the layout of the six story building, including the basement. On one of the floors, a female Chiss was frantically trying to deal with a screaming unhappy Chiss child and a screaming happy Chiss child. Both children looked the exact same except for a little bit of a difference in their height.

"Mitth'ren'nero! Get these two off me!" The woman shouted. "We need to get going!"

Thren hurried forwards and plucked the two children off his wife, Mitth'res'ana (or Thresa). "Orson Krennic is here."

"Good Lordy Maker," said Thresa. She turned to look at Orson with her piercing red eyes. "I wish you the best of luck with these two. The one on the right is Mitth'ras'safis but you can call him Thrass for short. The one on the left is Mitth'raw'nuruodo, whom you can call Thrawn for short. They respond to both names. Here's a list of everything you need to know, including our com numbers if there's any trouble. They already ate, so don't feed them anything."

Orson nodded. He skimmed the list while Thresa and Thren took a few moments to straighten their clothes and say goodbye to their kids. They hurried to the door as Thresa called "Please take good care of them! Make sure they're in bed at nineteen hundred. And play with them a lot!" Thren had to drag his wife out the door before she became too worried.

Thrawn (or Thrass) ran over to the door after it shut. "Mommy!" He cried. "Daddy!" Orson noticed one of the brothers had a little more hair than the other and he assumed that the one with more hair was the older. That was one clue to tell these two apart. That meant that Thrawn was the one calling hopelessly for his parents at the door while Thrass was picking his nose.

Orson sighed and stopped Thrass. He walked over to Thrawn and said "Hey. D-Do you want to show me what-what you and your brother usually do during the day?"

Thrawn looked at Orson. "Where's Mommy?" He whimpered. Orson could see the fear in Thrawn's eyes.

"She's g-going out on a dinner with your D-Daddy."

"Why do you speak so funny?!" Demanded Thrass from across the room.

Orson bit his lip. "It'th just a s-sp-eaking issue I have..." Hopefully the kids didn't mind.

"I wanna copy you!" Said Thrass and Orson had a feeling he knew which one was going to be the troublemaker. "Say something!"

"Like wh- um, what?"

"She sells seashells by the seashore!" How Thrass said that so articulately, Orson didn't know. Even without his lisp and stammer, he had never been able to say it.

"She s-sells sheasells—I m-mean seashells— b-by the seash-sh-shore."

"The thells thethells by the thethore!" Thrass copied. Orson was starting to hate Thrass.

Thrawn waddled over to his brother. "Mitth'ras'safis... don't be mean. Rememba what Mommy said 'bout bein' a bully?"

"I'm not bullying!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yeah you are!"

"Okay! S-Stop!" Orson cut in. "Th-that's enough a-arguing." This looked like it was going to be a long night. "How about we-we do s-something fun?"

"Let's play hide-n-go-seek!" Thrass yelled, his voice so loud it made Orson wince. "One two tree noddit!"

"Noddit!" Thrawn copied.

Well... that meant the only other living form in the grand house was it. Orson smiled and closed his eyes. "I'll g-give you twenty s-seconds. One... two... th-three... four..." As he counted, he could hear the two Chiss children run off, giggling loudly.

Twenty seconds later, Orson shouted "R-R-Ready or not! Here I come!" He heard the two laughing in a room and Orskn was able to track their laughter. He entered the room. He saw them almost immediately but he pretended he didn't. "Now where could Thr-Thrawn and Thr-Thrass be..?" The little Chiss children giggled louder. Orson jerked his head up. He walked towards their hiding spot.

Suddenly Thrawn and Thrass leapt up. They had little plastic blasters in their hands. "FIRE!" Screamed Thrawn. The two children shot foam pellets at Orson's head. Then they ran past him while Orson was still recovering from the shock of being shot at.

Orson whipped around. So the game of hide and seek was now hide and seek shooting tag? "You little-!" Orson chased the two children. Thrawn bolted off down the hall while Thrass ran upstairs. Orson went after Thrass, knowing that the younger one was more likely to crash into something and injure himself. Plus, Thrass was slower than Thrawn.

