Chapter 7: Violet Meets the Doctor

The Shark Tooth made a stop in another big city in the Raden Universe – the city of Galal on Planet Ithnan, another of the Radenoids' many colonies. The covert team soon set up their shop in the harbour. Violet descended the ship along with Zehu and Baxus, who had followed them since he had nothing to do.

"Well, what are your plans for today?" Baxus asked.

"We're going to sell the items, as usual," Violet replied.

"No, I meant_"

"Hey, Rodam, this is for you, and this one's for you, Raido!"

The Dionoid squad of Jasheen and the two of the covert team exchanged some wrapped boxes with shimmering smiles on their faces. Violet grew surprised:

"What are they doing?"

"That's what I was asking about." Baxus chuckled, "Today is the interuniversal day of Root Cherishing. People give gifts to their friends of the same species."

"What? I never knew about such a thing! Did you, Zehu?"

"Yes. I've already sent some mind gifts to my mother and sisters via my green crystal."

"Wow! We, humans, have never celebrated such a day. It does sound like a great holiday."

"Hey, what's that long face for? Come on, cheer up, it's a day of happiness! Here, this is for you." Baxus handed her a tiny stone box.

"Ah, a present? For me? But I haven't gotten you anything, Baxus..."

"Come on, don't sink into depression, you've still a whole week up ahead – since time is different for different planets, the celebration lasts for long. I'll be looking forward to your gift when you're ready. Now, open that one up. I want to see your face as you unfold it."

Violet hastily opened the box, to behold a dazzling golden arm bracelet.

"It's pure gold from Earth! How did you get it?"

"It belonged to my mom. She said two bracelets like that were going down generations in her mother's line. As her mother had two daughters, she gave each of them a single one. My mother had no daughter, though, so she was the last one to wear it. I kept it tenderly as a family heirloom for when I grew and had a daughter I might give it to her. However, now I think it'd be better to gift it to you, since you too are of my mother's blood, and she would've been more than happy to give it to you if she had known you."

Tears appeared in Violet's eyes – it was true, her mother too, had such a bracelet on her arm, bestowed upon her by grandma. She had refused to inherit it back then and asked mom to keep it for her little sister.

"Baxus, thank you so much! Well then, I'm going off to the city – I should get you something awesome back!"

"Wait! Don't you want me to accompany you?" Zehu started, "It might be dangerous out there."

"Just taking a little stroll, it'll be fine. I want to make it a big surprise. Bax is my cousin, after all!"


"Leave her, Zehu. Violet is a clever girl and she knows fifty-one languages. She'll be fine. Galal is not a city much engulfed in crime."

"Okay... Still, be careful out there, Violet! Don't talk to strangers too much!"

"Don't worry, I'll watch it!"

Violet walked off the harbour and disappeared through narrow streets. There she began to brood over what to buy for Baxus:

He loves explosions, so maybe, something related to it? Or something stony as Bakhals love? Ugh, this is so hard! Yet, the Root Cherishing Day sure is an awesome thing... Wait, if it's a day when the same species give each other gifts, then who does Captain receive gifts from? He's the last of his kind... Don't tell me, each year on this day he remains giftless and alone?! That extreme loneliness and sorrow which struck my heart back then – those should've been his feelings. On a day like this, he'd feel even more depressed, to see everyone sharing gifts and smiling, and he's standing aside in his cabin drawing on his pipe... It's unbearable! I must get him something too. I know he doesn't like us humans, but receiving at least something from someone is better than letting one's heart die of loneliness, right? To think on a larger scale, we, humans, are Hermin sub-species too. It is completely justifiable! I've been in his room two times so I kind of know what he might like... Those blank books he reads – the telepathic books – I'll get him one of those.

This decision firmly stuck into her mind.


Violet walked into a local bookshop. It was vast, with many different sorts of books and scrolls, as well as electronic-gadget books and holograms.

"Excuse me, where can I find telepathic books?"

"You mean Mind-Books? They are over there, on the golden shelf."

"Thank you, sir! And, I'm not actually gifted with telepathic abilities, so, could you please help me choose something_"

"No. Sorry, miss. We do not possess telepathic powers either. We are simply shopkeepers. Such high-level abilities are beyond us. Generally, clients of Mind-Books are mind-readers so they have no such problems."

"Ah, but I needed to buy one as a gift. Isn't there any way you can help me?"

"Sorry, miss. It is beyond our abilities."

Damn these peasants... How come you're selling Mind-Books if you can't read them? Much like those weird human shopkeepers selling Hispanish books when they only speak Aenglish.

(NOTE: Hispanish and Aenglish are fictional futuristic versions of Spanish and English).

She stood in the middle of the hall, brooding over what to do. She still wanted to buy a Mind-Book for the captain, but how to choose which one was the best? She cast a glance at the book covers on the golden shelf indicated by the shopkeeper. To her complete despair, none of them had a written title – most likely, those too should be read with telepathic powers.

Damn these aliens... What do I do now?

She crossed her arms as if pouting to the bookshop and the entire alien world when she spotted a tall young man with black hair dressed in black robes holding one of the Mind-Books open and staring at the blank pages as if actually reading.

"Excuse me, sir..."

Once he raised his head, Violet beheld that nearly his whole face was burnt in terrible scars, and his icy blue eyes scintillated amidst them as if some polar wolf's ones.

"Ah, your face! I... I mean_"

"Did I scare you, lady?"

"Lady?" Violet, having been a slave for many years, perceived such a title as quite confusing. "N-No. I am sorry, sir, it was just, so unexpected..."

"Don't let it bother you." he smiled and shut his book. "How may I help you?"

Wow, he speaks so gently, almost as if I truly wear clothes of some lady and not a casual street-girl...

"You see, I wanted to buy a Mind-Book for my friend as a gift, but unfortunately, I do not possess telepathic powers, and the shopkeepers couldn't help me either. If it won't disturb you too much, would you mind lending me a hand? I see you can read those books, so I thought_"

"Ah, no problem. What genre does your friend prefer?"

"I don't really know. I've never been able to read those books of his since they are all Mind-Books, but... I guess he is quite an adventurous person and enjoys trying out new experiences."

What am I saying? I have no idea what he's like! The way he's a ship captain and loves riding dragons... Ugh, choosing gifts is so hard!

"Oh? That's quite something! Has he experienced a lot in his life?"

"I guess so... He's older than me and has seen many places."

"Hmm, then I'd suggest this one," he stretched up to the final shelf and grabbed a blue hardback, "It's a book by Yuuh Arruroe – a Daluma writer of elder days. He was the first to invent the mind-wracking style – the Mind-Book genre allowing the reader to immerse into different sets according to their mood. It's written with a powerful Daluman spell. It reads through the mind and twists one's thoughts around in a strange manner. In the end, one gets to experience a whole new flow of emotions as they venture right through their own world – the microcosm inside. Personally, Yuuh Arruroe is one of my favourite writers. If your friend loves adventures and is old enough, he'd surely enjoy this book."

"Wow, that's... amazing!" Violet shuddered once she saw his eyes scintillate while he passionately talked about his favourite book, which sounded so creepy. "A Daluma, huh? I have a Daluma friend. I cherish our bond dearly. However, he too can be creepy sometimes... I guess it's a common Daluman thing?"

"Oh, you have a Daluma friend? Didn't think I'd stumble upon them in such a vast world. There's so few of us left..."


"I'm a Daluma too."

"Really? It's so nice to meet you! I'll tell my friend – he'll be happy to find out I've met another of his species. What's your name, sir?"

"Oh, I do not reveal my name so casually, lady – my profession doesn't permit me. You can address me as Doctor D., though."

"Alright! I am Violet Hawthorne. It is a pleasure, Doc!"

"Doc? That's quite funny, I like it. You said, Violet? Such an unusual name... You're not a Radenoid or a Dionoid, are you?"

"No, I'm a human."

"A mere human, yet you speak Radenese so fluently? My respects, little lady!" he bowed much like a gentleman.

"Hehe, it's really nothing, Doc, I speak fifty-one languages. I mean_"

"Fifty-one?! Now that's one smart head! Congratulations, Violet Hawthorne!"

"Thanks! It's really nothing..."

"A shy bean, aren't you? Do you perchance speak Daluman too?"

"No, unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to learn. My Daluma friend is mute, so he cannot teach me."

"A mute Daluma? That's unfortunate – he won't be able to perform high spells, then." D. sighed with sincere sympathy. "No matter. Fifty-one languages still slay."

Violet soon waved a hand at him in terms of goodbye, thanked him for the advice and the friendly company, and rushed up to the shopkeepers' desk to pay for her choice.

"Fifty purple gerdins for that, miss."

"Fifty?! Are you kidding? That's a whole crimson gerdin!"

"That's the price."

"I have only thirty with me..."

"It's a set price, miss."


A scarred hand threw a sack full of purple gems on the desk:

"Keep the change. Wrap it as a gift, too."

"Huh?" Violet's eyes widened at such generosity of Doctor D., whom she had just met. "But, Doc, you don't need to_"

"Fifty gerdins are rubbish compared to a rare gemstone such as you, little lady. Don't mind. Also, if you have some time to spare, I'd like you to do me the honour of accepting my proposal to have a drink together."

Here he goes again, talking like a high-class royalty... I guess, as a Daluma with a weird profession that makes him conceal his identity, he should be quite a nobleman, indeed.

"I'd be delighted to! Thank you so much!"

They grabbed the books they had bought and exited the bookshop together, heading towards a certain expensive restaurant, under D.'s invitation.


The restaurant was full of richly dressed customers and elegant waiters serving here and there, while some slaves cleaned the floor and helped in the kitchen. Violet and her new friend chose a secluded table in a corner and took seats. Presently a waiter came up to them and handed them menus.

"Thirty purple gerdins for bolb-wine?!" Violet's jaw dropped.