Orson nearly got Thrass when he was shot in the face again with a foam bullet. "You can' get me!" Thrass yelled, running backwards and sticking out his tongue.

"Thrass! Watch ou-" Too late. Thrass ran into the wall. Orson was at Thrass's side in half a second. "Th-Thrass, you okay?"

"Yep!" Said Thrass. He shot another foam pellet at Orson.

Orson dodged it and scooped up Thrass. "I have y-you now!" Thrass squealed and kicked around, giggling like a maniac. Then Orson heard a scream from downstairs. 'Oh no,' he thought, expecting the worst for some reason. He carried Thrass on his arm and nearly went sliding down the banister to reach the lower level faster. "Thrawn? Thrawn!" He called.

"He mighta got locked in the cellar again," said Thrass. "He does dat allot cause he short." Orson set Thrass down and walked over to the cellar door. He noticed it was slightly ajar and he could hear Thrawn's sobs. Orson shoved open the door...

And was drenched with a bucket of water that had been patiently waiting on top of the door. He felt Thrawn scoot by him and the two Chiss brothers disappeared laughing while Orson wrenched the bucket off his head.

"THRAWN!!! THRASS!!!" Orson scolded. "GET YOUR LITTLE BUTTS BACK HERE!!!" Orson chased them again, keeping his eyes out for any other bobby traps.

The two shot around the house like maniacs. And Orson fell into every trap they set up. The next trap he hit was a thin string tied between two walls around the corner. Orson did a face plant and when he looked up, Thrawn had a little hand camera. Now Orson was mad. He scrambled to his feet and bolted after the children, only to take a corner and slide across the waxed floor. Thrass was standing nearby and laughing loudly.

Orson got back up and tried to grab Thrass. "Okay, that's it! I'm d-done with this game!"

"Try'th and cath me!" Thrass called, trying to mimic Orson's lisp. Orson's was ready to shoot the kid. He chased Thrass down three floors to the first floor. Thrass sped around a corner and threw himself to the floor, sliding on his belly to the wall. Orson turned the corner and was blasted with the hose. Thrawn was sitting on the windowsill with the hose in his tiny hands. When they were done soaking Orson, Thrawn dropped the hose and ran with his brother.

"So this is their game of choice," Orson groaned. "Fine. I'll play along too." He went around the house slowly, tripping all the children's traps and then resetting a few. Then Orson went into the kitchen. He searched the kitchen until he found the cookie jar. He pulled out a few cookies and broke them. Then he left the chunks on the ground, making a trail around the third floor. Finally he called for the children and hid.

It took a whole but soon he heard the two Chiss kids giggling as they plucker the cookie crumbs off the floor. Orson heard them getting closer and when they were close enough, he leapt out and grabbed them. "Gotcha!"

Thrass laughed loudly while Thrawn screamed "NOOO!!" They two kicked and tries to get away but they were no match for Orson's strength.

"It's time for b-bed, you two." Orson carried the kids to their room and made them wash up for bed. He got hit with a little more water before he finally put the two in their room (they shared a room). He could hear them giggling for another half hour before they finally conked out.

Orson spent the next four hours cleaning the entire house. He finished just ten minutes before Thren and Thresa came home. Thresa smiled at him and then noticed his clothes were damp and he shivering a little. "What happened?" She asked, concerned.

"Oh, the kids d-dunked me in the bathtub," Orson answered. Thren and Thresa looked at each other and Orson quickly added "It's no big d-deal! They just got a little r-rowdy."

"Well, I'm sorry you had to put up with that," Thren said. He pulled out his wallet and began counting credits. "Eight credits an hour?"

"Twelve," Orson said, though Thren had the correct original price. He deserved a few more credits for the work he put in.

Years later, Lieutenant Orson Callan Krennic would meet Admiral Thrawn and the two would have a good laugh, recalling all the events that happened that night. Then Orson would force Thrawn to clean his entire apartment.
I did a little babysitting for a while and I charged eight US dollars an hour (which is really inexpensive I later found out).

Also, none of these events actually happened to me. This is all based off the Calvin and Hobbes comic.

Please review!

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