"Bolb-wine is an expensive pleasure, little lady. Why so surprised?"

"Well, where I had been working for years, it was quite easy to get, so..."

"Which planet would that be?"

"Planet Irahor in the Raden Universe. I worked at Yordie's Inn."

"Yordie's Inn? That famous restaurant where the most exquisite bolb-wine was sold? I've heard it was attacked by pirates."

"Oh, well, it was, but... some of us survived."

Damn, I shouldn't have disclosed it so openly! He might suspect something if I'm not cautious enough.

D. stroked his chin in a thoughtful manner, studying her attentively, but then smiled and swung his hand:

"No matter. Main is you are alright and well. Now then, what will you take?"

"Wow, they have something called 'Daluman Crisp'. What would that be?"

"It's a traditional dish from our asteroid. It's usually made with green crystals, but, I don't know how well they'd procure it out here. I'm going to take that one too, though – brings back many memories... Well, would you like to try it?"

"I'd be delighted!"

"Haha, alright. And for a drink?"

"Let's see... What is this, 'Divine Nectar'?"

Come to think of it, it was a thing Captain ordered me to bring him on that very first day we met...

"It's not something a human such as you can digest, dear. Divine Nectar is a special drink made of gold, elmor dust (that special rare blue substance that produces blue fire and costs dozens), and other ingredients. It is served only to the 'divine' species such as us Daluma, Dragonoids, pegacorns, etc. Historically, it's a drink originating from Planet Hermin, but since that place has long gone off the face of the universe, I doubt it can be made as well as back in those days."

So, it's indeed a Herminese drink, huh? Captain wanted it even back then. I bet he'd like to take a taste of it now too. Even if it's not as well-made, it's worth a try.

"Can I order it to take it to one of my friends? He adores Divine Nectar. That is why I was so surprised to see it here – it's rare to see these days, as you've said."

"Oh, sure, but what about you? What would you like to take?"

"I'll just take some water. I did miss it, to be honest. Not many planets are so well procured with water, and for us humans it's essential."

"Fine, fine... Well then," D. shut the menu and called the waiter. He placed the order and the menus were taken away. "So, Violet, this friend of yours seems quite a noble species, able to read telepathic books and fancying Divine Nectar... If you don't mind me asking, what is he?"

"Nothing extraordinary. It's the Daluma I spoke to you about."

It'd be better to merge Captain's and Zehu's personalities to erase this man's suspicions.

"Heh, he's quite a cocky guy then, fancying Divine Nectar so casually... I'm impressed – you said he's mute and yet he acts like a royalty."

"He does act like one, and it's really nerve-wracking, Doc, trust me."

Violet sighed with irritation, remembering Sinbad's haughty attitude. D. studied her carefully again, and then let out a hearty laugh:

"Poor you... Well, no matter. A friend is a friend, regardless of how big or small."

After enjoying the elegant dinner and receiving the wrapped-up cup of some Divine Nectar, Violet parted ways with the young man. Before that, however, D. handed her a tiny blue crystal:

"By the way, today's the Root Cherishing Day, so... give this to your cherished Daluma friend from me. It is rare to meet my species in this world, and when they do show up, it makes me truly happy. Since you said he's mute, he won't be able to perform high-level telepathy and hypnosis, which are essential parts of Daluman powers. You also mentioned he is gifted with such high-level talents as reading Mind-Books and enjoys Divine Nectar, so I assume he must be quite an extraordinary person. It's a pity he isn't able to perform high-level magic worthy of him. This blue crystal is a device I have designed for us Daluma. It has some basic high-level spells recorded. If your friend wears it at all times and just thinks of those basic spells, this crystal will pronounce the words in his stead and he will still be able to perform the magic. I am certain he'd appreciate this... Tell him I wish him a very happy day."

"He'll indeed rejoice. Thank you for everything, Doc!"

"Goodbye, little lady!"

Just as Violet disappeared through the streets, the young man grabbed his blue crystal necklace and announced:

"Galaxy Navy. Doctor Dohta Vaagard speaking. Call Admiral Zenon wan Buetter."

"Yes, sir!" The crystal glowed, and then a different voice echoed: "Admiral speaking. What is it, Doctor Vaagard?"

"Admiral, I've stumbled upon the survivor human of Yordie's Inn. I suspect she's still with the pirates. I gave my blue crystal to her so I'll track her movements. However, if you want my disclosing any piece of information to you, you know it costs some price."

"We know your conditions, Doctor Vaagard – you want our fleet to pinpoint the current location of the Daluma Asteroid and arrest its current chiefess, Ethna Vaagard."

"You've got it wrong, Admiral. I don't want you to arrest her. I want you to slice her throat."

"Uhm, understood."

"Good. I'll be coming onboard the Planetary Chaos soon. Let's talk out the details there."

"Very well. I'll be waiting for your return."

The call dropped. Doctor Dohta Vaagard chuckled under his breath and followed a large path towards the harbour.

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